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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 First Record of the Amethyst Cedar Border, Semanotus amethystinus (LeConte) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), in Taiwan Chen, T.-C.;M.-L. Jeng 2023 Full Text
2 Do holometabolous insects molt spontaneously after adulthood? An exceptional case report in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with discussion of its inferred endocrine regulation especially in relation to neoteny Jeng, M.-L.;Y. Suzuki;C.-Y. Chang;T.-R. Chen 2021 Full Text
3 Two complete mitochondrial genomes of Papilio butterflies obtained from historical specimens (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Jeng, M.-L.;M.-Y. Chen;L.-W. Wu 2021 Full Text
4 Two mitochondrial genomes of Taiwanese rhinoceros beetles, Oryctes rhinoceros and Eophileurus chinensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Cheng, C.-T.;M.-L. Jeng;J.-F. Tsai;C.-L. Li;L.-W. Wu 2021 Full Text
5 A supplement to the fauna of Rhipiceridae in Taiwan, with notes on the seasonal occurrence of Sandalus sauteri sauteri Emden Jeng, M.-L.;O. Ong 2021 Full Text
6 Preliminary survey of Pachyrhynchus weevils (Coleoptera) of the Babuyan and Batanes Islands, Philippines Tseng, H.-Y.;M.-L. Jeng;R.J.T. Villanueva;W.-S. Huang 2021 Full Text
7 Unravelling relationships among the shared stripes of sailors: Mitogenomic phylogeny of Limenitidini butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae), focusing on the genera Athyma and Limenitis. Wu, L.-W.;H. Chiba;D.C. Lee;Y. Ohshima;M.-L. Jeng. 2019 Full Text
8 Complex inter-island colonization and peripatric founder speciation promote diversification of flightless Pachyrhynchus weevils in the Taiwan–Luzon volcanic belt. Tseng, H.-Y.;W.-S. Huang;M.-L. Jeng;R.J.T. Villanueva;O.M. Nuneza;C.-P. Lin 2018 Full Text
9 Oculogryphus chenghoiyanae sp. n. (Coleoptera, Lampyridae): a new ototretine firefly from Hong Kong with descriptions of its bioluminescent behavior and ultraviolet-induced fluorescence in females. Yiu, Vor;M.-L. Jeng 2018 Full Text
10 Integrated species delimitation and conservation implications of an endangered weevil Pachyrhynchus sonani (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Green and Orchid Islands of Taiwan. Chen, Y.-T.;Tseng, H.-Y.;Jeng, M.-L.;Su, Y.-C.;Huang, W.-S.;C.-P. Lin 2017 Full Text
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May 10 2024 17:17:25