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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 Pteris Faba and Pteris rubella, two new species in section Hypsopodium (Pteridaceae). Chao, Yi-Shan;Chen, Cheng-Wei;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck 202208
2 Nephoanthus (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae), a new genus segregated from Phyllagathis s.l., with a new species from Southern Vietnam LIN, CHE-WEI;HSU, TIAN-CHUAN;LUU, HONG TRUONG;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck 202205
3 S. Yano's specimens from Taiwan in Japanese Herbaria. Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck 202112
4 Taxonomy of Peperomia (Piperaceae) in Taiwan Lu, Yu-Chen;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck 202010 Full Text;Full Text
5 Camellia chinmeii, a new species of Camellia sect. Paracamellia in Taiwan. Lee, Shih-Lin;Yang, T.Y. Aleck 201909 Full Text
6 Floral morphology and reproductive nature of Pemphis acidula (Lythraceae) with two different anther levels in Taiwan and Japan. Sugawara, Takashi;Watanabe, Kenta;Hoshino, Yusuke;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck 201810 Full Text
7 Musa x formbisiana (Musaceae), a new interspecific hybrid banana. Chiu, Hui-Lung;Shii, Chou-Tou;Yang, T.-Y. Aleck 201706
8 Insights of the latest naturalized flora of Taiwan: Change in the past eight years. Wu, S.-H., T.Y.A. Yang, Y.-C. Teng, C.-Y. Chang, K.-C. Yang & C.-F. Hsieh 2010
9 Patterns of plant invasions in China: Taxonomic, biogeographic, climatic approaches and anthropogenic effects. Biol. Wu, S.-H., H.-T. Sun, Y.-C. Teng, M. Rejmánek, S.-M. Chaw, T.-Y. A. Yang and C.-F. Hsieh. 2010
10 Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (7) ─ Two new taxa and one new record species of Clematis in Taiwan Yang, T.Y.A. 2009
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May 10 2024 17:17:25