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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 基於情境感知與機器學習引導機制之遊戲式學習模式對學習者學習成效之影響 陳君銘;葉鎮源 2024
2 結合情境感知與環景導覽引導機制之遊戲式行動導覽學習模式對學 習者學習動機與成效之影響Investigating the Impact of a Game-based Mobile Learning Approach that Integrates Context Awareness and 720° 3D Navigation on Learners’ Motivation and Learning Effectiveness 陳君銘;葉鎮源;徐典裕 2023
3 Graph-based Feature Selection Method for Learning to Rank Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Tsai, Cheng-Jung 20201128
4 A New Biometrics to Improve the Accuracy of Personal Authentication in Free Text Cheng-Jung Tsai, Chun-Cheng Peng, Ting-Yi Chang, Wang-Jui Tsai, Jen-Yuan Yeh, & Kuen-Jhe Shih 2015
5 基於排序相關係數進行特徵向量轉換之資訊檢索排序模型學習 Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Using Feature-Level Second-Order Representations Based on Rank-Order Correlation 葉鎮源, 楊維邦 2014
6 以圖形網路模型為基礎之新聞事件摘要方法 葉鎮源, 楊維邦, 柯皓仁, 鄭培成, 游正豪 2013
7 Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Using Layered Multi-Population Genetic Programming Lin, Jung-Yi, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Liu, Chiao-Chung 2012
8 Applying Layered Multi-Population Genetic Programming on Learning To Rank for Information Retrieval Lin, Jung-Yi, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Liu, Chiao-Chung 2012
9 博物館跨領域資源探索服務: 以國立自然科學博物館為例 (Museum Interdisciplinary Resource Discovery Service - A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science) 葉鎮源, 徐典裕 2011
10 博物館跨領域資源整合模式與探索服務平台建構: 以國立自然科學博物館為例 (Museum Interdisciplinary Resource Integration Model and Discovery Service: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science) 葉鎮源, 徐典裕 2011
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May 10 2024 17:17:25