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1 Taxonomy of Dicopus psyche Girault, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) and its association with Psocathropos lachlani Ribaga, 1899 (Psocodea: Psyllipsocidae) in houses in Taiwan Triapitsyn, Serguei V.;Chan, Mei-Ling 202108
2 Ultramorphological Characteristics of Falsogastrallus sauteri Pic (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) and a New Species of Cephalonomia Westwood (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae): A Book-Boring Beetle and Its Natural Enemy in Taiwan. Ho, Yu-Hsiang;Hsiao, Yun;Terayama, Mamoru;Chan, Mei-Ling 2020 Full Text
3 Dienerella (Dienerella) beloni (Reitter): A Newly Recorded Species of Latridiidae (Coleoptera) in Taiwan Ho, Yu-Hsiang;Chan, Mei-Ling;Rücker, Wolfgang H. 2019 Full Text
4 A new record of Latridiidae from Taiwan, with a note on its occurrence Chan, Mei-Ling;Lee, Kwen-Shen 2016 Full Text
5 Thabena brunnifrons (Hemiptera: Issidae), New Alien Species in Taiwan, with Notes on Its Biology and Nymphal Morphology. Chan, M. L., Yeh, H. T. & Gnezdilov V. M. 2013
6 夾縫中求生存:書蝨。 詹美鈴 2012
7 台灣產四種熊蜂 (膜翅目:蜜蜂科) 之族群形質比較、季節性發生及分佈特性之研究。 宋一鑫、陸聲山、詹美鈴、林明瑩、江敬晧、李青珍、楊平世 2011
8 Validity and a note on type depositories of the Heteropteran Species Described by C.S. Lin and His Colleagues in 1998-2007. Lin, C.S. and M.L. Chan 2008
9 A new species Coleotroctellus huisunensis (Psocoptera: Troctopsocidae) from Taiwan, with a key to species of Coleotroctellus Lienhard, 1988. Chan, M. L. & J. T. Yang. 2007
10 A Revision of Winter Cuculliine Moths of the Genus Rhynchaglaea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in East and Southeast Asia. Mamoru Owada, Hideki Kobayashi, Wang Min, Chien-Ming Fu, Han-Rong Tzuoo, Cheng-Shing Lin, Mei-Ling Chan, Ta Huy Thinh, Chen Liu-Sheng and Hiroshi Yoshimoto. 2006
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May 10 2024 17:17:25