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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Plastic deformation, strain-assisted transformation, and fracture-related mineralization in pyrrhotite from a metamorphosed massive sulfide deposit Chen, C.-J.;Huang K.-C.;Jiang W.-T. 2014
2 電子背向散射繞射在固體地球物質之潛在應用 陳君榮;江威德;黃克峻;王奕量;李柏澍;陳朝煒 2014
3 臺灣北部金瓜石坑道礦山排水沉澱物之礦物學研究 林家宇、陳君榮、江威德 2012
4 The fate of elements through the transformation from schwertmannite to goethte: an example from the Chinkuashih acid mine drainage area, northern Taiwan Chen, C.-J. and Jiang, W.-T. 2010
May 10 2024 17:17:25