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1 High Density of the Black Sea Cucumber Holothuria atra off Hsiao Liouciou Island, Southern Taiwan Chao, Shu-Yu;Chang, Shui-Kai;Chao, Shyh-Min* 2021 Full Text
2 The Assemblage of Shallow Water Holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Hsiao Liouciou Island off Southwest Taiwan Shyh-Min Chao 2018
3 Response of the sea cucumber Holothuria cinerascens to the predatory gastropod Tonna perdix. Chao, S.-M.;Wu, S.-C. 2015
4 Defecation behavior of the hairy urchin, Tripneustes gratilla. Chao, SM and BC Chen 2013
5 Holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Intertidal Zone of Houbihu, Southern Taiwan. Chao, SM and SC Wu 2012
6 High density of flower urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, in Houbihu Lagoon, southern Taiwan. Chao, SM and BC Chen 2012
7 An unexpected high sea urchin diversity at Houbihu lagoon, southern Taiwan. Chen, HH, Chao SM, Chen BC 2010
8 Spawning Time of Two Shallow-Water Brittle Stars Soong K, Lin YJ, Chao SM, Chang D 2009
9 First records of the stalked crinoid fauna (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) of Taiwan El{^A0C1^}aume M, Am{^A0C1^}ziane N, Chao SM 2008
10 Presence of spawn-inducing pheromones in two brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). Soong K, Chang D, Chao S-M 2005
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May 10 2024 17:17:25