作者 | Chung, Ling-Ho;Shyu, J.Bruce.H.;Huang, Mong-Han;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Le Beon, M.;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Chuang, Ray Y;Yi, D. |
出版日期 | 201612 |
著作名稱 | The hazard map of ML6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake near Guanmiao and its Neotectonic implication
會議論文集 | AGU2016 |
頁數 | T14A-03 |
會議名稱 | AGU2016 |
會議地點 | 舊金山 |
主辦單位 | AGU |
國際性會議 | Y |
主題 | 地質 |
摘要 | The serious damage was occurred in SW Taiwan by ML 6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake. Based on InSAR result, 10 cm oval-raised surface deformation is 15 km away from its epicenter, and two obviously N-S trend sharp phase change nearby Guanmiao area. Our field investigation shows bulling damage and surface fracture are high related with the two sharp phase change. Here, we perform the detailed shallow underground geometry by using reflection seismic data, geologic data, and field hazard investigation. This N-S trend surface deformation may be induced by local shallow folding, while the huge uplift west of Guanmiao may be related with pure shear deformation of thick clayey Gutingkeng (GTK) Formation. Our results imply that not only a moderate lower crustal earthquake can trigger active structure at shallower depth, but also those minor shallow active structures are occurred serious damage and surface deformation. |
資料連結 | ![Full Text]() |
系統號 | NO000004556 |