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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Effects of a game-based learning approach utilizing context awareness and machine learning guided mechanisms on learners' learning performance Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan 20240601
2 Investigating the Impact of a Game-based Mobile Learning Approach that Integrates Context Awareness and 720° 3D Navigation on Learners’ Motivation and Learning Effectiveness Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Hsu,Tien-Yu 20230527
3 Impacts of a Context-Awareness Game-based Mobile Guiding Learning approach on Learners' Learning Motivation and Performance Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Hsu,Tien-Yu 2022
4 Effects of integrating context-awareness and two‐tier test into a mobile guiding learning model on learners' learning achievement. Chen, Jun-Ming;Hsu,Tien-Yu 2021
5 Investigating the effect of using the social semantic tagging-based learning guidance on science learning Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi 2020
6 Engaging the families with young children in museum visits with a mixed-reality game: a case study Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming 2020
7 A Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation approach for enhancing student learning experiences Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi 2019
8 Investigating the effects of cognitive style on blended museum learning Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming 2019
9 Game-based learning for competency abilities in blended museum contexts for diverse learners Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming 2019
10 Exploring Children’s Learning Experiences in a Real-World Adventure Game-Based Learning Environment between Virtual and Physical Contexts in Museums Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming 2018
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May 10 2024 17:17:25