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1 Negative density-regulated contest performance promotes conflict resolution in a tree lizard Hsu, Jung-Ya;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Cheng, Cheng-Chung;Huang, Wen-San;Kwak, Mackenzie L.;Lin, Si-Min 202310
2 Intensive and efficient egg-laying tempo of the parthenogenesis mourning gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris Li, Tsui-Wen;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Lin, Si-Min 202310
3 New host records of the reptile tick Amblyomma helvolum Koch (Ixodida: Ixodidae: Amblyomminae) in Taiwan Amarga, Ace Kevin S.;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Robbins, Richard G. 202305
4 Dances with wolves: the demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system Huang, Shi-Ping;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung Ya;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Shao-Lun , Liu;Huang, Wen-San 202301
5 Size of snake eyes correlates with habitat types and diel activity patterns Huang, Mason Chen-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chou, Chun-Chia;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Huang, Wen-San 202201
6 Transcriptomic changes in hot spring frog tadpoles (Buergeria otai) in response to heat stress Komaki, Shohei;Matsunami, Masatoshi;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Lee, Ko-Huan;Lin, Yen-Po;Lee, Yu;Lin Si-Min;Igawa, Takeshi 202110
7 Trans-marine dispersal inferred from the saltwater tolerance of lizards from Taiwan Hsu, Min-Hao;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San 202102
8 Sum of fears among intraguild predators drives the survival of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Shi-Ping;Clark, Rulon W.;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Huang, Wen-San 202102
9 Long-term monitoring revealed invariant clutch size and unequal reproductive costs between sexes in a subtropical lacertid lizard Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chen, Ying-Rong;Tsui-Wen, Li;Shaner, Pei-Jen L.;Lin, Si-Min 2020
10 Human disturbance as a possible cause of genetic introgression from exotic into native Mauremys turtles Lee, Yu;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Tseng, Shu-Ping;Chen, Tien-Hsi;Lin, Si-Min 2019
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May 10 2024 17:17:25