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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Pezicula neosporulosa, a fungal endophyte from Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae) newly recorded in Taiwan Huang, Yu-Ling;Chien, I-Tzu 202212 Full Text
2 Coniochaeta elegans sp. nov., C. montana sp. nov., and C. nivea sp. nov.: three new species of endophytes with distinctive morphology and functional traits Arnold, A. Elizabeth;Harrington, Alison H.;Huang, Yu-Ling;U'Ren, Jana M.;Massimo, Nicholas C.;Knight-Connoni, Victoria;Inderbitzin, Patirk 202111
3 Endophytism and Endolichenism in Pezizomycetes: the exception or the rule? Healy, Rosanne;Arnold, A Elizabeth;Bonito, Gregory;Huang, Yu-Ling;Lemmond, Benjamin;Pfister, Donald;Smith, Matthew 202111 Full Text
4 雪山雪東線步道土生大型真菌多樣性調查 林鼎宸;黃俞菱;曾喜育 202103 Full Text
5 Effect of Host, Environment and Fungal Growth on Fungal Leaf Endophyte Communities in Taiwan Huang, Yu-Ling 202010 Full Text
6 Coniochaeta endophytica sp. nov., a foliar endophyte associated with healthy photosynthetic tissue of Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) Harrington, Alison H.;del Olmo-Ruiz, Mariana;U'Ren, Jana M.;Garcia, Kayla;Pignatta, Daniela;Wespe, Nichole;Sandberg, Dustin C.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Hoffman, Michele T.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 201907 Full Text
7 Using collections data to infer biogeographic, environmental and host structure in communities of endophytic fungi. Huang, Yu-Ling;Bowman, Elizabeth A.;Massimo, Nicholas C.;Gaber, Nicholas P.;U'Ren, Jana M.;Sandberg, Dustin C.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 201806
8 Observations on the early establishment of foliar endophytic fungi in leaf discs and living leaves of a model woody angiosperm, Populus trichocarpa (Salicaceae). Huang, Yu-Ling;Zimmerman, Naupaka B.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 201805 Full Text
9 Floral structure and development in Nartheciaceae (Dioscoreales), with special reference to ovary position and septal nectaries. Tobe, Hiroshi;Huang, Yu-Ling;Kadokawa, Tomoki;Tamura, Minoru N. 20180322
10 Pervasive effects of wildfire on foliar endophyte communities in montane forest trees. Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, M.M. Nandi;U'Ren, Jana M.;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth 20160201 Full Text
May 10 2024 17:17:25