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1 Phylogeography of the fanged dicroglossine frog, Limnonectes fujianensis (Anura, Ranidae), in Taiwan. Jang-Liaw, N-H;Chou, W-H 2010
2 Revision of the diagnostic characters of Opisthotropis maculosus with notes on its distribution and variation, and a key to the genus Opisthotropis (Squamata: Natricidae) Jang-Liaw, N-H;Chou, W-H 2010
3 Phylogeography of Sylvirana latouchii (Anura, Ranidae) in Taiwan. Jang-Liaw, N-H;Lee, T-H;Chou, W-H 2008
4 Description of Male (Squamata: Lacertidae) from China, with Notes of Sexual Dimorphism and Revision of Morphological Diagnosis. Tan, H-S;Lu, S-Q;Chou, W-H 2007
5 A New Treefrog of Rhacophorus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Hainan Island, China. Chou, W-H;Lau, M;Chan, B 2007
6 近期台灣陸生端腳目研究之發展 李政諦;周文豪 2005
7 The utility of AFLPs for supporting mitochondrial DNA phylogeographical analyses in the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri. Creer, S;Thorpe, R-S;Malhotra, A;Chou, W-H;Stenson, A-G 2004
8 Genetic and ecological correlates of intraspecific variation in pitviper venom composition detected using matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and isoelectr Creer, S;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S;Stöcklin, R;Favreau, P;Chou, W-H 2003
9 Community Structure of Ground-Dwelling Vertebrates in a Subtropical Montane Forest in Central Taiwan, an Application of Drift-Fence Pitfall Traps Chou, W-H;Lee, M-C;Yu, H-T 2002
10 Insular variation in the diet of the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri (Schmidt). Creer, S;Chou, W-H;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S 2002
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May 10 2024 17:17:25