序號 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 出版日期 | 全文 |
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Effect of an AI-based chatbot on students' learning performance in alternate reality game-based museum learning
Liang, Hsin-Yi;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Hsu, Tien-Yu;Yeh, Jen-Yuan |
2024 |
A Graph-based Feature Selection Method for Learning to Rank Using Spectral Clustering for Redundancy Minimization and Biased PageRank for Relevance Analysis
Jen-Yuan Yeh;Cheng-Jung Tsai |
2022 |
Feature selection and classification integrated method for identifying cited text spans for citances on imbalanced data
Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Tsai, Cheng-Jung;Hsu, Tien-Yu;Lin, Jung-Yi;Cheng, Pei-Cheng |
2021 |
Sentence-Level Opinion Analysis for Chinese News Documents Based on Sentiment Information of Social Tags
Jen-Yuan Yeh & Shihn-Yuarn Chen |
2016 |
Learning ranking functions for information retrieval using layered multi-population genetic programming
Jen-Yuan Yeh & Jung-Yi Lin |
201609 (Accepted) |
The Construction of a Two-Player Gaming Platform for the Classical Chinese Poetry Game - Interactive Five-Character-Quatrain Composition
Thomas Gwinner & Jen-Yuan Yeh |
2015 |
應用基於排序相關係數之特徵向量轉換於資訊檢索排序模型學習 (Feature-Level Context Transformation for Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Based on Rank-Order Correlation)
葉鎮源、林忠億、鄭培成、楊維邦 |
2015 |
A Unified Knowledge-based Content Management Framework towards Value-added Application and Service Development and Business Marketing for Museums: The Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan
Tien-Yu Hsu & Jen-Yuan Yeh |
2014 |
應用語句關係網路計算語句向心性之新聞事件摘要方法 (Extraction-based News Summarization Using Sentence Centrality in the Sentence Similarity Network)
葉鎮源, 楊維邦, 柯皓仁, 鄭培成 |
2014 |
Plagiarism detection using ROUGE and WordNet
Chen, Chien-Ying, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Ke, Hao-Ren |
2010 |