
作者Huang, Hsin-Drow;Lee, Kwen-Shien
著作名稱Investigation on Echinoderm Fauna of South Penghu Marine National Park
刊名Collection and Research
關鍵字South Penghu Marine National Park;echinoderms
摘要This study aims to investigate the abundance and distribution of echinoderms in South Penghu Marine National Park. Between April 2020 and September 2021, we conducted echinoderm fauna survey at 42 sites around the four main isles (Dongjiyu, Xijiyu, Dongyupingyu, and Xiyupingyu) in the National Park. In total, 52 echinoderm species representing 25 families and 15 orders from all five classes were recorded. Among them, there are five crinoid species of two families and one order (four species of one family are local new records), ten asteroid (sea star) species of seven families and two orders (two species of one family are local new records), 12 echinoid (sea urchin) species of seven families and six orders (two species of two families are local new records), 17 holothuroid (sea cucumber) species of five families and four orders (three species of two families are local new records), and eight ophiuroid (brittle star) species of four families and two orders (five species of two families are local new records). Compared with other coral reefs off Taiwan, crinoids are much less abundant and much fewer in species. In terms of biogeographic distribution, the echinoderm fauna in the National Park appears similar to the species composition and abundance around Donsha Island, and differs from those around Taiwan.

May 10 2024 17:17:25