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序號 著作名稱 作者 出版日期 全文
1 A new species of Urnula (Sarcosomataceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. and C.L. Huang 2015
2 A Penicillium and a Talaromyces new to Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. and M.L. Chan 2015
3 A Note on Oidiodendron maius in Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. and and L.C. Lin 2014
4 Five species of Amanita (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. Chou, W.N. and Y.Z. Wang 2013.
5 Three species of Hypomyces (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes) from Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. 2013.
6 Studies in Trichaleurina (Pezizales). Type studies of Trichaleurina polytricha and Urnula philippinarum. The status of Sarcosoma javanicum, Bulgaria celebica, and Trichaleurina tenuispora sp. nov., with notes on the anamorphic genus Kumanasamuha. Carbone, M., Y.Z. Wang and C.L. Huang 2013.
7 The genus Phillipsia (Pezizales) in Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. 2012.
8 New records of Scutellinia (Pyronemataceae, Ascomycota) species in Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z. and J.H. Chang 2012.
9 Taxonomy of Coniochaeta leucoplaca and C. velutina: morphological and molecular studies based on LSU rDNA of isolates from Taiwan. Chang, J.H and Y.Z. Wang 2011
10 Two Species of Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Elaphomycetaceae) in Taiwan. Wang, Y.Z 2011.
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May 10 2024 17:17:25