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1 Multiple severe storms revealed by coral boulders at Pasuquin, northwestern Luzon, Philippines. Gong, Shou-Yeh;Liu, Sze-Chieh;Siringan, Fernando P.;Gallentes, Adonis 2022
2 Coral boulder transport and gravel bar formation by storms in Lumaniag village, Batangas, northwestern Philippines. Gallentes, Adonis T.;Manglicmot, Michelle T.;Gong, Shou-Yeh;Hu, Ming-Hsun 2021 Full Text
3 Hydroclimate variability of central Indo-Pacific region during the Holocene Chawchai,S.;Löwemark, L.;Wang,H-C.;Yu,T-L.;Chung, Y-C.;Mii, HS.;Gong, Shou-Yeh 2021
4 Variable Uplift Rate Through Time: Holocene Coral Reef and Neotectonics of Lutao, Eastern Taiwan. Shen, C.-C.;Wu, C.-C.;Dai, C.-F.;Gong*, S.-Y. 2018
5 AMS Carbon-14 dating of microbial carbonates in Holocene coral reefs, Western Luzon, Philippines. Gong, Shou-Yeh;Li, H.-C.;Siringan, F.P.;Zhao, M 2017
6 Coral-based Holocene sea level of Paraoir, western Luzon, Philippines Siringan, F.P.;Shen, C.-C.;Lin, K.;Gong, Shou-Yeh 2016
7 An Abrupt backreef infilling of a Holocene reef, Paraoir, Western Luzon, Philippines Gong, Shou-Yeh;Wu, T.-R.,;Siringan F. P.;Shen*, C.-C 2013
8 Sea-level rise and coral-reef development of Northwestern Luzon since 9.9 ka Shen, C.-C.;Siringan, F.P.;Dai, C.-F.;Gong, Shou-Yeh 2010
9 Hydrocarbon derived carbonate cementation in subsurface environment in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea Gong, Shou-Yeh;Mii, H.S;Wu, M.S.;Lin, A.A. 2010
10 Cold-seep carbonate hardgrounds as the initial substrata of coral reef development in a siliciclastic paleoenvironment of southwestern Taiwan. Wang, S.-W., Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Dai, C.-F. 2006
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May 10 2024 17:17:25