作者 | 劉婉珍 Wan-Chen Liu |
出版日期 | 201007 |
類別 | 本期專題 Special Issue |
篇名 |
反制宰制 ── 博物館人的能動性與政治行動
De-oppressing Oppression: Museum Workers’ Agency and Political Action
專題 |
博物館與政治 When Museum Meets Politics
刊名 | 博物館學季刊 |
卷 | 24 |
期 | 3 |
頁數 | 5 |
主題 | 博物館學 |
關鍵字 | 博物館政治;博物館社會學;意識;意識化;能動性;Keywords: museum politics; museum sociology; consciousness; conscientization; agency |
摘要 | 有人的地方就有政治,博物館工作者的生活世界充斥著專業與非專業、理性與非理性、公益與私利、理想與現實及權力遊戲與文化政治的拉扯折衝。不管是否知曉明白,或是否願意面對所處的社會脈絡與工作環境,博物館工作者都無法「置身事外」而隱世獨行。本文嘗試以博物館社會行動論的觀點,關注博物館工作者如何行動或調整,以適應彼此和博物館場域。藉由意識科學及認知心理學的思考理路,探析博物館工作者在其生活世界中發展能動性的機制。透過社會學及文化研究的視角,透視博物館工作場域的現實來思考政治行動的意義。提醒博物館人正視博物館場域中權力運作以及機構文化轉變的事實,不再漠視或被動順應接受,而必須主動發展創造有價值的政治方案,展現專業自主性及道德勇氣。最後並藉由批判教育學的意識化學習概念與反思實踐過程,說明博物館人發展能動力與政治行動的可能性。透過博物館專業實踐社群的建立與發展,博物館人得以獲得相互分享、對話的思辨機會與刺激,增強反思及反制能力,培養解構與再建構博物館政治環境的能力與行動;讓自己與博物館不再只求存活,而能充分發揮存在於世間的意義。
Where there are people, politics exists. The game of power and culture politics takes place everyday and influences the world of every museum worker. No matter whether the museum worker endorses the political environment or not, he/she cannot avoid the influence and must develop skills to deal with such conditions.
This paper briefly reflects on the phenomenon of ideological hegemony and oppression among stakeholders in the museum world. Then, from the perspective of social actionism, it articulates the options for museum workers as active agents to “de-oppress” existing oppression within their professional subjectivity for improving the chaos of museum conditions. Adopting the concept of consciousness and clarifying the inter-influence of museum political powers and museum workers’ agency, the author confirms the importance of conscientization and perception transformation learning that museum workers need to continually experience. Critical museum workers as reflective practitioners require a “community of practice” inside or outside the museum to act as an informal “de-oppressing team.” |
全文 | |
系統號 | NO000001191 |