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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 After Digital Renovation – An Experience Sharing from NMNS, Taichung Lin, Chilong 20200805 Full Text
2 A two-Higgs-doublet Model Free of Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents Naturally at Tree-Level Lin, Chilong 20180126
3 Optimization of Hybrid Planetariums Chilong Lin 2014
4 Semi-Automatic Occultation Monitoring Equipments (SOME) & It’s Future Applications Chilong Lin & I-Ching Yang 2010
5 Video Observation of the Leonid 2001 Activity Chilong Lin, et al. 2010
6 偏光畫展示在科博館中的改良與演進 林志隆、劉美秀 2009
7 A Close Binary Discovered from Its Occultation by (87) Sylvia Chi-Long Lin, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Wen-Ping Chen, Sun-Kun King, Hung-Chin Lin 2007
8 Report on Stellear Occultation by Asteroid(11) Parthenope on 2005/12/09 Lin. C. L., Ma, Wayne, Kinoshita, D. & Lin, H. C. 2006
9 電蚊拍與博物館的電學展示教育 林志隆 2005
10 Video Observation of Leonids 2001 in Taiwan 林志隆 2005
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May 10 2024 17:17:25