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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Optimal liquid-based DNA preservation for DNA barcoding of field-collected fungal specimens Yu-Ja Lee; Guan Jie Phang; Chen, Che-Chih; Jie-Hao Ou; Yu-Hsuan Fan; Yin-Tse Huang 2024 Full Text
2 New corticioid taxa in Phanerochaetaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia Yue Li; Chen, Che-Chih; Shuang-Hui He 2023 Full Text
3 Inonotus chrysomarginatus, a newly recorded species in Taiwan, and a list of Taiwan’s known Inonotus species as well as segregated species from the genus Yi-Chung Lin; Chi-Yu Chen; Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu 2023 Full Text
4 Global taxonomy and phylogeny of Irpicaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of seven new species and proposals of two new combinations Yue Li; Shuang-Hui He; Chen, Che-Chih; Karen K. Nakasone; Hai-Xia Ma 2022 Full Text
5 Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis gen. et sp. nov. of the Punctulariaceae (Corticiales, Basidiomycota) revealed by molecular data Chia-Ling Wei; Chen, Che-Chih; Shuang-Hui He; Sheng-Hua Wu 2022 Full Text
6 Taxonomy and phylogeny of Cystostereaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): a new genus, five new species and three new combinations Yue Li; Karen K. Nakasone; Chen, Che-Chih; Chang-Lin Zhao; Ting Cao; Hai-Sheng Yuan; Shuang-Hui He 2022 Full Text
7 Fungal diversity notes 1512–1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa Ruvishika S. Jayawardena; Kevin D. Hyde; Song Wang et al. 2022
8 Species diversity, taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of phlebioid clade (Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae) of Polyporales Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu 2021
9 Three new species of Cylindrobasidium (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) from East Asia Yi-Chung Lin; Chia-Ling Wei; Chi-Yu Chen; Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu 2021
10 Global phylogeny and taxonomy of the wood-decaying fungal genus Phlebiopsis (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Ya-Nan Zhao; Shuang-Hui He; Karen K. Nakasone; K. L. Wasantha Kumara; Chen, Che-Chih; Shi-Liang Liu; Hai-Xia Ma; Man-Rong Huang 2021 Full Text
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May 10 2024 17:17:25