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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Fungal communities in Histopteris incisa (Dennstaedtiaceae) around fumaroles in Taiwan Huang, Yu-Ling 202408
2 Using herbarium collections to study fungal endophyte communities in leaves Huang, Yu-Ling;Xiao, Jun-Xiang 202306
3 A legendary mushroom of traditional Chinese medicine in the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan. Huang, Yu-Ling 202306
4 Endophytism in Pezizomycetes: the exception or the rule? Healy, Rosanne A.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth;Bonito, Gregory;Huang, Yu-Ling;Lemmond, Benjamin;Pfister, Donald H.;Smith, Matthew E. 20210720
5 Forest vegetation types reflect elevation and climatic effects on endophyte communities in Taiwan Huang, Yu-Ling 20191001
6 Perspectives from leaves and lichens on scale and distribution of the global endobiome. Arnold, A. Elizabeth;U'Ren, Jana M.;Miadikowska, Jolanta;Carbone, Ignazio;Huang, Yu-Ling;Bowman, Elizabeth A.;May, Georgiana;Lutzoni, Francois 20160807
7 The effects of foliar fungal endophytes on plant physiological performance. Zimmerman, Naupaka;Johnson, Jennifer E.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Moore, David J.P.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 20160801
8 Pervasive effects of wildfire on foliar endophyte communities in montane forest trees. Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, Nandi MM;U'Ren, Jana M.;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 20150731
9 Persistent effects of wildfire on foliar endophytes of Quercus hypoleucoides and Juniperus deppeana in southeastern Arizona. Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, NMM;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 20130801
10 A culture-based and culture-free assessment of the geographic and temporal variation of boreal endophytic and endolichenic fungal communities. U’Ren, Jana M.;Massimo, N.;Fiddle, J.M.;Steen, C.;Arendt, K.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Miadlikowska, J.;Lefevre, E.;Ball, B.;Wong, V.L.;Monacell, J.;Carbone, I.;Lutzoni, F.;May, G.;Arnold, A.E. 20130801
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May 10 2024 17:17:25