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1 Eriophyoid mites of Taiwan:
thirty-seven species from Yangmingshan, including one
new genus and twenty-two new species.
Huang, K. W. & C.-F. Wang. 2009
2 Aceria in Taiwan: five new species and plant
abnormalities caused by sixteen species.
Huang, K. W. 2008
3 Eriophyoid Mites on Trochodendron aralioides
(Trochodendraceae) from Taiwan
Huang, K.-W. 2006
4 Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of
One New Species of Aberoptinae from Hueysuen
Huang, K.-W. 2005
5 Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of
Seven Species of Diptilomoiopidae from Hueysuen
Huang, K.-W. 2005
6 Eriophyoid Mites of Hainan, China Huang, K.-W. 2005
7 Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of Nine Species of Cecidophyinae and Eriophyinae from Hueysuen
Huang, K.-W.& C.-F. Wang 2004
8 Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Four Species of Tribe Tegonotini
from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyidae: Phyllocoptinae).
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang. 2004
9 Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Three Species of Calacarini from
Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea).
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang. 2004
10 Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Twelve Species of Anthocoptini
from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea).
Huang, K.-W.& C.-F. Wang. 2004
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May 10 2024 17:17:25