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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 A new rhinoceros clade from the Pleistocene of Asia sheds light on mammal dispersals to the Philippines Antoine, Pierre-Olivier;Reyes, Marian C; Amano, Noel;Bautista, Angel P;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Claude, Julien; De Vos, John;Ingicco, Thomas 2022 Full Text
2 Age and growth of Palaeoloxodon huaihoensis from Penghu Channel, Taiwan: significance of their age distribution based on fossils Kang, Jia-Cih; Lin, Chien-Hsiang;Chang, Chun-Hsiang 2021
3 No evidence for widespread island extinctions after Pleistocene hominin arrival Louys, Julie;Braje, Todd J.;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Cosgrove, Richard 2021 Full Text
4 First report of leopard fossils from a limestone cave in Kenting area, southern Taiwan Chi, Tzu-Chin;Gan, Yi;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chang, Chun-Hsiang 2021 Full Text
5 亞洲象-阿沛性別判定之分析。 張鈞翔;章晨玫;林俊聰 2021 Full Text
6 Introduction to the special issue on new advances on stratigraphy and paleontology in Taiwan Jih-Pai Lin;Chien-Hsiang Lin;Wei-Chia Chu;Chun-Hsiang, Chang 2021 Full Text
7 The earliest fossil record of the bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica) from the early Middle Pleistocene of Taiwan with discussion on the Quaternary history of the species. Kawamura, Ai;Chang,Chun-Hsiang; Yoshinari Kawamura 2019 Full Text
8 Sexual Dimorphism and Ontogeny in Dentition of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Chang ,Chun-Hsiang 2019 Full Text
9 A right whale (Mysticeti, Balaenidae) from the Pleistocene of Taiwan Tsai, Cheng-Hsiu;Chang ,Chun-Hsiang 2019 Full Text
10 A mandible from the Middle Pleistocene Hexian site and its significance in relation to the variability of Asian Homo erectus Wu Liu;Marfa Martinon-Torres;Yousuke Kaufu;Xiujie Wu;Reiko T. Kono;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Pianpian We;Song Xing;Wanbo Huang;Jose Maria Bermudea de Castro 2017 Full Text
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May 10 2024 17:17:25