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1 The Influence of Distance Education & Peer Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Effectiveness, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Ability, and Cognitive Load Yu-Chen Kuo;Yu-Hsuan Lin;Tao-Hua Wang; Bo-Yue Chuang 2023
2 Integrating the STEAM-6E Model with Virtual Reality Instruction: The Contribution to Motivation, Effectiveness, Satisfaction, and Creativity of Learners with Diverse Cognitive Styles Lin, Y. H.; Lin, H. C. K.;Wang, T. H;Wu, C. H. 2023 Full Text
3 The influence of affective feedback adaptive learning system on learning engagement and self-directed learning Liu, H. L;Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K;Lai, C. F. 2022
4 Affective Mobile Language Tutoring System for Supporting Language Learning Wu, C. H.;Lin, H. C. K; Wang, T. H.;Huang, T. H. 2022
5 Student learning effect using flipped classroom with WPSA learning mode-An Example of Programming Design Course Kuo, Y. C.;Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.; Lin, H. C. K. 2022
6 Flipped Classroom Combined with WPAQ Learning Mode on Student Learning Effect - An Example of Programming Design Course Yu-Chen Kuo;Yu-Hsuan Lin;Hao-Chiang Koong Lin;Ju-I Chen 2022
7 Usability of an Affective Emotional Learning Tutoring System for Mobile Devices, Sustainable Educational Technology and E-learning, Sustainable Education and Approaches Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K.;Chen, H. R.; Huang, Y. M. 2021
8 Effects of Incorporating Augmented Reality into a Board Game for High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Acceptance in Health Education Lin, H. C. K.;Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.;Huang, Y. M. 2021
9 Effects of Incorporating AR into a Board Game on Learning Outcomes and Emotions in Health Education Lin, H. C. K.; Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.;Huang, Y. M. 2020
10 Applying Sentiment Analysis to Automatically Classify Consumer Comments Concerning Marketing 4Cs Aspects Lin, H. C. K.;Wang, T. H.;Lin, G. C.;Huang, Y. M. 2020
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May 10 2024 17:17:25