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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Introduction and expansion history of the masked palm civet, Paguma larvata, in Japan, revealed by mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b analysis. Yu Endo, etc. 2020 Full Text
2 New Record of Reed Vole (Microtus fortis) from Archaeological Sites in Taiwan Chen, Yen-Jean;Li, Kuang-ti;Liu, Ke-Hung;Chu, Whei-Lee;Kuo, Su-Chiu 202012 Full Text
3 New Record of Water Deer (Hydropote inermis) from the Archaeological Sites in Taiwan. Chen, Yen-Jean;Liu ,Ke-Hung;Chu, Whei-Lee 2016 Full Text
4 Origins and Founder Effects on the Japanese Masked Palm
Civet Paguma larvata (Viverridae, Carnivora),
Revealed from a Comparison with its
Molecular Phylogeography in Taiwan
Ryuichi Masuda , Liang-Kong Lin, Kurtis Jai-Chyi Pei, Yen-Jean Chen ,Shih-Wei Chang, Yayoi Kaneko, Koji Yamazaki, Tomoko Anezaki 2010
5 Accumulation of trace elements used in semiconductor industry in
Formosan squirrel, as a bio-indicator of their exposure, living in Taiwan
Yoshinari Suzuki , Izumi Watanabe , Tatsuo Oshida , Yen-Jean Chen ,Liang-Kong Lin , Yu-Huang Wang , Kouh-Cheng Yang , Katsuji Kuno 2007
6 國立自然科學博物館藏猛禽標本。 陳彥君 2006
7 Phylogeography of Pallas’s Squirrel in Taiwan: Geographical Isolation in an Arboreal Small Mammal Oshida T., J.K. Lee, L.K. Lin, Y.J. Chen 2006
8 台灣三種食蟲目動物前肢骨骼形態之比較 張相怡,陳彥君,林良恭 2005
9 灰腹的高山白腹鼠(Niviventer culturatus)採集記錄 陳彥君 1993
10 台灣四種有蹄類動物糞粒的型態測量和排糞率 陳彥君,侯人榮 1989
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May 10 2024 17:17:25