
著作名稱Exploring the Chinese White Dolphin and its Conservation Through a 3D Virtual Reality Exhibition =3D虛實展覽結合中華白海豚探索與保育省思
其他資訊 https://tera2021.nsysu.edu.tw/
關鍵字Environmental education,Ocean education, Ecological conservation , virtual reality exhibition, Chinese White Dolphin
摘要In 2008, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed the Chinese white dolphin as a “Critically Endangered” species. In the absence of conservation efforts and strict regulation, the Chinese white dolphin may become extinct quickly. A scientific study conducted in 2018 revealed that only 50 individuals of this species are remaining in the Taiwan Strait. “Meet the Cetacea,” an exhibition conducted by the Taiwan National Museum of Natural Science on June 28, 2018, was a blend of science, storytelling, and innovative technology to provide an excellent edutainment experience in a museum setting.

This study developed a 3D virtual reality learning environment to draw attention toward the Chinese white dolphin and its conservation. The curating team designed and implemented interactive and educational multimedia applications in the “Central Taiwan Estuary Ecology” section of the museum to deliver well-structured and concise information on Chinese white dolphins, including their distribution, habitat, threat, and conservation. In addition, two interactive three-dimensional multimedia programs were incorporated in this exhibition area. The first program involved a three-dimensional simulation of six Chinese white dolphins in their habitat near the river estuary in central Taiwan. Audiences were directed toward actual models in the exhibition to compare the changes in color and body shape of the white dolphins at various stages of their growth. In the second program, the interaction of white dolphins in the sea, their search for food, and the crisis regarding the conservation of the dolphins species as a result of pollution and noise of the marine environment due to human activities were stimulated through audio and video cues. These two interactive multimedia programs provide an opportunity to share our passion, respect, knowledge, and information of the mutual relationship with the dolphins.

During the exhibition, we evaluated the emotional response of the audience (n =415). The results of the survey indicated that the integration of 3D virtual reality in creating awareness regarding white dolphins and their conservation had a substantial effect on the cognition, anxiety, and overall satisfaction of the audience, which demonstrated that combining entertainment with learning resulted in greater audience participation and interaction.
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May 10 2024 17:17:25