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1 Wolfberry genome database: integrated genomic datasets for studying molecular biology Cao, Y.L.;Y.Y. Chen;Y.L. Li;C.I. Li;S.T. Lin;B.R. Lee;C.L. Hsieh;Y.Y. Hsiao;Y.F. Fan;Q. Luo;J.H. Zhao;Y. Yin;W. An;Z.G. Shi;C.N. Chow;W.C. Chang;C.L. Huang;W.H. Chang;Z.J. Liu;W.S. Wu;W.C. Tsai 2024
2 Morphological and phylogenetic evidence that the novel leaf structures of multivein Selaginella schaffneri are derived traits Liu, J.W.;C.L. Huang;I.A. Valdespino;J.F. Ho;T.Y. Lee;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue 2022
3 Seedling survival simultaneously determined by conspecific, heterospecific, and phylogenetically-related neighbors and habitat heterogeneity in a subtropical forest in Taiwan Huang, T.H.;Y.C. Lin;C.L. Huang;I.F. Sun 2022
4 博物館社群媒體之經營及科學傳播成效評估-以國立自然科學博物館為例 江宜樺;江佩芸;劉乙蓉;黃秀君;黃俊霖 2021
5 Genetic diversity, population genetic structure and conservation strategies for Pleione formosana (Orchideace) Chao, W.C.;Y.C. Liu;M.T. Jiang;S.S. Wu;C.L. Fang;J.F. Ho;C.L. Huang 2021
6 The complete plastid genome of Selaginella erythropus (Selaginellaceae), a species with distinctive giant chloroplasts Huang, C.L.;J.W. Liu;J.F. Ho;Y.H. Sun;C.S. Wu;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue 2021
7 Gigantic chloroplasts, including bizonoplasts, are common in shade-adapted species of the ancient vascular plant family Selaginellaceae Liu, J.W.;S.F. Li;C.T. Wu;I.A. Valdespino;J.F. Ho;Y.H. Wu;H.M. Chang;T.Y. Guu;M.F. Kao;C. Chesson;S. Das;H. Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;N.S. Allen;J.W.H. Yong;B. Adjie;R. Kiew;N. Nadkarni;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue 2020
8 The complete chloroplast genome of Pleione formosana (Orchidaceae) Jiang, M.T.;W.C. Chao;C.L. Huang;S.R. Lan;Z.J. Liu;S.S. Wu 2019
9 Comparing two classes of alpha diversities and their corresponding beta and (dis)similarity measures, with an application to the Formosan sika deer Cervus nippon taiouanus reintroduction programme Chao, A.;C.H. Chiu;S.H. Wu;C.L. Huang;Y.C. Lin 2019
10 Postglacial range expansion and the role of ecological factors in driving adaptive evolution of Musa basjoo var. formosana Chen, J.H.;C.L. Huang;Y.L. Lai;C.T. Chang;P.C. Liao;S.Y. Hwang;C.W. Sun 2017
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May 10 2024 17:17:25