
作者Chilong Lin
著作名稱A FCNC-free Two-Higgs-Doublet Model comes with CP-violation
摘要The problem of flavor-changing neutral interactions at tree level was long concerned in extensions of electro-weak standard model with extra Higgs doublets.
In the simplest case with one extra Higgs doublet, the two-Higgs-doublet model,
most types of the model do not solve this problem radically by finding pairs of Yukawa-coupling matrices which can be diagonalized simultaneously and respectively.
However, such FCNC-free matrix pairs are not really unachievable.
In this article, I will demonstrate how such pairs can be discovered and the general pattern of such FCNC-free pairs will be presented.
Besides solving the FCNC problem, this model also provide a mechanism to break CP symmetry as a side effect.
Comparing the magnitudes of derived elements of $V_{CKM}$ with empirical values, they are very close but tiny deviations still exist.

May 10 2024 17:17:25