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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Multiple approaches for enhancing neural activity to promote neurite outgrowth of retinal explants. Chiao,C.-C.;Lin,C.-I.;Lee,M.-J. 2020
2 Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods. Chiao,C.-C.;Hanlon,R.T. 2019
3 Rapid neural polyphenism in cephalopods: current understanding and future challenges. Hanlon,R.T.;Chiao,C.-C. 2018
4 Independently evolved intelligence. Chiao,C.-C. 2018
5 Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods. Hanlon R.T.;Chiao,C.-C.;Mäthger L.M.;Buresch K.C.;Barbosa A.;Allen J.J.;Siemann L.;Chubb C. 2011
May 10 2024 17:17:25