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1 The Orogenesis and Metamorphic Fabrics in the Western Pacific Subduction Zones since late-Miocene, the rock recored from strike-slip to collision Gong-Ruei Ho 2024
2 Active Fault and Seismic Hazard in Taiwan: What We Learned from decades of Earthquake Records. Gong-Ruei Ho;Kuo-Fong Ma;Chiang Cheng-Shing;Ling-Ho Chung, Wen-Jeng Huang, Kuan-Yi Hsu 2024
3 The geothermal reservoir characteristics of metamorphic terrain, an initiative of geological and geophysical survey of Qingshui, Tuchang, and Renze, NE Taiwan. Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Chien-Chih Chen, Hsin-Hua Huang, Sheng-Rong Song, Chih-Wen Chiang, Yi-Chia Lu, Chyi Wang 2023
4 Late-stage horizontal extension and horizontal flow at the shallow level during exhumation of high-pressure rocks in Taiwan. Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee and the YES team 2023
5 A new interpretation of the metamorphic core in the Taiwan orogen: A regional-scale, left-lateral shear zone that accommodated highly oblique plate convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene. Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee 2022
6 The Metamorphic Fabrics in the Taroko High-strain zone of Taiwan Mountain Belt: A Regional-scale, Left-lateral Shear Zone that Accommodated Highly Oblique Plate Convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene. Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Timothy B Byrne 2022
7 A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio- Pleistocene transform fault. Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee 2021
8 A wide distributed high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of the Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio-Pleistocene transform fault. Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee, Jonathan C Lewis, Wei Lo 2020
9 A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio- Pleistocene transform fault. 9. Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Timothy B Byrne 2020
10 High strain zones in the Mesozoic metamorphic basement of Taiwan: A possible fossil transform fault during convergence between Eurasia and the Philippine Sea plate. Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee and Wei Lo 2019
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May 10 2024 17:17:25