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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 愛的抱抱─豆形拳蟹尋覓配偶的感官機制 王敏玲;楊信得;劉烘昌;黃興倬 2013
2 Magnetic orientation for larval release migration by the land crab Metasesarma aubryi in Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan. Huang, H.-D.; Wu, C.-H.;Liu, H. C. 2012
3 Mass aggregation for reproduction by a gymnodoridid nudibranch, Gymnodoris ceylonica (Kelaart, 1858), in Lanyu (Orchid Is.), Taiwan. Huang, H.-D. 2010
4 Orientation mechanisms of larval release migration by the sesarmid crab, Metasesarma aubryi H.-D. Huang, C.-C. Lin, and H. C. Liu 2010
5 綠島珊瑚礁無脊椎動物生態與保育規劃建議 黃興倬、李坤瑄、洪和田、陳明輝 2009
6 從攝食與化學趨向行為探討龜山島怪方蟹高密度群集之謎 黃興倬、鄭明修 2009
7 The chemically-mediated orientation and feeding behaviors by the hydrothermal vent crabs Xenograpsus testudinatus—What makes them swarm in such high densities? Huang, H.-D., Jeng, M.-S. 2007
8 Environmental Changes and Conservation of Remote Island Coral Reefs in Taiwan Jeng, M.-S., Huang, H.-D. Chen, T.-S. 2006
May 10 2024 17:17:25