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1 Petrogenesis of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from the Leiqiong area, South China: Evidence from geochemical constraints. Lee, Yung-tan;Chou, Pin-chang;Ho, Kung-suan;Tzai, Yu-wei;Chang, Ying-ju 2021
2 澎湖群島二輝粒變岩及含斜長石輝石岩包體之岩石學與地球化學研究 何恭算 2021
3 Geochemical evidence for the origin of Cenozoic intraplate basalts in the tectonic margin: An example from the Chifeng volcanic field, southeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Ho, Kung-suan;You, Chen-feng;Yang, Huai-jen;Lee, Yung-tan 2018
4 臺灣西部麓山帶晚中新世南庄與鹿谷玄武岩之定年學與地球化學研究 何恭算 2016
5 Petrogenesis of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from Jiangsu province, China deduced from geochemical constraints Lee, Yung‐Tan;Chen, Ju‐Chin;Shih, Jyh‐Yi;Ho, Kung‐Suan;Yang, Huai‐Jen;Lin, Meng‐Lung;Hu, Yen‐Tsui;Chiu, Ching‐Hsing 2013
6 Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths in Cenozoic alkali basalts from Jiangsu province, eastern China and their geological implication. Huang, Shao-Wei;Lee, Yung-Tan;Chen, Ju-Chin;Ho, Kung-Suan;Lin, Meng-Lung;Hu, Yen-Tsui;Huang, Ren-Yi 2013
7 Late Cenozoic magmatic transitions in central Great Xing’an Range, NE China: geochemical and isotopic constraints on their petrogenesis Ho, Kung-Suan;Ge, Wen-Chun;Chen, Ju-Chin;Chen-Feng You;Chen-Feng;Yang, Huai-Jen;Zhang, Yan-Long 2013
8 Micro-scale heterogeneity of andesite from Chilungshan, northern Taiwan: Evidence from melt inclusions, geochronology and Hf-O isotope of zircons Wan, Yus-heng;Ho, Kung-suan;Liu, Dun-yi;Zhou, Hong-ying;Dong, Chun-yan;Ma, Ming-zhu 2012
9 Geochemical characteristics of Cenozoic Jining basalts of the western North China Craton: evidence for the role of the lower crust, lithosphere, and asthenosphere in the petrogenesis Ho, Kung-suan;Liu, Yan;Chen, Ju-Chin;You, Chen-Feng;Yang, Huai-Jen 2011
10 The first occurrence of suolunite in Taiwan: its physical properties, chemical compositions and genesis Ho, Kung-Suan;Chen, Ju-Chin;You, Chen-Feng;Hsu, Shih-Chieh;Huang, Ming-Huei 2009
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May 10 2024 17:17:25