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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Regional detrital zircon record of the drainage sediments surrounding the South China Sea: Provenance signature and tectonic implications Wang, Ce;Cui, Heqi;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Su, Ming;Zeng, Letian;Jia, Junmin;Wei, Liangjie 202410
2 Linking Taiwan to the Cathaysia Block during the Cenozoic: Evidence from Pb isotopes in detrital K-feldspar Wang, Ce;Wei, Liangjie;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Foster, D.A.;Cui, Heqi;Su, Ming 202408
3 Controls of Submarine Canyons Connected to Shore during the LGM Sea-Level Rise: Examples from Taiwan Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Yu, Ho-Shing 202204 Full Text
4 Benefits of Defining Geological Sensitive Zones in the Mitigation of Disasters Along Earthquake Fault Zones in Taiwan – The Case of Milun Fault Chu, Tyan-Ming;Huang, Wen-Jeng;Lin, Tsung-Yi;Lu, Shih-Ting;Liu, Yen-Chiu;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chang, Yi-Huei 202112
5 Challenges in the Preservation of Disaster Remains – Example of the Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chu, Tyan-Ming;Chou, Wen-Hao;Lee, Shin-Ho;Wang, Jer-Fu 202102
6 Three types of modern submarine canyons on the tectonically active continental margin offshore southwestern Taiwan Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Hsiung, Kan-Hsi;Yu, Ho-Shing;Chen , Song-Chuen 2020
7 Reassessing two contrasting Late Miocene-Holocene stratigraphic frameworks for the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea Su, Ming;Alves, Tiago M;Li, Wei;Sha, Zhi-bin 2019
8 The modern Kaoping transient fan offshore SW Taiwan: Morphotectonics and development Hsiung, Kan-Hsi;Yu, Ho-Shing;Chiang, Cheng-Shing 201801 Full Text
9 Insights from heterogeneous structures of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, Central Taiwan Huang, W.J.*, Chen, W.S., Lee, Y.H., Yang, C.C., Lin, M.L., Chiang, C.S., Lee, J.C., Lu, S.T 2016
10 Seismic characteristics, morphology and formation of the ponded Fangliao Fan off southwestern Taiwan, northern South China Sea Hsiung, K. H., Yu, H. S., Chiang, C. S.* 2014
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May 10 2024 17:17:25