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1 A new alligatoroid (Eusuchia, Crocodylia) from the Eocene of China and its implications for the relationships of Orientalosuchina Hsi-yin Shan;Xiao-Chun Wu;Tamaki Sato;Yen-nien Cheng 2021
2 Maomingosuchus petrolica a restudy of Tomistoma petrolica Yeh 1958 Shan, Hsi-yin;Wu, Xiao-chun;Cheng, Yen-nien;Sato, Tamali 2017
3 The first fossil skull of Alligator sinensis from the Pleistocene, Taiwan, with a paleogeographic implication of the species Shan, Hsi-yin;Cheng, Yen-nien;Wu, Xiao-chun 2013
4 A new tomistomine from the Miocene of Taiwan Shan, Hsi-Yin;Wu, Xiao-Chun;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Sato, Tamali 2009
May 10 2024 17:17:25