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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 BAU Production in the SN-Breaking Standard Model Chilong Lin 202305 Full Text;Full Text;Full Text
2 Exploring the Origin of CP Violation in the Standard Model Chilong Lin 202201
3 An Improved Standard Model Comes with Explicit CPV and Productive of BAU Lin, Chilong 202008 Full Text
4 A two-Higgs-doublet Model without flavor-changing neutral currents at tree-level Lin, Chilong 201901 Full Text;Full Text;Full Text
5 漫談臺灣社教館附設大型劇場的發展脈絡 林志隆;Lin, Chilong 201709 Full Text
6 追憶翠峰星空饗宴活動 林志隆 20160115
7 Digital Renovation of the Space Theater in National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung Chilong Lin 20151201
8 占星與天文 林志隆 20121201 Full Text
9 天降神火談流星 林志隆 201208
10 我們一起看流星 林志隆 20120601 Full Text
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May 10 2024 17:17:25