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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Observation on Aggregation of Neustonic Nudibranch Glaucus atlanticus (Gastropoda: Glaucidae) and Colonial Hydrozoans from Kenting National Park, Southern Taiwan Huang, Hsin-Drow;Chiu, Wen Chieh 2021 Full Text
2 Notes on Freshwater Coated Grains of the Hengchun Peninsula Wang, Shih-Wei;Chiu, Yuh-Wen;Huang, Hsin-Drow;Lee, Kwen-Shen;Wang, Wei-Lung;Liu, Shao-Lun;Yang, Shan-Hua 2021 Full Text
3 First Record of a Rare Aggregation of the Neustonic Nudibranch Glaucus marginatus (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Glaucidae) from Kenting National Park, Southern Taiwan Huang, Hsin-Drow;Chiu, Wen Chieh;Chang, Marco;Lee, Kwen-Shien 2017
4 A Cleaning Station Composed of Cleaner Shrimp and High Fish Diversity in a Coral Reef in Kenting, Southern Taiwan. Chen, J.-P.;Huang, H.-D. 2012 Full Text
5 Sclerite calcification and reef-building in the fleshy octocoral genus Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). Jeng, M.-S., Huang, H.-D., Dai, C.-F., Hsiao, Y.-C. Benayahu, Y. 2011
6 A field observation on group reproduction in Gymnodoris ceylonica (Kelaart, 1858) (Gastropoda : Nudibranchia), at Lanyu (Orchid Is.), Taiwan. Huang, H.-D. 2010 Full Text
7 綠島大型海洋無脊椎動物調查與保育規劃建議 黃興倬、李坤瑄、洪和田、陳明輝 2009 Full Text
8 綠島海洋爬行動物之現況調查 王緒昂、陳正平、黃興倬、李坤瑄、杜銘章 2009 Full Text
9 Multispecies associations of macrosymbionts on the comatulid crinoid Comanthina schlegeli in southern Taiwan. Huang, H.-D.; Rittschof, D.; Jeng, M.-S. 2005
10 Visual orientation of the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus demani. Huang, H.-D.; Rittchof, D.; Jeng, M.-S. 2005
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May 10 2024 17:17:25