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1 Learned valuation during forage decision-making in cuttlefish. Kuo, T.-H.;Chiao, C.-C. 2020
2 Mild stress culture conditions promote neurite outgrowth of retinal explants from postnatal mice. Chen,G.H.;Chiao,C.-C. 2020
3 CMOS 256-pixel/480-pixel photovoltaic-powered subretinal prosthetic chips with wide image dynamic range and bi/four-directional sharing electrodes and their ex vivo experimental validations with mice. Wu,C.-Y.;Tseng,C.-K.;Liao,J.-H.;Huang,S.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chu,F.-L.;Tsai ,Y.-C.;Ohta,J.;Noda,T. 2020
4 Visual attack on the moving prey by cuttlefish. Wu,J. J.-S.;Hung,A.;Lin,Y.-C.;Chiao,C.-C. 2020
5 Spatiotemporal integration of visual stimuli and its relevance to the use of a divisional power supply scheme for retinal prosthesis. Tsai,Y.-C.;Wu,J. J.-S.;Lin,P.-K.;Lin,B.-J.;Wang,P.-S.;Liu,C.-H.;Wu,C.-Y.;Chiao,C.- C. 2020
6 Awareness of danger inside the egg. Evidence of innate and learned predator recognition in cuttlefish embryos. Mezrai,N.;Arduini,L.;Chiao,C.-C.;Dickel,L.;Darmaillacq,A.-S. 2020
7 Improved charge pump design and ex vivo experimental validation of CMOS 256-pixel photovoltaic-powered subretinal prosthetic chip. Kuo,P.-H.;Wong,O.-Y.;Tzeng,C.-K.;Wu,P.-W.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chen,P.-H.;Chen,P.-C.;Tsai,Y.-C.;Chu,F.-L.;Ohta,J.;Tokuda,T.;Noda,T.;Wu,C.-Y. 2020
8 Effects of embryonic exposure to predators on the postnatal defensive behaviors of cuttlefish. Lee,Y.-C.;Darmaillacq,A.-S.;Dickel,L.;Chiao,C.-C. 2019
9 Elemental ratios in cuttlebone indicate growth rates in the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. Chung,M.-T.;Huang,K.-F.;You,C.-F.;Chiao,C.-C.;Wang,C.-H. 2019
10 Male alternative reproductive tactics and associated evolution of anatomical characteristics in loliginid squid. Marian,J.;Apostolico,L.H.;Chiao,C.-C.;Hanlon,R.T.;Hirohashi,N.;Iwata,Y.;Mather,J.;Sato,N.;Shaw,P. 2019
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May 10 2024 17:17:25