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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 蒐藏與保存的新挑戰:保存「竹山車籠埔斷層槽溝」的征途 周文豪;蔣正興;林楠勝;李信和;鍾令和 202010 Full Text
2 Taiwan's 921 Earthquake - Difficulties and Challenges Faced by the National Museum of Natural Science Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chen, I-Min;Chung, Ling-Ho;Lee, Chia-Hsin;Lee, Xin-He 202001
3 探討科博館鳳凰谷鳥園服務品質動態滿意模式 張燦明;蔣正興;胡雲雯;王建德 201911 Full Text
4 兩岸黑色旅遊產業發展之比較-以地震遺址為例 王明仁;蔣正興;許成哲;張素菁 201806
5 使用價值溪流圖結合ECRS提升博物館參觀價值-以車籠埔斷層保存園區為例 王風帆;徐書莉;蔣正興;張燦明 201806
6 Geomorphological Evidence for Upslope Canyon-forming Processes on the Kaoping Shelf, Offshore SW Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. 2010
7 Axial incision and sediment dispersal of the Kaoping River- Submarine Canyon system, SW Taiwan Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. 2008
8 Axial incision and sediment dispersal of the Kaoping River- Submarine Canyon system, SW Taiwan Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. 2007
9 Hypothesis and Evidence for Hyperpycnal Flow-induced Meandering Submarine Canyon: an Example From the Kaoping Canyon off SW Taiwan Yu, H. S. and Chiang, C. S. 2006
10 Marine hyperpycnal flows in the Kaoping Canyon and Capbreton Canyon: comparisons between morphology and seismic facies Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. 2006
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May 10 2024 17:17:25