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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Applying Smart Glasses in Situated Exploration for Learning English in a National Science Museum Chen, H. -R.;Lin, W. -S;Hsu,,T. -Y.;Lin, T. -C. 202310
2 Museum engagement visits with a universal game-based blended museum learning service for different age groups Hsu,Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi 2021
3 Promoting children's inquiry performances in alternate reality games: A mobile concept mapping‐based questioning approach Liang, H. Y.;Hsu, T. Y.;Hwang, G. J. 2021
4 A mandatory contribution-based collaborative gaming approach to enhancing students’ collaborative learning outcomes in Science museums Liang, H. Y.;Hsu, T. Y.;Hwang, G. J.;Chang,H.C. 2021
5 建構智慧終身樂學與樂活科普基地 徐典裕 202109
6 Game-Based Learning for Competency Abilities in Blended Museum Contexts for Diverse Learners Liang, Hsin-Yi;Hsu, Tien-Yu 202009
7 新世代博物館:虛實整合、智慧創新、終身樂學、永續經營 徐典裕 201812
8 智慧科技時代博物館創新思維與經營模式-以國立自然科學博物館為例 徐典裕 201810
9 CoboChild: a blended mobile game-based learning service for children in museum contexts Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chiou, Chuang-Kai;Tseng 201807
10 A Cyclical Learning Model to Promote Children’s Online and On-site Museum Learning Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi 201705
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May 10 2024 17:17:25