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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Russula lithocarpi sp. nov. and Lactarius sulphosmus, two gasteroid species of Russulaceae (Basidiomycota) found in Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng;Yang, Bi-Hua 2022 Full Text
2 Crucispora rhombisperma newly recorded in Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng;Yang, Bi-Hua;Hsieh, Huei-Mei;Ju, Yu-Ming 2021 Full Text
3 Phaeocollybia jennyaenewly recorded in Taiwan Wen-Neng Chou;Yu-Ming Ju;Huei-Mei Hsieh 2020 Full Text
4 Two new species of Mycena in Taiwan. Chang C. C.;W. N. Chou 2019 Full Text
5 Two species of Strobilomyces (Boletales) newly recorded in Taiwan. Chou W. N.;H. M. Hsieh;Y. M. Ju 2018 Full Text
6 A termite symbiotic mushroom maximizing sexual activity at growing tips of vegetative hyphae Hsieh, Huei‑Mei;Chung, Mei‑Chu;Chou, Wen‑Neng;et al. 2017 Full Text
7 Xylaria terricola sp. nov., a terrestrial anamorphic Xylaria species found in Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng;Hsieh, Huei-Mei;Ju, Yu-Ming 2017 Full Text
8 Three species of Boletaceae (Basidiomycota) newly recorded in Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng 2016 Full Text
9 Two Species of Hypogeous Gasteroid Fungi (Basidiomycota) New to Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng 2016 Full Text
10 Five species of Amanita (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan Chou, Wen-Neng;Wang, Yei-Zeng 2013 Full Text
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May 10 2024 17:17:25