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1 Loss of sea turtle eggs drives the collapse of an insular reptile community Lin, Jhan-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chou, Chun-Chia;Clark, Rulon W.;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San 202312
2 Negative density-regulated contest performance promotes conflict resolution in a tree lizard Hsu, Jung-Ya;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Huang, Wen-San 202310
3 Nocturnal and diurnal predator and prey interactions with crab spider color polymorphs Lo, Yun-Chia;Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I.-Min 202302
4 Dances with wolves: The demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system Huang, Shi-Ping;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Liu, Shao-Lun;Huang, Wen-San 202301
5 Novel field observations of coral reef fishes feeding on epiphytic and epizoic organisms associated with the allelopathic seaweed Galaxaura divaricata Nieder, Carolin;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lee, Chen-Lu;Clements, Kendall D.;Liu, Shao-Lun 202211
6 Two coinhabitants visually lure prey to host territory through a shared conspicuous trait Zhang, Shichang;Leu, Yin-Chin;Chou, Hao-Hai;Liao, Chen-Pan;Piorkowski, Dakota;Tso, I-Min 202210
7 Geographic distance, sedimentation, and substrate shape cryptic crustose coralline algal assemblages in the world’s largest subtropical intertidal algal reef Shing Hei Zhan;Ling Chen;Chen-Pan Liao;Wun-Ruei Chang;Cheng-Chin Li;Guang-You Tang;Ching-Yu Liou;Wei-Lung Wang;Shih-Wei Wang;Shao-Lun Liu 202204
8 Short-term exposure of anticoagulant rodenticides leads to the toxin accumulation from prey (Rattus losea) to predator (Elanus caeruleus) Lin, Wen-Loung;Chen, Kuan-Hao;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tseng, Hui-Yun 202203
9 Size of Snake Eyes Correlates With Habitat Types and Diel Activity Patterns Huang, Mason Chen-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chou, Chun-Chia;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Huang, Wen-San 202201
10 Appearance matters: multiple functional signals of body colours in a weevil Hsu, Hao;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San 202107
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May 10 2024 17:17:25