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1 Exploring the Utility of the scAnt 3D Model Platform for Insect Specimens: A Case Study of the Entomological Collection at the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan Tsai, Jing-Fu;Ong, Uitsiann;Huang, Yao-Ting;Jeng, Ming-Luen 2023 Full Text
2 Exploring the Advancement and Implementation of the Archival Management System for Natural History Specimens and Artifacts: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan) Jang, Chern-Mei;Lee, Min-Feng;Tsai, Jing-Fu 2023 Full Text
3 Making Collections Accessible to the Public: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan. SPNHC 38th Annual Meeting (Oral). Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu 2023 Full Text
4 台灣產新白蟻屬的分類學研究 吳佳倩;蔡經甫;李後鋒 2021
5 Correlated evolution of parental care and life history traits in shield bugs Kudo, Shin-ichi;Harano, Tomohiro;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Yoshizawa, Kazunori;Kutsukake, Nobuyuki 2018
May 10 2024 17:17:25