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1 Upregulation of insulin and ecdysone signaling in relation to diapause termination in Bombyx mori eggs exposed to 5 °C Gu, Shi-Hong;Lin Pei-Ling 2024
2 Expressions of sugar transporters/trehalases in relation to PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori Gu, Shi-Hong;Pei-Ling Lin; Chia-Hao Chang 2024
3 Expression of tyrosine phosphatases in relation to PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori Shi-Hong Gu;Chien-Hung Chen;Chia-Hao Chang;Pei-Ling Lin 2023
4 Expressions of sugar transporter genes during Bombyx mori embryonic development Shi-Hong Gu;Pei‐Ling Lin;Chia-Hao Chang 2023
5 Signaling in cAMP-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori Shi-Hong Gu;Pei‐Ling Lin 2023
6 PKC signaling involved in PTTH-stimulated prothoracic glands in the silkworm, Bombyx mori Gu, S.H. et al. 2022
7 Bombyxin-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in relation to sugar transporter/trehalase expressions in Bombyx prothoracic glands Shi-Hong Gu*;Chia-Hao Chang;Pei-Ling Lin 202212
8 Expressions of protein phosphatases PP1 and PP4 during the Bombyx embryonic diapause process Gu Shi-Hong;Lin Pei-ling 202210
9 Involvement of RSK phosphorylation in PTTH-stimulated ecdysone secretion in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori Gu SH;Chen CH 202110
10 Changes in expressions of ecdysteroidogenic enzyme and ecdysteroid signaling genes in relation to Bombyx embryonic development.. Gu SH;Chen CH;Lin PL 2021/6
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May 10 2024 17:17:25