作者 | 著作
| 廖仁滄 | 熱帶雨林的葉葉皆美麗(二) | Tudorpage |
Jang-Liaw, Nian-Hong;Huang, Hao-Ming;Chen, Yen-Jean;Yim, Li-Min;Yeh, Nai-Cheng;Chung, Chia-Heng;Chiang, Po-Jen | Identification of scat samples from three terrestrial mustelids in Taiwan: a simple method | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 馬錫山下的呂德偉神父 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 媽祖與聖母的相遇 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 鹿寮遺址新出土的狗獾下顎骨 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 台灣東部海域連接海岸的海底峽谷控制成因調查研究 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Trevor Padgett; Yi-Ying Chien; Ko-Hsuan Chen | Unique Aspergillus and Penicillium species discovered in Taiwan’s uplifted coral reef tropical forest | Tudorpage |
Wen-Yu Liao; Chen, Che-Chih | Preliminary study of bambusicolous basidiomycetes in Taiwan: new genus, species, and records | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 白沙屯遺跡における植物珪酸体の分析 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 國立自然科學博物館觀音館藏 | Tudorpage |
Nazir, Aafaq;Lai, Chiao-Feng;Wang, Shih-Wei;Lin, Showe-Mei;Li, Hong-Chun;Chung, Ming-Tsung;Wang, Pei-Ling;Tseng, Yung-Che;Shiao, Jen-Chieh | Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution inferred by stable isotope records of crustose coralline algae | Tudorpage |
CJ Yao;JF Ho;CM Jang;CW Chang;JT Lin | Species Identification of Historical Baleen Whale Specimens Based on Short mtDNA Sequences | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 探尋身為福佬客的可能性 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Chia-Chien;Tsai, Jing-Fu Tsai; Li, Hou-Feng | Revision of Neotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Chia-Chien;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Li, Hou-Feng | Taxonomy of Glyptotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(10) 別說河馬不衛生,散布排泄物作用多 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(11) 處理小孩便便,鳥爸媽有獨門祕技 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(12) 魚類便便的生態重要性 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(13) 另類消化,把食物吐出來 | Tudorpage |
Timothy B. Byrne; Michael Chojnacki; Jonathan Lewis; Jian-Cheng Lee; Gong-Ruei Ho; En-Chao Yeh; Yuan-His Lee; Chin-Ho Tsai; Mark Evans; Laura Webb | Tectonic exhumation of a metamorphic core in an arc-continent collision during oblique convergence, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(14) 被吃進肚子裡,還能活著離開嗎? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(15) 香到極致就是臭 香味臭味成分相同 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(16) 收集糞肥 把黃金變黃金 | Tudorpage |
Biswas, Deep Shubhra;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Tsai, Cheng-Hsiu | Land of the giants: Body mass estimates of Palaeoloxodon from the Pleistocene of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yu-Ja Lee; Guan Jie Phang; Chen, Che-Chih; Jie-Hao Ou; Yu-Hsuan Fan; Yin-Tse Huang | Optimal liquid-based DNA preservation for DNA barcoding of field-collected fungal specimens | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(17) 糞化為石 從環境與內含物辨真偽。 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Xiao, Jun-Xiang;Wei, Chia-Ling;Chou, Shu-Wen | Two Newly Recorded Species of Chlorophyllum (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Shin-ichi Kudo;Tomohiro Harano;Jing-Fu Tsai;Kazunori Yoshizawa;Nobuyuki Kutsukake | Maternal Care under Large Clutches with Small Eggs: The Evolution of Life History Traits in Shield Bugs | Tudorpage |
Luo, Xin;Liao, Chun-Chi | Preliminary study on the reconstruction and function of the hyperelongate neural spines in the dorsal vertebrae of Deinocheirus mirificus (Theropoda: Ornithomimosauria) | Tudorpage |
Lin, H.-C. K.;Tsai, M.-C.; Tao-Hua Wang;Lu, W.-Y. | Application of WSQ (Watch-Summary-Question) flipped teaching in affective conversational robots: Impacts on learning emotion, self-directed learning, and learning effectiveness of senior high school students | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 臺中某校國一學生參加科學博物館闖關活動滿意度的比較 | Tudorpage |
Hsin-YiLiang;Gwo- Jen Hwang; Tien- Yu Hsu; Jen-YuanYeh | Effect of an AI- based chatbot on students' learning performance in alternate reality game- based museum learning | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Jing-Fu | Taxonomic Reassessment of Type Collections: The Case of Taiwan’s Jumping Tree Bugs (Isometopinae: Miridae) | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Jing-Fu;Rédei, Dávid | Resolving Century-Old Taxonomic Problems in Jewel Bugs of the Genus Scutellera | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: Fire Rescue Drills at the Collections of National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Broadening Access to Natural History: Public Engagement at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(18) 穴鴞拾糞回家,科學家抽絲剝繭解謎 | Tudorpage |
Yu-De Zhang1,2, Chun-Chia Chou3*, Chen-Pan Liao2,4, Jhan-Wei Lin2, Rulon W. Clark5, Jung-Ya Hsu2, Wen-San Huang1,2* | Homing behavior of a tree lizard: influences of mating resource, and habitat structure | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原民知識第一知識:澳洲原住民知識圖書特展 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Yun-Ru;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Taphonomy of feather-included amber revealed by transmission X-ray microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy | Tudorpage |
Feng, C. H.;Lu, C. Y.;Wang, T. H.;Li, C. T. | The Impact of Online Bicycle Shopping Platforms Combined with Chatbots on Consumers Sentiment and Service Quality | Tudorpage |
CHANG, Chun-Hsiang | Hometown of Fossils, Paradise of Animals | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(19) 糞金龜好本事,追糞成功 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(20) 糞金龜好爸媽,為孩子做便當 | Tudorpage |
Smith, J. A.;Dowding, E. M.;Abdelhady, A. A.;Abondio, P.;Araújo, R.;Aze, T.;Balisi, M.;Buatois, L.A.;Carvajal-Chitty, H.;Chattopadhyay, D.;Coiro, M.;Dietl, G. P.;González Arango, C.;Kevrekidis, C.;Kimmig, J.;Mychajliw, A.M.;Pimiento, C.;Regalado Fernández, O. R.;Schroeder. K. M.;Warnock, R.C.M.;Yang, T.-R.;Yasuhara, M.;et al. | Big questions in paleontology: A community-driven project to motivate new insights about the history of life on Earth | Tudorpage |
Gu, Shi-Hong;Lin Pei-Ling | Upregulation of insulin and ecdysone signaling in relation to diapause termination in Bombyx mori eggs exposed to 5 °C | Tudorpage |
Gu, Shi-Hong;Pei-Ling Lin; Chia-Hao Chang | Expressions of sugar transporters/trehalases in relation to PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 從家蠶白僵病的研究到微生物致病學說的誕生 | Tudorpage |
Shan, Hsi-Yin | 波西米裂肋蟲的最後一餐 | Tudorpage |
Shan, Hsi-Yin | 三葉蟲捲曲身體的防禦策略 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 博物館學習研究:第三齡者自然物件學習初探 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | A Newly Naturalized species in Taiwan: Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees (Acanthaceae) | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 以Micro-XRF技術探討Esquel橄欖隕鐵之礦物學特徵 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 國立自然科學博物館隱藏的瑰寶 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | A Newly Naturalized species in Taiwan: Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees (Acanthaceae) | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho | The Orogenesis and Metamorphic Fabrics in the Western Pacific Subduction Zones since late-Miocene, the rock recored from strike-slip to collision | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho;Kuo-Fong Ma;Chiang Cheng-Shing;Ling-Ho Chung, Wen-Jeng Huang, Kuan-Yi Hsu | Active Fault and Seismic Hazard in Taiwan: What We Learned from decades of Earthquake Records. | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 迎向「公共性」的博物館展示策畫 —以「玉言故事:臺灣玉傳奇」特展為例 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 宇宙的華爾茲:天體碰撞與宇宙演化 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Unboxing Museum Storage: Insights from the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Cao, Y.L.;Y.Y. Chen;Y.L. Li;C.I. Li;S.T. Lin;B.R. Lee;C.L. Hsieh;Y.Y. Hsiao;Y.F. Fan;Q. Luo;J.H. Zhao;Y. Yin;W. An;Z.G. Shi;C.N. Chow;W.C. Chang;C.L. Huang;W.H. Chang;Z.J. Liu;W.S. Wu;W.C. Tsai | Wolfberry genome database: integrated genomic datasets for studying molecular biology | Tudorpage |
Li, S.F.;J.W. Liu;I.A. Valdespino;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Microphylls are diverse too: evidence from a structural study of Selaginellaceae | Tudorpage |
Liao, C.Y.;H.Y. Liu;J.D. Birch;J.A. Lutz;C.L. Huang;E.C. Yang;C.C. Peng;W.C. Chao | Identification of longan honey origins using ITS sequencing and next-generation sequencing technology | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L.;J.W. Liu;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Tracking the chloroplast diversity of the ancient genus Selaginella as it adapted to new environments with climate change | Tudorpage |
Liang, Hsin-Yi;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Hsu, Tien-Yu;Yeh, Jen-Yuan | Effect of an AI-based chatbot on students' learning performance in alternate reality game-based museum learning | Tudorpage |
陳君銘;葉鎮源 | 基於情境感知與機器學習引導機制之遊戲式學習模式對學習者學習成效之影響 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 貝珠在原住民服飾的運用 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 賽德克族織接的過去與未來 | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho | 冰與火之歌–冰島的火山與地熱資源 | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho | 重返龐貝古城–火山災難背後的能源寶藏 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(21) 從大象到小臭鼩,排便的相同與不同 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven;Liou, Yao-Ming;Kiota, Arata;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Exploring the relationship between CT scanning resolutions and sandstone porosity for CCS applications | Tudorpage |
Peng SY, Chen CY, Chen H, Yang YP,;Wang ML, Tsai FT, Chien CS, Weng PY, Tsai ET,;Wang IC, Hsu CC, Lin TC, Hwang DK,;Chen SJ, Chiou SH, Chiao C.-C., Chien Y. | Inhibition of angiogenesis by the secretome from iPSC-derived retinal ganglion cells with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy-like phenotypes | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Unboxing Museum Storage: Insights from the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wen-Yu Liao; Shu-Yu Wu; Chia-Ming Hu; Yueh-Yun Tang; Chen, Che-Chih | Three newly recorded wood-decay fungi in subtropical montane cloud forests of Taiwan and a field observation of fungal feeding by the endemic Swinhoe’s pheasant | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷;陳品妤 | 生成式 AI 在博物館數據分析之應用與效益-以國立自 然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Fumi Yoshida;Tsutomu Hayamizu;Hayato Watanabe;Hiroshi Akitaya;Kazuhisa Miyashita;Hirotomo Noda;Mitsuru Sôma;Chilong Lin;Ye Yuan;Wai-Chun Yue;Toshihiro Horaguchi;Sean Marshall | Formation of the International Occultation Timing Association - East Asia (IOTA/EA) and Occultation Observations of Asteroid (3200) Phaethon | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;周俊宏 | 921地震教育園區的再出發 | Tudorpage |
李作婷;譯者:大堀皓平、後藤雅彥 | 台湾旧石器文化の起源を探る -長濱文化の石器技術と古人類資料に関する考察- | Tudorpage |
陳哲志 | 大自然的模仿遊戲:植物與真菌的擬態 | Tudorpage |
董國安;蔣正興 | 2024 台灣科學節 「石在科博、石在有趣」活動記要 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 豆科植物的豆知識 – 食材篇 | Tudorpage |
董國安;蔣正興 | 2024 台灣科學節 「石在科博、石在有趣」活動記要 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Hsin-Drow;Lee, Kwen-Shien | Investigation of the Echinoderm Fauna of South Penghu Marine National Park | Tudorpage |
楊翎;曾美華 | 美國舊金山博物館暨保存修護中心考察、觀摩與交流 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 從北宋水運儀象臺到朝鮮的欽敬閣漏、渾天鐘 | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 一個整新出發的自然歷史展示 : 墨爾本博物館 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Yu-De;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Clark, Rulon W;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Homing behavior of a tree lizard: influences of mating resource and habitat structure | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 印尼藍碧海峽潛旅紀行(三):頭足類小怪物 | Tudorpage |
洪麗智;蔡孟穎 | Apo Uleu(我們的西米)-在婆羅洲雨林裡重新認識西谷米 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 藥魔鬼怪速速退散-民俗反毒特展跨界設計之探討 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 科學展示中的共情與同理 | Tudorpage |
| 由內而外的策展:策展作為博物館使命與辯證合作下的認同發展行動 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 印尼藍碧海峽潛旅紀行(二)泗水玫瑰、麒麟魚及其他小怪物們 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷;黃星達 | 公眾與知識的介面重塑? 從博物館人工智慧技術應用案例探討人機共存議題 | Tudorpage |
王斌威;陳奕廷 | 黑洞與重力波的藝術詮釋:科學與創意的融合與衝擊 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 參觀全世界第一個以微生物為主題的博物館-Micropia | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐;林威宏;黃文山 | 福建大頭蛙的空間利用行為 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Ce;Cui, Heqi;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Su, Ming;Zeng, Letian;Jia, Junmin;Wei, Liangjie | Regional detrital zircon record of the drainage sediments surrounding the South China Sea: Provenance signature and tectonic implications | Tudorpage |
連俊瑋;李銘峰;謝玉鈴 | 使用動機對AR融入博物館展覽滿意度與學習成效影響 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 沖繩縣的文化財保護與推廣所見所聞 | Tudorpage |
董國安;林郁伶;蔣正興 | 礦物分選方法技術及在岩石學研究的重要性 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 臺灣原住民人骨採集與典藏的歷史考察 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬譯;Arthur Wolf 原作 | 族裔是什麼? | Tudorpage |
董國安;林郁伶;蔣正興 | 礦物分選方法技術及在岩石學研究的重要性 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 出席參加日本京都國際昆蟲學大會 | Tudorpage |
羅怡珮;黃榮南;詹美鈴 | 112年度國科會台灣鋏蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)全方位防治技術研究(三) 計畫結案報告 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷;劉憶諄 | 探討互動科技在展示敘事中的多維體驗與效益 | Tudorpage |
蔡孟穎 | 脫「隱」而出: 試論植物蒐藏品在展覽上的局限與力量 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Wen-Qian;Huang, Hsu | Museum Actions for Animal Conservation: Constructing the Exhibition Framework for Advocacy | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 探索 《奇幻自然》 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling | Cryopreservation of Fungi in the National Museum of Natural Science | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物繪:藝起探索兩岸自然美學 | Tudorpage |
Hu, Wei-Hsin;Yang, Kai-Jr;Lai, I-Ling;Liaw, Song-Iuan | Cryopreservation of the vulnerable medicinal plant Nothapodytes nimmoniana (J. Graham) Mebb.’s shoot tips using the vitrification technique: effects of the vitrification procedure and recovery media | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 從巨大到寄生 從深海到陸地 無所不在的甲殼動物-等足類 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 印尼藍碧海峽潛旅紀行 (一) 當地地理景觀與博比特蟲 | Tudorpage |
Cho, Jian-Yi;Rédei, Dávid;Chan, Mei-Ling | A revision of the genus Euhemisphaerius (Hemiptera: fulgoromorpha: issidae), with taxonomic corrections on related genera | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 期待與感受:以IPA分析法探討博物館觀眾滿意度 | Tudorpage |
李世緯;王士偉 | 臺灣首次化石烏賊報導 | Tudorpage |
王斌威;陳奕廷 | 黑洞與重力波的藝術詮釋:科學與創意的融合與衝擊 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei | A possible prehistoric beaching site for cetaceans in southernmost Taiwan | Tudorpage |
洪麗智;林思婷;吳筱柔;許文文;姚秋如 | 向海致敬:中臺灣海洋保育教育中心之建置及願景 | Tudorpage |
洪麗智;林思婷;吳筱柔;許文文;姚秋如 | 向海致敬:中臺灣海洋保育教育中心之建置及願景 | Tudorpage |
洪麗智;林思婷;吳筱柔;許文文;姚秋如 | 向海致敬:中臺灣海洋保育教育中心之建置及願景 國際性會議 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 邁向資訊開放:自然史博物館藏品管理系統2.0 - 以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 包萬才神⽗⽇記對地⽅史研究的意義_ | Tudorpage |
黃鈞彥;周殷菀 | 以設計思考為核心之創新教具開發:透明顯示浮空互動展示櫃在琥珀展中的應用 | Tudorpage |
張英彥;林曉菁;林素止 | 科學博物館推動高齡失智友善學習課程經驗:以3帖「博物館處方箋」為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih | Exploring fungal diversity in East Asia: insights from fungal collections at the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Jing-Fu Tsai | Broadening Access to Natural History: Public Engagement at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan (oral) | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Jing-Fu Tsai | Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: Fire Rescue Drills at the Collections of National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan (oral) | Tudorpage |
Li, Tsuo-Ting | The preservation and management of Archaeological Biofact in Taiwan, and the application of indigenous knowledge | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | “Don’t Keep Naming It Funeral Towel!”: An Advocate of Using Indigenous Knowledge to Name Indigenous Exhibits in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Rahman, Abdur;Chang, Yuan-Pin;Li, Hong-Chun;Chung, Ling-Ho;Chou, Yu-Min;Wang, Liang-Chi | Wildfire-vegetation-climate-human interactions in the central Taiwan region during 17.3–2.0 cal kyr BP, inferred from sediments of Toushe Basin | Tudorpage |
Wang, Ce;Wei, Liangjie;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Foster, D.A.;Cui, Heqi;Su, Ming | Linking Taiwan to the Cathaysia Block during the Cenozoic: Evidence from Pb isotopes in detrital K-feldspar | Tudorpage |
Tang, Hao-Chen;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chou, Chun-Chia;Ho, Chuan-Kai;Huang, Wen-San | Morphological and bone adaptations to gliding behaviors in flying lizards | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling | Fungal communities in Histopteris incisa (Dennstaedtiaceae) around fumaroles in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;莊舒雲 | 2024 日本東北大學與 311 地震海嘯相關考察計畫 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海中映月—海月水母 | Tudorpage |
Chan, Mei-Ling;Chen, Kuo-Xiang;Fan Jiang, Chun-Cheng | Exploring Psocathropos lachlani Ribaga, the Most Synanthropic Household insects in Taiwan: Unveiling the Ecological Insights Through Citizen Science and Climatic Analysis | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;莊舒雲 | 2024日本東北大學與311地震海嘯相關考察計畫 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 臺灣考古遺址鼠類新紀錄種 – 東方田鼠 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民身分法新訂並列傳統名字規定的現實發展 | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Yuan-Hao;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | Two new taxa of Clematis subsection Pierotianae (Ranunculaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chung, Shih-Wen;Hsu, Tian-Chuan;Lin, Che-Wei;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck;Fanerii, Moffat;Pittisopa, Fred;L:i, Chia-Wei | Three new species and new records of Thismia (Thismiaceae) in The Solomon Islands. | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 牛埔遺址出土的梳齒型玉飾研究Research on Comb-Tooth Shaped Jade Ornaments Unearthed from the Niupu Site | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 龍泉村遺址發掘簡報 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | Nutrition and Wellbeing in the 18th Century China: A Difficult Answer by Qing Criminals Records | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Trevor Padgett; Yi-Ying Chien; Ko-Hsuan Chen | Novel and interesting species of Aspergillus and Penicillium (Eurotiales, Ascomycota) in an uplifted coral reef tropical forest in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
林郁伶 | 隱身於河內都市叢林的博物館 – 越南國立自然博物館 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Yu-Hsiang;Li, Hou-Feng;Chan, Mei-Ling | A Review of the Beetle Genus Corticarina of Taiwan, with Description of a New Species (Coleoptera, Latridiidae) | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 住在我們家附近的白海豚 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 蘭嶼花崗岩的再發現 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(二十) 自然和文化美學交融的科普基地–福岡市植物園 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 番仔園文化的陶容器 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chen, Yun-Ru;Lee, Yao-Chang;Wang, Chun-Chieh;Shiau, Liang-Jian | A chemicaotaxonomical survey of Southeast Asian fossil resins and its taphonomical implications for their fossilization processes | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | AI時代下-博物館人機協作的契機與角力 | Tudorpage |
Lien-Siang Chou+;Chiou-Ju Yao+;Ming-Chih Wang;Wei-Lien Chi;Yun Ho;Wei-Cheng Yang* | Cetacean Stranding Response Program and Spatial–Temporal Analysis in Taiwan, 1994–2018 | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 華麗外表的致命吸引力:蜘蛛體色對獵物的視覺吸引 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民身分宜各族自決與優惠應區別的理想與現實 | Tudorpage |
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林志隆 | 2024 年底的大彗星會是真的嗎? | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 身在博物館心嚮物外智 —科學學習理論在博物館學習經驗的應用 | Tudorpage |
Mii, Horng-Sheng;Lin, Kai-He;Lee, Meng-Yang;Li, Kuang-Ti;Wang, Shih-Wei | Early Holocene Paleoenvironment of Matsu Area Inferred from Stable Isotope Records of Archaeological Mollusk Shells | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 科技驅動下的博物館運營改造:以AI會議記錄助手為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan | Effects of a game-based learning approach utilizing context awareness and machine learning guided mechanisms on learners' learning performance | Tudorpage |
連士賢;蕭琮諭;蕭語富;廖俊棋;姚秋如;楊子睿 | 一件臺灣真露脊鯨屬鼓泡化石的形態描述及初步分類 | Tudorpage |
陳韻如;蕭昀;蕭良堅;黃能偉;顏一勤;李耀昌;陳婧;梁碧清;楊子睿 | 臺灣首件內含節肢動物之化石樹脂初探 | Tudorpage |
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紀子勤;楊子睿;張鈞翔 | 墾丁石灰岩洞穴之鼬獾化石研究 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;van Heteren, Anneke H.;Yao, Chiou-Ju | A possible prehistoric beaching site for whales and dolphins in southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
莊智凱;楊子睿;魏國彥;李孟陽 | 恆春西台地頭溝地區四溝層鈣質超微化石生物地層年代再探 | Tudorpage |
陳婧;周冠宇;吳筱柔;連士賢;楊子睿 | 恆春頭溝巨大鬚鯨化石的埋藏與發掘 | Tudorpage |
何亞臻;紀子勤;楊子睿 | 臺灣南部四溝層麂屬下頜骨化石之初步研究 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Zong-Dai;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Lowenmark, Ludvig | Paleoenvironment of the Szekou Formation in West Hengchun Hill: chronostratigraphic constraints from a literature review | Tudorpage |
Liu, Yao-Ming;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Koika, Arata;Liou, Ya-Hsuan;Huang, Jyh-Jaan Steven | Multi-scale evaluation of reservoir sandstones porosity: a digital rock physics perspective by using computed tomography (CT) | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 材? 不材? 木的故事與演化 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 居家蟲蟲風水師 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古遺址出土生態遺留標本的保存與管理 | Tudorpage |
黃巧慈;徐澔德;王士偉;謝凱旋 | 臺灣南部恆春西台地貓鼻頭石灰岩層序地層與沉積環境 | Tudorpage |
謝凱旋;王士偉 | 恆春西臺地北段HC-5和HC-8鑽井岩心微體化石生物地層研究 | Tudorpage |
林殷田;王士偉;簡至暐;王珮玲;葉世國;徐敬閎 | 台灣西南部古冷泉碳酸鹽成岩過程中穩定同位素組成之意義 | Tudorpage |
林楷和;米泓生;李孟陽;李匡悌;王士偉 | 全新世早期遺址貽貝殼體穩定同位素紀錄所反映之馬祖亮島地區古環境 | Tudorpage |
王宣之;張英如;王士偉 | 臺灣西南部甲仙地區冷泉碳酸鹽之生物指標化合物與甲烷滲流古環境探討 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Hsiung, Kan-Hsi;Yu, Ho-Shing | A foreland basin with two distinct modern sediment dispersal systems: An example from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yu-Ling Lin;Tung-Yi Lee;Hao-Yang Lee;Yoshiyuki Iizuka;Xiao-Jun Peng | Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology on Matsu beach sands: the depositional signature of small mountainous islands | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | ke’ na 'Tayal 說族語:以原住民族語命名的動植礦物 | Tudorpage |
郭揚義 | 遇見自然,遇見自己:2024年科博館新常設展「奇幻自然」 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Jia-Qi;Liao, Yu-Ju;Chen, Ying-Chun;Lee, Yung-I and Chang, Chen | Floral Initiation, Organogenesis, and Flowering of Mature Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune ‘Edgard Van Belle’ Award of Merit/American Orchid Society Plants Derived from Divisions | Tudorpage |
Nieder, Carolin;Heatwole, Siobhan Jean;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lee, Chen-Lu;Chen, Chaolun Allen;Liu, Shao-Lun | Testing sea urchin and green sea turtle consumption of the allelopathic macroalga Galaxaura divaricata | Tudorpage |
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陳叔倬 | 澳洲原住民第一知識叢書:歌徑、設計、族鄉、天文、植物、法律、創新 | Tudorpage |
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董國安 | 甘肅地質博物館之岩石礦物廳 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 鐵器時代滅絕的臺灣哺乳動物及其代表的環境變遷 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;莊昀叡;郭昱廷 | 集集地震後中部地區影響河道變化相關地形研究 | Tudorpage |
Kiel, Steffen;Birgel, Daniel;Peckmann, Jörn;Wang, Shih-Wei | An overview of Miocene to Pleistocene methane-seep faunas from Taiwan- Paleoecology and paleobiogeographic implications | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 從澳洲原住民第一知識叢書出版比較兩國原住民族知識體系建構 | Tudorpage |
| 第38屆自然史蒐藏保存學會年會參訪紀要 | Tudorpage |
何旻杰;王士偉;郭兆揚 | 滾滾紅球―淺談台灣的紅球 | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 岩石解謎 – 來自一塊漂流木的聯想 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 龍泉村遺址的史前墓葬 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 我們與「核」的距離 Part 3:南韓千年古都慶州的中低階核廢料最終處置場 | Tudorpage |
Chao,Jui-Lung; Lee,Kwen-Shen;Chang,Hsueh-Wen | Lithobius (Ezembius) daliensis sp. nov. , a new species of centipede from Yunnan, China (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae) | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 國內原住民族典藏文物的轉型正義與返還 | Tudorpage |
Wang, T.-H.;Lin, H.-C. K.;Li, C.-T. | Emerging trends in sustainable design: Integrating museums for a resilient future | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 古笨港遺址出土銅錢之研究 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 食物、身體與禁忌: 以臺灣當代民間流通善書為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Leucospora multifida (Michx.) Nutt. (Plantagiaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 當名畫遇見毒品特展展示設計之探討 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 化石的原鄉 動物的天堂 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(10) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(11) | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 從臺中惠來遺址出土動植物土壤遺留看史前環境變化 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 山林裡的南島語族-陳有貝教授開創性的新著 | Tudorpage |
Shi-Ping Huang, Jhan-Wei Lin, Chun-Chia Chou, Chen-Pan Liao, Jung-Ya Hsu, Jing-Fu Tsai, Shao-Lun Liu, Wen-San Huang* | Dances with wolves: the demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system | Tudorpage |
Yue Li; Chen, Che-Chih; Shuang-Hui He | New corticioid taxa in Phanerochaetaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia | Tudorpage |
Yi-Chung Lin; Chi-Yu Chen; Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu | Inonotus chrysomarginatus, a newly recorded species in Taiwan, and a list of Taiwan’s known Inonotus species as well as segregated species from the genus | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(12) – 中到晚侏羅世:蓄勢待發到開枝散葉 | Tudorpage |
Pang, Chi-Hsiu;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Lin, Shu-Hong;Chang, Ying-Ju;Shiau, Liang-Jian;Chen, Chih-Tung;Chung-Pai, Chang;Li, Lo | First discovery of amber resin in Lichi Mélange, Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yu-Chen Kuo;Yu-Hsuan Lin;Tao-Hua Wang; Bo-Yue Chuang | The Influence of Distance Education & Peer Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Effectiveness, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Ability, and Cognitive Load | Tudorpage |
van Heteren, Anneke;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | A new fossil brown bear subspecies from the Middle to Late Pleistocene of the Penghu Channel (Taiwan) and a geometric morphometric assessment of bears (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) in Southeast Asia | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴;楊子睿;余秀蕙;劉靜文 | 博物館展示評量:以國立自然學博物館琥珀特展為例 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(13) – 中到晚侏羅世:迢迢登天路 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(14) – 晚侏羅世:莫里遜層的難題(上) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(15) – 晚侏羅世:莫里遜層的難題(中) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(1) 動物糞便:人類生活的好幫手 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(2) 鯨魚便便的玄機 | Tudorpage |
Chou, Kuan-Yu;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Chi, Kai-Jung;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Raise your head: Evaluating mechanical advantage of predorsal region of terrestrial quadrupedal amniotes | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古動態最前線!大肚營埔遺址搶救發掘速報 | Tudorpage |
Jung-Ya Hsu1,2, Chen-Pan Liao1, Chun-Chia Chou1, Jhan-Wei Lin1, Ren-Chung Cheng2, Wen-San Huang1,2,3* | Negative density-regulated contest performance promotes conflict resolution | Tudorpage |
許文柔 | 國立自然科學博物館921地震教育園區訪客趨勢與網站使用者行為分析 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Leucospora multifida (Michx.) Nutt. (Plantagiaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. Martin | The Reproductive Biology of Oviraptorosaurs: a Synthesis | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 熱帶雨林的葉葉皆美麗(一) | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 巴黎外方傳教會的「本地化」策略及其在臺灣東海岸形塑的特色 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung-Hua | Developing Natural History Museum Object-Based Inquiry for Museum’s Group Visitors | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 彰化田中珍貴的福佬客宅院 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 觀音信仰的演變:臺灣的宗教多樣性與文化融合 | Tudorpage |
Shan;Hsi-Yin | 能用腳壓碎帶殼獵物的三葉蟲 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 探討臺中某校高一學生對720度環景虛擬展示的觀感 -以「繽紛的生命」特展為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 排灣族祖靈柱國寶登錄的多元敘事 | Tudorpage |
| 《臺中市沙鹿區南勢坑遺址》 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 中部人說故事 兼錄黃炫星先生捐贈水蛙窟遺址標本 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 再訪八仙洞 | Tudorpage |
| 〈台灣史前時代的灰黑陶〉 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 論博物館使命 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館與公共領域的距離:一個社會議題展覽的分析 | Tudorpage |
Yasunaga, Tomohide;Yamada, Kazutaka;Tsai, Jing-Fu | New genera and new species of remarkably large-sized or uniquely-shaped mirine plant bugs from Taiwan (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Shi-Ping;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Liu, Shao-Lun;Huang, Wen-San | Dance with wolves: The demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Jing-Fu;Ong, Uitsiann;Huang, Yao-Ting;Jeng, Ming-Luen | Exploring the Utility of the scAnt 3D Model Platform for Insect Specimens: A Case Study of the Entomological Collection at the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Jang, Chern-Mei;Lee, Min-Feng;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Exploring the Advancement and Implementation of the Archival Management System for Natural History Specimens and Artifacts: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan) | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Making Collections Accessible to the Public: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan. SPNHC 38th Annual Meeting (Oral). | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 來自澎湖水道的澎湖原人 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 博物館新定義 科博館新使命 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 在海之濱–古生物的奇幻世界 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 澎湖原人再現 | Tudorpage |
van Heteren, Anneke Helen;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | A new Pleistocene fossil brown bear from the Penghu Channel (Taiwan) and a geometric morphometric assessment of bears (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) from Southeast Asia | Tudorpage |
van Heteren, Anneke Helen;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | A possible beaching site for whales and dolphins in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
CHANG, Chun-Hsiang;KUO, Yang-Yi;JANG, Chern-Mei | The Collections as a Foundation of Conservation: The Case of the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
IWASAKI, Kodai;KIM, Haengyoong;KAWAMURA, Ai;KAWAMURA, Yoshinari;CHANG, Chun-Hsiang;MITAMURA, Muneki | Development of Holocene terraces along the Tsailiao River in the Western Foothills, southwest Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, Kuan-Yu;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Chi, Kai-Jung;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Raise your head: evaluating mechanical advantage of thepredorsal region of terrestrial quadrupedal amniotes | Tudorpage |
Liao, Chun-Chi;Wu, Hsiao-Jou;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Time to Rock n’ Roll! How do sauropods roll their eggs while rocking the world? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(3) 揭開龍涎香之謎 | Tudorpage |
Chen, T.-C.;M.-L. Jeng | First Record of the Amethyst Cedar Border, Semanotus amethystinus (LeConte) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Shi-Hong Gu;Chien-Hung Chen;Chia-Hao Chang;Pei-Ling Lin | Expression of tyrosine phosphatases in relation to PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Shi-Hong Gu;Pei‐Ling Lin;Chia-Hao Chang | Expressions of sugar transporter genes during Bombyx mori embryonic development | Tudorpage |
Shi-Hong Gu;Pei‐Ling Lin | Signaling in cAMP-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 發現抗衰老新藥!蛹蟲草之開發及利用 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 不可能的任務!蠶寶寶竟然吐出蜘蛛絲? | Tudorpage |
Jhan-Wei Lin1, †, Chen-Pan Liao1,2, †, Chun-Chia Chou1,3†, Rulon W. Clark4, Hui-Yun Tseng1, 5, Jung-Ya Hsu1 and Wen-San Huang, 1,2,6 | Loss of sea turtle eggs drives the collapse of an insular reptile community | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(4) 改變人類歷史的便便 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(5) 一群用特殊消化法排出的生物 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;張瀛之 | 「科畫博物」特展—邀請您來領「繪」科學之美 | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L.;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Selaginella diversified in angiosperm-dominated forests | Tudorpage |
Kuo, Y. C.;Lin, H. C. K.;Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H., & Chuang, B. Y | The Influence of Distance Education and Peer Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Effectiveness, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Ability, and Cognitive Load. | Tudorpage |
Lin, Y. H.; Lin, H. C. K.;Wang, T. H;Wu, C. H. | Integrating the STEAM-6E Model with Virtual Reality Instruction: The Contribution to Motivation, Effectiveness, Satisfaction, and Creativity of Learners with Diverse Cognitive Styles | Tudorpage |
陳君銘;葉鎮源;徐典裕 | 結合情境感知與環景導覽引導機制之遊戲式行動導覽學習模式對學 習者學習動機與成效之影響Investigating the Impact of a Game-based Mobile Learning Approach that Integrates Context Awareness and 720° 3D Navigation on Learners’ Motivation and Learning Effectiveness | Tudorpage |
Chao, W.C.;C.L. Huang;E.C. Yang | Plant species composition analysis of longan honey from Taiwan and Thailand using DNA metabarcoding | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(6) 當動物便便排不出去怎麼辦? | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | A newly naturalized plant in Taiwan: Hydrocotyle acutiloba (F. Muell.) N.A. Wakef. (Araliaceae) | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 雲南與四川的高山野花紀錄 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 以科學素材進行本土教育推廣:常設展-實作-本土科技研究簡史結合的取向 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chun-Jung | Element mapping of the Esquel pallasite by micro X-ray fluorescence analysis | Tudorpage |
Young-Seog Kim, Sambit Prasanajit Naik, Jin-Hyuck Choi, Kwangmin Jin, Gong-Ruei Ho, Taehyung Kim, Jinhyun Lee | Kinematic analysis and fault-dependence of building-wall fracture patterns during moderate earthquakes | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 墾丁竟然有花豹! | Tudorpage |
蕭琮諭;李孟陽;張鈞翔 | 臺灣也有大貓?澎湖動物群虎化石的新發現! | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 澎湖水道的化石瑰寶 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 臺灣古哺乳動物群的特色 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原民知識第一知識:澳洲原住民知識圖書特展 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(7) 動物便便也可以變成防禦武器? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 動物身外之物(8) 一群長得像大便的動植物 | Tudorpage |
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| The Influence of Distance Education and Peer Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Effectiveness, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Ability, and Cognitive Load | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Chien-Chih Chen, Hsin-Hua Huang, Sheng-Rong Song, Chih-Wen Chiang, Yi-Chia Lu, Chyi Wang | The geothermal reservoir characteristics of metamorphic terrain, an initiative of geological and geophysical survey of Qingshui, Tuchang, and Renze, NE Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee and the YES team | Late-stage horizontal extension and horizontal flow at the shallow level during exhumation of high-pressure rocks in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 歐本海默與天文研究 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 蘭嶼的海洋哺乳動物 | Tudorpage |
Wu J. J.-S.;Chiao C.-C. | Switching by cuttlefish of preying tactics targeted at moving prey | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 臺中清水社口尾遺址發掘簡報與考古新發現 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 雲南的特殊蔬果食材 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Jhan-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chou, Chun-Chia;Clark, Rulon W.;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Loss of sea turtle eggs drives the collapse of an insular reptile community | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 我們與「核」的距離 Part 2:福島核災區見聞 | Tudorpage |
Shahid Naeem (Introduce our work in Science) | Shifting subsidies restructure food webs | Tudorpage |
Chou, Cong-Yuan;Yan, Yung-Jhe;Yang, Chieh-Han;Yu, Tzu-Yi;Huang, Chun-Yen;Tsai, Yu Hsiang;Ou-Yang, Mang | Distributed Computing Design for Augmented Reality System of Tour Bus | Tudorpage |
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陳君榮 | 螢石哪有這麼正 | Tudorpage |
賴宜鈴; 許菁菁; 胡維新 | 環境逆境對銀葉秋海棠光合作用生理之影響 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Wen-Hsing;Lin, Ssu-TIng;Lau, Tak-Cheung | Museum as a Dialogue Platform: Integrating SocialIssues into Guided Tours | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 國科會111年度 「科普活動:我家蟲住民巡迴展與科普教育(主題四)」研究計畫成果報告 | Tudorpage |
Yi, De-Cheng;Chuang, Ray Y.;Chung, Ling-Ho;Lin, Ching-Weei;Rau, Ruey-Juin | Surface deformation induced by the 2016 Meinong earthquake and its implications to active folds | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Jung-Ya;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Huang, Wen-San | Negative density-regulated contest performance promotes conflict resolution in a tree lizard | Tudorpage |
Chen, H. -R.;Lin, W. -S;Hsu,,T. -Y.;Lin, T. -C. | Applying Smart Glasses in Situated Exploration for Learning English in a National Science Museum | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 聖物、標本、藝術到珍寶:從大洋洲物質文化的博物館誌談起 | Tudorpage |
Shu-Yu Wu; Wen-Yu Liao; Chen, Che-Chih | New records of macrofungi from montane cloud forest of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
李昱稼; 彭冠傑; 陳哲志; 歐玠皓; 黃尹則 | 田野採集菇類樣本的最適DNA保存液探討 | Tudorpage |
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陳奕廷 | 運用AutoML實現博物館數據分析的創新實踐 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 我國各國立博物館參觀人數變化研究—人口變遷以及疫情影響 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 以聯合策展作為原住民族文化館館員專業發展與協力的方法:「我們群祭啦:中區原住民族文化館聯合特展」的案例分析 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 「營埔遺址搶救發掘計畫」成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 地震記憶的保存 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | ke’ na ‘Tayal 說族語:以原住民族語命名的動植礦物 | Tudorpage |
| 清水・中社遺址出土人骨的牙齒 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 公民科學家的力量—標本蒐藏的新來源 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 彩色世界:光的三原色與視覺 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Yu-Ling;Lee, Tung-Yi;Lee, Hao-Yang;Iizuka, Yoshiyuki;Quek, Long Xiang;Punya Charusiri | Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Lan Sang gneisses and its tectonic implications for the Mae Ping shear zone, NW Thailand | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民科學布袋戲在科博館科普教育的理論與實務 | Tudorpage |
Lu, Chih-Yu | 以生成學習觀點初探科學繪圖競賽作品之學習意義 | Tudorpage |
CHEN,YI-TING | Integrating AI Technology in Museum Interactive Animations: A Case Study on Taiwanese Indigenous Fire Mythology | Tudorpage |
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李作婷 | 用火與窯之秘辛,「臺灣陶瓷史」新書推介 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo;Batu Yulan | A Tug of War for the Unconstitutional Judgment to Taiwan Indigenous Status Act | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung Hua | Between the lines of natural and cultural heritage: A case study of a science museum field trip plan | Tudorpage |
Wei-Ting Chuang; Chen, Che-Chih; Chia-Lin Chung | Ceriporia lacerata may be a potential tree pathogen | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 111年憲判字第4號中優惠應區別與身分宜各族自決的理想與現實 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 日本東北仙台城下的地底森林世界-富沢遺跡 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 借助AI的力量打造特展多媒體互動節目 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 獵人與獵物的海洋躲貓貓(下)—形與色的巧思 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 科博館,小黑蚊到底在哪裡? | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 驚奇的礦物之旅:探訪德國Terra Mineralia博物館 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(二十) 花園城市的領航者–新加坡植物園(二) | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 美國礦物寶石展示考察之行 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣鬚鯨謎蹤 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 「鈴芽之旅」中沒有提到的日本大地震 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Xiao, Jun-Xiang | Using herbarium collections to study fungal endophyte communities in leaves | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling | A legendary mushroom of traditional Chinese medicine in the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館幕後的精彩-「蒐藏庫大開箱」活動 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 獵人與獵物的海洋躲貓貓(上)—光與影的心機 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Mei-Jung;Tsai, Jing-Fu | Making Collections Accessible to the Public: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan. SPNHC 38th Annual Meeting (oral). | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族繼嗣與婚嫁的統計呈現 | Tudorpage |
| 〈清水・中社遺址出土人骨的牙齒研究〉 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chuang, Ray Y.;Jiang, Zhaorong;Kuo, Yu Ting | Two decade erosion process near the Chelongpu fault at Toubiankengxi, Central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Cheng, Kai-Chien;Lee, Yuanhsi;Hsueh, Yachun;Lo, Yu-Tsung;Chuang, Ray Y. | The dense gravity data of Liyushan mud volcano in southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
JANG, Chern-Mei;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Lee, Min-Feng | 自然史標本與文物管理系統的發展:以臺灣國立自然科學博物館的經營實務為例 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | BAU Production in the SN-Breaking Standard Model | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 深度解析鈴芽的地震之旅 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 史前時代的溫度魔法,談「同火的日子」特展 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 非裔美國人歷史博物館-從沉重到希望,融合大量互動科技多媒體的參觀體驗 | Tudorpage |
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陳叔倬 | 原住民族文化館人力資源議題探討 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | The Ethnic Differences of Repatriating Anthropological Relics in Taiwan Museums | Tudorpage |
CHANG, Chun-Hsiang;JANG, Chern-Mei;KUO, Yang-Yi | 蒐藏作為保育基礎:以臺灣國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Hsu,Tien-Yu | Investigating the Impact of a Game-based Mobile Learning Approach that Integrates Context Awareness and 720° 3D Navigation on Learners’ Motivation and Learning Effectiveness | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 《文化資產保存法》與《原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例》的法律競合二例探討 | Tudorpage |
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郭周昱;王良傑;莊智凱;王士偉;米泓生 | 臺南左鎮區二寮棘皮動物化石之研究報導 | Tudorpage |
黃巧慈;黃巧慈;王士偉;謝凱旋 | 臺灣南部恆春西台地貓鼻頭石灰岩之沉積環境初探 | Tudorpage |
Minh, Le Thu;Mii,, Horng-Sheng;Wang, Shih-Wei | Mid-Holocene paleoenvironment of northern Taiwan indicated by stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions and Sr/Ca ratios of coral skeleton from Lishanbi, New Taipei City | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Yu, Ho-Shing | Controls of submarine canyons connected to shore during the LGM sea-level rise | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 星象儀的百年演進:探索逼真模擬星空的歷史與未來 | Tudorpage |
Li-Wan Chang;Shau-Ting Chiu;Chang-Fu Hsieh | Contrasting spatial distribution of pioneer versus non-pioneer saplings in a Taiwanese forest: A multiple scale approach | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 臺灣雲杉的故事:樹輪的解析 | Tudorpage |
李作婷;劉憶諄 | 同火的日子-人與火的故事 | Tudorpage |
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Hong-Wun Chen;Ai-Qun Hu;Li-Wei Tsai;Meng-Ying Tsai;Shih-Hui Liu;Yu-Hsin Tseng;Kuo-Fang Chung | Adaptive significance of stomatal cluster and hypodermis in Asian Begonia: Insights from phylogenetic comparative analyses of a mega-diverse genus | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 疫病的「善」知識——民間善書的身體對證經驗和療癒觀研究 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 隆起珊瑚礁區的「葉」間偵探 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 美國自然史博物館西北海岸原住民文物展廳:轉型正義的新視角 | Tudorpage |
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林志隆 | 捷報!臺灣首次多點聯合觀測海外天體掩星成功 | Tudorpage |
Lo, Yun-Chia;Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I.-Min | Nocturnal and diurnal predator and prey interactions with crab spider color polymorphs | Tudorpage |
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Shih, Min-Yen;Chung, Ling-Ho;Liu, Hou-Chun;Chen, Yan-Hong;You, Chen-Feng | Tracing sediments provenance in Puli Basin using Sr-Nd isotopic compositions | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 博物館蒐藏庫的智慧管理 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 義大利地震圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Shi-Ping;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Chou, Chun-Chia;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Liu, Shao-Lun;Huang, Wen-San | Dances with wolves: The demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 四神天地書,守護國立自然科學博物館的受保護樹木 | Tudorpage |
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鄭凱謙;溫士忠;鍾令和 | 臺灣西南部泥貫入體地下質量變化與地表變形特性監測 (1) | Tudorpage |
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Antoine, Pierre-Olivier;Reyes, Marian C; Amano, Noel;Bautista, Angel P;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Claude, Julien; De Vos, John;Ingicco, Thomas | A new rhinoceros clade from the Pleistocene of Asia sheds light on mammal dispersals to the Philippines | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 茶感官品鑑可以不同嗎--從品茗圈的茶氣說談起 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H. et al. | PKC signaling involved in PTTH-stimulated prothoracic glands in the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Choi, Seung;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Moreno-Azanza, Miguel;Zhang, Shukang;Kim, Noe-Heon | MA: Triassic sauropodomorph eggshell might not be soft | Tudorpage |
Liu, J.W.;C.L. Huang;I.A. Valdespino;J.F. Ho;T.Y. Lee;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Morphological and phylogenetic evidence that the novel leaf structures of multivein Selaginella schaffneri are derived traits | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 一種寄生性的甲蟲:紹達杉蟬寄甲的發生季節(二) | Tudorpage |
David Rédei;Jing-Fu Tsai | A revision of Scutellera (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) | Tudorpage |
Huang, T.H.;Y.C. Lin;C.L. Huang;I.F. Sun | Seedling survival simultaneously determined by conspecific, heterospecific, and phylogenetically-related neighbors and habitat heterogeneity in a subtropical forest in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Serjania mexicana (Sapindaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
許美蓉;張莉慧;吳詩雯;許文柔 | 公部門見習生學習成效及滿意度之評析:以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Mason Chen-Wei Huang1†, Chen-Pan Liao2 †, Chun-Chia Chou2†, Jhan-Wei Lin2, and Wen-San Huang2,3* | Size of snake eyes correlates with habitat types and diel activity patterns | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 109年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石(主題一)】 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 虎虎生風 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(1) | Tudorpage |
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Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. M. | The reproductive biology of oviraptorosaurs: a synthesis | Tudorpage |
Xing, Lida;Niu, Kecheng;Miyashita, Tetsuto;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Hadrosauroid eggs and embryos from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Jiangxi Province, China | Tudorpage |
Mallon, Jordan;Xing, Lida;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Wang, Donghao;Miyashita, Tetsuto | New embryos from the Upper Cretaceous of China help polarize reproductive strategy in duck-billed dinosaurs | Tudorpage |
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Yu, Sheng-Kun;Wang, Chiu-Mei;Wang, Kuo-Hsiung;Lin, Tsan-Piao | Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola, a new orchid species of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Yue Li; Shuang-Hui He; Chen, Che-Chih; Karen K. Nakasone; Hai-Xia Ma | Global taxonomy and phylogeny of Irpicaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of seven new species and proposals of two new combinations | Tudorpage |
Chia-Ling Wei; Chen, Che-Chih; Shuang-Hui He; Sheng-Hua Wu | Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis gen. et sp. nov. of the Punctulariaceae (Corticiales, Basidiomycota) revealed by molecular data | Tudorpage |
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何恭算 | 火山噴發的產物-浮石 | Tudorpage |
Liao, C.Y.;J.F. Ho;C.L. Huang;I.H. Sung;W.C. Chao | Identification of pollen species in Taiwan by using DNA barcoding | Tudorpage |
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屈慧麗 | 臺中市西屯區惠國段31地號考古遺址發掘成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;王素芬 | 科技考古 | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Jun-Ming;Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Hsu,Tien-Yu | Impacts of a Context-Awareness Game-based Mobile Guiding Learning approach on Learners' Learning Motivation and Performance | Tudorpage |
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Shing Hei Zhan;Ling Chen;Chen-Pan Liao;Wun-Ruei Chang;Cheng-Chin Li;Guang-You Tang;Ching-Yu Liou;Wei-Lung Wang;Shih-Wei Wang;Shao-Lun Liu | Geographic distance, sedimentation, and substrate shape cryptic crustose coralline algal assemblages in the world’s largest subtropical intertidal algal reef | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Zong-Dai;Liu, Hou-Chun;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Are dinosaur egg shape parameters indicative of their flight ability? | Tudorpage |
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單希瑛 | 三葉蟲的眼睛構造與身世追尋 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;王冠文;李芷綾;鄒瑞陽 | 台中市沙鹿區南勢坑遺址 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Liu, Sze-Chieh;Siringan, Fernando P.;Gallentes, Adonis | Multiple severe storms revealed by coral boulders at Pasuquin, northwestern Luzon, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
楊翎主編 | 無界∞鏡相:科學攝影事件簿2020~2021 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 無界∞鏡相:博物館影像的辯證與傳奇 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(8) | Tudorpage |
趙偉村;林奐宇;黃婉如;何佳芳;黃俊霖 | 臺灣槲櫟族群的遺傳多樣性 | Tudorpage |
Yue Li; Karen K. Nakasone; Chen, Che-Chih; Chang-Lin Zhao; Ting Cao; Hai-Sheng Yuan; Shuang-Hui He | Taxonomy and phylogeny of Cystostereaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): a new genus, five new species and three new combinations | Tudorpage |
林素甘;張莉慧 | 臺灣學術圖書館參考館員對嵌入式館員服務的認知與看法 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 屎有明訊:恐龍便便裡的名堂(9) | Tudorpage |
Wang;Pin-Wei | SDSS-IV MaNGA: Unveiling Galaxy Interaction by Merger Stages with Machine Learning | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 國立自然科學博物館內遠端遙控天文台建置 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 藝境 · 異遇-追尋古菱齒象的跨海蹤跡 | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 龍膽,來龍去脈 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族文物博物館典藏的轉型正義與返還議題探討 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如;楊茵洳 | 如何研究野生哺乳動物得覓食習性 | Tudorpage |
Jen-Yuan Yeh;Cheng-Jung Tsai | A Graph-based Feature Selection Method for Learning to Rank Using Spectral Clustering for Redundancy Minimization and Biased PageRank for Relevance Analysis | Tudorpage |
悠蘭.多又;陳叔倬 | 天人之際:瓦歷斯諾幹文字中的泰雅族世界觀 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 找家:回到人與萬物共存的希望星球-一場生命演化的精彩大戲 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕;葉鎮源;陳君銘;劉杏津 | 終身樂學與樂活智慧博物館的理想與實踐 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 建構可永續經營的智慧博物館 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 從品茗圈的普洱茶氣說到烏龍茶消費—以凍頂茶區為例 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 館藏林氏家族構件介紹 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 尋找二水的東螺社人 | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng;Yang, Bi-Hua | Russula lithocarpi sp. nov. and Lactarius sulphosmus, two gasteroid species of Russulaceae (Basidiomycota) found in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsiao, Shih-Hsiang;Lai, Bao-Cheng | New species of the genus Rapisma (Insecta: Neuroptera: Ithonidae) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;閻玲達 | 臺中安和遺址墓葬與人骨分析 | Tudorpage |
蔡孟穎;范綱祐;許毓純 | 植物界的孔明借東風—風力傳播的花粉多樣性 | Tudorpage |
陳盈君;楊璧瑜;曾建興;張正 | 模擬儲架小包裝方法對百合鱗莖外觀品質及鱗片全可溶性固形物含量之影響 | Tudorpage |
Liu, H. L;Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K;Lai, C. F. | The influence of affective feedback adaptive learning system on learning engagement and self-directed learning | Tudorpage |
Wu, C. H.;Lin, H. C. K; Wang, T. H.;Huang, T. H. | Affective Mobile Language Tutoring System for Supporting Language Learning | Tudorpage |
Kuo, Y. C.;Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.; Lin, H. C. K. | Student learning effect using flipped classroom with WPSA learning mode-An Example of Programming Design Course | Tudorpage |
Ruvishika S. Jayawardena; Kevin D. Hyde; Song Wang et al. | Fungal diversity notes 1512–1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa | Tudorpage |
洪惠娟;張正;陳美齡;陳盈君 | 臺灣原生鐵炮型百合之早熟開花及鱗莖生育選拔 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 無界∞鏡相:影像的辯證與傳奇 | Tudorpage |
Sloat, Solomon A;Noble, Luke M;Paaby, Annalise B;Bernstein, Max A | Caenorhabditis nematodes colonize ephemeral resource patches in neotropical forests | Tudorpage |
Yu-Chen Kuo;Yu-Hsuan Lin;Hao-Chiang Koong Lin;Ju-I Chen | Flipped Classroom Combined with WPAQ Learning Mode on Student Learning Effect - An Example of Programming Design Course | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B. Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee, Lucas Mesalles, Ching-Weei Lin, Wei Lo, Chung-Pai Chang | A new interpretation of the metamorphic core in the Taiwan orogen: A regional-scale, left-lateral shear zone that accommodated highly oblique plate convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee | A new interpretation of the metamorphic core in the Taiwan orogen: A regional-scale, left-lateral shear zone that accommodated highly oblique plate convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene. | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Timothy B Byrne | The Metamorphic Fabrics in the Taroko High-strain zone of Taiwan Mountain Belt: A Regional-scale, Left-lateral Shear Zone that Accommodated Highly Oblique Plate Convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene. | Tudorpage |
Chung T.-T.;Darmaillacq A.-S.;Dickel L.;Chiao C.-C. | The effect of unexpected rewards on decision making in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Kuo T.-H.;Sneddon L.U.;Spencer J.W.;Chiao C.-C. | Impact of lidocaine on pain-related grooming in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Ching-Chung;Pan, Ernian;Hwang, Cheinway;Cheng, Kai-chien;Chung, Ling-Ho;Ching, Kuo-En | Gravimetric and Geometrical Deformaton due to Faults and Mud Diapir Instrusion in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 牛罵頭文化的陶器 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 博物館特展行銷之實踐 | Tudorpage |
Shi-Hong Gu*;Chia-Hao Chang;Pei-Ling Lin | Bombyxin-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in relation to sugar transporter/trehalase expressions in Bombyx prothoracic glands | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Chien, I-Tzu | Pezicula neosporulosa, a fungal endophyte from Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae) newly recorded in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 幫人類工作的黑麴菌 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 大家一起”凍”起來 臺灣可見到的製果凍植物 | Tudorpage |
Tung Kuo-An;Tseng Chien-Yuan | Sr-Nd Isotopic and Geochemical Studies of Basement Rocks along the Southern Margin of the Alaxa Massif, NE China | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 感官體驗美食—博物館裡的星星們! | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 響應世界母語日活動觀眾研究:觀眾對母語教學活動的感受及魚類辨識、食用、保育知識初探 | Tudorpage |
黃星達;鄒佩琪 | 初探疫情下的自然史博物館環境教育實踐樣貌:以國立臺灣博物館與國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 博物館與企業攜手關懷地球:以國立自然科學博物館「國際北極熊日」活動為例 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 博物館與企業攜手關懷地球:以國立自然科學博物館「國際北極熊日」活動為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 連結傳統於未來—原住民族實驗教育影展專刊 | Tudorpage |
Jung-Ya Hsu | Dances with wolves: The demographic consequence of asymmetric competition and intraguild predation in a native-invasive skink system | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 探討開放資料結合生態環境教育之價值與應用 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 百年封藏跨海迴返與再現之徑:以馬偕牧師蒐藏臺灣原住民文物為例 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;陳志誠;莊梓民;翁慈遠 | 清水.中社遺址出土人骨的整理與研究 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 關山地震、池上地震與民國四十年的玉里地震 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 浴火重生後的真菌 | Tudorpage |
Nieder, Carolin;Liao, Chen-Pan;Lee, Chen-Lu;Clements, Kendall D.;Liu, Shao-Lun | Novel field observations of coral reef fishes feeding on epiphytic and epizoic organisms associated with the allelopathic seaweed Galaxaura divaricata | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 張牙舞爪之動物標本焦點 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 針葉識千秋 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 植物考古学 珪酸体研究に関する台湾考古学の現状と新発見 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 藏在我們身旁的真菌 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲;陳彥君 | 張牙舞爪 | Tudorpage |
Gu Shi-Hong;Lin Pei-ling | Expressions of protein phosphatases PP1 and PP4 during the Bombyx embryonic diapause process | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 在海中綻放—向海流討生活的海洋無脊椎動物 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shichang;Leu, Yin-Chin;Chou, Hao-Hai;Liao, Chen-Pan;Piorkowski, Dakota;Tso, I-Min | Two coinhabitants visually lure prey to host territory through a shared conspicuous trait | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 西元1781-1782年 海嘯與海底山崩的 關聯 | Tudorpage |
羅怡珮;黃榮南;詹美鈴 | 台灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana) 飼養及與防治技術研究 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲;陳彥君 | 張牙舞爪 | Tudorpage |
羅怡珮;黃榮南;詹美鈴 | 台灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana) 飼養及與防治技術研究 (摘要) | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台76線工程東口遺址及崙腳寮遺址考古試掘調查工作計畫成果報告 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 大家一起用家中蟲蟲來卜卦 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Yu;Lin, Yu-nung;Ota, Yoko;Chung, Ling-Ho;Shyu, J. Bruce H.;Chiang, Hong-Wei;Chen, Yue-Gau;Hsu, Ho-Han;Shen, Chuan-Chou | Mud Diapir or fault-related fold? On the development of an active mud-cored anticline offshore southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
吳名哲;鍾令和 | 「災防小先鋒,斷層知識通」特展 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 利用植物標本研究植物葉片真菌群集 | Tudorpage |
Chuang, Chia-Rong;Hsieh Chia-Lun;Chang, Chi-Shan;Danilo N.; Wang, Chiu-Mei; Gardner, Elliot M.; Nyree Lauren Audi; Zerega, J. C.; Chung Kuo-Fang | Amis Pacilo and Yami Cipoho are not Pacific breadfruit—Target enrichment phylogenomic of a long-misidentified Artocarpus species sheds light on the northward Austronesian migration from the Philippines to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei;Chang, Chih-Yi;Tseng, Yen-Hsueh | Smithia yehii (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), a new species from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古標本之陶片拚合與修復 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Chun-Yen;Chou, Yin-Yu;Chen, Chien-Hsu;Tsai, Yu-Hsiang | Applying Activity System-based Process Model in Augmented Reality-based Learning for Natural Science Course in Elementary School | Tudorpage |
張志戎;Gordon Turner-Walker;李作婷 | 清水社口尾遺址出土幼兒骨骼修護與微痕研究-海報發表 | Tudorpage |
連俊瑋;謝玉鈴 | 使用動機對 AR 融入博物館展覽創新服務成效之研究 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 汪洋中的小飛象:浮游性的章魚們 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 彰化縣鹿港第一公墓考古試掘探勘評估計畫成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
Chao, Yi-Shan;Chen, Cheng-Wei;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | Pteris Faba and Pteris rubella, two new species in section Hypsopodium (Pteridaceae). | Tudorpage |
Chou, Yin-Yu;Wu, Pei-Fen;Huang, Chun-Yen;Chang, Shan-Hsi;Huang, Hwa-Shan;Lin, Wei-Min;Lin, Man-Li | Effect of Digital Learning Using Augmented Reality with Multidimensional Concept Map in Elementary Science Course | Tudorpage |
Chen;Hui-Ling | The Impact of Theatre Performance in Science Festivals | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 揭開酵母菌的真面目 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 如果家裡沒有蟲、病毒和細菌,人類還存在嗎? | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(十九) 花園城市的領航者–新加坡植物園(一) | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;張瀛之;何恭算 | 「想入啡啡–細說咖啡」特展 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Kuan, Chi;Guo, Zheng-Lin;Yang, Hsun-An;Chung, Kuo-Fang;Ho, Chin-Min Kimmy | Stomatal clustering in Begonia improves water use efficiency by modulating stomatal movement and leaf structure | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;張瀛之;何恭算 | 「想入啡啡:細說咖啡」特展 | Tudorpage |
施閔嚴;劉厚均;鍾令和;陳彥宏 | 以放射性 Sr、Nd 同位素作為埔里盆地沉積物的朔源指標 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 方證菩提-生活裡的菩提種子 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 植物體內沒沒無名的真菌 | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 蛇眼大小的演化適應 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 打製石鋤的製作方法 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Yu-Ling;Lee, Ming-Feng;Chen,Guey-Shya;Wang, Wei-Jie | Application of Visitor Eye Movement Information to Museum Exhibit Analysis. | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 新臺灣之光―高比率連接陸地的海底峽谷 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 投影式星象儀 發明99年(上) | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 投影式星象儀 發明99年(上) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Chun-Yen;Tsai, Yu-Hsiang | The Image Fusion Technology of Transparent Display for Smart Life | Tudorpage |
何旻杰;王士偉;郭兆揚;陳昭倫 | 臺灣綠島中光層珊瑚生態系之現生紅藻球初探 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;王良傑;陳志鵬 | 臺灣化石星骨海綿Astrosclera新紀錄 | Tudorpage |
田育如;陳孟仙;周蓮香;楊瑋誠;姚秋如 | 臺灣周邊海域四種擱淺鯨豚組織中五種重金屬濃度之比較 | Tudorpage |
陳韻如;楊子睿 | 恐龍也有霓裳羽衣 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 方證菩提-來自天堂之樹們的祝福 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 文面耆老與民俗類文化資產保存 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 春安產業園區環評試掘計畫 | Tudorpage |
LIN, CHE-WEI;HSU, TIAN-CHUAN;LUU, HONG TRUONG;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | Nephoanthus (Melastomataceae: Sonerileae), a new genus segregated from Phyllagathis s.l., with a new species from Southern Vietnam | Tudorpage |
黃鈞彥;蔡宇翔;陳冠廷 | 透明顯示器於智慧生活之場域應用 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 我們與「核」的距離 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;林宗儀 | 台灣西南部陸上與海洋的海底峽谷之構造形貌對比 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿;工業技術研究院;劉靜文 | 「那一刻—琥珀的記憶」特展開催在即! | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 連日清博士與科博館的蚊人相親 | Tudorpage |
Shing Hei Zhan;Ling Chen;Chen-Pan Liao;Wun-Ruei Chang;Cheng-Chin Li;Guang-You Tang;Ching-Yu Liou;Wei-Lung Wang;Shih-Wei Wang;Shao-Lun Liu | Geographic distance, sedimentation, and substrate shape cryptic crustose coralline algal assemblages in the world’s largest subtropical intertidal algal reef | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Yu, Ho-Shing | Controls of Submarine Canyons Connected to Shore during the LGM Sea-Level Rise: Examples from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
吳依璇;蔣正興 | 沉積物的輸送管道―海底峽谷 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 清水社口尾遺址的骨角器 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Chun-Yen;Yu, Tzu-Yi;Tsai, Yu-Hsiang | Correction and Alignment of the Three-Dimensional Image in the Transparent Display Interactive System | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi | 智慧適性輔助支援博物館素養導向跨域樂學 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華; 魏佳玲; 陳哲志 | 臺灣的靈芝類真菌 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Wen-Loung;Chen, Kuan-Hao;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tseng, Hui-Yun | Short-term exposure of anticoagulant rodenticides leads to the toxin accumulation from prey (Rattus losea) to predator (Elanus caeruleus) | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 植物採集與標本製作的意外發現―報紙的故事 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 以重要表現程度分析法探討博物館觀眾滿意度-以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
王承皓;鍾令和;鄭睿宇 | 一棵開花的「塑」-海廢的新姿態 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 感官體驗「大科學」! | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱;張瀛之 | 眼不見微菌—微真菌特展 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 郵票上的防蚊抗瘧故事(下) | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 臺日聯合觀測3200號 小行星法厄同掩星 | Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting; Lin, Huan-Yu | A Note on the Structural Peculiarities of the Leaves of Amentotaxus formosana Li in Southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | Exploring the Origin of CP Violation in the Standard Model | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;王承皓 | 它從海上來-澎湖的海漂垃圾 | Tudorpage |
Chao, Hung-Chun;You, Chen-Feng;Lin, In-Tian;Liu, Hou-Chun;Chung, Ling-Ho;Huang, Chun-Chang;Chung, Chuan-Hsiung | Two-End-Member Mixing in the Fluids Emitted From Mud Volcano Lei-Gong-Huo, Eastern Taiwan: Evidence From Sr Isotopes | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 方證菩提― 金剛免劫 蓮花招財 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 郵票上的防蚊抗瘧故事(上) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Mason Chen-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chou, Chun-Chia;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Huang, Wen-San | Size of Snake Eyes Correlates With Habitat Types and Diel Activity Patterns | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;張朝欣 | 打製石器入門 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱;張瀛之 | 眼不見微菌–微真菌特展 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Canoville, Aurore | Fossilization of reproduction-related hard and soft tissues and structures in non-avian dinosaurs and birds | Tudorpage |
李作婷;松本圭太(訳) | 「繩紋陶と先史撚繩技術」 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L.;Y. Suzuki;C.-Y. Chang;T.-R. Chen | Do holometabolous insects molt spontaneously after adulthood? An exceptional case report in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with discussion of its inferred endocrine regulation especially in relation to neoteny | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;黃豊昌 | 斷層尋蹤二十載-太平地區車籠埔斷層野外紀錄 | Tudorpage |
江宜樺;江佩芸;劉乙蓉;黃秀君;黃俊霖 | 博物館社群媒體之經營及科學傳播成效評估-以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Chao, W.C.;Y.C. Liu;M.T. Jiang;S.S. Wu;C.L. Fang;J.F. Ho;C.L. Huang | Genetic diversity, population genetic structure and conservation strategies for Pleione formosana (Orchideace) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 野望影展「拯救紅毛猩猩」與談(四) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫;張鈞翔 | 本館獲頒環保署年度環教計畫成效績優獎 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Yung-tan;Chou, Pin-chang;Ho, Kung-suan;Tzai, Yu-wei;Chang, Ying-ju | Petrogenesis of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from the Leiqiong area, South China: Evidence from geochemical constraints. | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 澎湖群島二輝粒變岩及含斜長石輝石岩包體之岩石學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chung-Jung;Hong Guo-Teng | Preliminary study on the iron-rich precipitates of Huanggang hot spring in Jinshan district, northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 博物館的社區合作初探—— 以國立自然科學博物館的玉里神父傳教捐贈為例 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Hsin-Drow;Chiu, Wen Chieh | Observation on Aggregation of Neustonic Nudibranch Glaucus atlanticus (Gastropoda: Glaucidae) and Colonial Hydrozoans from Kenting National Park, Southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 完全變態昆蟲的成蟲還會再褪皮嗎?(一) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 完全變態昆蟲的成蟲還會再褪皮嗎?(二) | Tudorpage |
Kang, Jia-Cih; Lin, Chien-Hsiang;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | Age and growth of Palaeoloxodon huaihoensis from Penghu Channel, Taiwan: significance of their age distribution based on fossils | Tudorpage |
Louys, Julie;Braje, Todd J.;Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Cosgrove, Richard | No evidence for widespread island extinctions after Pleistocene hominin arrival | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 108年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石(主題一)】 | Tudorpage |
黃秀君;黃俊霖 | 秘密花園中的科普創意發展地-科普傳播中心 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L.;M.-Y. Chen;L.-W. Wu | Two complete mitochondrial genomes of Papilio butterflies obtained from historical specimens (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi | Museum engagement visits with a universal game-based blended museum learning service for different age groups | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 完全變態昆蟲的成蟲還會再褪皮嗎?(三) | Tudorpage |
Cheng, C.-T.;M.-L. Jeng;J.-F. Tsai;C.-L. Li;L.-W. Wu | Two mitochondrial genomes of Taiwanese rhinoceros beetles, Oryctes rhinoceros and Eophileurus chinensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;鄭明倫 | 南安小熊安在否 | Tudorpage |
Chi, Tzu-Chin;Gan, Yi;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | First report of leopard fossils from a limestone cave in Kenting area, southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Liao, Chun-Chi;Moore, Andrew;Jin, Changzhu;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Shibata, Masateru;Jin, Feng;Wang, Bin;Jin, Dongchun;Guo, Yu;Xu, Xing | A possible brachiosaurid (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the mid-Cretaceous of northeastern China | Tudorpage |
Chi, Tzu-Chin;Gan, Yi;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | First report of leopard fossils from a limestone cave in Kenting area, southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;鄭明倫 | 南安小熊安在否 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 康河畔、臺灣緣― 金庸大俠的對聯石碑 | Tudorpage |
江宜樺;江畢芝;阮安妮;陳笠純;黃秀君;劉乙蓉;黃俊霖 | 國立自然科學博物館臉書粉絲專頁科學傳播影片成效分析 | Tudorpage |
張英彥;黃俊霖 | 科學博物館推動素養導向美感學習經驗:以 Natural Aesthetics 自然美—館校合作活動為例 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Kuo, Fan-Ray;Yang, Shu-Min | Development of an Adaptive Game-based Diagnostic and Remedial Learning System based on the Concept-effect Model for Improving Learning Achievements in Mathematics | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Hsu,Tien-Yu | Effects of integrating context-awareness and two‐tier test into a mobile guiding learning model on learners' learning achievement. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Shih-Wei;Chiu, Yuh-Wen;Huang, Hsin-Drow;Lee, Kwen-Shen;Wang, Wei-Lung;Liu, Shao-Lun;Yang, Shan-Hua | Notes on Freshwater Coated Grains of the Hengchun Peninsula | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung-Hua | Real-World Problem: Connecting Socio-Scientific Contexts and Dioramas | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 漂亮的一擊 ―巴林傑隕石坑 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 什麼是原住民作者/作品?文化部文物典藏共構系統中原住民作者/作品的定義問題 | Tudorpage |
Gallentes, Adonis T.;Manglicmot, Michelle T.;Gong, Shou-Yeh;Hu, Ming-Hsun | Coral boulder transport and gravel bar formation by storms in Lumaniag village, Batangas, northwestern Philippines. | Tudorpage |
Hsi-yin Shan;Xiao-Chun Wu;Tamaki Sato;Yen-nien Cheng | A new alligatoroid (Eusuchia, Crocodylia) from the Eocene of China and its implications for the relationships of Orientalosuchina | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 鸚鵡螺的中性浮力 | Tudorpage |
Chung-Te Cheng;Ming-Luen Jeng;Jing-Fu Tsai;Li-Wei Wu | Two mitochondrial genomes of Taiwanese rhinoceros beetles, Oryctes rhinoceros and Eophileurus chinensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) | Tudorpage |
蔡經甫 | 椿象的護幼行為(三): 土椿象類的哺餵行為 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 東勢出土新石器時代的石刀 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 日月潭的水下考古 | Tudorpage |
楊翎主編 | 浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿2018-2019 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 台灣茶界的明日之星:有機茶 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 國立中興大學萬年樓西側第二餐廳新建工程考古試掘評估計畫發掘成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
葉茂生;曾彥學;王秋美 | 臺灣豆科植物圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
楊翎(族群);衣若蘭(性別);王世宗(國家與戰爭) | 族群、性別與國家的歷史—選修歷史1 | Tudorpage |
蕭語富;蕭琮諭;劉振軒;廖俊棋;周冠宇;黃威翔;楊子睿 | 一件三角龍屬新頭骨標本的形態描述與初步分類 | Tudorpage |
莊淑媖;張詠斌;楊子睿 | 爬行動物骨骼中的鎂鈣比所指示的雌雄二型性特徵 | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L.;J.W. Liu;J.F. Ho;Y.H. Sun;C.S. Wu;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | The complete plastid genome of Selaginella erythropus (Selaginellaceae), a species with distinctive giant chloroplasts | Tudorpage |
廖倢妤;宋一鑫;何佳芳;黃俊霖;趙偉村 | 以基因條碼檢測蜜蜂所攜帶之花粉:以嘉義大學校園蜂箱為例 | Tudorpage |
David Rédei;Jing-Fu Tsai | Zhengica cornuta gen. nov., sp. nov., a new genus and species of Pentatomidae from East Asia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 玉言故事-臺灣玉傳奇特展 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 從地質觀點認識臺灣玉。國立自然科學博物館館訊 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 臺灣玉的故鄉-豐田巡禮 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 史前與當代的治玉工藝 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 一種寄生性的甲蟲:紹達杉蟬寄甲的發生季節(一) | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L.;O. Ong | A supplement to the fauna of Rhipiceridae in Taiwan, with notes on the seasonal occurrence of Sandalus sauteri sauteri Emden | Tudorpage |
李鍾旻;詹美鈴 | 台灣常見室內節肢動物圖鑑:居家常見101種蟲蟲大集合 | Tudorpage |
Tseng, H.-Y.;M.-L. Jeng;R.J.T. Villanueva;W.-S. Huang | Preliminary survey of Pachyrhynchus weevils (Coleoptera) of the Babuyan and Batanes Islands, Philippines | Tudorpage |
黃興倬;李坤瑄 | 海底的移動堡壘—澎湖南方四島國家公園棘皮動物圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬;李坤瑄 | 海底的移動堡壘—澎湖南方四島國家公園棘皮動物圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
Xing, Lida;Niu, Kecheng;Ma, Waisum;Zelenitsky, Darla K;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Brusatte, Stephen L. | An exquisitely preserved in-ovo theropod dinosaur embryo sheds light on avian-like prehatching postures | Tudorpage |
陳國勤;王展豪;李坤瑄;邱郁文 | 臺灣百種海洋動物 II – 無脊椎動物 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Serjania mexicana (Sapindaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 種子與它們的產地,邱園的千禧年種子庫 | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng;Yang, Bi-Hua;Hsieh, Huei-Mei;Ju, Yu-Ming | Crucispora rhombisperma newly recorded in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;章晨玫;林俊聰 | 亞洲象-阿沛性別判定之分析。 | Tudorpage |
Liang, H. Y.;Hsu, T. Y.;Hwang, G. J. | Promoting children's inquiry performances in alternate reality games: A mobile concept mapping‐based questioning approach | Tudorpage |
Liang, H. Y.;Hsu, T. Y.;Hwang, G. J.;Chang,H.C. | A mandatory contribution-based collaborative gaming approach to enhancing students’ collaborative learning outcomes in Science museums | Tudorpage |
康嘉慈;林千翔;張鈞翔 | 台灣有象 ──從臼齒探討澎湖淮河古菱齒象的年齡與族群發展 | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 自然學友之家 | Tudorpage |
吳佳倩;蔡經甫;李後鋒 | 台灣產新白蟻屬的分類學研究 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 不只是一堆數字 -探討博物館觀眾的線上行為與模式 | Tudorpage |
Chawchai,S.;Löwemark, L.;Wang,H-C.;Yu,T-L.;Chung, Y-C.;Mii, HS.;Gong, Shou-Yeh | Hydroclimate variability of central Indo-Pacific region during the Holocene | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十六)包籜箭竹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十七)檳榔與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十八)玉山箭竹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十九)台灣矢竹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十)莎簕竹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘((六十一)印度鞭藤與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十三)黃藤與臺灣原住民(下) | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十四)台灣扁柏與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十五)天仙果與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十六)紅檜與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 南投縣仁愛鄉布農族武界部落食用植物多樣性 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(六十)莎簕竹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Tsai, Cheng-Jung;Hsu, Tien-Yu;Lin, Jung-Yi;Cheng, Pei-Cheng | Feature selection and classification integrated method for identifying cited text spans for citances on imbalanced data | Tudorpage |
Chao, Shu-Yu;Chang, Shui-Kai;Chao, Shyh-Min* | High Density of the Black Sea Cucumber Holothuria atra off Hsiao Liouciou Island, Southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張石鍇, 劉莉蓮;趙世民;樊同雲;陳映竹 | 屋漏偏逢連夜雨:氣候異常重傷小琉球脆弱潮間帶 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 黑海參的生態故事 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 澳洲書芬山博物館群「聲光秀」與「扮演學校」的體驗經濟 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉;張莉慧;吳詩雯;許文柔 | 公部門見習生學習成效及滿意度之評析:以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Jih-Pai;Lin, Chien-Hsiang;Chu, Wei-Chia;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | Introduction to the special issue on new advances on stratigraphy and paleontology in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Species diversity, taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of phlebioid clade (Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae) of Polyporales | Tudorpage |
Yi-Chung Lin; Chia-Ling Wei; Chi-Yu Chen; Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu | Three new species of Cylindrobasidium (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) from East Asia | Tudorpage |
Ya-Nan Zhao; Shuang-Hui He; Karen K. Nakasone; K. L. Wasantha Kumara; Chen, Che-Chih; Shi-Liang Liu; Hai-Xia Ma; Man-Rong Huang | Global phylogeny and taxonomy of the wood-decaying fungal genus Phlebiopsis (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) | Tudorpage |
Sheng-Hua Wu; Chia-Ling Wei; Yu-Ping Chen; Chen, Che-Chih; Siou-Zhen Chen | Schizocorticium gen. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) with three new species | Tudorpage |
Chia-Ling Wei; Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu | Three species of Ganodermataceae (Polyporales) new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Shih-Wei Wang;Yuh-Wen Chiu;Hsin-Drow Huang;Kwen-Shen Lee;Wei-Lung Wang;Shao-Lun Liu;Shan-Hua Yang | Notes on Freshwater Coated Grains of the Hengchun Peninsula | Tudorpage |
郭周昱;王良傑;王士偉;米泓生 | 臺南左鎮區二寮的海星化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
楊富鈞;吳筱曼;蔡孟穎;許毓純 | 孩籽‧聽種子的故事 | Tudorpage |
蔡挹恆;陳盈君;石珮萱;楊璧瑜;鐘立偉;陳葦玲;張正 | 無菌播種培養基添加蔗糖與發芽種子層積後期低溫處理對野百合綠熟果實生苗發育之影響 | Tudorpage |
Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K.;Chen, H. R.; Huang, Y. M. | Usability of an Affective Emotional Learning Tutoring System for Mobile Devices, Sustainable Educational Technology and E-learning, Sustainable Education and Approaches | Tudorpage |
Lin, H. C. K.;Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.;Huang, Y. M. | Effects of Incorporating Augmented Reality into a Board Game for High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Acceptance in Health Education | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee | A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio- Pleistocene transform fault. | Tudorpage |
Hanker F.D.;Chiao C.-C.;Osorio D. | Editorial: Vision in Cephalopods: Part II | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 「達達的魔法樂園」 重新開放 | Tudorpage |
Samuel J. Eliades, Rafe M. Brown, Wen-San Huang, Cameron D. Siler | Taxonomic Revision of Scaly-toed Geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Lepidodactylus) in the Northern Philippines, with Descriptions of Four New Species | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 我國法律中人骨的處置權 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 大馬璘遺址陶器的紋飾 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 全國考古遺址出土遺物典藏管理中心計畫- 110年中部典藏中心計畫 成果報告 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 伊甸園中的食蟹獴 | Tudorpage |
王寶晶;蔡經甫 | 標本觀察記-印度大田鱉篇 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Tyan-Ming;Huang, Wen-Jeng;Lin, Tsung-Yi;Lu, Shih-Ting;Liu, Yen-Chiu;Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chang, Yi-Huei | Benefits of Defining Geological Sensitive Zones in the Mitigation of Disasters Along Earthquake Fault Zones in Taiwan – The Case of Milun Fault | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Jang, Chern-Mei;Lin, Jun-Tsong | 亞洲象-阿沛性別判定之分析 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣羅漢松-桃實百日青 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 不是草作的初步蘭群島草裙 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 金剛子-圓果杜英 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 記憶的總和-馬蘭干祖靈像 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | S. Yano's specimens from Taiwan in Japanese Herbaria. | Tudorpage |
Fang, Chia-Ying;Lien, Hen-Yu;Lien, Shin-Yu;Tsai, Jia-Ling;Huang, Chun-Yen;Chang, Ya-Ju | Motion-Related Factors of Motion Sickness Induced by Vehicles: A Systematic Review | Tudorpage |
楊芳瑩;許盛翔;蔡宜佑;徐雅柔;戴宏明;黃鈞彥;蔡宇翔 | 運用眼球追蹤技術分析配備透明顯示器之數位互動學習歷程 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 全球藍鯨的亞種分野與北太平洋的族群研究概況 | Tudorpage |
Arnold, A. Elizabeth;Harrington, Alison H.;Huang, Yu-Ling;U'Ren, Jana M.;Massimo, Nicholas C.;Knight-Connoni, Victoria;Inderbitzin, Patirk | Coniochaeta elegans sp. nov., C. montana sp. nov., and C. nivea sp. nov.: three new species of endophytes with distinctive morphology and functional traits | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 科博館真菌的秘密基地―真菌菌種種原庫 | Tudorpage |
王寶晶 | 「青銅之冠」―銅車馬 | Tudorpage |
Healy, Rosanne;Arnold, A Elizabeth;Bonito, Gregory;Huang, Yu-Ling;Lemmond, Benjamin;Pfister, Donald;Smith, Matthew | Endophytism and Endolichenism in Pezizomycetes: the exception or the rule? | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;黃豊昌;陳榮原 | 太平地區車籠埔斷層的時空變化與在地球科學教育上的運用 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 解密大自然的世紀檔案—從自然史標本探索環境變遷之謎 | Tudorpage |
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王秋美 | 觀霧地區的外來種植物 | Tudorpage |
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CHEN YI TING | Exploring the Chinese White Dolphin and its Conservation Through a 3D Virtual Reality Exhibition | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 從澎湖群島史前遺址看台灣中部早期繩紋陶的文化內涵 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Species diversity, taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of phlebioid clade (Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae) of Polyporales | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 桃芝、逃之 ! 桃芝颱風20周年有感 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 火山噴氣口周邊植物之真菌群集多樣性研究 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 中藥材 | Tudorpage |
Gu SH;Chen CH | Involvement of RSK phosphorylation in PTTH-stimulated ecdysone secretion in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 金門烈嶼海岸 地形與地質 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 「臺中市歷史建築大屯郡役所及 臺中州廳附屬建築群修復工程」之 考古試掘計畫期末報告 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 玉言故事特展系列四:臺灣玉的故鄉—豐田巡禮 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 萬木之王-柚木 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 鍼灸銅人 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Shao-Li;Tran, Ngan;Tsai, Meng-Ying;Ho, Chin-Min Kimmy | Misregulation of MYB16 expression causes stomatal cluster formation by disrupting polarity during asymmetric cell divisions | Tudorpage |
汪良奇;石瑞銓;林俊宏;鍾令和 | 臺灣湖泊沉積物所記錄的古自然災害事件與人類活動證據II | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 彰化縣列冊考古遺址-牛埔遺址監管暨考古試掘探勘評估計畫 | Tudorpage |
鄒瑞揚;莊家銘;陳彥君;洪崇傑 | 獐與羌的骨骼辨識特徵及其考古學研究應用_以西寮遺址為例 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 高雄鳳鼻頭遺址出土動物骨骼與貝類的考古學研究 | Tudorpage |
楊梓立; 胡維新;賴宜鈴 | 野生秋海棠 F2雜交種 (Begonia kui × B. ferox) × B. montaniformis以葉片為片為培植體誘導植株再生之研究 | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;魯志玉 | 科學否定主義 (Science Denialism) 對環境教育推廣的挑戰 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊;黃國斌 | 運用SOS展示系統結合地球科學及環境教育 | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;魯志玉 | 科學否定主義 (Science Denialism) 對環境教育推廣的挑戰 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 科普活動:發展墾丁天文台的全齡科學教育(主題一) | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 漂浮的海綿—綠島公館鼻的藍鰭剃刀魚 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 超級比一比水星與衛星的相似與相異 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 展現大唐盛世美學的唐三彩 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 葉子上可以簽名的書帶木 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 向天果-大葉桃花心木 | Tudorpage |
董國安;楊凱翔;陳胤維 | 「濁水溪」與「螺溪石」 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 清水.中社遺址的考古遺物 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 一位國小教師運用「玉言故事」線上特展解說融入課後教學的案例 | Tudorpage |
王寶晶;蔡經甫 | 標本觀察記-荔枝椿象篇 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 建構智慧終身樂學與樂活科普基地 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 實境解謎結合遊戲式先備知識建構策略支援素養導向教育 | Tudorpage |
Lee,Chun- Cheng;Fu, Yuchen;Yeh, Chia- fen; Yeung, Carol K. L.;Hung, Hsin- yi;Yao, Chiou-Ju;Shaner, Pei- Jen Lee;Li, Shou- Hsien | Morphological variations in a widely distributed Eastern Asian passerine cannot be consistently explained by ecogeographic rules | Tudorpage |
梁勝雄;范力仁;鍾令和;楊耿明;李元希 | 中洲構造東側「人工開挖」之斷層露頭初探 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 公民科學新鏡界── 國立自然科學博物館「科學攝影」展演的瀰漫力量 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 科普活動體驗滿意度之探討-以臺灣科學節科學舞臺劇為例 | Tudorpage |
張英彥;黃俊霖 | 科學博物館推動素養導向美感學習經驗:以Natural Aesthetics 自然美-館校合作活動為例 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 無界鏡相∞:第6+7屆科學攝影特展 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 瓦歷斯諾幹如是說特展專刊 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 博屋瑪之眼特展專刊 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 德氏水牛頭骨化石 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 圓葉蒲葵 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 黑玫瑰竹芋 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 炭化圓果青剛櫟果實 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣特有的水柳 | Tudorpage |
Triapitsyn, Serguei V.;Chan, Mei-Ling | Taxonomy of Dicopus psyche Girault, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) and its association with Psocathropos lachlani Ribaga, 1899 (Psocodea: Psyllipsocidae) in houses in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎;李羿瑄;侯虹如 | 無界∞鏡相:第6+7屆科學攝影特展 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 玉言故事特展系列三:史前與當代的治玉工藝 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(十八) 現代生物分類學濫觴地 – 瑞典烏普薩拉(Uppsala)林奈植物園 | Tudorpage |
Horng-Sheng Mii;Chung-Yeh Lin;Shih-Wei Wang | Early Holocene Paleoenvironment of Southwestern Taiwan Inferred from Stable Isotope Records and Sr/ca Ratios of Coral Porites Skeleton | Tudorpage |
Lin, Yu-Ling;Lee, Tung-Yi;Lo, Ching-Hua;Sherlock, Sarah;Iizuka, Yoshiyuki;Usuki, Tadashi;Quek, Long Xiang;Charusiri, Punya | Dating deformation using sheared leucogranite: temporal constraints by 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology for the Mae Ping shear zone, NW Thailand | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 日治時期瑪家、桃源、長濱原住民的婚姻與生育 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 恐龍恐龍何處尋 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;鄭世楠 | 影響臺灣最久遠的地震儀― 大森式水平地震儀 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 河圖 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 葉叢間的黃色口紅?-金葉木 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 輕搖生微涼-蒲葵 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 洛書方陣 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海星大爆發 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 螞蟻的行為與化學訊息物質 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Hao;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Appearance matters: multiple functional signals of body colours in a weevil | Tudorpage |
鄭凱謙;溫士忠;李元希;鍾令和 | 結合精密重力與衛星測地法解析臺灣西南部泥貫入體地殼變形特性(3) | Tudorpage |
Healy, Rosanne A.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth;Bonito, Gregory;Huang, Yu-Ling;Lemmond, Benjamin;Pfister, Donald H.;Smith, Matthew E. | Endophytism in Pezizomycetes: the exception or the rule? | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 走春觀眾的提問―火成岩的前世今生 | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu | 科普活動:博物館智慧學習活化原偏鄉在地科普體驗課程與活動推廣計畫結案報告 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 與自然共舞立體雕塑 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 很高的合歡-黃豆樹 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 講信修睦 花崗岩雕塑 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 歡喜再相見-野桐 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 達悟船屋 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 迷你藝術家—檔案竊蠹 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 風力發電機模型組裝教學活動側記 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 玉言故事特展系列二:臺灣玉的史前故事 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 建構終身樂學與樂活智慧博物館 | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 蜘蛛網黏性的來源與特性 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古測繪之石器繪圖 | Tudorpage |
Long Xiang Quek; Tung-Yi Lee; Azman A. Ghani;Yu-Ming Lai; Muhammad Hatta Roselee; Hao-Yang Lee; Yoshiyuki Iizuka;Lin, Yu-Ling;Meng-Wan Yeh; Muhammad Amiruddin Amran; Rezal Rahmat | Tracing detrital signature from Indochina in Peninsular Malaysia fluvial sediment: Possible detrital zircon recycling into West Borneo Cenozoic sediments | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Kai-Chien;Chung, Ling-Ho;Ching, Kuo-En;Cheng, Ching-Chung;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Chen, Song-Chuen;Hung, Wei-Chia;Huang, Cheinway | Ongoing Inland Mud Diapirism and its interaction with strike-slip faulting in SW Taiwan based on the absolute gravimetry | Tudorpage |
Hao Hsu, Hui-Yun Tseng, Chen-Pan Liao, Jung-Ya Hsu, and Wen-San Huang* | Appearance matters: Multiple functional signals of body colors in a weevil | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 蓋婭小精靈~鈣板藻 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 來去挖恐龍-美西化石挖掘野外系列(一) | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 話說苗栗過港隧道串起的海洋人文、自然地理探索 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 苗栗過港隧道 串起的海洋人文、 自然地理探索 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 香氣濃郁的鷹爪花 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 安和母與子 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 初夏開花的金銀花 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 生生不息的寄生與共榮(下) | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 讀你千遍也不厭倦―科博館「衣蛾大募集」活動 | Tudorpage |
Piorkowski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Blackledge, Todd A.;Tso, I-Min | Size-related increase in inducible mechanical variability of major ampullate silk in a huntsman spider (Araneae: Sparassidae) | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 菲律賓全新世珊瑚礁中的極端波浪事件 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 崛起的生態監測普查工具-環境DNA | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 植物園的松蘿鳳梨開花了 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 粒子與波的雙重性 ―物質波篇 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 葉緣疏鋸齒的恆春紫珠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 來自蘭嶼的搗檳榔杵 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 精油能作防蚊液的檸檬桉 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 蘭嶼拼板舟 | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 雪山圈谷 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 「玉言故事:臺灣玉傳奇」特展 | Tudorpage |
Min-Wei,Peng;Yu-Ying Hsu;Yung-Che Tseng;Chiou-Ju Yao;Jen-Chien Shiao | Stable isotope composition utilization: the activity radius and foraging resource analysis on finless porpoise in the Taiwan strait | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴;陳啟雄 | 以服務設計觀點探究博物館展示體驗 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴;李銘峰;賴信全 | 以眼球追蹤法探究博物館展示說明面板之視覺注意力 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 少子化與疫情對科博館參觀人數的影響 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | ”總統級”的地震提問 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 由他者到主體的轉型路徑:反思原住民族研究與原住民族主義 的追尋-原住民族主義下臺灣原住民族文化資產的管理與返還 | Tudorpage |
林鼎宸;黃俞菱;曾喜育 | 雪山雪東線步道土生大型真菌多樣性調查 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 胡桃鉗與牛排刀—蝦蟹螯足的功能二型性 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 親子探索博物館的另類選擇!英國V&A博物館「學習背包」設計指南 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;梁文宗;廖哲緯 | 長途地震波通道―隱沒板塊 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 非蕉非竹的朱蕉 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 唐代加彩牛車 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 紫金招財鼠菩提子-女王椰子 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 為神明引路的涼傘 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 三眼金豬-油棕 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 臺灣府儒考棚的遺跡 | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 武威山烏皮茶現況 | Tudorpage |
LongXiang Quek; Yu-Ming Lai; Azman A. Ghani;Muhammad Hatta Roselee; Hao-Yang Lee; Yoshiyuki Iizuka; Mohd Rozi Umor; Mark Pecha;Lin, Yu-Ling;Rezal Rahmat; Azmiah Jamil | Peninsular Malaysia transitional geodynamic process from Gondwana to Pangaea: New constraints from 500 to 200 Ma magmatic zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 美國西南四州自然史博物館巡禮之二-猶他州立自然史博物館 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;陳君榮 | 隕石隕石亮晶晶??? | Tudorpage |
Min-Hao Hsu,Jhan-Wei Lin,Chen-Pan Liao,Jung-Ya Hsu,Wen-San Huang* | Trans-marine dispersal inferred from the saltwater tolerance of lizards from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Liao C-P, Hsu J-Y, Huang S-P, Clark RW, Lin J-W, Tseng H-Y, Huang W-S* | Sum of fears among intraguild predators drives the survival of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 潛藏於食物中的危險物質―真菌毒素 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 有勇有哞.牛轉乾坤: 臺灣牛特展 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 有智慧的一粒沙~有孔蟲(Foraminifera) | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 智慧的室內設計建築師~有孔蟲(Foraminifera) | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 花如魚子而芳香的樹蘭 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 看見光的軌跡- 七彩光學遊戲台 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 松之內-臺灣二葉松 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 博物館虛擬導覽是否符合觀眾的真實需求? | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chu, Tyan-Ming;Chou, Wen-Hao;Lee, Shin-Ho;Wang, Jer-Fu | Challenges in the Preservation of Disaster Remains – Example of the Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 博物館原住民文物重製問題 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Min-Hao;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Trans-marine dispersal inferred from the saltwater tolerance of lizards from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Piorkowski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Joel, Anna-Christin;Wu, Chung-Lin;Doran, Niall;Blamires, Sean J.;Pugno, Nicola M.;Tso, I-Min | Adhesion of spider cribellate silk enhanced in high humidity by mechanical plasticization of the underlying fiber | Tudorpage |
Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Shi-Ping;Clark, Rulon W.;Lin, Jhan-Wei;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Huang, Wen-San | Sum of fears among intraguild predators drives the survival of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs | Tudorpage |
Fang-Chi Ku#;Chiou-Ju Yao#;Rong-Chien Lin;Lien-Siang Chou;Shou-Hsien Li* | Isolation and characterization of seven tetrarepeat microsatellite loci in the Indo-Pacific finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and their amplification across cetacean species | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;邱佳翔;王承皓 | 跑、跑、跑「2020地質嘉年華」千人路跑 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 台灣三種特有裸子植物之葉片內生真菌系統分類與菌種拮抗分析 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 最美麗的一粒沙~放射蟲(Radiolaria) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | Taiwan Can Help另一章《農業科技援外》多媒體節目,帶您到全世界看見臺灣 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 紫色外星人?-GSS-I光學星象儀的星象投影球 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 達達虎的魔法樂園-太陽、地球,還有光 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 清水社口尾遺址的史前植物遺留 | Tudorpage |
Gu SH;Chen CH;Lin PL | Changes in expressions of ecdysteroidogenic enzyme and ecdysteroid signaling genes in relation to Bombyx embryonic development.. | Tudorpage |
Gu SH;Chen CH;Lin PL | Expression of protein tyrosine phosphatases and Bombyx embryonic development | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 郵票上的蜜蜂世界(下) | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 郵票上的蜜蜂世界(上) | Tudorpage |
Müller, Christa E.;Sander, P. Martin;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Wiersma, Kayleigh | Chemistry and analysis of organic remains in avian and non-avian dinosaur tissues | Tudorpage |
Yu-Wei Ko1§, Chen-Pan Liao2,3§, Rulon W. Clark4, Jung-Ya Hsu1,2, Hui-Yun Tseng5, and Wen-San Huang1,2,3* | Aposematic coloration of prey enhances memory retention in an Agamid lizard | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 鼠來寶-白面鼯鼠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 白玉蝴蝶-玉蝶花 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [印尼螢火蟲與雌光螢相調查(一)]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
高孟岑;蔡政修;張鈞翔 | 台南更新世「非」台灣黑熊的熊類化石 | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;楊子睿;張鈞翔 | 臺灣第四紀食肉目動物發現之回顧 | Tudorpage |
Liu, J.W.;S.F. Li;C.T. Wu;I.A. Valdespino;J.F. Ho;Y.H. Wu;H.M. Chang;T.Y. Guu;M.F. Kao;C. Chesson;S. Das;H. Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;N.S. Allen;J.W.H. Yong;B. Adjie;R. Kiew;N. Nadkarni;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Gigantic chloroplasts, including bizonoplasts, are common in shade-adapted species of the ancient vascular plant family Selaginellaceae | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 德國礦物與動物學之蒐藏與博物館考察 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 美國亞利桑那州土桑礦物與化石展暨自然史博物館與國家紀念區考察 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 以角窺天:從兜蟲看生物多樣性(一) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 繽紛的生命特展 | Tudorpage |
Xing, Lida;Niu, Kecheng;Zhang, Lijun;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Zhang, Jianping;Persons IV, W. Scott;Romilio, Anthony;Zhuang, Yuhui;Ran, Hao | Dinosaur eggs associated with crustacean trace fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Jiangxi, China - evidence of foraging behavior? | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 臺灣有象-從林旺與馬蘭談起 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 天干地支-唐代十二生肖俑 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 黃色花蝴蝶-黃貓文心蘭 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 葉芽像花朵的大明橘 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 看看北極旅鼠,想想人類 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 與植物藝術的交會 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 以角窺天:從兜蟲看生物多樣性(二) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 以角窺天:從兜蟲看生物多樣性(三) | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 博物館展示治理實踐─以敦煌主題展示策劃為例 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 以瑞芳為名的香楠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 樹頂的春季煙火-三斗石櫟 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 國家重要古物-石製茶具組 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣最早人類-澎湖原人 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 登陸先鋒隊 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 最早的恐龍同期生-摩根齒獸 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 黑裡有白的黑松 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣人的端午節米食文化 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 可因氏月橘-咖哩樹 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 二足的掠食者-特暴龍頭骨化石 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 大果貝殼杉 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 不生不死,不死不生-集體滅絕 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 澳洲稀樹大草原的代表-紅頸袋鼠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 爪子像蹄的蹄鼠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 地官赦罪 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣特有的清涼甜點-愛玉子 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 苞片鮮麗的九重葛 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 樹皮黑色的象牙樹 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 民主化的博物館:全國博物館論壇筆記 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 野望影展「拯救紅毛猩猩」與談(一) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 野望影展「拯救紅毛猩猩」與談(二) | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | Investigating the effect of using the social semantic tagging-based learning guidance on science learning | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming | Engaging the families with young children in museum visits with a mixed-reality game: a case study | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Hsiung, Kan-Hsi;Yu, Ho-Shing;Chen , Song-Chuen | Three types of modern submarine canyons on the tectonically active continental margin offshore southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 淺談日本南海地震之海嘯防災 | Tudorpage |
吳景達 | 「宜居城市--守護藍天淨空氣」--2019年環境教育計畫實施成果回顧 | Tudorpage |
Lai, I-Ling;Huang, Shih-Yi;Chookoh, Nittaya; Hu, Wei-Hsin | MICROPROPAGATION OF BEGONIA PELTATIFOLIA H. L. LI | Tudorpage |
Ko, Yu-Wei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Clark, Rulon W.;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Tsenge, Hui-Yun;Huang, Wen-San | Aposematic coloration of prey enhances memory retention in an agamid lizard | Tudorpage |
Piorkowski, Dakota;Blackledge, Todd A.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Joel, Anna-Christin;Weissbach, Margret;Wu, Chung-Lin;Tso, I-Min | Uncoiling springs promote mechanical functionality of spider cribellate silk | Tudorpage |
Lau, Tak-Cheung;Lu, Chih-Yu | Using Case Study Approach to Teach Argumentation in Natural History Museum | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 從史前墓葬看 古代人的疾病 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 邁向更美好的社會 ―向業餘考古學家 黃炫星致謝 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei;Lin, Yuan-Chien;Tseng, Yen-Hsueh | Zingiber chengii (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chi, Tzu-Chin;Gan, Yi;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | The first leopard fossils from Taiwan inferred by the integration of morphological and geomorphometric analyses | Tudorpage |
Ho, Yu-Hsiang;Hsiao, Yun;Terayama, Mamoru;Chan, Mei-Ling | Ultramorphological Characteristics of Falsogastrallus sauteri Pic (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) and a New Species of Cephalonomia Westwood (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae): A Book-Boring Beetle and Its Natural Enemy in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 「福蝶.Formosa」之「興潮蝶起.BetterFly」 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 2020科博館 新購岩礦標本 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih;Chen, C.Y.;Lin, Y.W.; Wu, S.H. | Phylogeny and taxonomy of Ceriporia and other related taxa and description of three new species. | Tudorpage |
Wei, Chia-Ling;Chang, C.C.;Wu, S.H. | Dentipellis fimbriata sp. nov. (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from subtropical Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih;Cao, B.;Hattori, T.;Cui, B.K.;Chen, C.Y.; Wu, S.H. | Phylogenetic placement of Paratrichaptum and reconsideration of Gloeophyllales. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chang, C.C.;Wei, C.L.;Lin, Y.T.;Chen, S.Z. | Four new species of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from southeastern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chern, C.L.;Wei, C.L.;Chen, Y.P.;Akiba, M.;Hattori, T. | Ganoderma bambusicola sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from southern Asia. | Tudorpage |
Wei, Chia-Ling;Wu, S.H. | Ophiocordyceps clavata, a newly recorded entomopathogenic fungus in Taiwan, and description of two other species. | Tudorpage |
Wu, G.T.;Chen, C.C.;Tzeng, H.Y.;Wu, S.H. | Cyptotrama glabra and Hymenopellis raphanipes newly recorded in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 以服務設計觀點探究博物館展示體驗模式 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十三)刺竹、緑竹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十二)火管竹、內文竹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十一)長枝竹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十九)臺灣五葉松與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十八)白肉榕與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十七)白榕與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十六)瓦氏鳳尾蕨與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十五)大葉楠與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
邱鴻霖;陳叔倬 | 從文化資產的視角探討古代人類遺骸之法律及倫理規範 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(十七)隱身藝術殿堂的 馬德里皇家植物園 | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;甘怡;楊子睿;張鈞翔 | 藉由傳統形態學以及幾何形態學分析揭示臺灣的花豹化石紀錄 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 從澎湖原人談臺灣第四紀哺乳動物的演化 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 臺灣南部石灰岩洞穴化石群落與年代分析研究 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 勸人為善的善書 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 從樹幹到枝梢都會開花的楊桃 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 最早的人類祖先 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 野望影展「拯救紅毛猩猩」與談(三) | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 從老圖像和考古文物看環境變化 | Tudorpage |
Wen-Neng Chou;Yu-Ming Ju;Huei-Mei Hsieh | Phaeocollybia jennyaenewly recorded in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Bi, Shundong;Amiot, Romain;de Fabrègues, Claire Peyre;Pittman, Michael;Lamanna, Matthew C.;Yu, Yilun;Yu, Congyu;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Zhang, Shukang;Zhao, Qi;Xu, Xing | An oviraptorid preserved atop an embryo-bearing egg clutch sheds light on the reproductive biology of non-avialan theropod dinosaurs | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十四)麻竹、巨竹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(五十五)桂竹、石竹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, S.H.;Maekawa, N. | Three new species of Peniophorella (Basidiomycota) from East Asia. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wei, C.L.;Chang, C.C. | Sanghuangporus vitexicola sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from tropical Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 臺灣的野生靈芝。 | Tudorpage |
Piorkowski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Joel, Anna-Christin;Wu, Chung-Lin;Doran, Niall;Blamires, Sean J.;Pugno, Micola M.;Tso, I-Min | Adhesion of spider cribellate silk enhanced in high humidity by mechanical plasticization of the underlying fiber | Tudorpage |
Mayakun, J.;Liao, C.;Liu, S. | The standing stock and CaCO3 contribution of Halimeda macroloba in the tropical seagrass-dominated ecosystem in Dongsha Island, the main island of Dongsha Atoll, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 談武夷岩茶 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 談臺灣老茶 | Tudorpage |
Lau, Tak-Cheung | How Science Museum Can Support Science Teacher Professional Development for the New Science Curriculum | Tudorpage |
Lau, Tak-Cheung;Lu, Chih-Yu | Using Case Study Approach to Teach Argumentation in Natural History Museum | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 有特殊味道的辣木 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 超自然的診療法-插釘雕像 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 怕癢的紫薇 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 舍利子 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 醃漬後才好吃的錫蘭橄欖 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 惡魔之爪的對稱之美 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 果實成串的紅瓶刷子樹 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 洞窟畫家 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 枝葉豎立的側柏 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 樂器大展 | Tudorpage |
Kuo, T.-H.;Chiao, C.-C. | Learned valuation during forage decision-making in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Chen,G.H.;Chiao,C.-C. | Mild stress culture conditions promote neurite outgrowth of retinal explants from postnatal mice. | Tudorpage |
Wu,C.-Y.;Tseng,C.-K.;Liao,J.-H.;Huang,S.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chu,F.-L.;Tsai ,Y.-C.;Ohta,J.;Noda,T. | CMOS 256-pixel/480-pixel photovoltaic-powered subretinal prosthetic chips with wide image dynamic range and bi/four-directional sharing electrodes and their ex vivo experimental validations with mice. | Tudorpage |
Wu,J. J.-S.;Hung,A.;Lin,Y.-C.;Chiao,C.-C. | Visual attack on the moving prey by cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Tsai,Y.-C.;Wu,J. J.-S.;Lin,P.-K.;Lin,B.-J.;Wang,P.-S.;Liu,C.-H.;Wu,C.-Y.;Chiao,C.- C. | Spatiotemporal integration of visual stimuli and its relevance to the use of a divisional power supply scheme for retinal prosthesis. | Tudorpage |
Mezrai,N.;Arduini,L.;Chiao,C.-C.;Dickel,L.;Darmaillacq,A.-S. | Awareness of danger inside the egg. Evidence of innate and learned predator recognition in cuttlefish embryos. | Tudorpage |
Kuo,P.-H.;Wong,O.-Y.;Tzeng,C.-K.;Wu,P.-W.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chen,P.-H.;Chen,P.-C.;Tsai,Y.-C.;Chu,F.-L.;Ohta,J.;Tokuda,T.;Noda,T.;Wu,C.-Y. | Improved charge pump design and ex vivo experimental validation of CMOS 256-pixel photovoltaic-powered subretinal prosthetic chip. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Lin,C.-I.;Lee,M.-J. | Multiple approaches for enhancing neural activity to promote neurite outgrowth of retinal explants. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;科學節專案辦公室 | 一場豐盛的科學饗 宴「2020第一屆臺灣 科學節」 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Wen-Hsing;Chiang, Pin-Chun | Supporting Collaborative Learning for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Universal Design for Learning | Tudorpage |
| 科技部108年度「科普活動:我家蟲住民巡迴展與科普教育(主題一)」計畫期中報告 | Tudorpage |
Yu Endo, etc. | Introduction and expansion history of the masked palm civet, Paguma larvata, in Japan, revealed by mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b analysis. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Bin Cao; Tsutomu Hattori; Bao-Kai Cui; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Phylogenetic placement of Paratrichaptum and reconsideration of Gloeophyllales | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Young Woon Lim; Sheng-Hua Wu | Phylogeny and taxonomy of Ceriporia and other related taxa and description of three new species | Tudorpage |
Yun-Lin Xu; Yi-Feng Cao; Karen K. Nakasone; Chen, Che-Chih; Shuang-Hui He | Taxonomy and phylogeny of Phanerochaete s.s. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with emphasis on Chinese collections and descriptions of eight new species | Tudorpage |
Michelle A. Jusino; James Skelton; Chen, Che-Chih; Jiri Hulcr; Matthew E. Smith | Sexual reproduction and saprotrophic dominance by the ambrosial fungus Flavodon subulatus (= Flavodon ambrosius) | Tudorpage |
Guan-Ting Wu; Chen, Che-Chih; Hsy-Yu Tzeng; Sheng-Hua Wu | Cyptotrama glabra and Hymenopellis raphanipes newly recorded from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Horng-Sheng Mii;Manh Linh Nguyen;Shih-An Chang;Kuang-Ti Li;Shih-Wei Wang;Meng-Yang Lee | Paleoenvironment of Southwestern Taiwan inferred from stable isotope records of modern and archaeological Crassostrea oyster shells since 5 kyr B.P. | Tudorpage |
陳建勳;陳柏棋;張家溥;陳聿睿;王士偉;王兆璋 | 焦點疊合自動顯微拍照系統 –TORI FOCUS | Tudorpage |
Chen, Ying-Chun;Chen Chang;Lin, Huey-Ling | Topolins and red light improve the micropropagation efficiency of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) ‘Tainung No. 1’. | Tudorpage |
陳盈君;林慧玲 | 百香果自交不親和性探討及克服策略之建立 | Tudorpage |
Lin, H. C. K.; Lin, Y. H.;Wang, T. H.;Huang, Y. M. | Effects of Incorporating AR into a Board Game on Learning Outcomes and Emotions in Health Education | Tudorpage |
Lin, H. C. K.;Wang, T. H.;Lin, G. C.;Huang, Y. M. | Applying Sentiment Analysis to Automatically Classify Consumer Comments Concerning Marketing 4Cs Aspects | Tudorpage |
Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K.;Wu, T. T.;Huang, Y. M. | Multimethod Approach to Supporting Reflection and Creativity for Online Collaborative Courses | Tudorpage |
楊翎;李作婷;廖紫均;劉憶諄 | 地方性食物展演建構策略--以好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展為例 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 側寫劉一峰神父 | Tudorpage |
楊翎;李作婷;廖紫均;劉憶諄 | 地方性食物展演建構策略--以好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih | Systematic study of aphyllophoroid genera Ceriporia, Paratrichaptum, Phanerochaete and Xylodon in East Asia | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Ping-Yu Chang, Jian-Cheng Lee, Jonathan C. Lewis, Po-Tsun Chen and Han-Lun Hsu | Surface traces and related deformation structures of the southern Sanyi Fault, Taiwan, as deduced from field mapping, electrical-resistivity tomography, and shallow drilling | Tudorpage |
Ping-Yu Chang, Gong-Rei Ho, Chien-Chih Chen, Han-Lun Hsu, Chow-Son Chen and En-Chao Yeh | An analysis of the subsurface fault systems with audio-magnetotelluric surveys in the western Ilan Plain of NE Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee, Jonathan C Lewis, Wei Lo | A wide distributed high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of the Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio-Pleistocene transform fault. | Tudorpage |
9. Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Timothy B Byrne | A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio- Pleistocene transform fault. | Tudorpage |
Lin, Chia-chi;Chen, Shu-juo;Chuang, Ying-chang;Yang Wen-shan | A Longitudinal Historical Population Database in Asia. The Taiwanese Historical Household Registers Database (1906–1945) | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;王哲夫 | 遭遇地震,醫院 如何持續運作? | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 全國考古遺址出土遺物典藏管理中心計畫- 109年中部典藏中心計畫 成果報告 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如;蔡佩妤 | 臺灣海域鯨豚保育的管理目標 | Tudorpage |
余欣怡;姚秋如 | 109年度臺灣周邊鯨豚族群調查計畫 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Yen-Jean;Li, Kuang-ti;Liu, Ke-Hung;Chu, Whei-Lee;Kuo, Su-Chiu | New Record of Reed Vole (Microtus fortis) from Archaeological Sites in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 漫遊集集大山 | Tudorpage |
周殷菀;謝凱勛;黃鈞彥 | AI影像辨識應用於國小幾何教學之研究 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung-Hua | Socio-scientific Issue Approached Science Museum Diorama Inquiry | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 臺灣鯨豚自然史典藏與物種多樣性 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣的歪型怪海膽(三) | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 科博館的黑板樹,現況與未來 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 微美寶盒~雙菱藻屬(Surirella) | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 台灣的鼠形動物 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如;曾庸哲 | 109年連江縣鯨豚調查計畫 | Tudorpage |
Kelly, Sean P.;Huang, Kun-Ping;Liao, Chen-Pan;Khasanah, Riza Ariyani Nur;Chien, Forest Shih-Sen;Hu, Jwu-Sheng;Chung-Lin;Tso, I-Min | Mechanical and structural properties of major ampullate silk from spiders fed carbon nanomaterials | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 反毒巡迴展覽的巡展形式設計探討-以2018-2020年反毒與防罪展示教育計畫的反毒巡迴展覽設計為例 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan;Tsai, Cheng-Jung | Graph-based Feature Selection Method for Learning to Rank | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen,Jun-Ming | Engaging the families with young children in museum visits with a mixed-reality game: a case study | Tudorpage |
Hsu.Tien-Yu;Chen,Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | Investigating the effect of the interactive learning environments on the social semantic tagging behavior | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;甘怡;楊子睿;張鈞翔 | 藉由傳統形態學以及幾何形態學分析揭示台灣的花豹化石紀錄 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿;Engler, Thomas;Lallensack, Jens N.;Samathi, A.;Malgorzata, Makowska;Schillinger, Burkhard | 竊蛋龍類不同步孵化與其生殖生物學演化的啟示 | Tudorpage |
宋祚忠;葉佳承;葉蓉樺 | 科普動手作的活動分析應用於科學場館實務推動規劃:以國立海洋科技博物館遙控帆船組裝為例 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 當整個博物館變成一件展品-談國立自然科學博物館數位館史室 | Tudorpage |
董國安;楊凱翔;陳胤維 | 認識「螺溪石」 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣的歪型怪海膽(二) | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 粒子與波的 雙重性 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 數字會說話,數字說了哪些話? | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 與古代人邂逅— 竹山史前文化特展 | Tudorpage |
Lu, Yu-Chen;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | Taxonomy of Peperomia (Piperaceae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling | Effect of Host, Environment and Fungal Growth on Fungal Leaf Endophyte Communities in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 微美寶盒~蛛網藻屬(Arachnoidiscus) | Tudorpage |
周文豪;蔣正興;林楠勝;李信和;鍾令和 | 蒐藏與保存的新挑戰:保存「竹山車籠埔斷層槽溝」的征途 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族文物返還的背景落差與變相實踐 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 什麼是原住民作品/作者?文化部文物典藏共構系統中原住民作品/作者的定義問題 | Tudorpage |
周文豪;蔣正興;林楠勝;李信和;鍾令和 | 蒐藏與保存的新挑戰:保存「竹山車籠埔斷層槽溝」的征途 | Tudorpage |
賀毓翔;詹美鈴 | 台灣產環頸姬薪蟲 (Stephostethus) (鞘翅目: 姬薪蟲科) 之分類研究 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 博物館原住民文物重製問題初探 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 疫病與療癒之道:以臺灣民間善書為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民身分取得月分別、地區別與福祉 | Tudorpage |
Hsu. Tien-Yu | 建構素養導向博物館跨域整合在地樂學環境成果報告 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣的歪型怪海膽(一) | Tudorpage |
李慶堯;王秋美;謝孟龍;陳炳誠 | 台北盆地景美溪口全新世早期水筆仔樹林的發現 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | Matamasaz—拿麼厲害 原住民族主題特展 | Tudorpage |
Liang, Hsin-Yi;Hsu, Tien-Yu | Game-Based Learning for Competency Abilities in Blended Museum Contexts for Diverse Learners | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民歷史人口統計缺陷與未來人口推估方案評估 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 清水˙中社遺址南社地點的墓葬 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 日環食奇想 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Chilong | An Improved Standard Model Comes with Explicit CPV and Productive of BAU | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 『時空探秘:滅絕、新生,與未來幻境特展』與智慧博物館 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 「繩紋陶與史前撚繩技術」 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 自然的奧秘 ― 郵票圖說蠶寶寶的故事(下) | Tudorpage |
Chao, Jui-Lung;Lee, Kwen-Shen;Chang, Hsueh-Wen | Two new species of centipedes, Lithobius keelungensis sp. nov. and Lithobius (Monotarsobius) qingquanensis sp. nov., from Taiwan (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae) | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 美國西南四州自然史博物館巡禮之一-亞利桑那州自然史博物館 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台中市沙鹿區南勢坑遺址與拍瀑拉族的關係探討 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬;邱鴻霖 | 臺灣原住民人骨收藏研究簡史 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Chilong | After Digital Renovation – An Experience Sharing from NMNS, Taichung | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 自然的奧秘 ― 郵票圖說蠶寶寶的故事(上) | Tudorpage |
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鄭凱謙;溫士忠;李元希;鍾令和 | 結合精密重力與衛星測地法解析台灣西南部泥貫入體地殼變形特性(2) | Tudorpage |
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劉冠任 | 元素的電子組態與特性 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 社會性議題的展示網絡:「南風特展」行動者筆記及初步分析 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 郵說昆蟲特展 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 生不逢地的獅子魚(二)― 流落異地成惡疫 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 華東晚新生代火山岩內一些特殊地函包體的礦物學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 清水中社社口尾地點搶救考古發掘計畫-台電 939地號開發案之搶救考古成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 生不逢地的 獅子魚(一)― 威猛的海底武士 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 生生不息― 寄生植物與 共榮的鳥蝶(上) | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 《蒐藏秘室》生生不息-啄花鳥與共生共榮的寄生植物 | Tudorpage |
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邱少婷 | 《蒐藏秘室》梨果桑寄生屬 (Scurrula L.) | Tudorpage |
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劉克竑 | 南勢坑人的生活 | Tudorpage |
吳詩雯 | 到鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區參加不一樣的見習!-2020年大專生公部門見習計畫歡迎你來 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄;姚秋如 | 顯影—臺灣鯨豚身上的藤壺。 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 來博物館療癒BAR!博物館加入社會心理健康體系的潛力 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 春遊的意外發現-泰安舊站的震災復興紀念碑 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 地質學組2020年在土桑到底買了什麼 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 元素的原子軌域是如何被發現的? | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 「萬興滯洪池新建工程(第一期)併辦土石標售」 考古監看委託服務(大排沙農場II遺址考古監看計畫) | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 台中市南屯區豐功段 252、253、255 地號考古遺址搶救發掘計畫 結案報告書 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之;黃興倬;黃姿菁 | 自然變調—失序的生態系特展 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 《蒐藏秘室》生生不息-寄生與共榮 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 文化部文物典藏共構系統中分類欄位的標準化問題 | Tudorpage |
陳相儒 | 螢飛鳳舞-鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區的螢火蟲 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 《植物解剖觀察1. 細胞篇》解離木質部的細胞 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之;黃興倬 | 自然變調—失序的生態系 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Jane, Wann-Neng;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Female sterility and ovule malformation of Oxalis corymbosa, an exotic plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Jane, Wann-Neng;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Female sterility and ovule malformation of Oxalis corymbosa, an exotic plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 人造元素是撞擊出來的-漫談合成超鈾元素的歷史 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 25年前的阪神地震與129年前的濃尾大地震 | Tudorpage |
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李作婷 | 發現地底下的史前森林 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 「桃園市大園區東園段第 60、60-1、 60-2地號大園尖山考古遺址試掘計畫」成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
楊小青;屈慧麗(通訊作者) | 初探臺中市西大墩遺址出土玉器之白化現象 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 從擱淺看鯨豚 ⽣與死的奧秘 | Tudorpage |
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林志隆 | 日食觀測小提醒 | Tudorpage |
Gu Shi-Hong et al | Expression of protein kinase C in relation to the embryonic diapause process in the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu Shi-Hong et al | Reactive oxygen species-mediated bombyxin signaling in Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 風干擾誘發的蜘蛛絲生產可塑性 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Chi-Chu;Liao, Pei-Chun;Ko, Ya-Zhu;Chen, Chih-Hsiung | Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Paphiopedilum Pfitzer (Orchidaceae) Based on Nuclear and Plastid DNA | Tudorpage |
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楊子睿 | The Land of Dinosaurs 恐龍的國度-蒙古 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chen, I-Min;Chung, Ling-Ho;Lee, Chia-Hsin;Lee, Xin-He | Taiwan's 921 Earthquake - Difficulties and Challenges Faced by the National Museum of Natural Science | Tudorpage |
Chiang, Cheng-Shing;Chen, I-Min;Chung, Ling-Ho;Tsai, Chia-Hsin;Lee, Xin-He | Taiwan's 921 Earthquake - Difficulties and Challenges Faced by the National Museum of Natural Science | Tudorpage |
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楊子睿 | 竊蛋龍類不同步孵化與其生殖生物學演化的啟示 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 從理性到感性的色彩魅力:博物館展示評量之研究 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 印馬生物地理區之螢科和雌光螢科之系統類學與生物多樣性研究 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Chen, Tsung-Wen | Effects of formative assessment in an Augmented Reality Approach to Conducting Ubiquitous Learning Activities for Architecture Courses | Tudorpage |
Hsieh,H.Y; Gu, S.H | Expression of calcineurin in relation to the embryonic diapause process in the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Wu, L.-W.;H. Chiba;D.C. Lee;Y. Ohshima;M.-L. Jeng. | Unravelling relationships among the shared stripes of sailors: Mitogenomic phylogeny of Limenitidini butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae), focusing on the genera Athyma and Limenitis. | Tudorpage |
Chao, Chien-Ti;Cheng, Chung-Liang;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Ipomoea lacunosa (Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea sect. Batatas): a Newly Naturalized Species of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yao, Chiou-Ju;Audira, Gilbert;Wu, Pei-Jung;Hsiao, Chung-Der | The complete mitogenomes of Longman's Beaked Whale (Indopacetus pacificus) (Chordata: Ziphiidae) | Tudorpage |
Chao, Chien-Ti;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Begonia hirtella Link (Begoniaceae: sect. Ephemera), a newly naturalized species of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Chen, C.H.;Lin, P.L.;Hsieh,H.Y. | Role of protein phosphatase 2A in PTTH-stimulated prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Jiang, M.T.;W.C. Chao;C.L. Huang;S.R. Lan;Z.J. Liu;S.S. Wu | The complete chloroplast genome of Pleione formosana (Orchidaceae) | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 華北克拉通東北緣晚新生代火山岩之地球化學特徵及其成因研究 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.; Lin, P.L.;Hsieh, H.Y. | Bombyxin/Akt signaling in relation to the embryonic diapause process of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Wiemann, Jasmina;Xu, Li;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Sander, Paul Martin | Reconstruction of oviraptorid clutches illuminates their unique nesting biology | Tudorpage |
黃星達;鄒佩琪 | 聽我說科學:國立自然科學博物館科學中心展示傳播探究 | Tudorpage |
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鄭明倫 | 緬甸探查(四) | Tudorpage |
黃文山;鄭明倫;吳景達;周溫雅 | [馬來西亞沙巴州深度學遊行前勘查]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [中國粵桂瓊螢火蟲相調查(二)]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. | Biofluorescence in terrestrial animals, with emphasis on fireflies:A review and field observation | Tudorpage |
吳立偉;R.J.T. Villanueva;鄭明倫 | 一個謎樣的菲律賓特有螢火蟲新屬(鞘翅目,螢科,熠螢亞科)及其由粒線體基因體譜系揭露的系統位置 | Tudorpage |
Chao, A.;C.H. Chiu;S.H. Wu;C.L. Huang;Y.C. Lin | Comparing two classes of alpha diversities and their corresponding beta and (dis)similarity measures, with an application to the Formosan sika deer Cervus nippon taiouanus reintroduction programme | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 御風飛行的種子與果實 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 家蠶與繭的多樣性(上) | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 家蠶與繭的多樣性(下) | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | A Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation approach for enhancing student learning experiences | Tudorpage |
章晨玫;李銘峰 | 科博館之極早期防災預警暨智慧蒐藏庫整合平台規劃 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming | Investigating the effects of cognitive style on blended museum learning | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Engler, Thomas;Lallensack, Jens;Samathi, Adun;Makowska, Malgorzata;Schillinger, Burkhard | Hatching asynchrony in oviraptorid dinosaurs sheds light on their unique nesting biology | Tudorpage |
Liu, J.W.;S.F. Li;Y.H. Wu;C.T. Wu;I.A. Valdespino;H.M. Chang;M.F. Kao;C. Chesson;S. Das;H. Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;S.A. Noris;J.W.H. Yong;B. Adjie;R. Kiew;N. Nadkarni;M.S.B. Ku;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Bizonoplasts, unique giant chloroplasts of the ancient vascular plant Selaginella: occurrence, variation and adaptive significance | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄、何恭算 | 愛戀南極:池田宏攝影展 | Tudorpage |
Qin, Zichuan;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sun, Dehui;Zhang, Shukang | Program and Abstracts Book of the 7th International Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Organic remains in dinosaur eggs and their implications for the nesting mode of oviraptorid dinosaurs | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Koch, Nicolas M.;Hanson, M.;Fabbri, Matteo;Gauthier, Jacques;Briggs, Derek E. G.;Norell, Mark A. | The nature, evolution, and ecology of nonavian and avian egg color | Tudorpage |
Wu, M.D.;Cheng, M.J.;Chen, Y.L.;Chan, H.Y.;Hsieh, S.Y.;Chen, I.C.;Wu, P.H.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Secondary Metabolites from the Fermented Whole Broth of Fungal Strain Sanghuangporus sanghuang. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wei, C.L.;Lin, Y.T.;Chang, C.C.;He, S.H. | Four new East Asian species of Aleurodiscus with echinulate basidiospores. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chang, C.C.;Wei, C.L.;Jiang, G.Z.;Cui, B.K. | Sanghuangporus toxicodendri sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from China. | Tudorpage |
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Ho, Yu-Hsiang;Chan, Mei-Ling;Rücker, Wolfgang H. | Dienerella (Dienerella) beloni (Reitter): A Newly Recorded Species of Latridiidae (Coleoptera) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Lu, Chang-Tse;Hung, Yu-Long;Chen, Chih-Hsiung | Viola kwangtungensis Melch. (Violaceae): a New Record Viola in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Su, Ming;Alves, Tiago M;Li, Wei;Sha, Zhi-bin | Reassessing two contrasting Late Miocene-Holocene stratigraphic frameworks for the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea | Tudorpage |
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Pi, Ju-Lien;You, Chen-Feng;Horng, Chorng-Shern;Yang, Huai-Jen;Chen, Chun-Jung | The redistribution of B concentration and its isotopes during low-grade metamorphism: Observations in metapelites from the Central Range, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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陳慧玲 | 地方館小志工的心流經驗 | Tudorpage |
謝仕淵;胡佳君;張瀛之 | 上學去:臺灣近代教育特展展覽專刊 | Tudorpage |
Kawamura, Ai;Chang,Chun-Hsiang; Yoshinari Kawamura | The earliest fossil record of the bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica) from the early Middle Pleistocene of Taiwan with discussion on the Quaternary history of the species. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | From mainland to Taiwan: characteristics of fossil Elephantidae in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;張鈞翔;謝孟龍 | 台灣南部第四紀小型的食肉目動物化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;張鈞翔;謝孟龍 | 台灣南部第四紀小型的食肉目動物化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
蕭琮諭;李孟陽;張鈞翔 | 澎湖水道更新世晚期虎頭骨化石初探 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 澎湖水道與澎湖原人 | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;張鈞翔;謝孟龍 | 台灣南部第四紀小型的食肉目動物化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
紀子勤;張鈞翔;謝孟龍 | 台灣南部第四紀小型的食肉目動物化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 虛擬實境在博物館展示的實踐與反思─以國立自然科學博物館特展為例 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 鐵觀音的茶味--從安溪到台灣 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 從茶氣到茶價看台灣烏龍茶的消費行為 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 玉里的法國爸爸出國巡迴展展場地的洽商 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 教會裡的社會扶助工作─從玉里天主堂談起 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 談茶療與茶氣 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 百變化學: 化學元素與礦物 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 愛戀南極: 池田宏攝影展 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十六)血藤與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Chang C. C.;W. N. Chou | Two new species of Mycena in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十七)蕗藤與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十八)烏心石與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十九)臺灣梅與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十)榕樹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十一)牛奶榕樹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十二)臺灣苦櫧、印度苦櫧與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十三)油葉石櫟與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(四十四)長尾尖葉櫧與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang. Chiu-Mei | Geranium dissectum L. (Geraniaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Geranium dissectum L. (Geraniaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 惠來遺址與麻糍埔遺址 | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Chen, C.Y.;Lin, Y.W.;Wu , Sheng-Hua | Phylogeny and taxonomy of Ceriporia and other related taxa and description of three new species. | Tudorpage |
Wei, C.L.;Chang, C.C.;Wu , Sheng-Hua | Dentipellis fimbriata sp. nov. (Russulales, Basidiomycota) from subtropical Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊小青;屈慧麗;鄭永國 | 再製史前卑南文化陶器 | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang | Sexual Dimorphism and Ontogeny in Dentition of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 107年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石】 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 臺灣南部石灰岩洞穴內哺乳動物化石密集層之年代與形態分子演化之研究 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | The Penghu fauna and the Penghu human fossil. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;蔡政修 | 臺灣更新世脊椎動物化石 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;鍾坤煒 | 「百變化學–元素週期表150週年」特展 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 開花高高在上的萬年麻 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 葉脈呈黑色的墨骨擬茀蕨 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 會給人刺激的孔雀椰子 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 果實碩大的小西氏石櫟 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 臺灣味濃厚的榕樹 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 細緻可愛的碎葉波士頓蕨 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 紅葉狩-杜英 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 花開半邊的草海桐 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 龍珠果-瓊崖海棠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 迷你小花傘-陽傘花 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 寒冬中的華麗-欖仁樹 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [菲律賓半翅目與鞘翅目昆蟲 多樣性研究(一)]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
郭揚義 | 文獻遺產如何作為文化記憶:以身體感連結臺灣與世界之「居延漢簡」、「卑爾根漢生病檔案」及「波羅的海之路活動紀錄」的初探性研究 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 在自然場景遇見社會性科學議題:生態環境場景傳達的另一種科學意象 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Cheng-Hsiu;Chang ,Chun-Hsiang | A right whale (Mysticeti, Balaenidae) from the Pleistocene of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Norell, Mark A. | Reply to: Egg pigmentation probably has an Archosaurian origin | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Organic remains in dinosaur eggs and their implications for the nesting mode of oviraptorid dinosaurs | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 澎湖黑水溝的化石瑰寶 | Tudorpage |
Lee,Y.-C.;Darmaillacq,A.-S.;Dickel,L.;Chiao,C.-C. | Effects of embryonic exposure to predators on the postnatal defensive behaviors of cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Chung,M.-T.;Huang,K.-F.;You,C.-F.;Chiao,C.-C.;Wang,C.-H. | Elemental ratios in cuttlebone indicate growth rates in the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. | Tudorpage |
Marian,J.;Apostolico,L.H.;Chiao,C.-C.;Hanlon,R.T.;Hirohashi,N.;Iwata,Y.;Mather,J.;Sato,N.;Shaw,P. | Male alternative reproductive tactics and associated evolution of anatomical characteristics in loliginid squid. | Tudorpage |
Lin,C.-I.;Chiao,C.-C. | Blue light promotes neurite outgrowth of retinal explants in postnatal ChR2 mice. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Hanlon,R.T. | Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods. | Tudorpage |
Mezrai,N.;Chiao,C.-C.;Dickel,L.;Darmaillacq,A.-S. | A difference in timing for the onset of visual and chemosensory systems during embryonic development in two closely related cuttlefish species. | Tudorpage |
Huang,Y.-H.;Lin,S.-J.;Lin,L.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Do cuttlefish have fraction number sense? | Tudorpage |
Lin,C.-Y.;Chen,C.-S.;Chiao,C.-C. | The overlapping reproductive traits of the two male mating types of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana. | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 第13屆科學繪圖研習與競賽概況 | Tudorpage |
| 科技部107年度「科普活動:我家蟲住民巡迴展與科普教育(主題一)」計畫期中報告 | Tudorpage |
Jung-Yuan Tsai;Mii Horng-Sheng;Wang Shih-Wei;Wen-kun Qi;Chung-Yeh Lin | Devonian environment inferred from stable carbon and oxygen isotope records of brachiopod shells from South China. | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 恆春石灰岩研究新展望 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 星星有多亮 ─ 論星等的概念 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 談黑洞照片之熱潮 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 從科博館小行星談小行星的命名 | Tudorpage |
許毓純;蔡孟穎;范綱祐 | 微觀新視界—多采多姿的花粉形態 | Tudorpage |
陳盈君;林慧玲 | 西番蓮屬植物組織培養之研究進展 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Y. H.;Lin, H. C. K.;Wang, T. H.;Hsieh, M. C. | Mini-flipped Game-based Learning Model on Cultural Heritage Guiding Assisted by the Location-based Augmented Reality Technology | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Timothy B Byrne, Jian-Cheng Lee and Wei Lo | High strain zones in the Mesozoic metamorphic basement of Taiwan: A possible fossil transform fault during convergence between Eurasia and the Philippine Sea plate. | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho and Jian-Cheng Lee | The fabric partitioning approach to resolving the sequence of the multiply deformation Central Range. | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Jian-Cheng Lee, Timothy B Byrne, En-Chao Yeh | A regional mylonite zone between the Mesozoic metamorphic basement and the subducted Miocene covered schists in eastern Range of Taiwan: A possible Plio-Pleistocene transform fault between Eurasia and the Philippine Sea plate. | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Ling-Ho Chung, Wen-Jeng Huang, Shih-Ding Lu, Ping-Yu Chang | Active fault records and applications in Taiwan: the Geologic Law, some construction examples against active faults; the preservation system in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Ming-Chun Ke, Ling-Ho Chung, Zhi-Yu Chen, Ping-Yu Chang, Wen-Jeng Huang | Active fault researches in Taiwan: Challenges, Achievements and Opportunities: current projects in Taiwan, the fault investigations, surface rupture, trench study | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 平埔原住民人口推估的有效方案 | Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting;Lin, Huan-Yu;Hung, Tzu-Huan | A Study of Structural Peculiarities and Reproductive Traits of Amorphophallus (Araceae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Tung, kuo-An;Tseng, Chien-Yuan | Nd-Sr Isotope and Geochemical studies of Basement Rocks and Granitoids in the South Qilian Area, NW China | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 一種溝通的嘗試:網住好空氣,民生公共物聯網主題特展 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Lin;Li, Xinzheng;Lee, Kwen-Shen | Phylogeny of two new pheronematid sponges from the Caroline Seamount and South China Sea | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 在海陸交界處與鯨豚相遇- 淺談台灣鯨豚擱淺特色 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣地區違反野生動保育法鯨豚樣本之物種遺傳多樣性研究 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;劉少倫;王瑋龍;黃興倬 | 108年度墾丁國家公園疊層石與包殼粒分布及共域生物調查計畫 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲;王韻涵 | 布里斯本 ASPAC 研討會及參訪雪梨博物館戲劇詮釋活動 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 追求言行一致!行動派的博物館教育 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 博物館傳統的未來-ICOM博物館新定義的發展 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 清水.中社遺址的墓葬 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;王冠文;李芷綾;鄒瑞揚 | 台中市沙鹿區南勢坑遺址出土遺物整理計畫結案報告 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台中市大肚區頂街段273地號土地頂街遺址考古試掘計畫期末報告 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 2019海峽兩岸地質環境研習營 西安秦嶺地質考察 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族文物返還的背景落差與變相實踐 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任;葉蓉樺 | 觀眾對珊瑚生態系了解初探:「照出你的珊瑚礁」活動照片分析 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 反毒行動博物館展示設計之探討 | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu;Chen,Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | A Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation approach for enhancing student learning experiences | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 泛泰雅族群文面圖形親緣關係研究 | Tudorpage |
蔡經甫 | 印馬區同椿象亞科(半翅目:同椿象科)之譜系學、生殖策略與護幼之演化研究 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 二十年前的那個地震(五) | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 淺談臺灣歷史海嘯與爭議 | Tudorpage |
張燦明;蔣正興;胡雲雯;王建德 | 探討科博館鳳凰谷鳥園服務品質動態滿意模式 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 虱虱不只有兩種—臺灣奇特的等足類動物 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 綠肥植物與雜草 | Tudorpage |
曾庸哲;姚秋如 | 108 年連江縣鯨豚調查計畫 | Tudorpage |
邵奕達;余欣怡;姚秋如 | 108年度臺灣周邊鯨豚族群調查計畫 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;劉克竑 | 陝西商周青銅器研究計畫考察報告 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 彰化縣鹿港第一公墓墓區起掘工程 考古監看計畫成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
Kong Wye-Lup;Miki Takeshi;Lin Ya-Ying;Makino Wataru;Urabe Jotaro;Gu Shi-Hong et al | Nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal ratio as an index of animal growth rate | Tudorpage |
姚秋如;陳彥君 | 國立自然科學博物館鳥獸典藏及分子鑑定工作 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族文物返還與轉型正義 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 2019 Museums and the Web ― 探討AI、大數據在博物館的運用 | Tudorpage |
黃星達;陳奕廷 | 虛實整合的博物館媒介化研究-以AI智慧客服系統為例 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | X射線與同位素的故事 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨;江品君 | 博物館如何幫助憂鬱症者自我探索 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shichang;Piorkowski, Dakota;Lin, Wan-Rou;Lee, Yi-Ru;Liao, Chen-Pan;Wang, Pi-Han;Tso, I-Min | Nitrogen inaccessibility protects spider silk from bacterial growth | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 議題融入之幼兒及青少年非制式科學教育活動規劃 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 清水社口尾遺址出土墓葬3D掃描與典藏新概念 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 南勢坑II遺址牛罵頭文化的東部要素 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | A Demographic Study of Ethnic Labeling ‘Raw’ in the Taiwan Historical Household Registers Database, 1906-1945 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 專業發展、組織發展與制度法規—地方館的專業人員發展 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民博物館體系中的原住民 | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen,Jun-Ming | Game-based learning for competency abilities in blended museum contexts for diverse learners | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺;劉仲成 | 科學博物館與圖書館跨界攜手:鯊魚游進圖書館 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Young Woon Lim; Sheng-Hua Wu | Phylogeny and taxonomy of Ceriporia and other related taxa | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;魯志玉;謝文馨 | 科學概念解釋在科學推廣中的重要性 | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;魯志玉;謝文馨 | 科學概念解釋在科學推廣中的重要性 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling | Forest vegetation types reflect elevation and climatic effects on endophyte communities in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 二十年前的那個地震(四) | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 集集地震知多少 | Tudorpage |
楊翎;江品君;何恭算;劉德祥 | 「科學攝影:自然與藝術之迷特展」赴浙江自然博物院巡迴交流合作 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 門得列夫元素週期表與原子序 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 世紀末的神祕鬚鯨-大村鯨 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Wenhsing;Chiang, Pin-Chun | Supporting Collaborative Learning for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders Through Universal Design | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 新課綱多元觀點更需注重證據力 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Shih-Lin;Yang, T.Y. Aleck | Camellia chinmeii, a new species of Camellia sect. Paracamellia in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 博物館教育用標本製作展演活動剝製標本製作穿皮過程示範 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 互動3D遊戲結合白海豚認識與保育省思 -展場虛實整合應用分享 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 微觀真菌—顯微鏡下的真菌世界 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 門得列夫與元素週期表的故事 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 台灣地震震度之起始與更迭 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 二十年前的那個地震(三) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 浮光≒謎離:第4+5屆科學攝影特展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 浮光≒謎離:第4+5屆科學攝影特展 | Tudorpage |
陳麗淑;葉蓉樺 | 國立海洋科技博物館兒童廳觀眾研究-幼兒家長對兒童廳場域期望及幼兒對展品偏好初探 | Tudorpage |
Harrington, Alison H.;del Olmo-Ruiz, Mariana;U'Ren, Jana M.;Garcia, Kayla;Pignatta, Daniela;Wespe, Nichole;Sandberg, Dustin C.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Hoffman, Michele T.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Coniochaeta endophytica sp. nov., a foliar endophyte associated with healthy photosynthetic tissue of Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 以柔克剛----柔海膽的深海生存之道。 | Tudorpage |
Lee,Kwen-Shen;Lu, Chung-Cheng | Histioteuthis miranda (Berry, 1918) (Cephalopoda : Histioteuthidae) from the North Pacific Ocean. | Tudorpage |
CHEN,YI-TING | Chatbots for Smart Customer Services on Official Museum Websites | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 拍岸鯨奇-當鯨豚與人相遇 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 研究發現:美國博物館的藝術蒐藏「很白人」、「很男性」 | Tudorpage |
Nittaya Chookoh-Yi Tien- Chiu Chen Chang1;Wei Hsin Hu;Ting En Dai | Micropropagation of Tolumnia orchids through induction of protocorm-like bodies from leaf segments | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 社會運動與日常:看見運動中的我們 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 南勢坑II遺址搶救發掘成果 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 彰化縣列冊考古遺址-牛埔遺址監管暨考古試掘探勘評估計畫成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
林福仁;郭博洋;林韶恩;温煜鈞;潘立誠;蔡宇翔;黃鈞彥 | 應用透明顯示互動系統於智慧零售服務之研究 | Tudorpage |
KUO, Yang-Yi | Toward an Anthropology of Imagination: Preliminary Reflections on Material Culture and Systems of Metaphors in Juancun, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 珊瑚礁沙洲島面臨海平面上升的未來命運:以東沙島為例 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷;黃星達 | 博物館行銷公關與AI趨勢美東交流案 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 赴大陸地區洽商計畫(2019海峽兩岸科學嘉年華) | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 在博物館裡練習正念減壓 | Tudorpage |
賴宜鈴;張家綸 ;胡維新 | 燈果秋海棠 (Begonia lanternaria Irmsch.) 葉片誘導植株再生之研究 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 新地平線號 抵達「天涯海角」 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 觀察入微的 子籽探索 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 我國取得原住民身份的法律演變 | Tudorpage |
董國安;侯虹如 | 板塊作用與岩石的家 ; 379 6 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chien-Hsu;Huang, Chun-Yen;Chou, Yin-Yu | Effects of augmented reality-based multidimensional concept maps on students’ learning achievement, motivation and acceptance. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Chun-Yen;Wang, Li-Hung;Hsu, Wei-Lin;Chang, Kuo-Ping;Lin, Fu-Ren;Chen, Heng-Yin;Chen, Kuan-Ting;Ho, Jia-Chong | A Design of Augmented-Reality Smart Window Using Directive Information Fusion Technology for Exhibitions | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 南勢坑II遺址發掘簡報 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 臺中南屯區出土番仔園文化陶器類型 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 線上蒐藏庫會員參訪實體庫房側記 | Tudorpage |
謝孟龍;鍾令和 | Multiple Late Quaternary (<14 ka) mass-wasting events recorded in a small alluvial terrace along the upper Tachia River, central-northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王興麟;Blattmann, T. M.;Lupker, M.;Märki, L.;Haghipour, N.;Wacker, L.;鍾令和;Bernasconi, S. M.;Plötze, M.;Eglinton, T. I. | 硫酸水解風化作用對大氣碳循環的影響-以台灣高屏溪為例 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 二十年前的那個地震(二) | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 廣播節目專訪-博物館多媒體節目創意構思 | Tudorpage |
鄭凱謙;鍾令和;鄭景中;景國恩;溫士忠;李元希 | 萬丹泥火山絕對重力監測網建置與初步時變觀測結果 | Tudorpage |
景國恩;李元希;饒瑞鈞;楊名;陳松春;鍾令和;陳建良 | 臺灣西南部之地體構造是由構造脫逸所主導嗎?泥貫入體在褶皺逆衝帶與活動斷層發育中所扮演的角色 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪,許美蓉 | 「博物館作為文化樞紐: 傳統的未來」─ 518世界博物館日即將開跑!! | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪;許美蓉 | 「博物館作為文化樞紐: 傳統的未來」- 518世界博物館日即將開跑! | Tudorpage |
Wu,Meng-Ching | 2019年英國科學文化之旅:科學的萌芽、回顧及啟發出國場勘報告 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 達利復活了?AI達利將在博物館與觀眾互動 | Tudorpage |
Nieder, Carolin;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chen, Chaolun Allen;Liu, Shao-Lun | Filamentous calcareous alga provides substrate for coral-competitive macroalgae in the degraded lagoon of Dongsha Atoll, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 「古神獸,出沒! 」-線上蒐藏庫展覽介紹 | Tudorpage |
Chi-Ying Lee1, David A. Pike2, Hui-Yun Tseng3,4, Jung-Ya Hsu3,5, Shiang-Lin Huang6, Pei-Jen L. Shaner7 , Chen-Pan Liao3,8 , Andrea Manica9, and Wen-San Huang3,5,8* | When males live longer: Resource-driven territorial behavior drives sex-specific survival in snakes | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 大社會小市場的臺灣味 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴;陳啟雄;賴毓晃 | 啟發與創造-虛擬實境技術應用於博物館展示之觀眾研究 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海膽大遊行----扁仙壺海膽。,第206期,p. 100~101。 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 驚奇VR生態館----深海世界之旅 | Tudorpage |
CHEN,YI-TING;HUANG,SING-DA | How can IT team members and marketers collaborate more beneficially? A path to more effective marketing strategies | Tudorpage |
Lee, Chi-Ying;Pike, David;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Shiang-Lin;Shaner, Pei-Jen Lee;Liao, Chen-Pan;Manica, Andrea;Huang, Wen-San | When males live longer: Resource-driven territorial behavior drives sex-specific survival in snakes | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 種子之存 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;盧詩丁 | 我國活動斷層地質敏感區劃設意義 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Mingli;Xing, Luru;Fangi, Liang;Huang, Shiang-Lin;Yao, Chiou-Ju;Turvey, Samuel;Gozlan, Rodolphe;Li, Songhai | Can local ecological knowledge provide meaningful information on coastal cetacean diversity? A case study from the northern South China Sea | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台灣史前的陶器工藝 | Tudorpage |
Hui-Yun Tseng;Chen-Pan Liao;Jung-Ya Hsu;, Lu-Yi Wang, Wen-San Huang*1 | Parental behavior drives large bite force in an insular skink population | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 二十年前的那個地震(一) | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | TVBS電視台----T觀點第172集----水母單元 | Tudorpage |
Tseng, H.‐Y.;Liao, C.-P.;Hsu, J.-Y.;Wang, L.-Y.;Huang, W.-S. | Parental behavior drives large bite force in an insular skink population | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 永別了機會號 | Tudorpage |
廖鎮磐 | 圓網蜘蛛面對風干擾的可塑性 | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 寮國龍坡邦植物資源與保育計畫 | Tudorpage |
Blattmann, Thomas M.;Wang, Shing-Lin;Lupker, Maarten;Märki, Lena;Haghipour, Negar;Wacker, Lukas;Chung, Ling Ho;Bernasconi, Stefano M.;Plötze, Michael;Eglinton, Timothy Ian | Sulphuric acid-mediated weathering on Taiwan buffers geological atmospheric carbon sinks | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | 百籽千尋特展 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;黃琇捐 | 社南村遺址考古試掘 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Tzu-Hao;Akamatsu, Tomonari;Tsao, Yu;Siniger, Frederic;Harii, Saki;Yao, Chiou-Ju | Listening to the ecosystem: an integrative approach of informatics and ecoacoustics | Tudorpage |
Lin, Chilong | A two-Higgs-doublet Model without flavor-changing neutral currents at tree-level | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 博物館Airbnb體驗 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 一起上學去--臺灣近代教育特展 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 來自月亮的你─月岩標本的故事(後記) | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 生物人類學揭示的卑南族系統所屬與人群互動 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨;江品君 | 2018 MuseumNext London-會議精華與反思 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 擱淺鯨豚標本之典藏與保育應用 -以物種及遺傳多樣性研究為例 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 哥倫比亞超大陸的訊息在祁連地塊(II)(MOST 106-2116-M-178-003-)。106/08/01~107/07/31 | Tudorpage |
Tseng, H.-Y.;W.-S. Huang;M.-L. Jeng;R.J.T. Villanueva;O.M. Nuneza;C.-P. Lin | Complex inter-island colonization and peripatric founder speciation promote diversification of flightless Pachyrhynchus weevils in the Taiwan–Luzon volcanic belt. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, Y.T.;Chen, C.L.;Ke, S.Y. | Inonotus taiwanensis sp. nov. (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, D.M.;Chen, Y.P. | Purpureocorticium microsporum (Basidiomycota) gen. et sp. nov. from East Asia. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Y.P.;Wei, C.L.;Floudas, D.;Dai, Y.C. | Two new species of Phanerochaete (Basidiomycota) and redescription of P. robusta. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | Xylodon subflaviporus sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia. | Tudorpage |
Chao, T.L.;Wang, T.Y.;Lee, C.H.;Yiin, S.J.;Ho, C.T.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;You, H.L.;Chern, C.L. | Anti-Cancerous effect of Inonotus taiwanensis polysaccharide extract on human acute monocytic leukemia cells through ROS-Independent intrinsic mitochondrial Pathway. | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Li, G.;Hsieh,H.Y.;Lin, P.L.;Li, S. | Stimulation of JNK phosphorylation by the PTTH in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Rédei, Dávid;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Jindra, Zdenek | The genus Alphocoris in the Indomalaya (Hemitera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) | Tudorpage |
Rédei, Dávid;Tsai, Jing-Fu | A revision of Graptophara (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) | Tudorpage |
Yasunaga, Tomohide;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Yamada, Kazutaka | Redefinition of two little known mirine plant bug genera Babacoris and Paramiridius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae) | Tudorpage |
Yiu, Vor;M.-L. Jeng | Oculogryphus chenghoiyanae sp. n. (Coleoptera, Lampyridae): a new ototretine firefly from Hong Kong with descriptions of its bioluminescent behavior and ultraviolet-induced fluorescence in females. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 記述一種香港的螢火蟲:鄭凱甄怪眼螢(一)。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 記述一種香港的螢火蟲:鄭凱甄怪眼螢(二)。 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 大墩國中師生參訪科博館圖書室 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 中研院李信徹教授贈送圖書乙批 | Tudorpage |
楊翎主編 | 等待>祕鏡:科學攝影事件簿選集2014-2017 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen, Jun-Ming | Exploring Children’s Learning Experiences in a Real-World Adventure Game-Based Learning Environment between Virtual and Physical Contexts in Museums | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 緬甸探查(一) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫;吳立偉 | 昆蟲部分。摘自:吳俊哲(主編)。日月潭國家風景區自然生態資源監測(十)結案報告。 | Tudorpage |
Shen, C.-C.;Wu, C.-C.;Dai, C.-F.;Gong*, S.-Y. | Variable Uplift Rate Through Time: Holocene Coral Reef and Neotectonics of Lutao, Eastern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 在地球珊瑚礁的中心看見樂土—印尼四王群島海洋生態踏查:(四)他山之石篇 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 在地球珊瑚礁的中心看見樂土—印尼四王群島海洋生態踏查:(三)微距篇 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 在地球珊瑚礁的中心看見樂土—印尼四王群島海洋生態踏查:(二)大物篇 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 在地球珊瑚礁的中心看見樂土—印尼四王群島海洋生態踏查:(一)魚群篇 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(二十五)賊仔樹與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(二十六)羅氏鹽膚木與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(二十七)刺桐與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(二十八)文珠蘭與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(二十九)杜虹花與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十)台東漆樹、鈍葉大果漆與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十一)食茱萸與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 都市森林的生態與維護—以國立自然科學博物館植物園為例 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十二)黃槿與臺灣原住民 農業世界 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十三)白茅與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(三十四)觀音座蓮、蘭嶼觀音座蓮與臺灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄、何恭算 | 「矽裡乾坤:水晶與琉璃」特展 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 淺談琉璃珠 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Hui-Ling | Puppet Shows for the “Rhythms of Life” Exhibition | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 具雙重作用的活性氧分子(上) | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 具雙重作用的活性氧分子(下) | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang;Chia-Li Chen | Displaying and Interpreting Industrial Pollution | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 緬甸探查(二) | Tudorpage |
Liu, S.L.;Nakasone, K.K.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;He, S.H.;Dai, Y.C. | Taxonomy and phylogeny of Lopharia s.s., Dendrodontia, Dentocorticium and Fuscocerrena (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | Four species of polyporoid fungi newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jung, P.E.;Lee, H.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Hattori, T.;Tomšovský, M.;Rajchenberg, M.;Zhou, M.;Lim, Y. W. | Revision of the taxonomic status of the genus Gloeoporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) reveals two new species. | Tudorpage |
Xu, Y.L.;Liu, S.L.;Wu, Sheng -Hua.;He, S.H. | Dacryobolus angiospermarum (Polyporales, Basidiomycota), a new brown-rot corticioid species from southern China. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | Hydnophanerochaete and Odontoefibula, two new genera of phanerochaetoid fungi (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.J. | Twelve species of polypores (basidiomycetes) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 科博館蒐藏與研究的一些雜感 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Shiang-Lin;Wang, Chun‐Chieh;Yao*, Chiou-Ju | Habitat protection actions for the Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin: Baseline gaps, scopes, and resolutions for the Taiwanese subspecies | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 山階鳥類研究研究所參訪心得 | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 失落的城市熱液活動區 | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 大氧化事件 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 臺灣南部石灰岩洞穴內哺乳動物化石密集層之沉積層序及化石群落研究 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-suan;You, Chen-feng;Yang, Huai-jen;Lee, Yung-tan | Geochemical evidence for the origin of Cenozoic intraplate basalts in the tectonic margin: An example from the Chifeng volcanic field, southeastern Inner Mongolia, China. | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;何恭算 | 水晶與琉璃特展 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;鍾坤煒 | 矽裡乾坤特展-二氧化矽的礦物世界 | Tudorpage |
Chao, Chien-Ti;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Notes on Taiwanese Parietaria and Pouzolzia (Urticaceae) | Tudorpage |
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| 台中市定惠來遺址(144號抵費地)出土文物整理報告 | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L;P. Chesson;S.F. Li;J.W. Liu;H.M. Chang;I. Valdespino;N. Salazar;C. Chesson;H.Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;J.W.H. Yong;S. Das;B. Adjie;R. Kiew;N. Nadkarni;M.F. Kao;C.R. Sheue | Recent chloroplast diversification in the ancient genus Selaginella | Tudorpage |
Lee, T.Y.;J.W. Liu;S.F. Li;H.M. Chang;I.A. Valdespino;C. Chesson;H. Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;J.W.H. Yong;S. Das;N. Salazar;B. Adjie;N. Nadkarni;M.F. Kao;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | Micro-glass on leaves of Selaginellaceae: a systematic study of silica bodies with taxonomic and phylogenetic implications | Tudorpage |
Liu, J.W.;S.F. Li;H.M. Chang;M.F. Kao;C.T. Wu;Y.H. Wu;I. Valdespino;C. Chesson;S. Das;H. Oppenheimer;A. Bakutis;P. Saenger;N. Salazar;J.W.H. Yong;B. Adjie;R. Kiew;N. Nadkarni;C.L. Huang;P. Chesson;C.R. Sheue | The bizonoplast, a unique giant chloroplast, is now known from nine Selaginella species from deep-shade habitats | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 兩岸科學演示交流盛會─第八屆海峽兩岸科學傳播論壇 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 106年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石】 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民族基因研究倫理的爭議初始、立法過程、及審查實施 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 生物人類學揭示的卑南族系統所屬與人群互動 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 穿越非人到人之鏡:從公民科學的觀與識談起 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 國立中興大學校園後續工程委託試掘評估後續處理部分計畫報告書 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 日治熟註記當代卑親屬人口推估—依照政院版《原住民身分法修正草案》 | Tudorpage |
邱鴻霖;陳叔倬 | 考古遺址發掘人類古代遺骸之處至原則、程序及倫理規範 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 「石虎的美麗家園」特展搶先報 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 茶食在當今社會的意義--以鹿港茶食為例 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Lu, Pi-Fong;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Gentianaceae), a newly recorded genus and species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Kudo, Shin-ichi;Harano, Tomohiro;Tsai, Jing-Fu;Yoshizawa, Kazunori;Kutsukake, Nobuyuki | Correlated evolution of parental care and life history traits in shield bugs | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.C.;Wei, C.L. | Three new species of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chih-Yi;Chen, Chih-hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Grewia tiliifolia Vahl (Malvaceae): a Newly Recorded Species of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源;徐典裕 | 融入網路虛擬展示與數位互動遊戲的博物館虛實整合學習應用:以科博館物理世界展示為例 | Tudorpage |
賀毓翔;詹美鈴 | 臺灣姬薪蟲科分類之初探 (昆蟲綱,鞘翅目) | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴;林劭如;陳玲嬅 | 居家節肢動物相之公民科學調查推動 | Tudorpage |
張瑜庭;詹美鈴;徐堉峰 | 半白長轉姬薪蟲(Eufallia seminivea) 與環境關係之初探 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴;林劭如;陳玲嬅 | 你的蟲室友,是敵?是友?-從恐懼到探索 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 我家蟲住民之公民科學活動 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 找回臺灣的食蟲文化 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Lu, Pi-Fong;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Gentianaceae), a newly recorded genus and species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 臺灣的蝴蝶 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 「我家蟲住民」特展 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 我家蟲住民-「蟑」小強 | Tudorpage |
楊信得;黃捷茂;林子皓;姚秋如;連永順;王珮蓉;胡芳瑜 | 應用被動式水下聲學監測探討海洋哺乳類在離岸風場的時空分布 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 緬甸探查(三) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [出席2018中國國際科普作品大賽現場終評與頒獎典禮]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [緬甸螢火蟲調查與蟲珀蒐集計畫]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [中國粵桂瓊螢火蟲相調查(一)]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
吳立偉;R.J.T. Villanueva;鄭明倫 | 粒線體全基因體譜系分析意外揭示一個形態與行為特異的 水棲熠螢新成員(鞘翅目,螢科,熠螢亞科) | Tudorpage |
陳君榮;黃克峻;洪國騰 | 北投溫泉地區明礬石礦物沉澱作用對砷遷移之影響 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮 | 執行年度礦物標本購藏計畫並考察自然史博物館礦物標本之展示維護模式 | Tudorpage |
林子皓;楊信得;黃鈞漢; 姚秋如 | 被動式水下聲學監測離岸風場海洋動物生態活動 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮;黃克峻 | 洞悉盤古開天闢地的鑰匙─隕石 | Tudorpage |
黃克峻;陳君榮 | 遨遊星體的內心世界─淺談鎳鐵隕石的組織變化與分類 | Tudorpage |
洪國騰;陳君榮;黃琨哲 | 磺港溫泉水化學驟變之初步探究 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 科技部106年「科普活動:居家昆蟲展示與科普教育」計畫結案報告 | Tudorpage |
蔡經甫 | 椿象的護幼行為(二):肩膀上的責任~攜幼照顧 | Tudorpage |
Chang Chih-Yi;Chen Chih-Hsiung;Wang Chiu-Mei | Grewia tiliifolia Vahl (Malvaceae): a Newly Recorded Species of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou W. N.;H. M. Hsieh;Y. M. Ju | Two species of Strobilomyces (Boletales) newly recorded in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
| 玄參科的跳槽 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 榕屬植物與榕果小蜂 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 認同的威名:漢父原母子女取得原住民身分的人口研究 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 新科技在自然史博物館之運用─以國立自然科學博物館兩項特展為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 故宮整修閉館否請尊重專業評估 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 原住民非自然增加人口研究 | Tudorpage |
Shyh-Min Chao | The Assemblage of Shallow Water Holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Hsiao Liouciou Island off Southwest Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chen, Ying-Hsuan;Wiemann, Jasmina;Spiering Beate;Sander, Paul Martin | Fossil cuticle elucidates dinosaur nesting ecology | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shukang;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Li, Zhengqi;Hu, Yongguo | New dinosaur egg material from Yunxian, Hubei Province, China resolves the classification of dendroolithid eggs | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Fabbri, Matteo;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Stein, Koen;Sander, Paul Martin;Norell, Mark A.;Briggs, Derek E. G. | Fossilization transforms vertebrate hard tissue proteins into N-heterocyclic polymers | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 侏罗纪世界里的恐龙蛋,以后可能要改颜色了...... | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei | The reproductive biology of Cretaceous oviraptorid dinosaurs and its implication for the origin of bird reproduction | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Clutch architecture, neutron tomography, and elemental mapping reveal hatching asynchrony and communal nesting in oviraptorid dinosaurs and highlight their peculiar reproductive biology | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Norell, Mark A. | Dinosaur eggs came in various colors and patterns | Tudorpage |
Fabbri, Matteo;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Wiemann, Jasmina;Bhullar, Bhart-Anjan S.;Norell, Mark A. | A dinosaurian origin for the avian single oviduct | Tudorpage |
張瀛之;張淑卿 | 神界‧人間:臺史博館藏神像特展 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. Martin | The origin of the bird's beak: New insights from dinosaur incubation periods | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Norell, Mark A. | Dinosaur egg color had a single evolutionary origin | Tudorpage |
Hanlon,R.T.;Chiao,C.-C. | Rapid neural polyphenism in cephalopods: current understanding and future challenges. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C. | Independently evolved intelligence. | Tudorpage |
Chubb,C.;Chiao,C.-C.;Ulmer,K;Buresch,K;Birk,M.A;Hanlon,R.T. | Dark scene elements strongly influence cuttlefish camouflage responses in visually cluttered environments. | Tudorpage |
Liu,Y.-C.;Chung,W.-S;Yu,C.-C.;Hsu,S.-T.;Chan,F.-L.;Liu,T.-H.;Su,C.-H.;Hwu,Y.;Marshall,NJ;Chiao,C.-C. | Morphological changes of the optic lobe from late embryonic to adult stages in oval squids Sepioteuthis lessoniana. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;江佩芸 | 達爾文的化石蒐藏與研究 | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 科學與藝術激盪出的火花─科學繪圖 | Tudorpage |
Sheng-Hua Wu; Chen, Che-Chih; Chia-Ling Wei | Three new species of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Twelve species of polypores (basidiomycetes) new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Hydnophanerochaete and Odontoefibula, two new genera of phanerochaetoid (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Four species of polyporoid fungi newly recorded from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Xylodon subflaviporus sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia | Tudorpage |
林重燁;米泓生;王士偉 | 全新世早期微孔珊瑚骨骼穩定氧同位素組成與Sr/Ca比值反映之台灣西南部古環境 | Tudorpage |
Wang, T. H.;Lin, H. C. K.; Wu, T. T.;Huang, Y. M. | A Study on Learning Emotion of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning | Tudorpage |
Chiu, K. C.;Huang, Y. M.;Wang, T. H. | A Text Mining for Affective Terms in Dream Log on Discussion Platform with the Counseling of Emotions and Management of Stress Course of General Education | Tudorpage |
Wang, T. H.; Lin, H. C. K.;Wu, T. T.; Huang, Y. M. | A Study on Learning Emotion of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning | Tudorpage |
鄭憶雯;林豪鏘;王道華 | VR交響夢-VR視覺音樂藝術互動展 | Tudorpage |
Ping-Yu Chang; Wen-Cheng Huang; Chien-Chih Chen; Han-lun Shu; I-Chin Yen; Gong-Ruei Ho; Jian-Cheng Lee; Shih-Ting Lu and Po-Tsun Chen | Probing the Frontal Deformation zone of the Chihshang Fault with Boreholes and High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Imaging Methods: A Case Study at the Dapo Site in Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hui-Ying Yeh;Hui-Yun Tseng;Chung-Ping Lin;Chen-Pan Liao, Jung-Ya Hsu, Wen-San Huang* | Rafting on floating fruit is effective for oceanic dispersal of flightless weevils | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 小館帶大館:召喚原民種子的能量和靈動力 | Tudorpage |
董國安;劉美秀;侯虹如 | 「早期的地球─前寒武時期」特展─ 認識你我忽略的過去 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 應用實境解謎探索學習模式建構博物館適性適齡情境感知無所不在學習環境期末報告 | Tudorpage |
I-Ling Lai;Chih-Wan Lin;Tsai-Yu Chen;Wei-Hsin Hu | Micropropagation Shortens the Time to Blooming of Begonia montaniformis x Begonia ningmingensis var. bella F1 Progeny | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 2018科普論壇紀要 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Chien-Wei;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Lin, Chung-Ping;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Rafting on floating fruit is effective for oceanic dispersal of flightless weevils | Tudorpage |
Chao, Jui-Lung;Lee, Kwen-Shen;Chang, Hsueh-Wen | Neotype designation and redescription of Lithobius ongi Takakuwa, 1939 (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha,Lithobiidae) | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 新世代博物館:虛實整合、智慧創新、終身樂學、永續經營 | Tudorpage |
謝百淇;曾靜雯;陳繼成;吳景達 | 大學生對PM2.5空氣污染的態度與認知之研究 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 跨域加值發展計畫 「巨型圓頂劇場數位化教學環境建置」成果報告 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古小百科之認識史前灰坑 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台南中洲的清代漢人遺骨 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台中市西屯區福和段 106地號土地安和遺址 考古試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;陳于高;曹忠權;尹功明;范安川;George S. Burr;Manoj K. Jaiswal | 西藏中部那曲斷層第四紀新定年資料的構造意義 | Tudorpage |
魯志玉 | 從英國經驗看創意高齡的博物館參與 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 臺中市 13 期重劃區第一、二、三、四標工區雨污水下水道施工監看計畫成果報告書 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 在自然場景遇見社會性科學議題:生態環境場景傳達的另一種科學意象 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 建構線上攝影作品收件與評審資訊系統 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 陳氏兄弟捐贈本館低溫史特靈引擎模型作為教學使用教具 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 豆豆不簡單 淺談臺灣歸化的豆科植物 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 來自月亮的你--月岩標本的故事 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 北葉I遺址的石器 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台中市南勢坑II遺址考古試掘計畫 暨一次、二次搶救 期末報告 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 「參觀博物館」可望成為英國醫師處方箋 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung-Hua | A Case Study of 5 Graders’ Inquiry in Ecology Diorama: Setting Natural Energy Facility or Not? | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 臺灣原住民族文物返還的現況與展望 | Tudorpage |
Huang, L.-C.;Huang, W.-S.;Lin, C.-P.;Nuñeza, O. M., Tseng, H.-Y., Tang, H.-C. | Captive breeding of two insular populations of Pachyrhynchus sarcitis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Lanyu and Babuyan Islands | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 臺客餓勢力:從臺灣飲食文化展演談起 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 智慧科技時代博物館創新思維與經營模式-以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 科技部補助研究計畫MOST-106-2511-S-178-002結案報告 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 博物館藏品註銷出售之爭議 | Tudorpage |
謝文馨;江品君 | 科博之眼─從MuseumNext會議及大英博物館、自然史博物館、倫敦 博物館看社會包容議題與措施 | Tudorpage |
Sugawara, Takashi;Watanabe, Kenta;Hoshino, Yusuke;Yang, Tsung-Yu Aleck | Floral morphology and reproductive nature of Pemphis acidula (Lythraceae) with two different anther levels in Taiwan and Japan. | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 天體測量學─ 從GOOGLE MAP 到 GOOGLE UNIVERSE | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 太巴塱的豐年祭 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 台中市清水區銀聯段 939 地號空地地址遺物勘查案考古試掘計劃結案報告書 | Tudorpage |
Lin,Su-Chih;Huang,Chi-Ying | 2018年土桑寶石、礦物與化石展售會暨加州科學 研究院觀摩學習 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chi-Hsiung;Lin,Shih-Ching;Hsieh,Yu-Ling | A Preliminary Study on the Brokerage Service Model of Taiwanese Designers | Tudorpage |
陳麗淑;葉蓉樺 | 國立海洋科技博物館兒童廳觀眾研究:幼兒家長的非制式教育觀及幼兒教育展品偏好初探 | Tudorpage |
廖以芙;謝玉鈴 | 博物館數位互動科技體驗展之觀眾重遊意願 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 在自然場景遇見社會性科學議題:科學博物館內生態環境展品的探究鷹架個案研究 | Tudorpage |
Zhuang;Shu-Yun;Kao;Yi-Hong | 科博之眼--2018 World Science Festival Brisbane暨南向開眼學習計畫 | Tudorpage |
林思婷;余曉菁 | 看上海、浙江博物館所科教活動規劃及社群媒體經營 | Tudorpage |
陳啟雄;謝玉鈴 | 從科幻到科技:想像力就是超能力,數位科技新體驗在臺中自然科學博物館! | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 日治時期瑪家戶口調查簿所揭示的人口變遷 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Chang-Yi;Yo, Shao-Pin;Clark, Rulon W.;Hsu,Jung-Ya;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tseng, Hui-Yun; Huang, Wen-San | The role of different visual characters of weevils signaling aposematism to sympatric lizard predators | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | Let's “SHARE”:日本高尾599博物館 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海龍王的銀幣--臺灣的沙錢類海膽 (下) | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 友善的博物館學習體驗—以通用設計原則規劃自閉症家庭探索活動 | Tudorpage |
Wenhisng Hsieh;Pinchun Chiang | Universal Design for Museum Learning Programs: The Case of STARRY NMNS for Learners on the Autism Spectrum | Tudorpage |
謝文馨 | 東京宣言-全球科學博物館共同簽署支持聯合國可持續發展目標 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 美國史密森自然史博物館哺乳類與鳥類蒐藏民眾服務與庫房管理考察 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 觀光產業與地方型塑 以鹿港美食為例 | Tudorpage |
Tsuo-ting Lee; Kuang-ti Li | Phytoliths evidence for rice cultivation at 3500 years ago, OLPII site, Kenting area | Tudorpage |
鍾令和 | 西吉嶼藍洞探秘 | Tudorpage |
董國安;劉芷均 | 地球的金礦床 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海龍王的銀幣--臺灣的沙錢類海膽 (上) | Tudorpage |
江品君;謝文馨 | 踏出主動的一步-科博知星 自閉症家庭探索活動 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shichang;Yip, Ho-Yin;Lee, Ming-Yu;Liu, Li;Piorkowski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Vision-mediated courtship in a nocturnal arthropod | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 澳洲博物館運用戲劇詮釋進行教育活動 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪;孫維新 | 出國洽商計畫 (蒙古) | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台中市神岡區大富段1198地號土地 社南村遺址考古試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 當代熟註記卑親屬人口推估之方法探討 | Tudorpage |
黃俞菱 | 是敵?是友?植物與真菌 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chiou, Chuang-Kai;Tseng | CoboChild: a blended mobile game-based learning service for children in museum contexts | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Chia-Jung;Zhan, Shing-Hei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tang, Sen-Lin;Wang, Liang-Chi;Watanabe, Tsuyoshi;Geraldino, Paul John L.;Liu, Shao‐Lun | The effects of contemporary selection and dispersal limitation on the community assembly of acidophilic microalgae | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;張素菁 | 兩岸地震遺址保存與利用的現況 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 牛埔遺址出土的繩紋黑陶缽 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 從神像看見常民信仰生活 | Tudorpage |
鄭凱謙;鍾令和 | 結合精密重力與測地法解析台灣西南部泥貫入體活動特性(1) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 食物、身體與禁忌:以臺灣民間善書為例 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 從社區出發的博物館宗教蒐藏 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台灣的宋錢新考 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Hydnophanerochaete and Odontoefibula, two new genera of phanerochaetoid fungi (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from East Asia | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 牛埔遺址指定範圍調查試掘計畫初期成果報告 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 北葉I遺址搶救發掘簡報 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Bowman, Elizabeth A.;Massimo, Nicholas C.;Gaber, Nicholas P.;U'Ren, Jana M.;Sandberg, Dustin C.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Using collections data to infer biogeographic, environmental and host structure in communities of endophytic fungi. | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Tsai, Wan-Ling;Shea, Kai-Shuan;Teng, Louis S.;Lo, Wei;Tan, Xi-Bin | Refining stratigraphic ages of Northern Hsuehshan Range in northern Taiwan by detrital zircon U-Pb dating | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Li, Xin-He;Chiang, Cheng-Shing | Review of Historical Collapse Events at the Trench of the Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Kai-Chien;Chung, Ling-Ho;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Kao, Ricky | Spatial and Temporal Gravity Change and Mass Redistribution at the Wandan Mud Volcano in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
林秋玫;董國安 | 板塊作用與岩石多樣性 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 驚豔新視野-科學攝影特展暨巡迴展 2015~2016期末成果報告 | Tudorpage |
王明仁;蔣正興;許成哲;張素菁 | 兩岸黑色旅遊產業發展之比較-以地震遺址為例 | Tudorpage |
王風帆;徐書莉;蔣正興;張燦明 | 使用價值溪流圖結合ECRS提升博物館參觀價值-以車籠埔斷層保存園區為例 | Tudorpage |
Ming-Shiou Jeng;Horng-Sheng Mii;Song-Chuen Chen;Shih-Wei Wang | A Preliminary Study on the Cold-Seep Carbonates of the Maanshan Formation, Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 臺中南屯區出土番仔園文化陶器類型 | Tudorpage |
王明仁;蔣正興;許成哲;張素菁 | 兩岸黑色旅遊產業發展之比較—以地震遺址為例 (ISSN 1819-0251) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Zimmerman, Naupaka B.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Observations on the early establishment of foliar endophytic fungi in leaf discs and living leaves of a model woody angiosperm, Populus trichocarpa (Salicaceae). | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 天文影像的演化史 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;尤芊翔;卓孟慧;王豐仁;李繼雅;陳依民;周文豪 | 鳳凰谷鳥園地質敏感區展示暨自動化坡地 穩定監測系統建置 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;李信和;陳依民;蔣正興 | 極端降雨事件引發端竹山槽溝崩坍歷史事件回顧與分析 | Tudorpage |
Zhuang;Shu-Yun;Kao;Yi-Hong | 2018 World Science Festival Brisbane暨南向開眼學習計畫 | Tudorpage |
Lin,Su-Chih;Huang,Chi-Ying | 2018土桑之行紀要 | Tudorpage |
Piorkowski, Dakota;Blackledge, Todd A.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Doran, Niall E.;Wu, Chung-Lin;Blamires, Sean J.;Tso, I-Min | Humidity‐dependent mechanical and adhesive properties of Arachnocampa tasmaniensis capture threads | Tudorpage |
Lee, C.‐Y.;Yo, S.-P.;Clark, R. W.;Hsu, J.-Y.;Liao, C.-P.;Tseng, H.-Y.;Huang, W.-S. | The role of different visual characters of weevils signalling aposematism to sympatric lizard predators | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 東海岸的法國牧者 | Tudorpage |
蔡仲元;米泓生;王士偉;林采玟 | 華南地區腕足殼體穩定碳氧同位素紀錄所反映之泥盆紀古環境 | Tudorpage |
Lin,Su-Chih;Huang,Chi-Ying | 2018土桑之行紀要 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Jun-Ming Chen | Exploring Children's Learning Experience in a Real-World Adventure Game-based Learning Environment Between Virtual and Physical Contexts in Museums | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | Does Taiwan need a law like NAGPRA? | Tudorpage |
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Tung, Kuo-An | The Late Silurian ultramafic-mafic complexes in the Qilian Fold Belt, NW China: inkling the end of Caledonia Orogeny. | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 帶鋸痕的四不像角化石 | Tudorpage |
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KUO, Yang-Yi | Homelands Reinvented in Juancun: Identity Formation of the Chinese Diaspora in Taiwan through the prism of Material Culture, Memory, and Imagination | Tudorpage |
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Chao, Jui-Lung;Lee, Kwen-Shen;Chang, Hsueh-Wen | Lithobius (Monotarsobius) meifengensis, a new species of centipede from high altitude forest in central Taiwan (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae) | Tudorpage |
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Tseng, H-Y.;Huang, Wen-San;Jeng, Ming-Luen;Villanueva, Reagan Joseph T.;Nuñeza, Olga M.;Lin, Chung-Ping | Complex inter-island colonization and peripatric founder speciation promote diversification of flightless Pachyrhynchus weevils in the Taiwan-Luzon volcanic belt. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung-Hua | Museum Science Teaching: Museum Educators’ Personal Epistemology and Their Created Learning Experiences. in Patricia Patrick, (eds.), Preparing Informal Science Educators. | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Hsieh, Y.C.;Lin, P.L. | Signaling involved in PTTH-stimulated 4E-BP phosphorylation in prothoracic gland cells of Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Chen, C.H. | Injury-induced rapid activation of MAPK signaling in dechorionated eggs and larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
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Tsai, J.-F.;Rédei, D. | The genus Arocatus in Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). | Tudorpage |
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張鈞翔 | 105年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石】 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 照亮生命科學的地球微光(一):生物發光。 | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Y.-T.;Tseng, H.-Y.;Jeng, M.-L.;Su, Y.-C.;Huang, W.-S.;C.-P. Lin | Integrated species delimitation and conservation implications of an endangered weevil Pachyrhynchus sonani (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Green and Orchid Islands of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
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張鈞翔 | 石光乍現,尋鑑動物奇跡科普產學製播計畫 | Tudorpage |
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Lin, W.C.;Deng, J.S.;Huang, S.S.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.C.;Lin, W.R.;Huang, G.J. | Anti-Inflammatory activity of Sanghuangporus sanghuang mycelium. | Tudorpage |
Lin, W.C.;Deng, J.S.;Huang, S.S.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, H.Y.;Huang, G.J. | Evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activities of ethanol extracts from different varieties of Sanghuang species. | Tudorpage |
Dai, L.D.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Nakasone, K.K.;Burdsall, H.H.;Jr.;He, S.H. | Two new species of Aleurodiscus s.l. (Russulales, Basidiomycota) on bamboo from tropics. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | Three new species of Hyphodontia s.l. (Basidiomycota) with poroid or raduloid hymenophore. | Tudorpage |
Lin, W.C.;Deng, J.S.;Huang, S.S.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.C.;Lin, W.R.;Huang, G.J. | Anti-inflammatory activity of Sanghuangporus sanghuang by suppressing the TLR4-mediated PI3K/AKT/mTOR/IKKb signaling pathway. | Tudorpage |
Wei, C.L.;Chen, C.J.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Serpula himantioides and S. similis newly recorded in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Dai, Y.C;Zhou, L.W.;Hattori, T.;Cao, Y.;Stalpers, J.A.;Ryvarden, L.;Buchanan, P.;Oberwinkler, F.;Hallenberg, N.;Liu, P.G.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Ganoderma lingzhi (Polyporales, Basidiomycota), the scientific binomial for the widely cultivated medicinal fungus Lingzhi. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Huang, G.J.;Chen, Y.P.;Dai, Y.C.;Zhou, L.W. | Current studies on the medicinal Sanghuang mushroom (Sanghuangporus sanghuang). | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 幾種重要食、藥用真菌的學名改變 (上)。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 幾種重要食、藥用真菌的學名改變 (下)。 | Tudorpage |
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Gu, S.H.;Hsieh, H.Y.;Lin, P.L. | Regulation of protein phosphatase 2A during embryonic diapause process in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
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Yasunaga, T.;K. Kazutaka;Tsai, J.-F. | Taxonomic review of the plant bug subfamily Isometopinae for Taiwan and Japanese Southwest Islands, with descriptions of new taxa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae). | Tudorpage |
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Kuo, Fon-Chu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Chu, Hui-Chun;Yang, Kai-Hsiang;Chen, Yi-Hsuan | A peer-assessment mobile Kung Fu education approach to improving students’ affective performances. | Tudorpage |
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劉憶諄主編 | 敦煌風華再現:續說石窟故事 | Tudorpage |
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Chao, Chien-Ti;Chen, Po-Hao;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Two newly naturalized plant species in Taiwan: Astraea lobata and Merremia umbellata | Tudorpage |
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Hu, Yongguo;Zhang, Shukang;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | VII Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies in Qinglongshan Geopark in Hubei, China | Tudorpage |
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Wiemann, Jasmina;Fabbri, Matteo;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Norell, Mark A.;Briggs, Derek E. G. | The biomolecular paleontology of dinosaur eggshells: a synthetic, chemoecological perspective | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shukang;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Li, Zhengqi; Hu, Yongguo | Reuse of a mixed-dinosaur-species site on fluvial deposits of Yunxian Basin, Hubei, China | Tudorpage |
Lin,C.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Female choice leads to a switch in oval squid male mating tactics. | Tudorpage |
Liu,Y.-C.;Liu,T.-H.;Su,C.-H.;Chiao,C.-C. | Neural organization of the optic lobe changes steadily from late embryonic stage to adulthood in cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. | Tudorpage |
Liu,Y.-C.;Liu,T.-H.;Yu,C.-C.;Su,C.-H.;Chiao,C.-C. | Mismatch between the eye and the optic lobe in the giant squid. | Tudorpage |
Liu,Y.-C.;Tsai,Y.-C.;Chiao,C.-C. | Quantitative analysis of dynamic body patterning reveals the grammar of visual signals during the reproductive behavior of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana. | Tudorpage |
Lin,I.-R.;Chiao,C.-C. | Visual equivalence and amodal completion in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Liu,T.-H.;Chiao,C.-C. | Mosaic organization of body pattern control in the optic lobe of squids. | Tudorpage |
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Hsieh, Huei‑Mei;Chung, Mei‑Chu;Chou, Wen‑Neng;et al. | A termite symbiotic mushroom maximizing sexual activity at growing tips of vegetative hyphae | Tudorpage |
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Lai, Bao-Cheng;Arita, Yutaka;Yang, Man-Miao | New host plant and the first record of gall-forming Synanthedon auritincta (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Ying-chun., Huang, Yang-Jung;Wang, Chiu-Mei; Chiu, Chin-An;Lin, Huey-Ling; Lee, Pei-Fang, and C. Chang.;Cheng, Ya-Ming; Chang Chend Chen Chang | Re-emergence of Lilium callosum Sieb. et Zucc. in Taiwan after a fire allows propagation and renews the possibility of conservation | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 文物環境與保存收藏 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 2017諾貝爾物理獎─重力波 | Tudorpage |
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蔣正興;林宗儀 | 高屏陸坡現代海底扇形成過程之研究 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 利用自然史場景 探究能源議題 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 隨著新住民飄洋過海來的豆科蔬菜植物 | Tudorpage |
黃文山等 | 蘭嶼吃蛋掠食者影響島上爬蟲類食物鏈和生蛋策略計畫Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket: Reproductive adaptation in lizards under predation pressure from different predator communities | Tudorpage |
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楊宗愈 | 全球熱帶植物基因組及轉錄組超低溫保存1/3--期中進度報告 | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Conspectus of Hyphodontia s.l. (Basidiomycota) with poroid or raduloid hymenophore | Tudorpage |
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林志隆;Lin, Chilong | 漫談臺灣社教館附設大型劇場的發展脈絡 | Tudorpage |
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Piorkowski, Dakota;Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Ontogenetic shift toward stronger, tougher silk of a web‐building, cave‐dwelling spider | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 敦煌石窟的美麗與哀愁─搶救風沙歲月下的古物 | Tudorpage |
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鍾令和 | 2016熊本地震野外考察與感想 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 敦煌秘寶:驚現藏經洞 | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Yen-Ting;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Jeng, Ming-Luen;Su, Yong‐Chao;Huang, Wen-San;Lin, Chung-Ping | Integrated species delimitation and conservation implications of an endangered weevil Pachyrhynchus sonani (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Green and Orchid Islands of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 等待>祕鏡特展:公民科學的觀識 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 等待>祕鏡:第參屆科學攝影特展暨巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
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張瀛之 | 博物館與高中課程合作開發:以臺史博與南一中館校合作專案為例 | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源 | 文獻引用關聯擷取、引用意圖標記與結構化摘要生成之研究(第一年) | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 尋找X行星 | Tudorpage |
Chiu, Hui-Lung;Shii, Chou-Tou;Yang, T.-Y. Aleck | Musa x formbisiana (Musaceae), a new interspecific hybrid banana. | Tudorpage |
林秋玫;曾建元;董國安 | 太古宙的岩石 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chuang, Ray Y;Shyu, J Bruce H;Huang, Mong-Han;Yang, Kenn-Ming | Shallow crustal structures triggered by the ML6.6 Meinong earthquake, southwestern Taiwan, from field investigation of surface deformation and damages | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi | A Cyclical Learning Model to Promote Children’s Online and On-site Museum Learning | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 整合行銷傳播應用於博物館之研究:以國立自然科學博物館「腦中乾坤:心智的生物學特展」為例 | Tudorpage |
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Cheng, Ren-Chung;Zhang, Shichang;Chen, Yu-Chun;Lee, Chia-Yi;Chou, Yi-Ling;Ye, Hui-Ying;Piorkowaski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Nutrients intake determines the post-maturity molting in the golden orb-web spider Nephila pilipes (Araneae: Nephilidae) | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 考古最前線:遺址巡查二三事 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 吃貨的時光行旅—走看「臺灣飲食文化特展」 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 掩星觀測─另闢蹊徑的天文觀測 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 我吃故我在:博物館食物展演的實踐與意義 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 大陸鹼性玄武岩的成因研究:以山東地區晚新生代玄武質岩類為例 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 天文奇景─日全食 | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 跟隨矢野勢吉郎的腳步― 探索甲午戰後台灣低海拔植物相 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 以PM2.5打開台灣未來之門 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興;林宗儀;張素菁;詹羑律 | 比較台灣西南海域高屏海底扇及枋寮海底扇的震測特徵、形貌及形成(II)結案報告 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 看不見的尺度─奈米特展簡介 | Tudorpage |
王斌威 | 天文觀測的聖山-夏威夷島毛納基亞山 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 臺前幕後:「壺光歲月:竹園岡文物館安平壺特展」的誕生 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Floral morphs and seed production from hand-pollination in a population of Oxalis corymbosa in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Floral morphs and seed production from hand-pollination in a population of Oxalis corymbosa in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chien-Hsu;Huang, Chun-Yen;Chou, Yin-Yu | Integrating augmented reality into blended learning for elementary science course | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 東沙環礁潟湖內塊礁的分布與形態 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Wu, T.-R.;Liu, S.-C.;Shen, C.-C. | Multiple severe typhoons in recent history revealed by coral boulders of northwestern Luzon, Philippines | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 自然生態觀察與記錄(科博館園區與自然教育中心) | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z.; C.L. Huang; J.L. Wei | Two new species of Sarcoscypha (Sarcosyphaceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Jen-Yuan Yeh & Shihn-Yuarn Chen | Sentence-Level Opinion Analysis for Chinese News Documents Based on Sentiment Information of Social Tags | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 台灣屏東恆春西台地更新世碳酸鹽岩之研究 | Tudorpage |
楊翎主編 | 驚豔.新視野:科學攝影事件簿2014-2015 | Tudorpage |
Kuo-an Tung*, Houng-yi Yang, Huai-jen Yang, Alan Smith, Dunyi Liu, Jianxin Zhang, Cailai Wu, Yen-hong Shau, Da-jen Wen, Chien-yuan Tseng | The lower Paleozoic granitoids from the central part of the Qilian block, NW China: An example of granitoid magmatism in a continental backarc setting | Tudorpage |
Kuo-an Tung*, Houng-yi Yang, Huai-jen Yang, Alan Smith, Dunyi Liu, Jianxin Zhang, Cailai Wu, Yen-hong Shau | The Early Paleozoic granitoids from the central part of the Qilian block, NW China: An example of granitoid magmatism in a continental backarc setting | Tudorpage |
Kuo-an Tung*, Houng-yi Yang, Huai-jen Yang, Alan Smith, Dunyi Liu, Jianxin Zhang, Cailai Wu, Yen-hong Shau, Da-jen Wen, Chien-yuan Tseng | Magma sources and petrogenesis of the early–middle Paleozoic backarc granitoids from the central part of the Qilian block, NW China. | Tudorpage |
Huang, W.J.*, Chen, W.S., Lee, Y.H., Yang, C.C., Lin, M.L., Chiang, C.S., Lee, J.C., Lu, S.T | Insights from heterogeneous structures of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake thrust termination in and near Chushan excavation site, Central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L; J.H. Chen; C.T. Chang; J.D. Chung, P.C. Liao, J.C. Wang | Disentangling the effects of isolation-by-distance and isolation-by-environment on genetic differentiation among Rhododendron lineages in the subgenus Tsutsusi | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Hsieh, Y.C.;Lin, P.L. | Stimulation of orphan nuclear receptor HR38 gene expression by PTTH in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Li, K;Tian, L;Guo, Z;Guo, S;Zhang, J;Gu, S.H;Palli, S.R;Cao, Y;Li, S | 20-Hydroxyecdysone (20E) Primary Response Gene E75 Isoforms Mediate Steroidogenesis Autoregulation and Regulate Developmental Timing in Bombyx | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang, Kun-Cheng Chang, Chih-Hsiung Chen | Two Newly Naturalized Plant species in Taiwan: Fumaria
parviflora Lam. and Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. | Tudorpage |
王明仁;蔣正興等 | 博物館服務品質及科教活動之研究-以科博館自然生態教育園區為例 | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘(一)楓香 | Tudorpage |
C. M. Wang, K. C. Chang, C. H. Chen | Two Newly Naturalized Plant species in Taiwan: Fumaria
parviflora Lam. and Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 繭藏標本─達爾文中心 | Tudorpage |
Lee, T.Y.; J.W. Liu; H.M. Chang; J.Y. Chen, S.F. Li, C.L.Huang and C.R. Sheue | Novel forms and patterns: the diversity of silica bodies of Selaginella in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Iida, Y.; I.F. Sun; C.A. Price; C.T. Chen, Z.S. Chen, J.M. Chiang, C.L. Huang, and N.G. Swenson | Linking leaf veins to growth and mortality rates: an example from a subtropical tree community | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 鍬鍬愛上你:鍬形蟲知多少(五)? | Tudorpage |
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鄭明倫 | 特展精華:結構的腦:聰明而精巧的人腦。 | Tudorpage |
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鄭明倫 | 秋冬賞螢正對時。 | Tudorpage |
陳燦榮、鄭明倫 | 大農大富平地森林園區螢火蟲資源調查暨解說手冊出版計畫期末報告書。 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 科技部專題研究期末報告-野生秋海棠不定芽玻璃化法和藻膠玻璃化法超低溫種原保存前處理方法之研究 | Tudorpage |
林俊聰、姚秋如 | 臺灣宜蘭縣龜山島壁虎屬 (Gekko) (有鱗目:蜥蜴亞目:壁虎科) 一新種 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | 科技部期末報告:環境變遷對蘭嶼長尾南蜥和赤背松柏根蛇族群生態的衝擊 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 科技部補助出席第25屆世界昆蟲大會國際會議出國報告 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 科技部104年「科普活動:探索居家昆蟲世界」計畫結案報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 104年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石】 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 桑黃(Sanghuangporus sanghuang)相似種的分類學研究(1/3) | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D., Tsai, J.F., & J.E. Eger. | Lectotype designations and taxonomic corrections on Neotropica Scutelleridae described by G. Breddin (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | A revision of Lamprocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 台灣屏東恆春西台地更新世碳酸鹽岩之研究(Ⅱ) | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | A key to the species of Hyphodontia sensu lato. | Tudorpage |
Zhou, L.W.;Vlasák, J.;Decock, C.; Assefa, A.;Stenlid, J.;Abate, D.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Dai, Y.C. | Global diversity and taxonomy of the Inonotus linteus complex (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Sanghuangporus gen. nov., Tropicoporus excentrodendri and T. guanacastensis gen. et spp. nov., and 17 new combinations. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Huang, G.J.;Chen, Y.P.;Dai, Y.C.;Zhou, L.W. | Taxonomy and application perspectives of Sanghuang (Sanghuangporus sanghuang). | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Y.P.;Tschen, S.M. | Population diversity of the medicinal Sanghuang mushroom (Sanghuangporus sanghuag). | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 線上蒐藏庫 (七) 藥用真菌。 | Tudorpage |
陳燦榮;鄭明倫 | 熠熠洄瀾 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Yang, Kai-Hsiang;Lin, Chia-Wei | Development and application of a repertory grid-oriented knowledge construction Augmented Reality (AR) learning system for context-aware ubiquitous learning. | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Yang, Shu-Min | Development of a game-based learning system based on the concept-effect model for improving mathematic learning achievements. | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Yang, Shu-Min | Development of a Mobile Digital Game-based Learning system based on Concept Effect Relationship for improving Mathematic Fraction learning achievements of Elementary School Students in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 台灣南部石灰岩洞穴內哺乳動物化石密集層之沉積層序研究 | Tudorpage |
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劉憶諄主編 | 腦中乾坤:心智的生物學 | Tudorpage |
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何恭算 | 線上蒐藏庫(六)—亮麗的寶石礦物。 | Tudorpage |
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Kawamura, Ai;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Yoshinari Kawamura | Middle Pleistocene to Holocene mammal faunas of the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan: An updated review incorporating results of recent research | Tudorpage |
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Chan, Mei-Ling;Lee, Kwen-Shen | A new record of Latridiidae from Taiwan, with a note on its occurrence | Tudorpage |
Siringan, F.P.;Shen, C.-C.;Lin, K.;Gong, Shou-Yeh | Coral-based Holocene sea level of Paraoir, western Luzon, Philippines | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Wang, Y. H.;Wu, C.C.;Shen, C.C. | Origin and Development of the Dongsha Island, South China Sea in the Holocene | Tudorpage |
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張瀛之 | 口述影像服務於博物館之應用—— 以國立臺灣歷史博物館視障者口述影像導覽為例 | Tudorpage |
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Yamg, Tzu-Ruei;Jasmina Wiemann;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Wu, Xiao-Chun | New evidences from complete oviraptorid clutches explain why oviraptorid dinosaur did not brood | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Van Heteren, Anneke;Wiemann, Jasmina;Spiering, Beate | Communal nesting behavior of oviraptorid dinosaurs revealed by statistical analysis and phosphor distribution of eggshells | Tudorpage |
Chen, Yen-Jean;Liu ,Ke-Hung;Chu, Whei-Lee | New Record of Water Deer (Hydropote inermis) from the Archaeological Sites in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 「明察秋毫」野鳥生態木雕特展介紹 | Tudorpage |
Lee,M.-J.;Chiao,C.-C. | Short-term alteration of developmental neural activity enhances neurite outgrowth of retinal explants. | Tudorpage |
Chen,Y.-P.;Bai,K.-S.;Wu,M.-F.;Chiao,C.-C.;Huang,Y.-S. | Loss of CPEB3 upregulates MEGF10 to impair mosaic development of ON starburst amacrine cells. | Tudorpage |
Lee,M.-F.;Lin,C.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C.;Lu,C.-C. | Reproductive behavior and embryonic development of the pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis (Cephalopoda: Sepiidae). | Tudorpage |
Tu,H.-Y.;Chen,Y.-J.;McQuiston A.R.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chen,C.-K. | A novel retinal oscillation mechanism in an autosomal dominant photoreceptor degeneration mouse model. | Tudorpage |
Tu,H.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Cx36 expression in the AII-mediated rod pathway is activity dependent in the developing rabbit retina. | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng | Three species of Boletaceae (Basidiomycota) newly recorded in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng | Two Species of Hypogeous Gasteroid Fungi (Basidiomycota) New to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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楊翎主編 | 驚豔.新視野:科學攝影事件簿2014-2015 | Tudorpage |
Chian;Yi;Shin | Variation in Mountain Vegetation Composition between the East and the West Sides of Southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「驚豔•新視野:科學攝影」──雙年巡迴特展洽商計畫 | Tudorpage |
陳柏升、許美蓉 | 典藏詮釋外一章-藏在籤詩印版後的秘密(海報) | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Shyu, J.Bruce.H.;Huang, Mong-Han;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Le Beon, M.;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Chuang, Ray Y;Yi, D. | The hazard map of ML6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake near Guanmiao and its Neotectonic implication | Tudorpage |
Chuang, Ray Y.;Ching, Kuo-En;Manabu Hashimoto;Rau, Ruey-Juin;Tsai, Min-Chien;Chung, Ling-Ho | Coseismic deformation and tectonic implications of the 2016 M6.6 Meinong earthquake, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Kuo, Fan-Ray;Liang,Hsin-Yi;Lee,Min-Feng | A Curriculum-based Virtual and Physical Mobile Learning Model for Elementary Schools in Museums | Tudorpage |
張英彥 | 博物館推展社教機構終身學習事業新作法 | Tudorpage |
程延年 | 雙孔類古爬行動物 (Diapsid Reptiles) 整合研究︰鱷型類群 (Crocodylomorpha) 化石 (I-II) 期末報告 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 拆解空氣迷霧的特展:島嶼浮塵,PM2.5視界 | Tudorpage |
Chiou,Chuang-Kai;Tseng,.Judy C. R.;Tien-Yu Hsu | Blended Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning in Museums: Environment, Navigation Support, and System Development | Tudorpage |
陳柏升;鄒佩琪 | 窺視研究與蒐藏秘境的管道-談科博館臉書與線上蒐藏庫的影響範疇 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 在博物館中拆解空氣迷霧, | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 跨領域合作帶來新思維(下):博物館VS.視覺傳達設計 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟;黃興倬 | 「異能」是怪獸的遊戲,還是生存的競技? | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 獨樹一峯:林朝英家族風華特展 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Three new species of Hyphodontia with poroid or raduloid hymenophore | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 跨領域合作帶來新思維(中):博物館VS.動畫 | Tudorpage |
董國安、張智雄、莊祐濬、林佳燕、林秋玫 | 早期的地球(三)─元古宙Proterozoic | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 跨領域合作帶來新思維(上) | Tudorpage |
Jen-Yuan Yeh & Jung-Yi Lin | Learning ranking functions for information retrieval using layered multi-population genetic programming | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 如虎添翼的「八星虎甲蟲」 | Tudorpage |
Yang,T.-I.;Chiao,C.-C. | Number sense and state-dependent valuation in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chien-Hsu;Chou, Yin-Yu;Huang, Chun-Yen | An augmented-reality-based concept map to support mobile learning for science | Tudorpage |
Arnold, A. Elizabeth;U'Ren, Jana M.;Miadikowska, Jolanta;Carbone, Ignazio;Huang, Yu-Ling;Bowman, Elizabeth A.;May, Georgiana;Lutzoni, Francois | Perspectives from leaves and lichens on scale and distribution of the global endobiome. | Tudorpage |
Kim, Chan-Jong; Yeh, Jung-Hua | Science Learning in Informal Environments in East Asia: Focusing on Science Museums/ Centers. | Tudorpage |
Zimmerman, Naupaka;Johnson, Jennifer E.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Moore, David J.P.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | The effects of foliar fungal endophytes on plant physiological performance. | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 早期的地球(二)─太古宙Archean | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展」手路菜系列報導──食物的文化象徵與邏輯 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 紐西蘭博物館的後典範興革—從島嶼記憶之重塑與展演談起 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 甲蟲黑武士—藍豔騷金龜 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 羅迪尼亞超大陸的聚合與裂解-從祁連地塊出發II(MOST 103-2116-M-178-003-)。103/08/01~105/05/31 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 策展人即Curator?淺談博物館中的策展規劃與策展人定位 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 草地上朵朵的「棉花糖」 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chien-Hsu;Chou, Yin-Yu;Huang, Chun-Yen | Integrating concept-mapping into augmented reality learning system for natural science | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 台菲國合計畫-菲律賓珊瑚礁環境之古海嘯調查(III) | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 臺中市安和路遺址試掘地點層位說明 | Tudorpage |
林ˊ志隆 | 季節、陽光與氣候系列 為什麼會有四季變化?(下) | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 新技術、新思維、新趨勢:3D列印技術於博物館領域之應用 | Tudorpage |
程延年 | 宏觀建構全球中生代古蜥鰭類群(雙孔類爬行動物):系譜重建、個體發育、系統演化與古地理分佈 (III) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展」手路菜系列報導-從產地到市場 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 小螳螂的誕生 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 藏品盤點對自然史博物館藏品管理的衝擊 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 驚豔新視野-科學攝影特展暨巡迴展 2015~2016 期中成果報告 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Lee, Yuan-Hsi;Tsai, Wan-Ling;Shea, Kai-Shuan;Lo, Wei;Lin, Chii-Wen | The 35 Ma Detrital Zircon U–Pb Ages in Hsitsun Formation, Northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 中部科學工業園區二林園區考古疑似文化遺址 A 區搶救發掘案-第二階段搶救發掘計畫-大排沙農場 II 遺址古窯搶救發掘 | Tudorpage |
鹿野忠雄(著);楊南郡、李作婷(譯註) | 東南亞細亞民族學先史學研究上下卷 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 季節、陽光與氣候系列 為什麼會有四季變化?(上) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展」手路菜系列──舌尖的認知與記憶 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 早期的地球(一)冥古代(Hadean) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 肉食性的藍益椿象 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 一窺紅尾伯勞的儲食行為 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館的在地嵌入與雙重主義-從紐西蘭毛利政策談起 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;衣德成;莊昀叡;許崑泉;石瑞銓 | 美濃地震土壤液化現象初勘 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 以教育學三角關係模型進行博物館學習理論與科普實務整合—同類型機構與異類型機構合作案例分析 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 華北漢諾壩和陽原火山岩區輝石岩包體之地化特性與成因研究:綜合全岩及礦物尺度來探討 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博館30週年館慶活動 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 發現白腰鵲鴝 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 野生動物產製品處理及蒐集計畫執行成果報告 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 科博三十而立的盛宴──好好吃:臺灣飲食文化特展 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 比較台灣西南海域高屏海底扇及枋寮海底扇的震測特徵、形貌及形成
結案報告 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 比較台灣西南海域高屏海底扇及枋寮海底扇的震測特徵、形貌及形成 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, M.M. Nandi;U'Ren, Jana M.;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Pervasive effects of wildfire on foliar endophyte communities in montane forest trees. | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 主體位置的迷航:博物館專業人員的困境與轉機 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 全臺最佳場地招商,觀星活動被迫取消─追憶翠峰星空饗宴活動- | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 大自然的邀約~野外工作中令我印象深刻的事 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 十個眺看十九世紀臺灣的方法 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 追憶翠峰星空饗宴活動 | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 群眾集資社群平台網站之探勘專案報告-以嘖嘖zeczec為例 | Tudorpage |
Hsiao, Chia-Jen;Wu, Yen-I; Tung, Tzu-An;Wang, Guan-Yi;Toullec, Jean-Yves;Liu, Shih-Ting;Huang,Wen-San;Lee, Chi-Ying | Metabolic effects of parasitization by the barnacle Polyascus plana (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala: Sacculinidae) on a grapsid host Metopograpsus thukuhar | Tudorpage |
Pike, David A.;Clark, Rulon W.;Manica, Andrea;Tseng, Hui-Yun;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang,Wen-San | Surf and turf: predation by egg-eating snakes has led to the evolution of parental care in a terrestrial lizard | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z; C.L. Huang | A New Species of Urnula (Sarcosomataceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L;J.H. Chen; M.H. Tsang; J.D. Chung; C.T. Chang, and S.Y. Hwang | Influences of environmental and spatial factors on genetic and epigenetic variations in Rhododendron oldhamii (Ericaceae) | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L; C.T. Chang; B.H. Huang; J.D. Chung, J.H. Chen, Y.C. Chiang, and S.Y.Hwang | Genetic relationships and ecological divergence in Salix species and populations in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chiou, Chuang-Kai;Tseng, Judy C. R.;Hwang, Gwo-Jen | Development and Evaluation of an Active Learning Support System for Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Jung Tsai, Chun-Cheng Peng, Ting-Yi Chang, Wang-Jui Tsai, Jen-Yuan Yeh, & Kuen-Jhe Shih | A New Biometrics to Improve the Accuracy of Personal Authentication in Free Text | Tudorpage |
Thomas Gwinner & Jen-Yuan Yeh | The Construction of a Two-Player Gaming Platform for the Classical Chinese Poetry Game - Interactive Five-Character-Quatrain Composition | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源、林忠億、鄭培成、楊維邦 | 應用基於排序相關係數之特徵向量轉換於資訊檢索排序模型學習 (Feature-Level Context Transformation for Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Based on Rank-Order Correlation) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 「須臾化永恆─昆蟲標本的博物館旅程」特展 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 鍬鍬愛上你:鍬形蟲知多少(一)? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 鍬鍬愛上你:鍬形蟲知多少(二)? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 鍬鍬愛上你:鍬形蟲知多少(三)? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、吳立偉、陳亭瑋、R.J. Villanueva | 水棲螢火蟲多樣性與保育。 | Tudorpage |
吳立偉、鄭明倫 | 次世代定序技術再昆蟲保育的運用。 | Tudorpage |
Pei, N.; D.L. Erickson; B. Chen X. Ge, X. Mi, N.G. Swenson, J.L. Zhang, F.A. Jones, C.L. Huang, W. Ye, Z. Hao, C.F. Hsieh, S. Lum, N.A. Bourg, J.D. Parker, J.K. Zimmerman, W.J. McShea, et al; X. Ge, X. Mi, N.G. Swenson, J.L. Zhang, F.A. Jones, C.L. Huang, W. Ye, Z. Hao, C.F. Hsieh, S. Lum, N.A. Bourg, J.D. Parker, J.K. Zimmerman, W.J. McShea, et al. | Closely-related taxa influence woody species discrimination via DNA barcoding: evidence from global forest dynamics plots | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L; C.T. Chang,;B.H. Huang,;J.D. Chung, J.H. Chen, Y.C. Chiang, and S.Y. Hwang | Genetic relationships and ecological divergence in species and populations of Salix in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 走進綠建築─加州科學院 | Tudorpage |
Hu, W.H;Liu, S.F.; Liaw, S.I. | Long-term preconditioning of plantlets: a practical method for enhancing survival of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) shoot tips cryopreserved using vitrification. | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 野生秋海棠種原長期保存及種子發芽特性之研究 | Tudorpage |
黃朝曦、葉蓉樺與邱鈺鈞 | 數位學習碩士在職專班遠距教之課程討論參與和和學習成效個案研究探討。收錄於楊振華主編,2014大學遠距教學成果專書。 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. and C.L. Huang | A new species of Urnula (Sarcosomataceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. and M.L. Chan | A Penicillium and a Talaromyces new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 103年度【科普活動:探尋臺灣哺乳動物化石】 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;王紀潮 | 鼎立三十鑄鼎熔金的科學智慧 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 「蟲」新交織的人與物—科博館兩個捐贈展的不同策展模式 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | The lower Paleozoic granitoids from the central part of the Qilian block, NW China: An example of granitoid magmatism in a continental backarc setting | Tudorpage |
董國安 , 楊宏儀 , 劉敦一 , 張建新 , 楊懷仁 , 蕭炎宏 , 曾建元 | 加里東期大陸弧後花崗岩質岩漿作用:以祁連地塊為例 | Tudorpage |
Li, T.H.;Hu, H.P.;Deng, W.Q.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, D.M.;Tsering, T. | Ganoderma leucocontextum, a new member of the G. lucidum complex from southwestern China. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hyphoderma moniliforme and H. nemorale (Basidiomycota) newly recorded from China. | Tudorpage |
Zhou, L.W.;Vlasák, J.;Decock, C.;Assefa, A.;Stenlid, J.;Abate, D.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Dai, Y.C. | Global diversity and taxonomy of the Inonotus linteus complex (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Sanghuangporus gen. nov., Tropicoporus excentrodendri and T. guanacastensis gen. et spp. nov., and 17 new combinations. | Tudorpage |
Chen, W.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Haploporus alabamae and H. thindii (Basidiomycota) newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 桑黃屬的誕生。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 藥用真菌桑黃(Inonotus sanghuang)生物學及栽培研究 | Tudorpage |
Asahara Masakazu;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Junpei Kimura;Nguyen Truong Son;Masanaru Takai | Re-examination of the fossil raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from the Penghu channel, Taiwan, and an age estimation of the Penghu fauna | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang;Yousuke Kaifu;Masanaru Takai;Reiko T. Kono;Rainer Grün;Shuji Matsu’ura;Les Kinsley;Lin,Liang-Kong | The First archaic Homo from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chiou-Ju Yao, Ching-Hung Chen, and Chung-Der Hsiao | The complete mitogenomes of Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens) (Chordata: Ziphiidae). | Tudorpage |
Peilie Wang, Chiou-Ju Yao*, Jiabo Han, Zhiqiang Ma and Zhichuang Lu | Identification of stranded beaked whales in the Fujian Province of China using mtDNA sequences and morphological characteristics | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Chen, C.H.;Hsieh, Y.C.;Lin, P.L.;Young, S.C. | Modulatory effects of bombyxin on ecdysteroidogenesis in Bombyx mori prothoracic glands | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Hsieh, Y.C. | Regulation of histone H3 phosphorylation at serine 10 in PTTH-stimulated prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、王秋美、陳炳誠、謝孟龍 | 台北盆地早全新世巒大杉木材 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 臺灣引進種植物的生態危機(十五)──菊科的偷渡客 | Tudorpage |
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Chao, S.-M.;Wu, S.-C. | Response of the sea cucumber Holothuria cinerascens to the predatory gastropod Tonna perdix. | Tudorpage |
Li, S.F.; J.W. Liu; C.T. Wu; I. Valdespino, N. Salazar, N. Nadkarni, J.W.H. Yong, B. Adjie, P. Saenger, P. Chesson, C.L. Huang, and C.R. Sheue | The occurrence of monoplastidy in the ancient genus Selaginella associated with phylogeny | Tudorpage |
蔡政斈;劉以誠;黃俊霖;趙偉村 | 南仁山欖仁溪森林動態樣區不同生育地之葉片性狀 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 鍬鍬愛上你:鍬形蟲知多少(四)? | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、吳立偉 | 昆蟲部分。摘自:吳俊哲(主編)。日月潭國家風景區自然生態資源監測(九)結案報告。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 東亞高山地區木腐型擔子菌生物多樣性資源調查 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F., Kudo, S., Yoshizawa, K. | Maternal care in Acanthosomatidae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae): correlated evolution with morphological change. | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | The genus Acanthosoma in Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae). | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | Redefinition of Acanthosoma and taxonomic corrections to its included species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae). | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | The identity of Acanthosoma vicinum, with proposal of a new genus and species level synonymy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae). | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F., Rédei, D., Aukema, B. et al. | Elasmostethus dorsalis Jakovlev, 1876 (currently Elasmucha dorsalis; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed precedence over Acanthosoma vicinum Uhler, 1861 (currently Elasmucha vicina). | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 在科博館圖書室的日子 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chu, Hui-Chun;Yang, Kai-Hsiang;Kuo, Fon-Chu;Chen, Yi-Hsuan | Effects of a peer-assessment-based mobile physical education learning approach on students’ affective perspectives on a university Tai Chi course. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 科學攝影:自然與藝術之迷特展暨巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
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張鈞翔 | 台灣第四紀洞穴哺乳動物之化石 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 探討國內大學圖書館員對學術傳播的認知與態度 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-suan; Liu, Yan;You, Chen-feng;Yang, Huai-jen;Chen, Ju-chin | The petrogenesis of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Tengchong area, western Yunnan: geochemical and isotopic constraints. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 懷念武雅士(Arthur Wolf)教授 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [中國川滇黔螢火蟲相調查(二)]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之;趙小菁;林孟欣 | 舊邦維新:19世紀臺灣社會特展專刊 | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, Jasmina;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. Martin | Catching the pigments of life: Preservation potential and paleobiological implications of tetrapyrrolic color pigments in dinosaur eggshell | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. Martin;Wiemann, Jasmina;Cheng, Yen-Nien | Reproductive biology of the oviraptorid dinosaurs revealed by the interpreted egg inner structures | Tudorpage |
Chang, Hao-Yun;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Hsieh, Ching-Yun;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chuang, Hui-Ju;Chen, Yi-Ju | 3D geometry and evolutionary sequence of fold-thrust systems in NW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wiemann, J.;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Sander, P. N.;Engeser, M.;Kath-Schorr, S.;Müller, C. E.;Schneider, M.;Sander, P. M. | The colourful eggs of dinosaurs: Preserved metabolites reveal the evolution of avian reproduction | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Chubb,C.;Hanlon,R.T. | A review of visual perception mechanisms that regulate rapid adaptive camouflage in cuttlefish. | Tudorpage |
Noble, Luke M;Chang, Audrey S;McNelis, Daniel;Kramer, M | Natural Variation in plep-1 Causes Male-Male Copulatory Behavior in C. elegans | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho and Wei Lo | Structural Analysis in Shoufengsi Area of Tananao Complex, Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 想像與再現之間:以「藍天紅土的子民:北美西南印第安文化」特展為例 | Tudorpage |
Ota, Yoko;Shyu, J.B.H.;Wang, Chung-Che;Lee, Huey-Cheng;Chung, Ling-Ho;Shen, Chuan-Chou | Coral boulders along the coast of the Lanyu Island, offshore southeastern Taiwan, as potential paleotsunami records | Tudorpage |
蘇裕傑;陳奕廷 | 探討癌症個案管理對於癌症治療成效與醫療費用之交互分析影響-以大林慈濟醫院乳癌及肺癌經驗為例 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, J. H. | The Official Informal Science Facilities in 21st Century Taiwan: Role, Function and Duty in Science Education. | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | Digital Renovation of the Space Theater in National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 列印獨一無二的博物館學習經驗 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 獨一無二的博物館參觀經驗-日本美秀美術館(MIHO MUSEUM)紀行 | Tudorpage |
陳佳利、黃旭 | 工業汙染下的生死容顏:南風攝影展觀眾留言分析 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「科學攝影」巡迴拓展:浙江自然博物館洽商計畫 | Tudorpage |
Chia-Li Chen & Hsu Huang | Displaying and Engaging Visitors in Difficult Issues: A Study on Visitors Comments on “When the South Wind Blows” | Tudorpage |
Ho, C-Y;Tsai, Meng-Ying;Huang, Y-L;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Ecophysiological factors contributing to the invasion of Panicum maximum into native Miscanthus sinensis grassland in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 看展示‧長知識:老師在博物館裡的教學引導分享 | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源 | 基於特徵關聯分群之特徵選取策略於資訊檢索排序模型學習的應用 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 遮蔽與敞開:報導攝影與展示設計的一場對話 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Tai-Shen;Zhang, Shichang;Liao, Chen-Pan;Hebets, Eileen A.;Tso, I-Min | A dual function of white coloration in a nocturnal spider Dolomedes raptor (Araneae: Pisauridae) | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 風暴沉積對東沙環礁發育的影響(II) | Tudorpage |
Yeh, J. H. | The Scaffolding of Science Museum Practice for high school students: a case study of NMNS. | Tudorpage |
陳奕廷 | 海量文件搜尋引擎實作(以T-SQL為例) | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 科技部補助計畫編號MOST-103-2511-S-178-001結案報告 | Tudorpage |
Fong, Christopher-C-K;Wang, Shih-Wei | Subaerially-formed sandflow structures, positive manifestation for the origin of aeolian deposits:example from two coal-bearing Miocene Formations in northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jung Hua | High School Students’ Non-formal Science Learning Preferences In Science Museum. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 變與不變:和平區泰雅族的農作生產與社會生活 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 羅迪尼亞超大陸的聚合與裂解-從祁連地塊出發 (MOST 102-2116-M-178-002-)。102/08/01~104/05/31 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 2015科學攝影:自然與藝術之迷特展 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, Nandi MM;U'Ren, Jana M.;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Pervasive effects of wildfire on foliar endophyte communities in montane forest trees. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 趣味復原饕餮 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 早期的地球(The early Earth)-前寒武紀 (Precambrian) | Tudorpage |
李作婷;吳意琳;李匡悌;李坤修 | 臺灣東海岸四千年前栽培稻的起源:矽酸體分析的初步成果 | Tudorpage |
Su, Yu-Chieh;Chen, Yi-Ting;Chen, Wen-Hui | Cancer Case Management Decision Information System | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 圓環像櫥窗,說台北的身世 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 世界海洋日系列活動 | Tudorpage |
董國安、黃敏惠 | 地質觀點下的「鳳凰谷鳥園」 | Tudorpage |
Zhang, Shichang;Mao, Kuei-Kai;Lin, Po-Ting;Hung, Wei;Piorkowski, Dakota;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Crypsis via leg clustering: twig masquerading in a spider | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Microsporangium development in two species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) with different male fertility | Tudorpage |
Mii, Horng-Sheng;Lin, Tsai-Wen;Wang, Shih-Wei;Chen, Xiu-Qin | Carbon and oxygen isotope records of Devonian brachiopods from the southern China and their palaeoenvironmental implication | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 以博物館之名 | Tudorpage |
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王士偉;米泓生 | 墾丁混同層冷泉碳酸鹽岩之研究 | Tudorpage |
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李匡悌;李作婷 | 「藉由植物矽酸體和貝類殼體穩定同位素分析論台灣西南部新石器時代早期的農作栽培與牡蠣季節性消費」研究報告 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 葫蘆門裡的中醫藥 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming;Kunz, Alexander;Fan, Anchuan;Wu, Tzu-Shuan;Xu, XiWei | Rapid slip of the Gyaring Co fault in Central Tibet | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Chien-Wei;Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Top down and bottom up selection drives variations in frequency and form of a visual signal | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 上馬石貝塚の籾圧痕分析,遼東半島上馬石貝塚の研究/編集者宮本一夫, | Tudorpage |
Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Chang, Chung-Kai;Chuang, Yu-Chun;Wu, Yu-Chun;Blackledge, Todd A.;Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn;Tso, I-Min | Mechanical Performance of Spider Silk Is Robust to Nutrient-Mediated Changes in Protein Composition | Tudorpage |
Liao, Chen-Pan;Blamires, Sean J.;Hendricks, Mary L.;Opell, Brent D. | A re-evaluation of the formula to estimate the volume of orb web glue droplets | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 台灣的化石珊瑚礁 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 介入當代社會的博物館 | Tudorpage |
謝玉鈴 | 「自然科學VS.科技」跨界共創4D恐龍新視界 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕;王薏涵;郭凡瑞 | 博物館虛實整合科普教育應用與推廣服務模式-以融入小學課程主題之虛實整合行動學習為例 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟;黃興倬 | 大自然是人類巧思的無盡寶庫─「抄自然─力與形的生存遊戲」特展 | Tudorpage |
Liu, Chun-Jing;Huang, Shiau-Shan;Toullec, Jean-Yves;Chang, Cheng-Yen;Chen, Yun-Ru;Huang, Wen-San;Lee, Chi-Ying | Functional Assessment of Residues in theAmino- and Carboxyl-Termini of Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone (CHH) in the MudCrab Scylla olivacea Using Point-Mutated Peptides | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | Optimization of Hybrid Planetariums | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu & Jen-Yuan Yeh | A Unified Knowledge-based Content Management Framework towards Value-added Application and Service Development and Business Marketing for Museums: The Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Y.C.; Lin, P.L.;Gu, S.H. | Signaling of reactive oxygen species in PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
蔡政斈;黃俊霖;劉以誠;趙偉村 | 植物功能性狀與群聚譜系結構-以欖仁溪樣區為例 | Tudorpage |
Tseng, Hui-Yun;Lin, Chung-Ping;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Pike, David A.;Huang, Wen-San | The functional significance of aposematic signals: geographic variation in the responses of widespread lizard predators to colourful invertebrate prey | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei;Hsu, Jung-Ya;Huang, Wen-San | Japalura swinhonis (Swinhole’s japalura) and Takydromus sauteri (Sauter’s grass lizard). PREDATION | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;蔡政斈;趙偉村 | 結合譜系多樣性及環境異質性探討臺灣熱帶低地雨林之組成模式 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. and M. S. Engel. | Description of Oculogryphus shuensis sp.n. (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), the first species of the genus in the Sino-Japanese realm, with a modified key to the subfamily Ototretinae. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 臺灣常見熠螢之學名更動。 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 博物館學期刊文獻分析—以《博物館學季刊》與《科技博物》兩種期刊為例 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 幽暗之藍─植物的虹光現象 | Tudorpage |
Hung, Chih-Ming;Shaner, Pei-Jen L;Zink, Robert M.;Liu, Wei-Chung;Chu, Te-Chin;Huang, Wen-San;Li, Shou-Hsien | Drastic population fluctuations explain the rapid extinction of the passenger pigeon | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. T.-R. Chen, J.-H. Chiu, and W. Hwang. | Adult season and flash behavior of Luciola filiformis Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 從龍到獸」特展參觀意見調查與YouTube 媒體運用成效 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 博物館與都會休閒共融發展探討-以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源, 楊維邦, 柯皓仁, 鄭培成 | 應用語句關係網路計算語句向心性之新聞事件摘要方法 (Extraction-based News Summarization Using Sentence Centrality in the Sentence Similarity Network) | Tudorpage |
Chao, W.C.; C.H. Tsai; C.L. Huang | Phylogenetic community structure and phylogenetic turnover in the steep monsoon-effected lowland rainforest | Tudorpage |
Erickson, D.L; F.A. Jones; N.G. Swenson; N. Pei; N.A. Bourg; W. Chen; S.J. Davies; X.J. Ge; Z. Hao; R.W. Howe, C.L. Huang, A.J. Larson, S.K.Y. Lum, J. Lutz, K. Ma, M. Meegaskumbura, X. Mi et al. | Comparative evolutionary diversity and phylogenetic structure across multiple forest dynamics plots: a mega-phylogeny approach | Tudorpage |
王明仁 & 蔣正興 | 展示、教育與休閒的科教活動之策略與實踐探討-以科博館為例 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 從生態觀光探究多元學習資源科教活動之規劃與執行策略 | Tudorpage |
靳知勤、劉冠任 | 自然科學博物館中之生態學習活動設計與評估 | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源, 楊維邦 | 基於排序相關係數進行特徵向量轉換之資訊檢索排序模型學習 Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Using Feature-Level Second-Order Representations Based on Rank-Order Correlation | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang and Yen-Hsueh Tseng | Neptunia plena (L.) Benth. (Leguminosae), a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang and Kun-Cheng Chang | Two Newly Naturalized Plants of the Boraginaceae in Taiwan: Trichodesma indicum (L.) R. Br. and Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br. | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang, Jung-Ya Hsu & Wen-San Huang | JAPALURA SWINHONIS (Swinhole's japalura) and TAKYDROMUS SAUTERI (Sauter's grass lizard). | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 中興大學頂橋仔遺址之保存與呈現 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗等 | 臺中市第13期重劃區麻糍埔遺址試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 前進沙巴。 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh J.-F., M.-L. Jeng, C.-H. Hsieh, C.-C. Ko, and P.-S. Yang. | Phylogenetic diversity and conservation of protected click beetles (Campsosternus spp.) in Taiwan: a molecular approach to clarifying species status. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., L.-W. Wu, T.-W. Chen and R.J. Villaneuva. | Diversity, phylogeny and classification of aquatic fireflies. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 從科學類博物館的展示表徵探討歐洲對暖化議題的公眾教育觀點。論文收錄於黃之棟、黃瑞祺主編《綠色思潮與環境政治》。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 邊做邊想的博物館科學教育規劃:2001-2011十年實務的回顧與前瞻。2012.10.25-26,論文收錄於王嵩山主編,「想的與跳的:博物館中的教與學及其超越」。 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. and and L.C. Lin | A Note on Oidiodendron maius in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
董國安, 楊宏儀, 劉敦一,張建新, 楊懷仁, 蕭炎宏,曾建元 | 羅迪尼亞超大陸與祁連地塊的關聯性--來自鋯石年代學的證據 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Dong-Mei;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Yao, Y.J. | Clarification of the concept of Ganoderma orbiforme with high morphological plasticity. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Fibrodontia alba sp. nov. (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hyphoderma formosanum, sp. nov., (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Three new species of Hyphodontia with peg-like hyphal aggregations. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hyphoderma pinicola sp. nov. of H. setigerum complex (Basidiomycota) from Yunnan, China. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | Megasporia guangdongensis and Megasporoporiella subcavernulosa newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Zhou, L.W.;Cao, Y.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Vlasák, J.;Li, D.W.;, M.J. Li;Dai , Y.C. | Global diversity of the Ganoderma lucidum complex (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) inferred from morphology and multilocus phylogeny. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | DNA barcoding of fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 桑黃分類研究的意義。 | Tudorpage |
Tsai,Cheng-Hsiu; R. Ewan Fordyce;Chang,Chun-Hsiang; Lin,Liang-Kong | Quaternary Fossil Gray Whales from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chia-Hao Chang, Chiou-Ju Yao, Hsin-Yi Yu, , Yun-Chih Liao, Nian-Hong Jang-Liaw, , Chi-Li Tsai, Kwang- Tsao Shao | A molecular forensic method for identifying species composition of processed marine mammal meats | Tudorpage |
Chih-Ming Hung, Hsin-Yi Hung, Chia-Fen Yeh, Yi-Qiang Fu, De Chen, Fumin Lei, Cheng-Te Yao, Chiou-Ju Yao, Xiao-Jun Yang, Yu-Tingt Lai, Shou-Hsien Li | Species delimitation in the Chinese bamboo partridge Bambusicola thoracica (Phasianidae; Aves) | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析 | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Shih-Wei;Mii, Horng-Sheng | Stable Isotope Evidence for Hydrocarbon Seepages in the Kenting Mélange at Baoli, Hengchun Peninsula | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.-J.;Huang K.-C.;Jiang W.-T. | Plastic deformation, strain-assisted transformation, and fracture-related mineralization in pyrrhotite from a metamorphosed massive sulfide deposit | Tudorpage |
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Hsiung, K. H., Yu, H. S., Chiang, C. S.* | Seismic characteristics, morphology and formation of the ponded Fangliao Fan off southwestern Taiwan, northern South China Sea | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 鄒族傳統的野生食用植物多樣性 | Tudorpage |
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C. H. Chen and C. M. Wang | Antirrhinum orontium L. (Scrophulariaceae), a Newly Naturalized
Genus and Species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Sheue, C.R; J.W. Liu,; C.T. Wu; S.F. Li, I. Valdespino, N. Salazar, N. Nadkarni, J.W.H. Yong, B. Adjie, C.L. Huang, P. Chesson | Comparative microphyll anatomy of Selaginella associated with chloroplast diversity. 6th Asian Fern Symposium, Asian Ferns Research: How Far Can We Go? | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | A revision of the genus Amblycara (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | The identity of Calliphara bipunctata, with proposal of a new synonymy (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A tag based learning approach to knowledge acquisition for constructing prior knowledge and enhancing student reading comprehension. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 驚豔‧新視野:科學攝影特展暨巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
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何恭算;鍾坤煒 | 稀土礦:新科技的寵兒 | Tudorpage |
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Jang, Chern-mei | On the Collections in the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan: its Sources, Current Status, Research Function, and Prospect | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 長毛象研討會 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 古鯨奇觀─一場重返海洋的演化歷程 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 從墾丁石灰岩洞穴動物群談台灣哺乳動物的起源發展 | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang | Remains of Fossil Mammuthus in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
蔡易宗;楊懷仁;何恭算;高澤榮一 | 二氧化碳─水─頁/砂岩系統之反應實驗 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-suan;Yao, Pei-yi;Chen, Ju-chin;You, Chen-feng;Yang, Huai-jen | Geochronological and geochemical studies of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in southeastern Inner Mongolia. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 血緣可能擴散而稀薄分佈,基因不可能 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 基因(血緣)「擴散而稀薄」是否合理?回應黃樹仁的〈沒有唐山媽?拓墾時期臺灣原漢通婚之研究〉 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 體質人類學與臺灣社會 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 荷蘭人基因是否遺留臺灣? | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 百年體質人類學與臺灣社會的交會 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 文創產業的在地觀點:以貓空茶園為例 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [中國川滇黔螢火蟲相調查]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
Chen Chia-Li;Lin Chung-Hung;Lin Shih-Ku;Lau Tak-Cheung | Beautiful Minds:The Role of Museums in Interacting with Visitors with Mental Illness | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;孫維新 | 科普與素養 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 德國博物館在科學研究中之潛能 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 在德國復興的化石生物學 | Tudorpage |
楊子睿 | 德國的海洋研究與海洋能源之探勘 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 水火交‧天人會:臺灣王爺信仰特展展覽專刊 | Tudorpage |
Chen,Y.-P.;Chiao,C.-C. | Spatial distribution of excitatory synapses on the dendrites of ganglion cells in the mouse retina. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Sheng-Hua Wu; Chi-Yu Chen | Megasporia guangdongensis and Megasporoporiella subcavernulosa newly recorded from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
許毓純;郭昭翎;蘇慧君;蔡孟穎 | 植物的魔法 | Tudorpage |
蔡孟穎 | 「光」現(photo)合成(synthesis)-植物與光之間的愛恨糾結 | Tudorpage |
Gong-Ruei Ho, Ping-Yu Chang, Wei Lo, Chia-Mei Liu, and Sheng-Rong Song | New Evidence of Regional Geological Structures Inferred from Reprocessing and Resistivity Data Interpretation in the Chingshui-Sanshing-Hanchi Area of Southwestern Ilan County, NE Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Ping-Yu Chang, Wei Lo, Seng-Rong Song, Gong-Ruei Ho, Chia-Shan Wu, Chow-Son Chen, Yu-Chi Lai, Huei-Fen Chen and Hseuh-Yu Lu | Evaluating the Chingshui geothermal reservoir in northeast Taiwan with a 3D integrated geophysical visualization model | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 南風攝影展:台西村的故事 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | 臺灣新歸化玄參科新紀錄屬植物-小金魚草 Antirrhinum orontium L. (Scrophulariaceae), a Newly Naturalized Genus and Species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
黃旭、鍾喬 | 南風攝影展與證言劇場 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Che-Chih; Chi-Yu Chen; Sheng-Hua Wu | Megasporia guangdongensis and Megasporoporiella subcavernulosa newly recorded from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 醫學與博物館 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 原知原衛 VS.原汁原味:從展示的實踐路徑談起 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝,熊開平, 施玟卿 | 博物館在高中生參與服務學習中的角色跨越與重返---以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 天晴曬羽 | Tudorpage |
Kuntner, Matjaž;Pristovšek, Urška;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Li, Daiqin;Zhang, Shichang;Tso, I-Min;Liao, Chen-Pan;Miller, Jeremy A.;Kralj-Fišer, Simona | Eunuch supremacy: evolution of post-mating spider emasculation | Tudorpage |
Caroline Arkenson;Chou, Yin-Yu;Huang, Chun-Yen;Lee, Yi-Chin | Tag and seek: a location-based game in tainan city | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 打破紀錄13 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 粗鉤春蜓的尾巴 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 空拍飛行器 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 飛行高手-食蚜蠅 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 沒有尾突的鳳蝶 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 紀錄片行動列車活動紀實 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 芭樂成熟時(下) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 芭樂成熟時(上) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 落單的黑領椋鳥 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 博物館教學研究 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Meng-Wan; R. P. Wintsch, Liu, Yi-Chen;Lo, Ching-Hua; Chung, Sun-Lin;Lin, Yu-Ling;Lee, Tung-Yi; Wang, Yee Chao; M. R. Stokes | Evidence for Cool Extrusion of the North Indochina Block along the Ailao Shan Red River Shear Zone, a Diancang Shan Perspective | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 一個機會教育的例子 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 青帶鳳蝶與寬青帶鳳蝶 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 家燕築巢 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 洋燕出擊 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 從統一超商看達悟族文化變遷 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 展示評量研究初探:以臺史博「水火交‧天人會:臺灣王爺信仰特展」為例 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;Karl Mueller | 2010年4月4日墨西哥地震(El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake)野外考察 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 紐西蘭博物館的後典範興革:從島嶼記憶之重塑與展演談起 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 「迷」樣的稀客─白頰山雀 | Tudorpage |
Liu, Min-Hui;Blamires, Sean J.;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Evidence of bird dropping masquerading by a spider to avoid predators | Tudorpage |
Yang, Jung-Shihn;Tsou, Pei-Chei | A New Method to Make Exhibition Panels for All Visitors with the Same Treatment Considering Equal Access | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | A New Origin of CP Revealed In A FCNC-Free Two-Higgs-Doublet Model | Tudorpage |
Chang, Ting-Hao;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tsai, Jen-Ching;Lee, Chun-Yi;Hwang, Jenn-Chang;Tso, I-Min;Chueh, Yu-Lun;Lyu, Ping-Chiang;Gan, Jon-Yiew | Natural polyelectrolyte: Major ampullate spider silk for electrolyte organic field-effect transistors | Tudorpage |
Blamires, Sean J.;Hou, Chueh;Chen, Lin-Fei;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | A predator’s body coloration enhances its foraging profitability by day and night | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 常被誤認是蜂鳥的長喙天蛾 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | WOW!哇!─「微觀展示」常設展更新 | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Yeh, Jen-Yuan | A Unified Knowlegde-Based Content Management Framework towards Value-added Application and Service Development and Business Marketing for Museums: The Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館空間之轉化 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 驚豔.新視野:科學攝影特展 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Hsiao-Shen;Chen, Yi-Ting;Lin, Chih-Hung | The learning benefits of using eye trackers to enhance the geospatial abilities of elementary school students | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 黑冠麻鷺生態觀察與記錄(以國立自然科學博物館園區為例) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Lin, Si-Min;Dubey, Sylvain;Pike, David A. | Predation Drives Interpopulation Differences in Parental Care Expression | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Pike, David A. | Testing Cost-Benefit Models of Parental Care Evolution Using Lizard Populations Differing in the Expression of Maternal Care | Tudorpage |
Kuo-An Tung*, Houng-Yi Yang, Dun-Yi Liu, Jian-Xin Zhang, Huai-Jen Yang, Yen-Hong Shau, Chien-Yuan Tseng | The Neoproterozoic granitoids from the Qilian block, NW China:Evidence for a link between the Qilian and South China blocks | Tudorpage |
Chih-Ming Hung, Rong-Chien Lin, Jui-Hua Chu, Chia-Fen Yeh, Chiou-Ju Yao, Shou-Hsien Li | The De Novo Assembly of Mitochondrial Genomes of the Extinct Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) with Next Generation Sequencing | Tudorpage |
Kuo, Chi-Chien;Yao, Chiou-Ju;Lin, Te-En;Liu, Hsu-Che;Hsu, Yu-Cheng;Hsieh, Ming-Kun;Huang, Wen-San | Tail loss compromises immunity in the many-lined skink, Eutropis multifasciata | Tudorpage |
Chi-Chien Kuo , Chiou-Ju Yao , Te-En Lin , Hsu-Che Liu , Yu-Cheng Hsu, Ming-Kun Hsieh and Wen-San Huang | Tail loss compromises immunity in the many-lined skink, Eutropis multifasciata | Tudorpage |
姚秋如、顧芳祺、張沔、王志庭、郭偉望、周蓮香 | 露脊鼠海豚在馬祖列島近岸水域之擱淺、誤捕與陸上觀察目擊紀錄所呈現的時間分布特性
Chronological Distribution Pattern of Finless Porpoises along Coastal Matzu Islands Based on Stranding, Bycaught and Landbased Sighting Surveys | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源, 楊維邦, 柯皓仁, 鄭培成, 游正豪 | 以圖形網路模型為基礎之新聞事件摘要方法 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 植物科學插圖發展歷史 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Yung‐Tan;Chen, Ju‐Chin;Shih, Jyh‐Yi;Ho, Kung‐Suan;Yang, Huai‐Jen;Lin, Meng‐Lung;Hu, Yen‐Tsui;Chiu, Ching‐Hsing | Petrogenesis of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from Jiangsu province, China deduced from geochemical constraints | Tudorpage |
Huang, Shao-Wei;Lee, Yung-Tan;Chen, Ju-Chin;Ho, Kung-Suan;Lin, Meng-Lung;Hu, Yen-Tsui;Huang, Ren-Yi | Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths in Cenozoic alkali basalts from Jiangsu province, eastern China and their geological implication. | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Ge, Wen-Chun;Chen, Ju-Chin;Chen-Feng You;Chen-Feng;Yang, Huai-Jen;Zhang, Yan-Long | Late Cenozoic magmatic transitions in central Great Xing’an Range, NE China: geochemical and isotopic constraints on their petrogenesis | Tudorpage |
何恭算;葛文春;陳汝勤;楊懷仁;蕭炎宏 | 東北大興安嶺北段岩石圈之地球化學特性:尖晶石橄欖岩包體之證據 | Tudorpage |
郭清順;蕭炎宏;楊懷仁;何恭算 | 高雄內門玄武岩之岩象與地球化學特性 | Tudorpage |
Yoshitomi, H. and M.-L. Jeng. | A new species of the genus Dryopomorphus Hinton (Coleoptera, Elmidae, Lararinae) from Laos. | Tudorpage |
Ballantyne, L., X. Fu, C. Lambkin, M.-L. Jeng, L. Faust, W.M.C.C. Wijekoon, D. Li and T. Zhu. | Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.)and Abd. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae). | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 螢火蟲的傳承之道。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 三度菲行(二)。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 三度菲行(三)。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 三度菲行(四)。 | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L., Yeh, H. T. & Gnezdilov V. M. | Thabena brunnifrons (Hemiptera: Issidae), New Alien Species in Taiwan, with Notes on Its Biology and Nymphal Morphology. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 家裡裝潢嗎?小心蟲蟲來報到。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 棕額薩圓飛蝨-是本土種?還是外來種? | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Hsieh, Y.C.;Young, S.J.;Lin, P.L. | Involvement of phosphorylation of adenosine 5’-monophosphate-activated protein kinase in PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Y.C.;Hsu, S.L.;Gu, S.H. | Involvement of reactive oxygen species in PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Emile A. Pessagno;Jr.2 | Upper Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) Radiolarians fromSnowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon, USA | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang and Ching-Yao Li | Hibiscus panduriformis Burm. f. (Malvaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳佳穎、曾喜育、邱清安、王秋美、劉思謙、曾彥學 | 雪山雪東線步道種子植物開花物候之調查 | Tudorpage |
Chiu-Mei Wang and Chih-Hsiung Chen | Digera muricata Mart. (Amaranthaceae), a Newly Naturalized Genus and Species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Li, Ching-Yao & C, hiu-Mei Wang | Two Woods from Sungshan Formation, Taipei Basin. | Tudorpage |
劉冠任、靳知勤 | 國中生觀賞環境教育影片中之學習成果—融入解說與否間之比較 | Tudorpage |
靳知勤、劉冠任及段曉林 | 國中生在博物館體驗學習活動中之情境興趣 | Tudorpage |
Carbone, M.; Y.Z. Wang; C.L. Huang | Studies in Trichaleurina (Pezizales).Type studies of Trichaleurina polytricha and Urnula philippina- rum. The status of Sarcosoma javanicum, Bulgaria celebica, and Trichaleurina tenuispora sp. nov., with notes on the anamorphic genus Kumanasamuha | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 我們沒骨氣的親戚們的秘密。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 足多口雜的蟲際關係。 | Tudorpage |
Hui-Chuan CHEN & Ming-Chyuan HO | More Fun in Hands-on Exhibits of Museum—A design perspective of the visitor’s participatory experience. | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;劉憶諄 | 自然歷史三部曲之「DNA檔案:自然歷史解密」特展 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 科博館網站2013年新面貌 串連三園區 | Tudorpage |
王素芬;屈慧麗 | 應用遙測技術與地理資訊系統輔助考古遺址探坑抽樣試掘之研究-以台中市國家歌劇院為例 | Tudorpage |
Hu, Wei-Hsin, Yue-Han Yang, Song-Iuan Liaw and Chen Chang | Cryopreservation the seeds of a Taiwanese terrestrial orchid, Bletilla formosana (Hayata) Schltr. by vitrification | Tudorpage |
董國安、楊宏儀、劉敦一、張建新、楊懷仁、蕭炎宏、曾建元 | 羅迪尼亞超大陸的聚合與裂解-從祁連地塊出發 | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Xiong, H.X.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Four new species of Hyphodontia (Xylodon ss. Hjortstam & Ryvarden) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Xiong, H.X.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hyphodontia juniperi (Basidiomycota) newly recorded from China. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Inventory and Database of Fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Inonotus sanghuang: perspectives and challenges. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 台灣第四紀哺乳動物的起源與演化 | Tudorpage |
Tsai,Cheng-Hsiu;R. Ewan Fordyce;Chang,Chun-Hsiang; Lin,Liang-Kong | A Review and Status of Fossil Cetacean Research in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王士偉;鄭明修;米泓生;陳松春 | 恆春西台地冷泉碳酸鹽岩之初步研究 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;米泓生 | 恆春半島墾丁層冷泉碳酸鹽岩之研究 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;鄭明修;米泓生;陳松春 | 恆春半島更新世珊瑚礁發育與冷泉碳酸鹽岩之研究 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮;江威德 | 臺灣東北部濂洞灣海水與酸性礦山排水反應沉澱懸浮粒之礦物學分析 | Tudorpage |
陳君榮;江威德 | 金瓜石黃金瀑布酸性礦山排水沉澱物之礦物學研究 | Tudorpage |
Liu, Huei-Yi, Chiu-Mei Wang& Yen-Hsueh Tseng | Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Malvaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 臺灣住民族植物利用的多樣性──以五節芒與山枇杷為例 | Tudorpage |
拉夫琅斯.卡拉雲漾、嚴新富 | 山林的智慧──排灣族 Tjaiquvuquvulj 群民族植物誌 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 植物園的臺灣原住民民族植物系列(二) | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 植物園的臺灣原住民民族植物系列(一) | Tudorpage |
王敏玲;楊信得;劉烘昌;黃興倬 | 愛的抱抱─豆形拳蟹尋覓配偶的感官機制 | Tudorpage |
Chao, SM and BC Chen | Defecation behavior of the hairy urchin, Tripneustes gratilla. | Tudorpage |
Chi-Chu Tsai, Yu-Kuang H. Chen, Chih-Hsiung Chen, I.-Szu Weng, Chi-Mou Tsai, Sheue-Ru Lee, Yu-Shium Lin, Yu-Chung Chiang | Cultivar identification and genetic relationship of mango (Mangiferaindica) in Taiwan using 37 SSR markers | Tudorpage |
C. M. Wang and C. H. Chen | Digera muricata (L.)Mart. (Amaranthaceae), a Newly Naturalized Genus
and Species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
蔡政斈;黃俊霖;趙偉村 | 南仁山欖仁溪樣區木本植物群聚譜系結構改變之探討 | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊、陳輝樺 | 營造地球科學中球體概念學習情境之研究 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F., Hsieh, Y.X. & Rédei, D. | The soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma (Insecta: Hemiptera: Rhopalidae): First Asian record, with a review of bionomics. | Tudorpage |
Masumoto, K., Wang, T.C. & Tsai, J.F. | New records of three species of dung beetles from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, T.C., Tsai, J.F. & Masumoto, K. | Notes on the biology of Cantharsius (s. str.) javanus (Coleoptera, Scarabaidae, Scarabaeinae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
曾憲雄;陳君銘 | 教育雲端應用及服務平台建置與整合 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | Revealing the Learning Effectiveness of Social Tagging in an On-line Reading Learning Environment | Tudorpage |
張永賢;楊翎 | 針灸熱潮傳奇與回顧巡迴特展 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬;楊翎;屈慧麗 | 人類學家的足跡:臺灣人類學百年巡迴特展 | Tudorpage |
Shan, Hsi-yin;Cheng, Yen-nien;Wu, Xiao-chun | The first fossil skull of Alligator sinensis from the Pleistocene, Taiwan, with a paleogeographic implication of the species | Tudorpage |
何恭算;鍾坤煒 | 礦物界中的千層派—雲母家族 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 礦物與博物館 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;章晨玫;張介宇 | 大滅絕與大演化 : 從龍到獸特展專書 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;章晨玫 | 從龍到獸蓄勢待發 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 天然災難後臺灣各博物館的公共參與:以921地震與88風災為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 漢族的起源與擴散—族群遺傳學觀點 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 木柵鐵觀音的茶味傳承與變遷 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 百年家業的延續,從張迺妙家族談起 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | [滇南螢火蟲田野調查]出國報告 | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 鱷類多樣的獵食行為 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Wu, T.-R.,;Siringan F. P.;Shen*, C.-C | An Abrupt backreef infilling of a Holocene reef, Paraoir, Western Luzon, Philippines | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;章晨玫;張介宇 | 大滅絕與大演化 : 從龍到獸特展專書 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu.-Ruei;Chuang, Hui-Ju;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Lee, Chang-Ji | Episodic rifting and tectonic development of Penghu Basin | Tudorpage |
Kuo, Yong-Chien;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Chen, Yi-Ru | Evolution structure model of normal faults in foreland area, SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Yen-Nien;Wu, Xiaochun;Shan, Hsi-Yin;Sato, Tamaki;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Rereading the fossil record – a paleobiological perspective | Tudorpage |
Yang, Kenn-Ming;Rau, Ruey-Juin;Yang, Chia-Hsun;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Huang, Shiuh-Tsann;Mei, Wen-Wei;Wu, Jong-Chang;Tang, Yi-Jin | Geological structures and seismicity in foothills of western Taiwan and their implications of deformation in fold-and-thrust belt. | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Yang, Kenn-Ming; Kuo, Yong-Chein;Lee, Chang-Ji | Paleogene rift basins along East China Sea: tectonic evolution of Penghu Basin. | Tudorpage |
Lee,Y.-H.;Chang,Y.-C.;Yan,H.Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Early visual experience of background contrast affects the expression of NMDA-like glutamate receptors in the optic lobe of cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis. | Tudorpage |
Chan,Y.-C.;Chiao,C.-C. | The distribution of the preferred directions of the ON-OFF direction selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina requires refinement after eye opening. | Tudorpage |
Hwang,Y.-S.;Chiang,P.-R.;Hong,W.-H.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chu,I.-M.;Hsiue,G.-H.;Shen,C.- R. | Study in vivo intraocular biocompatibility of in situ gelation hydrogels: Poly(2-Ethyl Oxazoline)-Block-Poly(e-Caprolactone)-Block-Poly(2-Ethyl Oxazoline) copolymer, matrigel and pluronic F127. | Tudorpage |
Hanlon,R.T.;Chiao,C.-C.;Mäthger,L.M.;Marshall N.J. | A fish-eye view of cuttlefish camouflage using in-situ spectrometry. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Ulmer,K.M.;Siemann,L.A.;Buresch K.C.;Chubb C.;Hanlon,R.T. | How visual edge features influence cuttlefish camouflage patterning. | Tudorpage |
Huang,K.-L.;Chiao,C.-C. | Can cuttlefish learn by observing others? | Tudorpage |
Akkaynak D.;Allen J.J.;Mäthger L.M.;Chiao,C.-C.;Hanlon R.T. | Quantification of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) camouflage: A study of color and luminance using in situ spectrometry. | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 從指南車到衛星導航─穿越古今談辨識方位 | Tudorpage |
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Chou, Wen-Neng;Wang, Yei-Zeng | Five species of Amanita (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Hsu, Tsai-Wen;Wang, Chiu-Mei;Chang, Kun-Cheng;Ho, Tung-Chi Ho | Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae), a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan 台灣芸香科的新紀錄植物─岩花椒 | Tudorpage |
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Chilong Lin | Type-IV Two-Higgs-Doublet Models And Their CP-Violation | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Devan, NMM;Furr, Susan H.;Arnold, A. Elizabeth | Persistent effects of wildfire on foliar endophytes of Quercus hypoleucoides and Juniperus deppeana in southeastern Arizona. | Tudorpage |
U’Ren, Jana M.;Massimo, N.;Fiddle, J.M.;Steen, C.;Arendt, K.;Huang, Yu-Ling;Miadlikowska, J.;Lefevre, E.;Ball, B.;Wong, V.L.;Monacell, J.;Carbone, I.;Lutzoni, F.;May, G.;Arnold, A.E. | A culture-based and culture-free assessment of the geographic and temporal variation of boreal endophytic and endolichenic fungal communities. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、楊翎 | 人類學家的足跡—臺灣人類學百年特展 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 原汁原味?環太平洋博物館的食物展演 | Tudorpage |
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王明仁 | 斑文鳥吃什麼? | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | Book Review:“Museums and the Paradox of Change” by Robert R. Janes. | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu | A Digital Museum Framework Based on Member-centered Virtual-and-Physical Unification Service Model | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Meng-Wan;Lin, Yu-Ling;Lee, Tung-Yi;Ji, Jian-Qing | Microfabric reconstruction via quantitative digital petrographic image analysis for weakly foliated gneisses | Tudorpage |
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Nobuhisa Matta;Yoko Ota;Wen-Shan Chen;Yuka Nishikawa;Masataka Ando;Chung, Ling-Ho | Finding of Probable Tsunami Boulders on Jiupeng Coast in Southeastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 紐西蘭Te Papa國家博物館展示合作考察報告書 | Tudorpage |
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張瀛之 | 人類學家的足跡—臺灣人類學百年特展 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Whei-Lee | The Study of Prehistoric Culture and the Paleo-Environment in Taichung ,Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, W.N. and Y.Z. Wang | Five species of Amanita (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. | Three species of Hypomyces (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Carbone, M., Y.Z. Wang and C.L. Huang | Studies in Trichaleurina (Pezizales). Type studies of Trichaleurina polytricha and Urnula philippinarum. The status of Sarcosoma javanicum, Bulgaria celebica, and Trichaleurina tenuispora sp. nov., with notes on the anamorphic genus Kumanasamuha. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Pike, David A. | Effects of intraguild predators on nest-site selection by prey | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. | Re-classification of Rhipidiomorphus malaccaus Pic, a long-neglected genus and species of Psephenoidinae (Coleoptera: Psephenidae). | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu | Constructing a game-based learning website for children | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu | A unified content and service management model for digital museums | Tudorpage |
Yu-Chung Chiang, Chi-Mou Tsai, Yu-Kuang H. Chen, Sheue-Ru Lee, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Yu-Shium Lin, and Chi-Chu Tsai | Development and characterization of 20 new polymorphic microsatellite markers from Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae) | Tudorpage |
Kuo-An Tung*, Houng-Yi Yang, Dun-Yi Liu, Jian-Xin Zhang, Huai-Jen Yang, Yen-Hong Shau, Chien-Yuan Tseng | The amphibolite-facies metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Maxianshan area, Qilian block, NW China: A record of early Neoproterozoic arc magmatism. | Tudorpage |
Robert P. Wintsch* , Huai-Jen Yang, Xian-Hua Li, Kuo-An Tung | Reply to Comment on ‘Geochronologic Evidence for a Cold Arc-Continent
Collision: The Taiwan Orogeny’ by Chin-Ho Tsai, Tzen-Fu Yui, Wen-Shan Chen
and Sun-Lin Chung
and Sun-Lin Chung | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 何明泉 | 科學博物館策展模式的設計思考
Design Thinking on the Exhibition Model of Science Museum | Tudorpage |
Y.S. Liang, C.H. Chen., J.C. Wang | Taxonomic revision of Lindernia All. (Scrophulariaceae sensu lato) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Tseng, Hui-Yun;Huang, Wen-San | Sphenomorphus incognitus (Brown Forest Skink). Parental care. | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 植物科學繪圖的點線面 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 「博物館展品安全風險管理研習會」紀要 | Tudorpage |
Liao, Zu-Chun | The Collection of Mazu Images: An Example from the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Liao, Zu-Chun | Interrogating the Folk Religion Collection: An example from National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Chiu-Mei & Chih-Hsiung Chen | Two Newly Naturalized Plants of the Leguminosae in Taiwan: Macroptilium bracteatum (Nees & Mart.) Maréchal & Baudet and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Toubert. | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Kuang-Ming & Chiu-Mei Wang | Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax (Dioscoreaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Shu-Juo | Coevolution of Arranged Marriage Culture, Hepatitis B Virus Infection, and Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase Allele Selection | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 科學博物館、生物學知識、與國族意識 | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.-T., C.-H. Wu, M.-L. Jeng and P.-S. Yang. | Chemical defense of aquatic larvae of the Firefly Aquatica ficta: microanatomy of eversible organs, chemicals of glandular secretion, and effectiveness to different predators. | Tudorpage |
Lin, Jung-Yi, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Liu, Chiao-Chung | Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval Using Layered Multi-Population Genetic Programming | Tudorpage |
Lin, Jung-Yi, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Liu, Chiao-Chung | Applying Layered Multi-Population Genetic Programming on Learning To Rank for Information Retrieval | Tudorpage |
許美蓉、劉憶諄 | 全球化下國家自然史博物館教育的實踐:以國立自然科學博物館附設之自然學友之家為例 | Tudorpage |
Chiou Chu-Ying, Yu-Chung Chiang, Chih-Hsiung Chen, Chung-Ruey Yen, Xheue-Ru Lee, Yu-Shium Lin, and Chi-Chu Tsai | Development and characterization of 38 polymorphic microsatellite markers from an economically important fruit tree, the Indian jujube | Tudorpage |
Wang Chiu-Mei and Chih-Hsiung Chen | Two Newly Naturalized Plants of the Leguminosae in Taiwan: Macroptilium bracteatum (Nees & Mart.) Mar{^A0C1^}chal & Baudet and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Toubert | Tudorpage |
劉德勝;熊開平 | 風雲再起的青少年志工潮流 | Tudorpage |
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Kuo-An Tung*, Houng-Yi Yang, Dun-Yi Liu, Jian-Xin Zhang, Huai-Jen Yang, Yen- Hong Shau, Chien-Yuan Tseng | The Neoproterozoic granitoids from the Qilian block, NW China. | Tudorpage |
董國安、楊宏儀、劉敦一、張建新、楊懷仁、蕭炎宏、曾建元 | 中國大陸西北地區祁連地塊新元古代花崗岩類之研究 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北地區祁連地塊岩漿作用期次及其地質意義(NSC101-2116-M-178-004-)。2012/8/1~2013/7/31 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Dai, Y.C.;Hattori, T.;Yu, T.W.;Wang, D.M.;Parmasto, E.;Chang, H.Y.;Shih, S.Y. | Species clarification for the medicinally valuable ‘sanghuang’ mushroom. | Tudorpage |
Yuan, H.S.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new species of Steccherinum (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yuan, H.S;Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new species of Junghuhnia (Polyporales) from Taiwan and a key to all species known worldwide of the genus. | Tudorpage |
Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | New records of Hyphodontia sphaerospora in Taiwan and Vietnam. | Tudorpage |
Cao, Y.;Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Species clarification of the prize medicinal Ganoderma mushroom “Lingzhi”. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Kirk, P.M.;Redhead, S.A.;Stalpers, J.A.;Dai, Y.C.;Norvell, L.L.;Yang, Z.L.;Ryvarden, L.;Su,C.H.;Li, Y.;Zhuang, W.Y.;Yao, Y.J.;Chen, C.J.;Chen, L.C.;Yu, Z.H.;Wang, X.C. | Resolution of the nomenclature for niu-chang-chih (Taiwanofungus camphoratus), an important medicinal polypore. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Kirk, P.M.;Yao, Y.J.;Wang, X.C.;Redhead, S.A.;Stalpers, J.A.;Dai, Y.C.;Norvell, L.L.;Yang, Z.L.;Ryvarden, L.;Su, C.H.;Li, Y.;Zhuang, W.Y.;Chen, C.J.;Chen, L.C.;Yu, Z.H. | Proposal to conserve the name Ganoderma camphoratum (Taiwanofungus camphoratus) (Polyporales) with a conserved type. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Dai, Y.C. | Nomenclature of three important medicinal polypore mushroom species. | Tudorpage |
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吳聲華 | 藥用真菌「桑黃」新種發現。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 中國千年養生保健「靈芝」是個新種。 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 星空怪獸之蝠說 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 「鳴蟲特展」歐洲巡迴展與國際交流合作。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 「蟬」是同翅目還是半翅目昆蟲? | Tudorpage |
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詹美鈴 | 富含「動物性蛋白質」的核桃。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 夾縫中求生存:書蝨。 | Tudorpage |
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Chang ,Chun-Hsiang;Masanaru Takai;Shintaro Ogino | First discovery of colobine fossils from the early to middle Pleistocene of southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;陳淑娟;茅秀娟 | 化石的原鄉—臺南市菜寮化石館數位典藏計畫 | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang | Pleistocene mammalian fossil assemblage discovered from Lobster Cave in Kenting, Southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Wan, Yus-heng;Ho, Kung-suan;Liu, Dun-yi;Zhou, Hong-ying;Dong, Chun-yan;Ma, Ming-zhu | Micro-scale heterogeneity of andesite from Chilungshan, northern Taiwan: Evidence from melt inclusions, geochronology and Hf-O isotope of zircons | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 北方三島地形地質 | Tudorpage |
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Chiang, C. S., Yu, H. S., Noda, A., TuZino, T., Su, C.C. | Avulsion of the Fangliao Submarine Canyon off southwestern Taiwan as revealed by geomorphological analysis and numerical simulation | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 三度菲行(一)。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、陳燦榮 | 西拉雅國家風景區螢火蟲資源調查及應用案結案報告書。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、詹美鈴、林政行 | 國立自然科學博物館臺灣昆蟲多樣性知識庫計畫。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴、鄭明倫、林政行、陳彥霖、黃翔瑋 | 重建臺灣失落的昆蟲模式標本。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 科博館小黑蚊上電視囉! | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、詹美鈴、林政行 | 國立自然科學博物館臺灣昆蟲多樣性知識庫計畫。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴、鄭明倫、林政行、陳彥霖、黃翔瑋 | 重建臺灣失落的昆蟲模式標本。 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕, 葉鎮源 | 博物館數位典藏跨領域知識內容統整建構與加值應用 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Tsai, W.H. | Decreased JH biosynthesis is related to precocious metamorphosis in recessive trimolter (rt) mutants of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Yeh, W.L.;Young, S.J.;Lin, P.L.;Li, S. | TOR signaling is involved in PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis by prothoracic glands in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Young, S.C.;Yeh, W.L.;Gu, S.H. | Transcriptional regulation of the PTTH receptor in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Insect Physiology, 58, 102-109. | Tudorpage |
Hsu,Tsai-Wen, Ching-Yao Li and Chiu-Mei Wang | Solanum viarum Dunal (Solanaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Lin, Chang-Jung., Chiu-Mei Wang, Kuoh-Cheng Yang and Yen-Hsueh Tseng | Abutilon hulseanum (Torr. & A. Gray) Torr. ex A. Gray (Malvaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Li, Ching-Yao & Chiu-Mei Wang | Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. (Malvaceae), a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
曾喜育; 王秋美; 王志強; 王俊閔; 曾彥學 | 馬祖地區原生植物相與外來入侵植物調查研究 | Tudorpage |
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Yurchenko, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | New Asian records and morphological variation in Fibrodontia brevidens (Basidiomycota). | Tudorpage |
Shih, S.Y.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, C.Y. | New five new records of Phellinus s.l. in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 桑黃-古老的治癌新藥。 | Tudorpage |
Yao CJ, WC Yang, YJ Chen, JT Lin, RL Brownell, Jr., and LS Chou | Two Longman’s beaked whales (Indopacetus pacificus) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王士偉;李安勝;米泓生 | 高雄市那瑪夏區紅花子新發現疊錐構造之研究 | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Shih-Wei;Lee, An-Sheng | Notes on Cone-In-Cone Structures from Kaohsiung, Southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.-J. and Jiang, W.-T.* | Influence of waterfall aeration and seasonal temperature variation on the iron and arsenic attenuation rates in an acid mine drainage system | Tudorpage |
林家宇、陳君榮、江威德 | 臺灣北部金瓜石坑道礦山排水沉澱物之礦物學研究 | Tudorpage |
Yukuhiro, K.;Sezutsu, H.;Tamura, T.;Kosegawa, E.; Iwata, K.; Ajimura, M.;Gu, S.H. | Little gene flow between domestic silkmoth Bombyx mori and its wild relative Bombyx mandarina in Japan, and possible artificial selection on the CAD gene of B. mori. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣原住民的桂竹民族植物學探討 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、周昌弘、郭耀綸 | 台灣原住民民族植物學之比較研究 | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu | Diversity of Traditional Medicinal Plants of Thao in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 草悟道中的原生樹種--苦楝 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 樹木的身體語言特展介紹—刺桐 | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D.; Wu, C.-H.;Liu, H. C. | Magnetic orientation for larval release migration by the land crab Metasesarma aubryi in Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chen, J.-P.;Huang, H.-D. | A Cleaning Station Composed of Cleaner Shrimp and High Fish Diversity in a Coral Reef in Kenting, Southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chao, SM and SC Wu | Holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Intertidal Zone of Houbihu, Southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chao, SM and BC Chen | High density of flower urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, in Houbihu Lagoon, southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
姚秋如 | 台灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析 | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | The assassin bug genus Haematoloecha in Taiwan, with notes on species occurring in the neighboring areas (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 錦葵科家族的新成員集合喔! | Tudorpage |
陳燦榮;鄭明倫 | 螢在西拉雅 | Tudorpage |
Chuang, Yu-Liang;Tzeng, Jian-Shiun;Chen, Jun-Ming;Lee, Ying-Tsun;Wang, Yi-Hsin | An Ontology Learning Method Based on Text Mining Technology, with Financial News as an Example. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A novel approach to monitoring and creating significant learning experiences using social tag cloud navigation. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A hybrid tag-based recommendation mechanism to support prior knowledge construction. | Tudorpage |
徐典裕;江沛航;陳秀華;褚如君 | 全方位數位博物館 | Tudorpage |
何兆華;蘇旭珺;楊翎 | 三八女能手:施洞苗族服飾的兩個異想世界特展暨巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 科學與藝術— 以英國博物館的戲劇詮釋為例 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 重晶石 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 雄黃 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 透視寶石―寶石的鑑價依據4C | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 紅寶石 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 鑽石 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 科博館與文化園區「賽德克巴萊」特展規劃與數位典藏構想 | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 鱷類的熱調節機制 | Tudorpage |
黃書涵;劉德祥 | [ 愛他 , 不 Hot 他 ] 全球暖化特展對觀眾知識與態度的影響 | Tudorpage |
張瀛之 | 社群大戰--從國立臺灣歷史博物館Facebook粉絲專現況看博物館使用者經營 | Tudorpage |
Kuo, Yong-Chien;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Yang, Kenn-Ming | Evolutionary model of main boundary normal fault in foreland area, SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Peng, Hsi-Chuan;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Wu, Jia-Ben;Ting, Hsin-Hsiu | Episodic evolution model of foreland basin in Miaoli, NW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Huang, Shiuh-Tsann;Lin, Ching-Weei;Lee, Chang-Ji;Wang, Jia-Ben | Sandbox study and tectonic analysis for the rifting structure of the Penghu Basin | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Wu, Xiaochun;Yang, Kenn-Ming | Reproductive and behavioral biology of Cretaceous oviraptoroid dinosaurs | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Yen-Nien;Wu, Xiaochun;Shan, Hsi-Yin;Yang, Tzu-Ruei | Reconstructing (or Deconstructing) the Past: Case Study of the Tarbosaurus bataar from Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia | Tudorpage |
Peng, Hsi-Chuan;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Wu, Jung-Chang;Ting, Hsin-Hsiu | Tectonic evolution model of foreland basin in Miaoli, NW Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Yang, Kenn-Ming | Did brooding and polygamy behaviors exist on Cretaceous oviraptoroid dinosaurs of China: a paleobiological perspective | Tudorpage |
Chubb C.;Scofield I.;Chiao,C.-C.;Sperling G. | A method for analyzing the dimensions of preattentive visual sensitivity. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Yang,Y.-T.;Huang,Y.-T.;Lin,P.-K.;Wu,C.-Y. | Neural responses evoked by electrical stimulation in solar cell based subretinal prosthesis. | Tudorpage |
Ou,Y.-T.;Lu M. S.-C.;Chiao,C.-C. | The effects of electrical stimulation on neurite outgrowth of goldfish retinal explants. | Tudorpage |
Lee,Y.-H.;Yan,H.Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Effects of early visual experience on the background preference in juvenile cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. | Tudorpage |
Chen,Y.-P.;Chiao,C.-C. | Functional expression of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the rabbit retinal ganglion cells. | Tudorpage |
張英彥 | 中高齡觀眾的博物館學習活動經驗與需求探究--以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 在餐廳遇上水果蝙蝠 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 福祿雙全迎新年:千年葫蘆‧福祿人間特展 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉;劉憶諄 | 全球化下國家自然史博物館教育的實踐~以國立自然學博物館附設之自然學友之家為例 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 臺灣博物館治理機制初探~以國立博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 再談「太陽之子:當神話傳說遇上排灣族」 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博一隅-雙蝶同花 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 微,不足道?顯微鏡下的人與植物 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 占星與天文 | Tudorpage |
李作婷、臧振華、李匡悌 | 五間厝遺址土壤植物矽酸體分析 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 我是魚蝦蟹小達人研習活動紀實 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博一隅:石中樹 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 轉譯社區,連結地方 ─ 博物館與社區的一些思考 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 植矽石分析所見西南台灣史前稻作農耕的新進展 | Tudorpage |
董國安、劉芷均、張韡浩 | 閱讀山脈-臺灣的山脈與地質 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博一隅:生命力的展現 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 黑冠麻鷺 雛鳥成長的四部曲 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 天降神火談流星 | Tudorpage |
Chuang, Ray Y.;M. Meghan Miller;Chen, Yue‐Gau;Chen, Horng‐Yue;Shyu, J.B.H.;Yu, Shui‐Beih;Charles M. Rubin;Kerry Sieh;Chung, Ling‐Ho | Interseismic deformation and earthquake hazard along the southernmost Longitudinal Valley Fault, eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Yin, Gongming;Cao, Zhongquan;Fan, Anchuan;Sun,X;Xu, XiWei | Uniform Slip-rate along the Gyaring Fault in Central Tibet: with constraints from OSL Dating on River Offset | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 閱讀岩石:角閃岩 Amphibolite | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館與爭議性主題 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | A histological study of microsporogenesis and pollen development of Oxalis corymbosa and O. corniculata in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 天文奇景三連發 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 不是牛蛙夜鳴而是黑冠麻鷺報喜 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 食物的文化滋味──大甲溪流域泰雅族的飲食與社會生活 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 赴中國科學院國家動物標本館與上海科技館蒐集哺乳類典藏標本資料 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 我們一起看流星 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 東港迎王儀式在科博館呈現 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 驚艷!原鄉vs時尚苗服走秀活動 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 61號道路的雨夜 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 展示的後設思維--從博物館標本借貸與維護策略談起 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 尋找反物質宇宙-AMS太空磁譜儀的科學野心 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 公園裡的肥皂箱 ─ 作為公共空間的博物館 | Tudorpage |
Hwa-Shan Huang;Chiou, Chei-Chang;Chiang, Heien-Kun;Lai, Sung-Hsi;Huang, Chun-Yen;Chou, Yin-Yu | Effects of multidimensional concept maps on fourth graders’ learning in web-based computer course | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 原鄉VS.時尚三八女能手—施洞苗族服飾的異想世界 | Tudorpage |
楊翎、何兆華、蘇旭珺 | 原鄉VS.時尚:三八女能手──施洞苗族服飾的兩個異想世界 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Shinsuke Abe, Pavel Koten & I-Ching Yang | Video Observation of the Leonid 2001 Activity | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 大洋洲島嶼文化 | Tudorpage |
Blamires, Sean J.;Lai, Cheng-Hui;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Liao, Chen-Pan | Body spot coloration of a nocturnal sit-and-wait predator visually lures prey | Tudorpage |
Blamires, Sean J.;Lai, Cheng-Hui;Cheng, Ren-Chung;Liao, Chen-Pan;Shen, Pao-Sheng;Tso, I-Min | Body spot coloration of a nocturnal sit-and-wait predator visually lures prey | Tudorpage |
Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Phenotypic Variation in Population of Oxalis corymbosa in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 末日前的天文奇觀 | Tudorpage |
劉瑩;陳奕廷 | 運用眼動儀探究兒童閱讀教學策略 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming;Fan, Anchuan;Sun,X;Xu, XiWei | The characteristic slip along the northern Gyaring Fault in central Tibet and its Neotectonic implication | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. | The genus Phillipsia (Pezizales) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. and J.H. Chang | New records of Scutellinia (Pyronemataceae, Ascomycota) species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Greene, Harry W.;Chang, Tien-Jye;Shine, Richard | Territorial behavior in Taiwanese kukrisnakes (Oligodon formosanus) | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Ecology and Reproductive Patterns of the skink, Emoia atrocostata, on an East Asian Tropical Rainforest Island | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科教展示電腦多媒體報告(1984~2011) | Tudorpage |
Lin, J.L.;Gu, S.H. | Prothoracicotropic Hormone Induces Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Prothoracic Glands of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Young, S. J.;Lin, J. L.;Lin, P.L. | Involvement of PI3K/Akt signaling in PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis by prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 自然史博物館藏品研究之知識建構與管理發展 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 野生稻抗病基因Pi-ta分子演化及其相關誘導防禦基因之研究 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Pike, David A. | Climate change impacts on fitness depend on nesting habitat in lizards | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-suan;Liu, Yan;Chen, Ju-Chin;You, Chen-Feng;Yang, Huai-Jen | Geochemical characteristics of Cenozoic Jining basalts of the western North China Craton: evidence for the role of the lower crust, lithosphere, and asthenosphere in the petrogenesis | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | A Middle Jurassic (upper Bajocian) Radiolarian Assemblage from Snowshoe Formation, East-central Oregon | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 從幾件昆蟲展示品看博物館蒐藏工作的意義。出自:周文豪(編)。啟綻驚‧華:百件典藏精華圖錄。 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.A. Branham and M.S. Engel. | A second species of Oculogryphus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with notes on the phylogenetic affinities of the genus. | Tudorpage |
Wang, C.-F., C.-C. Kuo, M.-L. Jeng, and K.-W. Huang | Morphometric analyses reveal synonymy of two monotypic genera, Huangiella and Tumoris (Acari, Eriophyoidea, Eriophyidae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.S. Engel and P.-S. Yang. | Discovery of the female of Pyrocoelia prolongata in Taiwan (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae). | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Pike, David A. | Determinants of homing in nest-guarding females: balancing risks while travelling through unfamiliar landscapes | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 蒐藏無國界:來自南亞的黃紋麗龍蝨。 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Pike, David A. | Does maternal care evolve through egg recognition or directed territoriality? | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 博物館劇場發展:以科博館立體劇場為例 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 西拉雅尋螢。 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 風中奇緣─禾草小花的演化 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | ㄧ座以生態設計為本的現代植物園:筑波實驗植物園(世界植物園系列報導(六)) | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Ge, Wen-Chun;Chen, Ju-Chin;You, Chen-Feng;Yang, Huai-Jen | Geochemistry of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the central Great Xing’an Range, NE China | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 臺灣角金龜。 | Tudorpage |
Chu, Whei-Lee | Sustainable education and tourism resources-A journey of enlightenment featuring the archaeological sites in Taichung City | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源 | 數位博物館成果推廣專區 | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, J.-F., M.-L. Jeng, and P.-S. Yang. | Re-assessment of the threatened Rainbow Sheath Click Beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae)- what are they? which species should be protected? | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;蘇聲欣;張勵婉;張楊家豪 | 福山與蓮華池樣區譜系群落結構比較分析 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、陳燦榮。 | 墾丁國家公園螢火蟲資源調查與應用-民國100年補充調查計畫。 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄、許美蓉 | 國家自然史博物館蒐藏意義與認同建構:以國立自然科學博物館「啟綻驚‧華---百件典藏精華特展」為例 | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源, 徐典裕 | 博物館跨領域資源探索服務: 以國立自然科學博物館為例 (Museum Interdisciplinary Resource Discovery Service - A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science) | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源, 徐典裕 | 博物館跨領域資源整合模式與探索服務平台建構: 以國立自然科學博物館為例 (Museum Interdisciplinary Resource Integration Model and Discovery Service: A Case Study of the National Museum of Natural Science) | Tudorpage |
林忠億, 葉鎮源 | 應用基因規劃法產生非線性排名函數之研究 (Evolving Nonlinear Ranking Functions Using Genetic Programming) | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L.;Y.Z. Wang | New Records of Endophytic Fungi Associated with the Araucariaceae in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 樂齡觀眾群的科教活動之實例探討 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 博物館學術研究成果之建置與分享-以國立自然科學博館為例 | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu | 兒童學習網站融入遊戲因子之研究-以國立自然科學博物館兒童數位博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 博物館跨領域知識管理模式-統整式知識內容建構管理.分享加值與應用推廣 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕;李慶源 | 利用智慧型手機支援博物館多人合作學習 | Tudorpage |
Liang Y. S., C. H. Chen*, and J. L. Tsai | Lindernia kinmenensis sp. nov. (Scrophulariaceae) from Kinmen (Taiwan) | Tudorpage |
Robert P. Wintsch*, Huai-Jen Yang, Xian-Hua Li, Kuo-An Tung | Geochronologic evidence for a cold arc–continent collision: The Taiwan orogeny. | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 何明泉 | A Tentative Model for Museum Exhibition Design from the Memetic Aspect
博物館展示設計的模因觀點模式初探 | Tudorpage |
Liao, Zu-Chun | Making History: Examples of Taiwan’s Early Photos in National Museum of Natural Science. | Tudorpage |
zu-chun Liao | Digitally Documenting the Folk Religion for Future Generation: Example Taiwanese Folk Religions at the National Museum of Natural Science. | Tudorpage |
Liao, Zu-Chun;Hsu, Tien-Yu;Yeh, Jen-Yuan | The Digitalization of the Ma-tsu Collection: An Example from the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, Kun-Cheng , Chiu-Mei Wang, Shu-Lin Deng and Chih-Chiang Wang | A new species Cotoneaster chingshuiensis (Rosaceae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬;陳張培倫 | 社群研究同意權在臺灣的實踐—從噶瑪蘭社群否決與西拉雅社群同意為例 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬;何傳坤 | 嘉義阿里山鄒族系統所屬與人群互動的生物人類學研究 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北祁連地塊馬銜山地區新元古代早期基性深成岩岩漿活動的證據 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | The amphibolite-facies metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Maxianshan area, Qilian block, NW China: A record of early Neoproterozoic arc magmatism | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Shih, K.;Yu, S.Y. | Calocera bambusicola sp. nov. and C. sinensis newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, Y.Z.;Chen, Y.P. | The fungal barcoding work in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H and Y.Z. Wang | Taxonomy of Coniochaeta leucoplaca and C. velutina: morphological and molecular studies based on LSU rDNA of isolates from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 小綠葉蟬 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 榖粉茶蛀蟲。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 英國倫敦床蝨驚魂記。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 玄天上帝誕辰~神蝶來祝壽。 | Tudorpage |
Yang, M. M., M. L. Chan, W. B. Yeh, J. M. Tsai, Y. S. Fu. | Insect collections in Taiwan and the exploration of interdisciplinary studies based on the collections. | Tudorpage |
Chan M.L., M. L. Jeng and Y. L. Chen | Databasing insect type specimens collected from Taiwan and housed abroad. | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;關華山 | 不只是「考古」:城鄉自然與文化層位的再現 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;高井正成 | 台灣南部更新世中期猴類化石之新發現 | Tudorpage |
Wu,Yun-Hsin;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Wei,Kuo-Yen | A new record of Sregodon in Taiwan and its biogeographical implication | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猿猴一家親 | Tudorpage |
Su, C.C., Tseng, J.Y., Hsu, H. H., Chiang, C.S., Yu, H.S., Lin, S.W., Liu, J.T. | Offshore records of submarine natural hazards off southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
宋一鑫、陸聲山、詹美鈴、林明瑩、江敬晧、李青珍、楊平世 | 台灣產四種熊蜂 (膜翅目:蜜蜂科) 之族群形質比較、季節性發生及分佈特性之研究。 | Tudorpage |
Peilie Wang, Chiou-Ju Yao, Jiabo Han, Zhiqiang Ma and Zhaohui Wang | Investigations of stranded and by-caught beaked whales around the coastal waters of Chinese mainland | Tudorpage |
吳昭緯;米泓生;沈川洲;王士偉 | 由微孔珊瑚穩定碳氧同位素組成探討台灣西北部中全新世之古氣候 | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | Single Sequential Space and Virtualised Meeting Ground: A Study on the Exhibition Layout of Knowledge in the Museum of London | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 閱讀「流動的女神」:台灣媽祖進香文化特展紀要 | Tudorpage |
2. Li, Z.*, Jean, J.-S., Jiang, W.-T., Chang, P.-H., and Chen, C.-J. | Removal of arsenic from water using Fe-exchanged natural zeolite | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu、Ching-Jen Cheng | Socio-economic Importance of Indigenous Vegetables Resources and Their Conservation: A Case from Amis’s Traditional Markets of Chinese Taipei. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、鄭景仁 | 撒奇萊雅族與南勢阿美的野菜多樣性比較 | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu、Ching-Jen Cheng | Diversity of Wild Vegetables in Amis Traditional Markets | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 熱帶及亞熱帶果樹種原的分類與鑑定 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 解讀植物多樣的花名 秋之美 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 構樹與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 姑婆芋與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-S., Huang, H.-D., Dai, C.-F., Hsiao, Y.-C. Benayahu, Y. | Sclerite calcification and reef-building in the fleshy octocoral genus Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | The assassin bug subfamilies Centrocnemidinae and Holoptilinae in Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae). | Tudorpage |
Masumoto, K., Ochi, T. & Tsai, J.F. | Occurrence of Onthophagus (Serrophorus) rectecornus Lansberge in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Masumoto, K., Ochi, T. &Tsai, J.F. | Two new species of the genus Panelus from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F., Rédei, D., Yeh, G.F. & Yang, M.M. | Jewel bugs of Taiwan (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A novel approach for developing automatic knowledge construction and diagnostic system for Tag-based learning environment | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Ying-Ying;Sun, Yeali S.;Chen, Meng-Chang | A Study on an Automatic Early-Alert Mechanism for a Tag-based Learning Environment: Development of a Teaching Support Platform Based on a Tag-based Knowledge Acquisition Approach. | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 石灰華 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 薔薇輝石 | Tudorpage |
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郭揚義 | 展示空間的現象學考掘:理解博物館的一個初步嘗試與體察筆記 | Tudorpage |
Lin, Ching-Weei;Yang, Kenn-Ming;Lee, Chang-Ji; Huang, Shiuh-Tsann;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Ruan, Zong-Kai;Chuang, Bo-Iuan | Fault style of two-stage extensional tectonics of Taihsi Basin in Northwestern Taiwan - sandbox model | Tudorpage |
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Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Yang, Kenn-Ming | Brooding behaviors of Cretaceous oviraptorids dinosaurs of China | Tudorpage |
Yang,Y.-T.;Lin,P.-K.;Wan,C.;Yang,W.-C.;Lin,L.-J.;Wu,C.-Y.;Chiao,C.-C. | Responses of rabbit retinal ganglion cells to subretinal electrical stimulation using a silicon-based microphotodiode array. | Tudorpage |
Buresch K.C.;Mäthger L.M.;Allen J.J.;Bennice C.;Smith N.;Schram J.;Chiao,C.-C.;Chubb C.;Hanlon R.T. | The use of background matching versus masquerade for camouflage in cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. | Tudorpage |
Hanlon R.T.;Chiao,C.-C.;Mäthger L.M.;Buresch K.C.;Barbosa A.;Allen J.J.;Siemann L.;Chubb C. | Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods. | Tudorpage |
Chiao,C.-C.;Wickiser J.K.;Allen J.J.;Genter B.;Hanlon R.T. | Hyperspectral imaging of cuttlefish camouflage indicates good color match in the eyes of fish predators. | Tudorpage |
Shashar N.;Johnsen S.;Lerner A.;Sabbah S.;Chiao,C.-C.;Mäthger L.;Hanlon R.T. | Underwater linear polarization: physical limitations to biological functions. | Tudorpage |
Gu;Shi-Hong;et al | Involvement of 4E-BP phosphorylation in embryonic development of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
周文能 | 臺灣擔子菌新紀錄種-沙生腹菌 | Tudorpage |
Chen, I.;Chou, L.-S.;Chen, Yen-Jean;Watson, A. | The maturation of skulls in postnatal Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) from Taiwanese waters | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 考察標本雲南行 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄、許美蓉 | 國家博物館與集體記憶的建構:以國立自然科學博物館「啟綻驚‧華---百件典藏精華特展」為例 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 影像的博物館人類學視角與理論意涵 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 下罟坑遺址採集陶片上的稻印痕之矽膠翻模研究 | Tudorpage |
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董國安、蔡易宗、廖倩儀 | 山與造山運動 | Tudorpage |
黃旭(主編) | 流動的女神:台灣媽祖進香文化特展專刊 | Tudorpage |
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Hsu Huang | Decoding “The Mobile Goddess”: Notes on the Special Exhibition of Taiwan’s Matsu Pilgrimage Clture | Tudorpage |
(譯者)李作婷、邱鴻霖 | 日本風俗文化誌,國分直一著,安溪遊地、陳有貝編。 | Tudorpage |
王秋美、王俊閔 | 大坑的植物寶藏 | Tudorpage |
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Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming;Chen, Chia-Yu;Yu, K.;George S. Burr;Manoj K. J.;Wu, Tzu-Shua | The in active geomorphological evidence in the Jaili fault and its Neotectonic implication | Tudorpage |
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Hosoda,Tetsuji;Sato, Jun J.;Lin, Liang-Kong;Chen, Yen-Jean | Phylogenetic history of mustelid fauna in Taiwan inferred from mitochondrial genetic loci | Tudorpage |
Blamires, Sean J.;Chao, Yi-Chi;Liao, Chen-Pan;Tso, I-Min | Multiple prey cues induce foraging flexibility in a trap-building predator | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 下罟坑遺址史前陶片上的稻印痕研究 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 停格鏡頭人模人樣:海角印象--劉其偉父子的新幾內亞行特展 | Tudorpage |
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Xiao-chun Wu, Yen-nien Cheng, Chun Li, Li-Jun Zhao, and Tamaki Sato | New information on Wumengosaurus delicatomandibularis Jiang et al., 2008 (Diapsida: Sauopterygia), with a revision of the osteology and phylogeny of the taxon. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 海角印象:劉其偉父子的新幾內亞行特展 | Tudorpage |
王曉璿;賴俊安;陳奕廷 | 電子白板錄影教學在國小高年級數學未知數單元教學成效探究 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z | Two Species of Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Elaphomycetaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z | The sarcosomataceous discomycetes in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L. and Y.Z. Wang | New Records of Endophytic Fungi Associated with the Araucariaceae in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Foraging behaviors of two sympatric ant species in response to lizard eggs | Tudorpage |
Gu, S.H.;Lin, J.L.;Lin, P.L. | PTTH-stimulated ERK phosphorylation in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori: role of Ca(2+)/calmodulin and receptor tyrosine kinase. | Tudorpage |
Chen Chang, Wei-Hsin Hu, Ying-Chun Chen, Yu-Ling Ysu, and Yi-Tan Chou | In vitro flowering and mating system of Eulophia graminea Lindl. | Tudorpage |
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Yu, Z.H.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, Dong-Mei.;Chen, C.T. | Phylogenetic relationships of Antrodia species and related taxa based on analyses of nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, D.M.;Yu, S.Y. | Neoaleurodiscus fujii, a new genus and new species found at the timberline in Japan. | Tudorpage |
Xiong, H.X;Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new species of Hyphodontia from China. | Tudorpage |
South, A., K. Stanger-Hall, M.-L. Jeng, and S.M. Lewis. | Correlated evolution of female neoteny and flightlessness with male nuptial gifts in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin & I-Ching Yang | Semi-Automatic Occultation Monitoring Equipments (SOME) & It’s Future Applications | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 墾丁國家公園的螢火蟲。 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;祁國琴;張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世晚期澎湖水道馬類化石的初步研究 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 地質數位典藏計畫之化石知識庫的建構與應用 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象的長鼻、臼齒與大耳 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 非漢祖源基因檢驗與台灣國族認同 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、謝穎慧、李其原、莊英章 | 日治台灣招贅婚背景因素分析—族群、出生序、父母狀態、與出生世代。2010台灣人口學會年會,國立台灣大學性別與人口研究中心,2010/4/29-30 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、邱鴻霖、臧振華、李匡悌、朱正宜 | 南關里東遺址出土人骨研究初步報告 | Tudorpage |
Wu C.-H., M.-L. Jeng, A. South, and P.-S. Yang. | Evidence for two male morphs of Luciola cerata Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) exhibiting distinct mating behavior, with implications for sexual selection. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 福蝶名人堂:台灣蝴蝶研究的重要貢獻者。 | Tudorpage |
Jang-Liaw, N-H;Chou, W-H | Phylogeography of the fanged dicroglossine frog, Limnonectes fujianensis (Anura, Ranidae), in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jang-Liaw, N-H;Chou, W-H | Revision of the diagnostic characters of Opisthotropis maculosus with notes on its distribution and variation, and a key to the genus Opisthotropis (Squamata: Natricidae) | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 生物手記-以樹洞為搖籃: 橙腹樹蛙 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Ecology and Reproductive Characteristics of the Skink Sphenomorphusincognitus on an East Asian Island, with Comments on Variations inClutch Size with Reproductive Modes in Sphenomorphus | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富 | 阿美族的傳統生藥植物簡介 | Tudorpage |
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王明仁 | 都會區生態教育活動與地方特色觀光推展 | Tudorpage |
Lei-Chen Lin, Ming-Jen Lee, and Yei-Zeng Wang | Morphology and Ultrastructure of Root-Fungus Association Rhododendron formosanum Hemsl. in Sanlinchi Forest of Central Taiwan. TW J. of Biodivers 12(2): 225-233. | Tudorpage |
Lei-Chen Lin, Ming-Jen Lee, and Yei-Zeng Wang | Rhondodendron formosanum symbiosed with endophytic fungi Cryptosporiopsis sp. to form ericoid mycorrhiza. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H, H.W. Kao and Y.Z. Wang | Molecular Phylogeny of Cercophora, Podospora, and Schizothecium (Lasiosphaeriaceae, Pyrenomycetes). | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.Z. and J.H. Chang | The genus Pseudombrophila in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, S.-H., T.Y.A. Yang, Y.-C. Teng, C.-Y. Chang, K.-C. Yang & C.-F. Hsieh | Insights of the latest naturalized flora of Taiwan: Change in the past eight years. | Tudorpage |
Wu, S.-H., H.-T. Sun, Y.-C. Teng, M. Rejmánek, S.-M. Chaw, T.-Y. A. Yang and C.-F. Hsieh. | Patterns of plant invasions in China: Taxonomic, biogeographic, climatic approaches and anthropogenic effects. Biol. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、詹美鈴 | 臺灣蝴蝶資源利用之回顧與展望。(專題演講) | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 臺灣的蝴蝶保育。 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, et al. | Video Observation of the Leonid 2001 Activity | Tudorpage |
Ryuichi Masuda , Liang-Kong Lin, Kurtis Jai-Chyi Pei, Yen-Jean Chen ,Shih-Wei Chang, Yayoi Kaneko, Koji Yamazaki, Tomoko Anezaki | Origins and Founder Effects on the Japanese Masked Palm
Civet Paguma larvata (Viverridae, Carnivora),
Revealed from a Comparison with its
Molecular Phylogeography in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Ohmura Y., Lin C.K. and Wang P.H. | Three Sorediate Species of the Genus Usnea(Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) New to Taiwan. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci.,Tokyo,(46):69-76 | Tudorpage |
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Wu, Sheng-Hua;Nilsson, H.R.;Chen, C.T.; Yu, S.Y.;Hallenberg, N. | The white-rotting genus Phanerochaete is polyphyletic and distributed throughout the phlebioid clade of the Polyporales (Basidiomycota). | Tudorpage |
Wang, H.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Dai, Y.C. | Three new species of corticioid fungi with hyphal pegs. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Dong-Mei;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Ganoderma hoehnelianum has priority over G. shangsiense, and G. williamsianum over G. meijiangense. | Tudorpage |
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詹美鈴 | 嚙蟲目幼期形態概論。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 嚙蟲目重要物種幼期形態-穀粉茶蛀蟲 (Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel) | Tudorpage |
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鄭明倫 | 臺灣螢火蟲分類現況。(專題演講) | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. | Firefly Classification Pre-symposium Workshop.(one of the lecturers). | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、陳燦榮 | 墾丁國家公園螢火蟲資源調查與應用(II)。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 認識鱗翅目昆蟲-蝶與蛾 | Tudorpage |
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Tsai C. C., Y. C. Chiang, S. C. Huang, C. H. Chen, and C. H. Chou | Molecular phylogeny of Phalenopsis Blume(Orchidaceae) basd on the plastid and nuclear DNA | Tudorpage |
Wang C. M. and C. H. Chen | Lactuca serriola (Asteraceae), a new naturalized plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 自然生態觀察與記錄&教育推廣報告 | Tudorpage |
Takai, M.;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Ogino, S. | Two kinds of fossil monkeys from the middle Pleistocene of Chochen, southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 植食性哺乳動物攝食策略與適應演化 | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Chien-Ying, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Ke, Hao-Ren | Plagiarism detection using ROUGE and WordNet | Tudorpage |
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Lin,Hui-Wen, Chiu-Mei Wang, Yen-Hsueh Tseng | Sida spinosa L. (Malvaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei and Chih-Hsiung Chen | Lactuca serriola (Asteraceae), a newly naturalized plants in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬等 | 原住民與基因研究者對於原住民基因研究的認知差異 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 國科會數位典藏計畫-科博館地質學子計畫。2010/01/01~2010/12/31 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北地區祁連地塊中-酸性深成岩之岩石學、地球化學、年代學及同位素地質學研究Ⅱ(NSC 99-2116-M-178-004-)。2010/08/01~2012/06/30 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Survey of corticioid fungi in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Biodiversity of corticioid fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 富士山發現新屬真菌。 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Geomorphological Evidence for Upslope Canyon-forming Processes on the Kaoping Shelf, Offshore SW | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 奇幻島之福蝶旅行日誌 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 科學普及與庸俗化的分際:「水中蛟龍」vs「好大的恐龍」展示的教育功能評析。論文收錄於王嵩山主編,「博物館研究專刊第04號:博物館展示的景觀」。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 21世紀的科學類博物館傳播什麼樣的科學風貌—由千禧年歐洲新設科學館的內容談起。論文收錄於莫季雍、湯允一與關尚仁主編,科學傳播論文集2。 | Tudorpage |
沈桂淑;米泓生;王士偉;張睿昇 | 桃園潮音石灰岩中殼狀珊瑚藻礁之環境意義初探 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Mii, Horng-Sheng;Wu, Ming-Shyan;Lin, Kuo-An;Wang, Shih-Wei;Chou, Ting-Fang;Chou, Ying-Wei;Wu, Jong-Chang;Wang, Yuh-Ruey | Hydrocarbon-derived carbonate cements of subsurface origin in the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea | Tudorpage |
3. Li, Z.*, Jiang, W.-T., Chen, C.-J., and Hong, H. | Influence of chain lengths and loading levels on interlayer configurations of intercalated alkylammonium and their transitions in rectorite | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.-J. and Jiang, W.-T. | The fate of elements through the transformation from schwertmannite to goethte: an example from the Chinkuashih acid mine drainage area, northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、鄭景仁 | 當科學與藝術的邂逅-以國立自然科學博物館的插花展覽為例 彩妝雨果屋 | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富 | 五節芒與台灣原住民 | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D. | A field observation on group reproduction in Gymnodoris ceylonica (Kelaart, 1858) (Gastropoda : Nudibranchia), at Lanyu (Orchid Is.), Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D. | Mass aggregation for reproduction by a gymnodoridid nudibranch, Gymnodoris ceylonica (Kelaart, 1858), in Lanyu (Orchid Is.), Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
H.-D. Huang, C.-C. Lin, and H. C. Liu | Orientation mechanisms of larval release migration by the sesarmid crab, Metasesarma aubryi | Tudorpage |
Chen, HH, Chao SM, Chen BC | An unexpected high sea urchin diversity at Houbihu lagoon, southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | Taxonomical notes on Oriental and Pacific jewel bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | A survey of the emesine assassin bugs of the tribes Collartidini, Leistarchini, Emesini, and Metapterini of Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | A survey of the saicine assassin bugs of Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | Callidea lateralis Guérin-Méneville, 1838 (currently Lamprocoris lateralis; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed conservation of the specific name. | Tudorpage |
蔡經甫、樂大春 | 異翅亞目幼期形態概論。95–124頁。吳文哲、石憲宗(主編)。農業重要防檢疫昆蟲幼期形態(總論)。 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A novel approach for enhancing student reading comprehension and assisting teacher assessment of literacy. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | A novel approach for assisting teachers in assessment of student reading ability in web-based learning environment. | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 大地瑰寶—流光溢彩的寶石礦物 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 大地瑰寶—礦物與生活特展 | Tudorpage |
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單希瑛 | 鱷類的溝通行為 | Tudorpage |
Shen, C.-C.;Siringan, F.P.;Dai, C.-F.;Gong, Shou-Yeh | Sea-level rise and coral-reef development of Northwestern Luzon since 9.9 ka | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Mii, H.S;Wu, M.S.;Lin, A.A. | Hydrocarbon derived carbonate cementation in subsurface environment in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea | Tudorpage |
郭揚義 | 蒐藏移民生活的歷史記憶:當代臺灣眷村博物館/文化館的觀察與芻議 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「大洋洲」展演的意義與實踐:環太平洋地區三座博物館的比較 | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng;Wang, Yei-Zeng | Four species of Agaricus (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng | Nine Species of Lepiota sensu lato (Basidiomycotina) New to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
周文能 | 七種非褶菌目真菌(擔子菌門)的台灣新紀錄 | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chen; Hu, Wei-Hsin; Y. T. Chou.;Chen, Ying-Chun;Su, Yu-Ling;Chiu, Yi-Tien | In vitro flowering and mating system of Eulophia graminea Lindl. | Tudorpage |
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Chang, Audrey S;Bennett, Sarah M;Noor, Mohamed AF | Epistasis among Drosophila persimilis Factors Conferring Hybrid Male Sterility with D. pseudoobscura bogotana | Tudorpage |
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Tsuoting Lee | Phytoliths evidence for rice cultivation at 3500 years ago, OLPII site, Kenting area | Tudorpage |
譚美芳;李坤瑄 | 貝殼屋的建築師~人與自然系列叢書。 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Yu, K.;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming | New geomorphic evidence probably provided by recent activities of the Gyaring Co Fault, Central Tibet | Tudorpage |
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Jung-Hua Yeh | A Study for Museum Learning: Development of the professional ability to teach in a museum setting. | Tudorpage |
曾郁傑1、葉蓉樺2*、溫媺純3 | 國中學生溫室效應相關概念教學初探 | Tudorpage |
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Xiao-chun Wu, Qiang Ji, and Yen-nien Cheng | Cretaceous Choristoderan Reptiles gave birth to live young. | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 台湾先史社会における稲作農耕の展開に関する研究-プラント・オパールと石製収穫具を中心に- | Tudorpage |
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以國立自然科學博物館建置經驗為例 | Tudorpage |
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Tamaki Sato, Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu, and Chun Li | Osteology of Yunguisaurus Cheng et al., 2006 (Reptilia: Sauropterygia), a Triassic pistosauroid from China. | Tudorpage |
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Qiang Ji, Xiao-chun Wu, and Yen-nien Cheng | Viviparity in Cretaceous choristoderan reptiles. | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 巡視土地的傷痛與願望 | Tudorpage |
CHAN, BENNY K.K.;ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO &;Lee, Kwen-Shen | CHAN, BENNY K.K., ROMANUS EDY PRABOWO & KWEN-SHEN LEE 2010 North West Pacific deep-sea barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) collected by the TAIWAN expeditions, with descriptions of two new species. (Accepted by D. Jones: 11 Jan. 2010; published: 22 Mar. 2010) (KWEN-SHEN LEE 3,*National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan* = corresponding author) (SCI) | Tudorpage |
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Tsai, Meng-Ying;Chen, Su-Hwa;Kao, Wen-Yuan | Floral morphs, pollen viability, and ploidy level of Oxalis corymbosa DC. in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Huang, Wen-San;Wang, Hurng‐Yi | Predation risks and anti-predation parental care behavior: an experimental study in a tropical lizard | Tudorpage |
Soong K, Lin YJ, Chao SM, Chang D | Spawning Time of Two Shallow-Water Brittle Stars | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Lin, J. L.;Lin, P.L.;Chen, J. H. | Insulin stimulates ecdysteroidogenesis by prothoracic glands in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Lin, J. L.;Lin, P. L.;Gu, S. H. | Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β in relation to diapause processing in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, et al. | A Close Binary Star Resolved from Occultation by 87 Sylvia | Tudorpage |
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Chen, Chih-Hsiung and Chiu-Mei Wang | Melampyrum roseum Maxim. (Scrophulariaceae), a Newly Recorded Genus and Species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, K. W. & C.-F. Wang. | Eriophyoid mites of Taiwan:
thirty-seven species from Yangmingshan, including one
new genus and twenty-two new species. | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Chen, Ju-Chin;You, Chen-Feng;Hsu, Shih-Chieh;Huang, Ming-Huei | The first occurrence of suolunite in Taiwan: its physical properties, chemical compositions and genesis | Tudorpage |
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Gu, S. H.;Lin, J. L. | Recent studies on prothoracic gland cell growth and ecdysteroidogenesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. In: Smagghe G. (Ed.), Ecdysones: Structures and Functions, Springer Science, New York. | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 生態教育活動與觀光資源發展之探究 | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang | The genera Sporormia and Preussia (Sporormiaceae, Pleosporales) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 臺灣推動閱讀之觀察與省思 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | A Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna from South Fork Member of Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon. | Tudorpage |
Kao, H. F.;Yang, M. L. | Developing An Extended Task-oriented Agenda for High School Groups in A Natural History Museum | Tudorpage |
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Du, Ying-Chi, An-Shen Lin, Chin-Chung Wu, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Yung-Husan Chen, I-Hsiao Chen, Shu-Li Chen, Hsin-Fu Yen, Tilo Lubken, Fang-Rong Chang, Yang-Chang Wu. | New Cytotoxic Lupane Triterpenes from Perrottetia arisanensis . | Tudorpage |
Chung-Kang Lin | A Preliminary Study of the Lichen Genus Ramalina at Mt. Yangtou, Hualien County, Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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W.L.Chu; H.C.Yang | The Impact of Environmental Change and Prehistoric Settlement in the Taichung Basin, Central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Dong-Mei;Wu, Sheng-Hua; Li., T.H. | Two records of Ganoderma new to mainland China. | Tudorpage |
Xiong, H.X;Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Three new species of Hyphodontia from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang , D.M.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Su, C.H.;Peng, J.T.;Shih, Y.H.;Chen,L.C. | Ganoderma multipileum, the correct name for ‘G. lucidum’ in tropical Asia. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, D.M.; Yu, Z.H. | Taxonomic studies of two important medicinal polypore fungi from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, Y.Z.;Chen, Y.C. | Inventory and Database of Fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、陳燦榮 | 墾丁國家公園螢火蟲資源調查與應用。 | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang | Pleistocene Mammalian Fossils in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 從化石說故事 | Tudorpage |
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陳叔倬 | 新遺傳科技風潮下的國族血源認同再現—全球與台灣。台灣社會學會年會,2009/11/28-29 | Tudorpage |
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Ho CK, Chen SJ | Which Taiwan Austronesian population moved out Taiwan? | Tudorpage |
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Yang, T.Y.A. | Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (7) ─ Two new taxa and one new record species of Clematis in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 跨文化展演的意義與實踐:環太平洋國家博物館「大洋洲」詮釋的比較 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | Potential Pleistocene refugia of the La Touche’s frog Sylvirana latouchii (Anura; Ranidae) in Taiwan: A test of Kano’s zoogeological hypotheses.。林良恭 (編) 2009 高山生物地理國際研討會暨紀念鹿野忠雄(Tadao Kano)發表雪山動物地理研究論文七十週年研討會論文集。P 10.[摘要] | Tudorpage |
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Chen C.H. and C.M Wang | Melampyrum roseum Maxim. (Scrophulariaceae), a newly recorded genus and species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chan Benny K. K.;Romanus Edy Prabowo;Lee, Kwen-Shen | CRUSTACEAN FAUNA OF TAIWAN: Barnacles, Volume I – Cirripedia: Thoracica excluding the Pyrgomatidae and Acastinae. p. 1-297. National Taiwan Ocean University.陳國勤、Romanus Edy Prabowo及 李坤瑄 2009 臺灣藤壺誌 I:圍胸總目(不含塔藤壺科和綿藤壺亞科)。 | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 螢科部份。出自:顏聖紘、楊平世、韋家軒(編)。CITES附錄昆蟲與蜘蛛鑑識圖鑑。 | Tudorpage |
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Tseng, Chien-Yuan*, Zuo, Guo-Chao, Yang, Huai-Jen, Yang, Houng-Yi, Tung, Kuo-An, Liu, Dun-Yi, Wu, Han-Quan | Occurrence of Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the North Qulian Mountains, NW China: Evidence of Cambrian arc magmatism on the Qilian Block. | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 國科會數位典藏計畫-科博館地質學子計畫。2009/01/01~2009/12/31 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北地區祁連地塊中-酸性深成岩之岩石學、地球化學、年代學及同位素地質學研究Ⅰ(NSC 98-2116-M-178-001-)。2009/08/01~2010/09/30 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 美味又養生的木耳。 | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S., Chiang, C. S., Shen, S. M. | Tectonically active sediment dispersal system in SW Taiwan margin with emphasis on the Kaoping Submarine Canyon | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;謝凱旋;米泓生 | 桃園全新世『潮音石灰岩』之研究 | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富 | 台灣中部原住民族群的生態智慧—布農族、邵族及鄒族觀察到動物所食用的植物 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣祈福避邪植物 | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu | Traditional Management of Agrobiodiversity of Rukai aboriginal peoples in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu | Diversity of Wild Vegetables in Amis Traditional Market | Tudorpage |
Yen, Hsin-Fu、Liao,Zu-Chun | The Knowledge System of Ethnology Collection for Aboriginal Taiwanese | Tudorpage |
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Du, Ying-Chi, An-Shen Lin, Chin-Chung Wu, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Yung-Husan Chen, I-Hsiao Chen, Shu-Li Chen,Hsin-Fu Yen,Tilo Lubken, Fang-Rong Chang, Yang-Chang Wu | New Cytotoxic Lupane Triterpenes from Perrottetia arisanensis . Planta Medica | Tudorpage |
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Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | The identity of shield bugs described by Francis Walker from Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F. & Rédei, D. | The identity of jewel bugs bugs described by Shonen Matsumura from Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). | Tudorpage |
Biró, L.P., Kertész, K., Horváth, E., Márk, G.I., Molnár, G., Vértesy, Z., Tsai, J.F., Kun, A., Bálint, Zs. & Vigneron, J.P. | Bioinspired artificial photonic nanoarchitecture using the elytron of the beetle Trigonophorus rothschildi varians as a ‘blueprint’. | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D. & Tsai, J.F. | A new species of Gallobelgicus Distant, 1906 from Taiwan (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Saicinae). | Tudorpage |
Rédei, D., Tsai, J.F. & Yang, M.M. | Heteropteran fauna of Taiwan: cotton stainers and relatives (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoroidea). | Tudorpage |
楊曼妙、蔡經甫、樂大春 | 台灣昆蟲誌:半翅目– 木蝨總科、蠟蟬總科、陸生椿象。86–94頁。生物多樣性行動計畫研討會論文集。 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Lin, Sin-Yan;Chen, Meng-Chang;Sun, Yeali S. | Applying Social Tagging in English Reading Comprehension. | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 法國博物館的戲劇詮釋發展:以七個博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Shan, Hsi-Yin;Wu, Xiao-Chun;Cheng, Yen-Nien;Sato, Tamali | A new tomistomine from the Miocene of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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陳盈君;李宗徽;洪惠娟;張正;張隆仁;魏芳明 | 台灣白及(Bletilla formosana (Hayata) Schltr.) 假球莖發育與成份分析 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Ying-Chun;Chang, Chen | Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis from young leaves of Cinnamomum kanehirae Hayata. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang | Notes on Coprophilous Discomycetes from Taiwan. V. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣附近深海的節肢動物與棘皮動物。 | Tudorpage |
董國安、吳伯駿、周俞芸 | 中國大陸祁連山岩石標本採集紀要 | Tudorpage |
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Jung-Hua Yeh | Museum Science Teaching: Museum Educators’ Personal Epistemology and The Learning Experiences They Created for Visitors. | Tudorpage |
程延年、單希瑛、王士偉、張鈞翔 | 水中蛟龍:史前水棲爬行動物 | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang | Six new records of ascomycetes from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣珊瑚礁海域的海膽(口頭報告與摘要)。 | Tudorpage |
Liao, Chen-Pan;Chi, Kai-Jung;Tso, I-Min | The effects of wind on trap structural and material properties of a sit-and-wait predator | Tudorpage |
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Jung-Hua Yeh | A Study of Museum Science Learning: Object centered approach for Junior High School Science Learning | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣附近深海的海綿、刺絲胞動物、環節動物與軟體動物。 | Tudorpage |
王緒昂;陳正平;黃興倬;李坤瑄;杜銘章 | 綠島海洋爬行動物之現況調查。 | Tudorpage |
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His-yin Shan, Xiao-chun Wu, Yen-nien Cheng and Tamaki Sato | A new tomistomine (Crocodylia) from the Miocene of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Cao, Zhongquan;Yu, T. | New geomorphic evidence of the Jiali fault and Nagqu fault in East Tibet. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 奇特的海鮮~特殊的食用海洋無脊椎動物。 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 兩千億的河濱公園:農再條例發展農業還是觀光業? | Tudorpage |
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葉蓉樺 | 以探究式學習觀點促進教師在科學博物館進行教學之研究 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣附近深海的浮游性海洋無脊椎動物。 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬;李坤瑄;洪和田;陳明輝 | 綠島大型海洋無脊椎動物調查與保育規劃建議。 | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Robert Holmes, Xiao-chun Wu, and Noel Alfonso | Sexual dimorphism and Life history of Keichousaurus hui (Reptilia : Sauropterygia). | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪;許世璋 | 太魯閣國家公園遊客環境素養評量與環境行動意圖之預測變相探討 | Tudorpage |
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KUO, Yang-Yi | Locating Juancun: Routing/Rooting the Chinese Diaspora in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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I-Ching Yang , Chi-Long Lin and Irina Radinschi | The Energy of Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear Electrodynamics | Tudorpage |
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Xiao-chun Wu, Yen-nien Cheng, Tamaki Sato, and Hsi-yin Shan | Miodentosaurus brevis Cheng et al., 2007 (Diapsida: Thalattosauria): its postcranial skeleton and phylogenetic relationships. | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Y.-Z. | A new species of Arachnopeziza from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jang-Liaw, N-H;Lee, T-H;Chou, W-H | Phylogeography of Sylvirana latouchii (Anura, Ranidae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
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Tseng,Yen-Hsueh, Chiu-Mei Wang and Ching-I Peng | Clibadium surinamense L. (Asteraceae): A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chung, Kuo-Fang, Yoshiko Kono, Chiu-Mei WANG, and Ching-I Peng | Notes on Acmella (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Kun-Cheng Chang, Yen-Hsueh Tseng, Chih-Chiang Wang, Shu-Lin Deng, Chiu-Mei Wang | Notes on Neanotis (Rubiaceae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Resources exploitation by ants facilitates lizard eggs survival | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Predation risk of whole-clutch filial cannibalism in a tropical skink with maternal care | Tudorpage |
Jianxin Zhang*, Christopher G. Mattinson , Fancong Meng , Yusheng Wan, Kuoan Tung | Polyphase tectonothermal history recorded in granulitized gneisses from the north Qaidam HP/UHP metamorphic terrane, western China: Evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L;S.Y. Hwang; Y.C. Chiang;T.P. Lin | Molecular Evolution of the Pi-ta Gene Resistant to Rice Blast in Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon) | Tudorpage |
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Chen C. H., C. F. Chen, S. Z. Yang | Swertia changii (gentianaceae), a new species from southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang, . | The genus Chaetomium (Chaetomiaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang | Four species of Hypocrea (Hypocreaceae) found in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Lin, C.S. and M.L. Chan | Validity and a note on type depositories of the Heteropteran Species Described by C.S. Lin and His Colleagues in 1998-2007. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 傳說中的神鬼戰士現身台灣。 | Tudorpage |
El{^A0C1^}aume M, Am{^A0C1^}ziane N, Chao SM | First records of the stalked crinoid fauna (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Lin, Y.H; S.Y. Hwang; P.Y. Hsu;Y.C. Chiang,; C.L. Huang,;C.N. Wang,;T.P. Lin | Molecular population genetics and gene expression analysis of duplicated CBF genes of Arabidopsis thaliana | Tudorpage |
W.L.Chu | The application of Public Archaeology in Taiwan: A case study of Hui-Lai site | Tudorpage |
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Gu, S. H.;Lin, J. L.;Lin, P.L.;Kou, R.;Smagghe, G. | Effects of RH-5992 on ecdysteroidogenesis of the prothoracic glands during the fourth larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Chen, J. H.;Gu, S. H. | Inhibitory effects of starvation on prothoracic gland cell DNA synthesis during the last larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
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Huang, K. W. | Aceria in Taiwan: five new species and plant
abnormalities caused by sixteen species. | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 科學博物館主題式教育活動成效評估 | Tudorpage |
曾彥學 劉靜榆 嚴新富 彭鏡毅 | 臺灣新歸化菊科植物—黃頂菊 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Chia-Lin, Fang-Rong Chang, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Michael-Y Chiang, Chin-Chung Wu, Zih-You Huang, Yu-Hsuan Lan, Mei Chen, Kuo-Hsiung Lee, Hsin-Fu Yen, Wen-Chun Huang, Wang-Chang Wu. | Cytotoxic ent-abietane diterpenes from Gelonium aequoreum. | Tudorpage |
Chen, I-Hsiao, Ying-Chi Du, Mei-Chin Lu, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Chin-Chung Wu, Shu-Li Chen, Hsin-Fu Yen, Fang-Rong Chang and Yang-Chang Wu. | New lupine-type triterpenoids from Microtropis fokienensis and Perrottetia arisanensis and apoptotic effect of 28-hydroxy-3-oxo-lup-20(29)-en-30-al. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 從梨果竹開花論台灣竹類學名之訂正 第二屆台灣竹國際研討會大會手冊 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 彭佳嶼火山地質地形自然景觀 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 北投石(一)北投有石名北投石 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 北投石(二)由認識北投石談環境保護及復育 | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | Mapping of Knowledge in the Natural History Museum: Richard Owen's naturalistic ideas and spatial layouts of the Natural History Museum in London | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 介入當代社會的大學博物館群:公眾教育的一個替代性發展方案 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 介入當代社會的大學博物館群:公眾教育的一個替代性發展方案 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Twenty species of corticioid fungi newly recorded from China. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Dong-Mei;Wu, Sheng-Hua | A taxonomic revision of the Ganodermataceae reported from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Hallenberg, N.;Ryberg, M.;Nilsson, R.H.;Wood, A.R.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Pseudolagarobasidium (Basidiomycota): on the reinstatement of a genus of parasitic, saprophytic, and endophytic resupinate fungi. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華;王也珍;陳宜君;游詩儀 | 數位台灣真菌知識館及資料庫 | Tudorpage |
Chaboo, C.S. and M.-L. Jeng. | Book review: Lee, C.-F. and H.-T. Cheng. 2007. The Chrysomelidae of Taiwan I [Sishou-Hills Insect Observation Network Press, 199 pp]. | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;祁國琴;張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世晚期澎湖海溝鹿類化石的初步研究 | Tudorpage |
吳允心;張鈞翔;魏國彥 | 台灣左鎮劍齒象屬化石分類與年代意義初探 | Tudorpage |
段洪坤、陳叔倬 | 平埔原住民族血源認定與文化認定的發展評析 | Tudorpage |
Li H, Wen B, Chen SJ, Su B, Pramoonjago P, Liu YF, Pan SL, Qin ZD, Liu WH, Chen X, Yang NN, Li X, Tran DB, Qian J, Lu DR, Hsu M, Deka R, Marzuki S, Tan CC, Jin L | Paternal genetic affinity between western Austronesian and Daic Populations | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、段洪坤 | 平埔血源與台灣國族血統論 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、段洪坤、陳志軒 | 型塑吉貝耍西拉雅人當代認同的多因素分析 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、張培倫 | 從噶瑪蘭社群要求銷毀與西拉雅社群同意採檢,談社群同意權在台灣的實踐 | Tudorpage |
Shu-Juo Chen | How Han are Taiwanese Han? Genetic inference of Plains Indigenous ancestry among Taiwanese Han and its implications for Taiwan identity. | Tudorpage |
Lee, T.H., N.K. Huang, T.C. Lai, T.Y.A. Yang and G.J. Wang | Anemonin, from Clematis crassifolia, potent and selective inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor | Tudorpage |
Yang, T.Y.A. and T.C. Huang | Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (8) ─ Revision of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 淡入烏托邦-出席「全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)第14 屆理事會」雜想(I) | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 淡入烏托邦-出席「全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)第14 屆理事會」雜想(II) | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 再透析拉都希氏蛙-向John D. La Touche 致敬 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 南投魚池鄉伊達邵、水里鄉大平林社區—民俗植物 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴、楊正澤 | 台灣產嚙蟲目研究現況 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. | Comprehensive Pylogenetics and Systematics of Lampyridae (Coleoptera).(conference paper presentation) | Tudorpage |
Wang C. M. and C. H. Chen | Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson (Commeliaceae), a Recently Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Robert Holmes, Xiao-Chun Wu and Noel Alfonso | New Information of the Keichousaurus hui(Reptilia: Sauropterygia) with comments on Sauropterygian Interrelationships, Sexial Dimorphism and Life History. | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-Chun Wu, Qiang Ji, Hsi-Yin Shan, Tamaki Sato | Oviraptorosaurian eggs (Dinosauria) with embryonic skeleton discovered for the first time in China. | Tudorpage |
Tamaki Sato, Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu, Chun Li | Osteology of Yunguisaurus (Sauropterygia: Pistosauroidea). Abstract | Tudorpage |
Hsi-Yin Shan, Xiao-Chun Wu, Tamaki Sato and Yen-nien Cheng | First nearly complete crocodylian skeleton, Penghusuchus pani gen. et sp. nov. (Crocodylia: Tomistominae) from Miocene of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, & Yang, Wei-Pang | iSpreadRank: Ranking sentences for extraction-based summarization using feature weight propagation in the sentence similarity network | Tudorpage |
林昕潔, 葉鎮源, 陳信源, 黃明居, 柯皓仁, 楊維邦 | 使用SVM 與詮釋資料之圖書自動分類 (Automatic book classification using support vector machine and meta-information) | Tudorpage |
張家寧, 陳信源, 葉鎮源, 黃明居, 柯皓仁, 楊維邦 | 以概念萃取為基礎之文件分群 (A concept extraction approach for document clustering) | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源 | 摘錄式多文件自動化摘要方法之研究 (A study on extraction-based multidocument summarization) | Tudorpage |
Wang C. M. and C. H. Chen | Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson (Commeliaceae), a Recently Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
董國安、楊宏儀、劉敦一、張建新、曾建元、萬渝生 | 祁連地塊新元古代花崗岩類的SHRIMP鋯石U-Pb定年學、元素和Sr-Nd同位素地球化學──岩石成因與構造意義 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北地區祁連地塊基性-超基性侵入體之岩石學、地球化學、年代學及同位素地質學之研究(97-2116-M-178-001-MY2)。2008/01/01~2009/07/31 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 蒐藏與研究話語之三 – 業餘分類學家,如何? | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 蒐藏與研究話語之四 –空即是色,色即是空。 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S., Yu, H. S. | Evidence of hyperpycnal flows at the head of the meandering Kaoping Canyon off SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Axial incision and sediment dispersal of the Kaoping River- Submarine Canyon system, SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;謝凱旋 | 桃園地區全新世礁灰岩之地質調查 | Tudorpage |
楊曼妙、楊正澤、江東權、蔡經甫 | 中興大學昆蟲標本館蒐藏與管理現況。黃坤煒、詹美鈴(主編)。昆蟲與蟎蜱標本資源之管理與應用研討會專刊。 | Tudorpage |
| 臺灣南島語族廳(職務代理人) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 大洋之舟──南島先民的航行特展 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;鍾坤煒 | 酷似種子的礦物—石榴子石 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 從大安溪峽谷淺談峽谷地形 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 冬末春初的過客-白腹鶇 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 雨林中的活動寶石-箭毒蛙 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 布農族的聖鳥-紅嘴黑鵯 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 大甲溪口海岸 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 少年白頭的饕客-白頭翁 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 春光蝶影-琉球紫蛺蝶 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 華麗的外星入侵者?-水母 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 樹叢間的迷你轟炸機-台灣黃斑挵蝶 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 宇宙機器人?登月小艇?-噬菌體 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 黑白兩道通吃的黃襟蛺蝶 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 生命先在水中演化 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 幻光-端紫斑蝶 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 「熱」情沙漠?-美國索諾蘭沙漠 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 大眼瞪小眼-眼蛺蝶(孔雀擬蛺蝶) | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 最早登陸的地球生命 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 枯葉堆中的偽裝者-黃鉤蛺蝶(黃蛺蝶) | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 天然儲水庫-沙漠的植物 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 水池上的空中霸主-猩紅蜻蜓 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 生命登上陸地-上陸的魚? | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 纖柔水畔飛-白粉細蟌 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 上陸的魚?-彈塗魚 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 會做伏地挺身的蜥蜴-斯文豪氏攀蜥 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 恐龍家族史-從恐龍化石見真章 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 戴著珍珠項鍊的咕咕鳥-珠頸斑鳩 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 恐龍吃什麼? | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 放生與棄養-紅耳龜 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 演化的巨輪 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 植物園的兔子物語 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 滅絕 | Tudorpage |
周漢強;張鈞翔 | 地球的氣候—何謂冰河期? | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 「互利共生」的「咬牙切齒」巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 重返海洋-脊椎動物的趨同演化(Convergent Evolution) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 島嶼直航.橫渡大洋四千年:大洋之舟-南島先民的航行特展 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 斯文豪氏攀蜥 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | Sea urchins of Diadematoida (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from Taiwan(「臺灣產冠海膽目海膽」研究壁報) | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Qiang Ji, Xiao-chun Wu and Hsi-yin Shan | Oviraptorosaurian Eggs (Dinosauria) with Embryonic Skeleton Discovered for the First Time in China. | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Yu, T.;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming | New geomorphic evidence for en echelon fault system in East Karakoram - Jiali Fault zone. | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪;蘇麗英 | 博物館常客的評量研究 | Tudorpage |
張英彥 | 自然科學博物館戶外生態研習活動學習成效初探 | Tudorpage |
李作婷 | 台湾先史時代におけるイネ珪酸体の形状解析研究―新石器時代晩期から鉄器時代を中心として― | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 入侵駭客—白尾八哥 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 寄居蟹的影像世界 | Tudorpage |
李作婷、宇田津徹朗 | 台湾石橋遺跡におけるプラント・オパール分析 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Yu-Ling;Chen, Su-Hwa | Floral development of Lagerstroemia indica. | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 綠色小精靈—綠繡眼 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 快閃帶路鳥一白面白鶺鴒 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 512四川大地震 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 從地底竄出的黑色部隊一熊蟬 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博館庭園的頑皮大尾一赤腹松鼠 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海底的移動城堡—海膽與牠們的房客們。 | Tudorpage |
王美鳳、林佩佩、李坤瑄、陳華香、陳勇輝、鄭清海 | 賞貝~泥、沙灘地潮間帶的軟體動物。 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 地球末日記 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 黑冠麻鷺-是訪客?還是過客 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Wu, Yih-Min;Shyu, J.B.H.;Kuo, Yu-Ting;Lin, Yu-Nong Nina | Seismogenic faults along the major suture of the plate boundary deduced by dislocation modeling of coseismic displacements of the 1951 M7.3 Hualien–Taitung earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 館藏標本圖錄 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 古典大洋洲的當代視野:美拉尼西亞的物與物質文化研究 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 聒噪長尾鳥-樹鵲 | Tudorpage |
王嵩山、楊翎主編 | 大洋洲的物件與文化 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 藍色精靈-黑枕藍鶲 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | [鼠]不完的驚奇 | Tudorpage |
Robert Holmes, Yen-nien Cheng, and Xiao-chun Wu. | New information on the skull of Keichousaurus hui (Reptilia : Sauropterygia) with comments on sauropterygian interrelationships. | Tudorpage |
Shyu, J.B.H.;Kerry Sieh;Chen, Yue-Gau;Chuang, Ray Y.;Wang, Yu;Chung, Ling-Ho | Geomorphology of the southernmost Longitudinal Valley fault: Implications for evolution of the active suture of eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 博物館典藏管理電腦化的演進及變革:以國立自然科學博物館
Evolution of and Changes in Computerization of Collections Management: Example of the National Museum of Natural Science | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 臭臭一族的植物 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 第二屆五育全人盃語文競賽暨寒假科學營活動-岩石學授課講師 | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.Z. Wang | Two species of Kernia (Plectomycetes) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Geoglossum umbratile, A discomycete new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Vandersmissen, T.;De Loof, A.;Gu, S.H. | Both prothoracicotropic hormone and an autocrine factor are involved in control of prothoracic gland ecdysteroidogenesis in Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria. | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H. | Autocrine activation of ecdysteroidogenesis in prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Lin, J. L.;Gu, S. H. | In vitro and in vivo stimulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) by prothoracicotropic hormone in prothoracic gland cells and its developmental regulation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Tan, H-S;Lu, S-Q;Chou, W-H | Description of Male (Squamata: Lacertidae) from China, with Notes of Sexual Dimorphism and Revision of Morphological Diagnosis. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lau, M;Chan, B | A New Treefrog of Rhacophorus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Hainan Island, China. | Tudorpage |
周文豪;姜鈴 | 巢蛙生殖策略的演化 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Wang, Dong-Mei;Tschen, E. | Brunneocorticium pyriforme, a new corticioid fungal genus and species belonging to the euagarics clade. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Three new species of corticioid fungi from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Hallenberg, N;Nilsson, R.H.;Antonelli, A.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Maekawa, N.;Nordén, B. | The Peniophorella species complex (Basidiomycota). | Tudorpage |
Wang, Dong-Mei;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two species of Ganoderma new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, H.Y;Ho, Y.L.;Sheu, M.J.;Lin, Y.H.;Tseng, M.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua;, G.J. Huang;Chang , Y.S. | Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of Phellinus merrillii extracts. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Chlorosplenium chlora, a discomycete new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.-H. and Y.Z. Wang | Some species of coelomycetes from soil in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
宮守業,王士偉 | 台灣及離島第四紀碳酸鹽沈積學研究的回顧與前瞻 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 楠溪永久樣區蔓藤植物攀爬機制之研究 | Tudorpage |
Chao Shyh-Min | The Role of Taiwan Museums in Marine Education-Today and in the future | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 龍坑海岸潮間帶無脊椎動物多樣性之調查及監測研究(一)-以棘皮動物及軟體動物為例 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 高中生動手作研習架構發展初探︰以國立自然科學博物館「高中生史特林引擎模型組裝研習」為例 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 非制式科學學習機構提供教師研習之回顧與前瞻:國立自然科學博物館之個案研究。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺、劉冠任* | 以『簡易史特林引擎動手作』進行大眾科學教育。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺*、劉冠任 | 科學動手作活動操作難易度檢證及標準化教學程序建立:簡易史特林引擎模型製作個案研究。 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan; Liu, Yan;Chen, Ju-Chin | Geochemical Studies of Late Cenozoic Basalts from the Abaga Region, Inner Mongolia | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung and Chiu-Mei Wang | Geranium pusillum L. (Geraniaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Costs of egg caring in the skink, Mabuya longicaudata. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Ecology and reproductive cycles of the agamid lizard,Japalura swinhonis,on an East Asian island, with comments on small clutch sizes of island lizards. | Tudorpage |
Kuoan Tung*, Houngyi Yang, Liu Dunyi, Zhang Jianxin, Chienyuan Tseng, Wan Yusheng | SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of the detrital zircons from the Longshoushan Group and its tectonic significance | Tudorpage |
Kuoan Tung*, Haijen Yang, Houngyi Yang, Liu Dunyi, Zhang Jianxin, Chienyuan Tseng, Wan Yusheng | SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of the zircons from the Precambrian basement of the Qilian Block and its geological significances. | Tudorpage |
張建新*、孟繁聰、董國安 | 柴達木盆地北緣錫鐵山副片麻岩所紀錄的多期構造熱事件 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 中國大陸西北地區中-南祁連地塊及南北鄰區地質年代、岩漿活動和親緣性研究
Geochronology, magmatism, and tectonic affinity
of the Central-South Qilian Block and its neighboring areas in
NW China | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L;K.C. Ho | Isolation and characterization of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter system genes from loofah witches’ broom phytoplasma | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 鬱見春天─鬱金香花卉展 | Tudorpage |
張松彬;黃俊霖 | 淺談臺灣原住民小米文化 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 重塑北美印地安的圖像與想像 | Tudorpage |
Lin Yang | Oceania Gallery of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 農業生態廳:自耕農證 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 楊翎 林宗賢 | 優級改良品:農業生態展示區 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 「以史溫侯之名」之策展人語。 | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | Scopic Regime and Organised Walking - A typological study on the modern museum | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 發展網路學習認識星座教學資源之行動研究
─ 以「揭開星空奧祕─星座探奇」終身學習網的建置為例
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 營造學生星空立體概念學習情境之行動研究 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 數位多媒體在觀光導覽解說應用之探討 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 魚狗出擊-翠鳥 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺、劉冠任* | 以『簡易史特林引擎動手作』進行大眾科學教育 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺、劉冠任 | 科學動手作活動操作難易度檢證及標準化教學程序建立:簡易史特林引擎模型製作個案研究。 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | The Planetariums in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chi-Long Lin, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Wen-Ping Chen, Sun-Kun King, Hung-Chin Lin | A Close Binary Discovered from Its Occultation by (87) Sylvia | Tudorpage |
Chen C.H. and C.M Wang | Geranium pusillum L.(Geraniaceae): Anewly naturalized plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L. & J. T. Yang. | A new species Coleotroctellus huisunensis (Psocoptera: Troctopsocidae) from Taiwan, with a key to species of Coleotroctellus Lienhard, 1988. | Tudorpage |
林政行、詹美鈴、陳佩琇、王詩儀 | 拓展『臺灣自然史』數位典藏知識庫計畫介紹-台灣產之昆蟲多樣性知識庫-鱗翅目、半翅目及嚙目子計畫 (壁報)。 | Tudorpage |
林政行、詹美鈴、范芝怡 | 重建台灣失落的昆蟲模式標本-『台灣自然史』國際尋根及推廣交流計畫(壁報) | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 蟲語佐藤--昆蟲學家佐藤正孝紀念展。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 玩蟲有理 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 大眾考古:以沙鹿南勢坑為例。。 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 建構的觀光資源-惠來遺址學習之旅 | Tudorpage |
Chung-Kang Lin | The Lichen Genus Usnea at Meifeng, Central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 從新台灣之子看博物館與學校的合作關係 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 地方認同建構 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 台灣早期的影像蒐藏--以科博館蒐藏的許蒼澤遺作為例 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 博物館蒐藏 | Tudorpage |
Huang, K. W. | Eriophyoid mites of Leigongshan, China. | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉;高慧芬 | 博物館的特殊觀眾與特殊教育服務《2007博物館觀眾國際研討會論文集》 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬、蔡崇建、高翠霞 | 在科學博物館情境中學生自然智能表現之觀察 | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉、高慧芬 | 博物館的特殊觀眾與特殊教育服務 | Tudorpage |
Lin, An-Shen, Fang-Rong Chang, Hsin-Fu Yen, Hanna Maria Bjorkeborn, Yang-Chang Wu | Novel flavonoids of Thelypteris torresiana | Tudorpage |
Hsieh, Pei-Wen, Zih-You Huang, Jyun-Hong Chen, Fang-Rong Chang, Ching-Chung Wu, Yu-Liang Yang, Michael Y. Cheang, Ming-Hon Yen, Shu-Li. Chen, Hsin-Fu Yen, Tilo Lubken, Wen-Chun Hung and Yang-Chang | Cytotoxic withamolides from Tubocapsicum anomalum. | Tudorpage |
鴻義章( Upay Kanasaw)、嚴新富 | Preliminary Study for Traditional and Herbal Medicine of Taiwan Amis Peoples(台灣阿美族的傳統醫療與生藥智慧之研究初探)。研討會地點:台北圓山大飯店 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 本土藥草在康復花園的運用 園藝療法國際研討會 | Tudorpage |
張正、胡維新、陳盈君、蘇昱綾 | 禾草芋蘭試管內開花 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 澎湖火山頸中玄武岩柱狀節理多樣性之成因探討 | Tudorpage |
莊文星、陳汝勤、林長興、洪清林 | 澎湖火山口相玄武岩柱狀節理多樣性成因探討研究 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 陽明山國家公園之火山地質(一)小油坑 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 陽明山國家公園之火山地質(二)大油坑 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.S. Engel and P.-S. Yang. | Oculogryphus, a remarkable new genus of Lampyridae (Coleoptera) from Asia. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M.S. Engel. | The firefly genus Vesta in Taiwan (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y., X. Fu, C. Lei, M.-L. Jeng and N. Ohba. | Biological Characteristics of the terrestrial firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis (Cleoptera: Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
Thancharoen, A., L.A. Ballantyne, M.A. Branham and M.-L. Jeng. | Description of Luciola aquatilis sp. nov., a new aquatic firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae) from Thailand. | Tudorpage |
Tseng,Zhijie Jack;Chang,Chun-Hsiang | A Study of New Material of Crocuta crocuta ultima (Carnivora: Hyaenidae) from the Quaternary of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
謝英宗;張鈞翔 | 國立台灣博物館館藏長鼻目化石在演化上的意義 | Tudorpage |
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周文豪 | 由崇安草蜥(Takydromus sylvaticus)的再發現淺談台灣的草蜥 | Tudorpage |
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周文豪 | 台灣的第二種鼴鼠,出列!! | Tudorpage |
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周文豪 | 生殖隔離和生殖對話:Reproductive Dialog- Sheila McCornic 的導讀 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 考古出土動物遺留之處理與鑑定 | Tudorpage |
Yoshinari Suzuki , Izumi Watanabe , Tatsuo Oshida , Yen-Jean Chen ,Liang-Kong Lin , Yu-Huang Wang , Kouh-Cheng Yang , Katsuji Kuno | Accumulation of trace elements used in semiconductor industry in
Formosan squirrel, as a bio-indicator of their exposure, living in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu, Chun Li, Tamaki Sato | A new thalattosaurian (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Upper Triassic of Guizhou, China. | Tudorpage |
Hsi-yin Shan, Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu | First nearly complete crocodylian, Tomistoma penghuensis sp. nov. (Crocodylidae: Tomistominae), from the Miocene of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Lin, Jung-Yi, Ke, Hao-Ren, & Yang, Wei-Pang | Learning to rank for information retrieval using genetic programming | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 蒐藏與研究話語之一:物,能人識之。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 為台灣野生赤芝正名 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 蒐藏與研究話語之二:尋找分類學家。 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Axial incision and sediment dispersal of the Kaoping River- Submarine Canyon system, SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Dai, C-F;Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Horng, C-S | The initial development of coral reefs in non-carbonate paleoenvironments, SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
宮守業;王士偉 | 台灣及離島第四紀碳酸鹽沉積學研究的回顧與前瞻 | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D., Jeng, M.-S. | The chemically-mediated orientation and feeding behaviors by the hydrothermal vent crabs Xenograpsus testudinatus—What makes them swarm in such high densities? | Tudorpage |
Chu, Hui-Chun;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Wu, Po-Han;Chen, Jun-Ming | A Computer-Assisted Collaborative Approach for E-Training Course Design. | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤;楊翎 | 農業生態廳 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 2007美國土桑行紀實 | Tudorpage |
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Chou, Wen-Neng;Chang, Tun-Tschu | Five Aphyllophoralean Fungi (Basidiomycota) New to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 豬年談豬:豬的特徵、起源與演化 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 談一談記憶 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;蔡政修 | 鯨豚、豬牛一家親-鯨偶蹄目(Cetartiodactyla)的介紹 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 博物館中的「舊」物件與「新」知識
| Tudorpage |
董國安 | 早期大陸地殼介紹 | Tudorpage |
陳國勤、李坤瑄 | 臺灣的藤壺~生物多樣性與生態 (Barnacles of Taiwan—biodiversity and ecology) | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 頭足類軟體動物 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣常見的棘皮動物 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 頭足類簡介 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Lai, Kuang-Yin;Cao, Zhongquan;Yin, Gongming | Is Jiali Fault still an active fault in the late Pleistocene? | Tudorpage |
Shyu, J.B.H.;Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Lee, Jian-Cheng;Kerry Sieh | Re-evaluation of the surface ruptures of the November 1951 earthquake series in eastern Taiwan, and its neotectonic implications | Tudorpage |
Tso, I-Min;Huang, Jen-Pan;Liao, Chen-Pan | Nocturnal hunting of a brightly coloured sit-and-wait predator | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣東北部海域的淺海海膽(下) | Tudorpage |
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鄒佩琪 | 春訪東京.流連在幸福的場域 | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu, Chun Li, and Tamaki Sato. | A new thalattosaurian (Reptilia: Diapsida ) from the Upper Triassic of Guizhou, China. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣東北部海域的淺海海膽(上) | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Chen, Yue-Gau;Wu, Yih‐Min;Shyu, J.B.H. | Seismogenic sources and segmentation of a plate boundary fault: the dislocation modeling on a long-term geodetic dataset. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 深海海底的腹足類 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 臺灣東北部海域的深海海膽 | Tudorpage |
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王明仁 | 蒙面俠-紅尾伯勞 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 藍帶小火箭-翠鳥 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H. | Autocrine activation of DNA synthesis in prothoracic gland cells of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.H.;Gu, S. H. | Stage-dependent effects of starvation on the growth, metamorphosis, and ecdysteroidogenesis by the prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
莊文星、陳汝勤、林長興、洪清林 | 澎湖火山口相玄武岩柱狀節理多樣性成因探討研究 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 由龜山島談大台北地區火山之迷思 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 蛋白石(一) | Tudorpage |
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李坤瑄;周文豪 | 自然史博物館的天職與蒐藏政策—兼談科博館無脊椎動物標本蒐藏的理念與實踐。 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 為橙腹樹蛙闢新路 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hyphodontia tubuliformis, a new species from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Notes on coprophilous discomycetes from Taiwan. IV. | Tudorpage |
Wang, S.-W., Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Dai, C.-F. | Cold-seep carbonate hardgrounds as the initial substrata of coral reef development in a siliciclastic paleoenvironment of southwestern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
宮守業等 | 南沙群島太平島全新世碳酸鹽沈積初步研究 | Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.T.;T. Yang | The history, conservation challenges and future tasks of the botanical garden at National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
邱少婷;楊宗愈 | 台中自然科學博物館植物園的歷史、面臨的挑戰與任務。 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷;楊國禎;張又敏;湯凱鈞 | 「玉山國家公園楠溪流域上游永久樣區蔓藤生態之調查計畫」 | Tudorpage |
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趙世民 | 澎湖教學記(二)—故事、回憶、情感的漣漪 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, J. H. | The case study of cooperation between technical education and informal education institute- Sterling Engine Program in NMNS. | Tudorpage |
張正、嚴新富、胡維新、王秋美、鄭景仁、楊宗愈 | 台灣科博館植物園之蘭科植物搜藏研究與展示教育應用 | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富 | 台東地區原住民族的藥用植物資源 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、巴清雄 | 魯凱族頭飾植物介紹(六)文化的傳承與變遷 | Tudorpage |
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嚴新富、巴清雄 | 「力鼓」百合—魯凱族霧台部落植物頭飾特展 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、巴清雄 | 魯凱族頭飾植物介紹(二)被子植物—雙子葉植物之原始花被類 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、巴清雄 | 魯凱族頭飾植物介紹(一)蕨類植物 | Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. | Eriophyoid Mites on Trochodendron aralioides
(Trochodendraceae) from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館藏品購蔵機制之初探 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉、陳慧玲 | 台英博物館界交流 | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-suan;Chen, Ju-chin;Chung, San-hsiung | Composite mantle xenoliths in the basaltic pyroclastic rocks from Tungchihsu, Penghu Islands, Taiwan Strait: evidence for a metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath SE China | Tudorpage |
何恭算;萬渝生;劉敦一;陳汝勤;周紅英;殷小豔 | 基隆山安山岩之鋯石離子探針鈾―鉛定年研究及其岩漿成因探討 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;董國安;鍾坤煒 | 礦物之美―形形色色的礦物世界 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei and Chih-Hsiung Chen | Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tsai-Wen , Ching-I Peng and Chiu-Mei Wang | Austroeupatorium inulifolium (Kunth) King & Robinson (Asteraceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張正、嚴新富、胡維新、王秋美、鄭景仁、楊宗愈 | 臺灣科博館植物園之蘭科植物蒐藏研究與展示教育應用 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Parental care in the long-tailed skink, Mabuya longicaudata on a tropical Asian island. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Ecological charactersistics of the skink, Mabuya longicaudata, on a tropical East Asian island. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Ecology and reproductive patterns of the grass lizard, Takydromus sauteri, in a tropical rain forest of an East Asian island. | Tudorpage |
Chienyuan Tseng*, Houngyi Yang, Wan Yusheng, Liu Dunyi, Dajen Wen, Tzungchi Lin, Kuoan Tung | Finding of Neoproterozoic (~775 Ma) magmatism recorded in metamorphic complexes from the North Qilian orogen: Evidence from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating | Tudorpage |
董國安、楊宏儀、劉敦一、張建新、曾建元、萬渝生 | 中-南祁連地塊前寒武紀片麻岩中鋯石的 SHRIMP U-Pb 年代學研究:古祁連洋是原特提斯洋一部分的證據 | Tudorpage |
Zhang Jianxin, Christopher G. Mattinson, Meng Fancong, Wan Yusheng, Kuoan Tung | Polyphae tectonothermal history recorded in granulitized gneisses from the North Qaidam HP/UHP metamorphic terrane, Western China: evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology | Tudorpage |
董國安、楊懷仁、楊宏儀、劉敦一、張建新、曾建元、萬渝生 | 中-南祁連地塊歸屬與演化-來自SHRIMP鋯石U-Pb定年的證據 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 2006年兩岸中學生科技文化夏令營-地質學授課講師 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 2006高中生地球科學研習營-岩石學授課講師 | Tudorpage |
何恭算、董國安、鍾坤煒 | 礦物之美-形形色色的礦物世界 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 國科會數位典藏計畫-地質學子計畫 | Tudorpage |
Keiichi Takahashi;Yuji Soeda;Masami Izuho;Goro Yamada;Morio Akamatsu;Chang,Chun-Hsiang | The chronological record of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)in Japan, and its temporary replacement by Palaeoloxodon naumanni during MIS 3 in Hokkaido (northern Japan) | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;曾志傑 | 台灣第四紀最後斑鬣狗(Crocuta crocuta ultima)化石之研究 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 菜寮化石館館藏化石鑑定分析 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 想像與再現之間:以「藍天紅土的子民:北美西南印第安文化」特展為例 | Tudorpage |
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陳慧娟 | 心識越界的展示體驗_金澤21世紀美術館觀後感。 | Tudorpage |
Chen Hui Chuan, Ho Chuan Kun and Ho Ming Chyuan | ‘A New Communication Model in Natural History Museum’under the theme: Different Types of Roles for Museums | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | The Embodiment of the social Roles of Modern Museums - A study on the space and body in the modern museums | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | The Embodiment of the Social Roles of Modern Museums - A study on the space and body in the modern museums | Tudorpage |
盧思岳、黃旭 | 土牛客家文化館展示經營管理 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 監視移動也上路了 | Tudorpage |
Huang, H. | ETC hints at big brother system | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 一座生態博物館的出發 | Tudorpage |
Liu, J. Y. , Hwang, J. J., et al. | Solar flare signatures of the ionospheric GPS total electron content | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 網路天文開放式學習的教學設計與評量之行動研究─ 以「AEEA天文教育資訊網」的建置及開放式學習之研究為例
| Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 人類探討氣象的發展過程 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 黃塵滾滾就像萬馬奔騰__淺談沙塵暴 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科學博物館數位教育資源之探究 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 博物館數位媒體發展與應用手冊 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科學教育組部份時間人員薪資/保費電腦管理系統專案 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博三鷺2006 (夜鷺/小白鷺/黑冠麻鷺 ) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 驚豔-五色鳥 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 猛禽報到-鳳頭蒼鷹 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 奇妙的光-偏光畫製作研習科教活動紀實 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 追蹤猛禽-鳳頭蒼鷹 | Tudorpage |
蔣雅莉 | 資訊插座管理系統之應用介紹 | Tudorpage |
Yu-Liang Chi, Tien-Yu Hsu, Wei-Pang Yang. | Ontological techniques for reuse and sharing knowledge in a digital museum | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu,Hao-Ren Ke, Wei-Pang Yang | Unified knowledge content management model for digital archives in museums | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu,Hao-Ren Ke, Wei-Pang Yang | Knowledge-based mobile learning framework for museums | Tudorpage |
林志隆、曾郁丹 | 台灣的星象館發展 | Tudorpage |
Lin. C. L., Ma, Wayne, Kinoshita, D. & Lin, H. C. | Report on Stellear Occultation by Asteroid(11) Parthenope on 2005/12/09 | Tudorpage |
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林志隆 | 看不見的光—紫外線 | Tudorpage |
Chen C. H., J. C. Wang, and Y. C. Chang | Tripterospermum lilungshanensis (Gentianaceae), a new species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang C M. and C. H. Chen | Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae), a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 博物館蒐藏的公共服務及空間規畫 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-yu;Yang, Qun | Radiolarian assemblages from T-J Boundary strata. Nadanhada Terrane, NE China | Tudorpage |
黃翠梅;葉貴玉 | 從紅山與良渚文化玉器論藝術形式與材料來源的因果關係 | Tudorpage |
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Mamoru Owada, Hideki Kobayashi, Wang Min, Chien-Ming Fu, Han-Rong Tzuoo, Cheng-Shing Lin, Mei-Ling Chan, Ta Huy Thinh, Chen Liu-Sheng and Hiroshi Yoshimoto. | A Revision of Winter Cuculliine Moths of the Genus Rhynchaglaea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in East and Southeast Asia. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 佐藤正孝教授捐贈標本突破十萬大關 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 懷念佐藤正孝教授 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 八卦台地考古遺址分佈及其相關問題研究 | Tudorpage |
W.L.Chu | New Light on the Prehistory of Taichung City | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 自然史博物館之蒐藏實踐 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 絢爛奪目-日暈 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 中小學生之博物館認知態度與學習經驗—一個量化的探討 | Tudorpage |
Chen, I-Hsiao, Fang-Rong Chang, Chin-Chung Wu, Shu-Li Chen, Pei-Wen Hsieh, Hsin-Fu Yen, Ying-Chi Du & Yang-Chang Wu | Cytotoxic triterpenoids from the leaves of Microtropis fokienensis | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 民間對腰子草之種類基源說明 2006全國中草藥學術論壇—漫談民間對腎病一般植物及擾肝傷腎植物 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 鴻義章 | 阿美族的傳統生藥植物的調查研究初探 生物多樣性與原住民族權益研討會 (2006年11月3日於台灣大學社會學院國際會議廳發表) | Tudorpage |
張正、嚴新富、胡維新、王秋美、鄭景仁、楊宗愈 | 台灣科博館植物園之蘭科蒐藏研究與展示教育應用。 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 基隆植被。 | Tudorpage |
胡維新、廖松淵、張正 | 蘭嶼產瀕危植物腰果楠之微體繁殖。 | Tudorpage |
Lee Y.T.,Chan J.C., Juang W.S. | Geochemistry of Cenozoic basaltic rocks from Shandong Province and
its implication for mantle process in North China | Tudorpage |
Jach, M.A, M.-L. Jeng, M. Sato and C.-F. Lee. | Psephenidae. In I. Lobl and A. Smetana.(eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Vol. III. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.A. Jach, M. Sato and P.-S. Yang. | On the taxonomy of Psephenoidinae: Revision of Afropsephenoides, and descriptions of two new species and one new genus (Coleoptera: Psephenidae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | Synopsis of Cyphonocerus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with description of new species and key to the genus. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.A. Jach and P.-S. Yang. | Revision of the Psephenoidinae genus Micreubrianax (Coleoptera: Psephenidae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., M.A. Branham and P.-S. Yang. | Revision of the Neotropical genus Roleta (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫 | 其他的瀕危昆蟲:螢火蟲。出自:邵廣昭(編)。台灣應已消失或瀕危的物種解說手冊(I)。 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤、劉克竑、陳叔倬 | 臺南市四草大眾廟收藏人骨顱骨型態測量分析 | Tudorpage |
Hsu M, Chen SJ | A homeland or hostland? The power and challenges of genetic studies on Austronesian's expansion | Tudorpage |
Yang, T.Y.A. | Type specimens of Taiwanese plants named by Dr. C.J. Maximowicz and housed at the Herbarium, Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (LE) | Tudorpage |
Yang, T.Y.A., T.Y. Chiang, C.I. Peng & T.W. Hsu | Chloranthus henryi Hemsl. (Chloranthaceae), a new record to the Flora of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 國立自然科學博物館藏猛禽標本。 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 蒐藏政策的變與不變—以科博館動物組為例 | Tudorpage |
Oshida T., J.K. Lee, L.K. Lin, Y.J. Chen | Phylogeography of Pallas’s Squirrel in Taiwan: Geographical Isolation in an Arboreal Small Mammal | Tudorpage |
Chan Benny K. K. & K. S. Lee | Population dynamics of the deep-sea barnacle Rostraverruca koehleri (Cirripedia: Verrucomorpha) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, & Yang, Wei-Pang | Summarizing relevant information for question-answering using hybrid relevance analysis and surface feature salience | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, & Yang, Wei-Pang | Query-focused multidocument summarization based on hybrid relevance analysis and surface feature salience | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, & Harnly, Aaron | Email thread reassembly using similarity matching | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S., Yu, H. S. | Morphotectonics and Incision of the Kaoping Submarine Canyon, SW Taiwan Orogenic wedge | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S. and Chiang, C. S. | Hypothesis and Evidence for Hyperpycnal Flow-induced Meandering Submarine Canyon: an Example From the Kaoping Canyon off SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Marine hyperpycnal flows in the Kaoping Canyon and Capbreton Canyon: comparisons between morphology and seismic facies | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Dai, C-F | Cold-seep carbonate hardgrounds as the initial substrata of coral reef development in a siliciclastic paleoenvironment of southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
4. Jiang, W.-T.*, Chen, J. C., Huang, B. J., Chen, C.-J., Lee, Y. T., Huang, P. R., Lung, C. C., and Huang, S. W. | Mineralogy and physical properties of cored sediments from the gas hydrate potential area of offshore southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-S., Huang, H.-D. Chen, T.-S. | Environmental Changes and Conservation of Remote Island Coral Reefs in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Masumoto, K., Tsai, J.F. & Ochi, T. | A revisional study of the Taiwanese Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Part 3. | Tudorpage |
Hwang, Gwo-Haur;Chen, Jun-Ming;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Chu, Hui-Chun | A time scale-oriented approach for building medical expert systems. | Tudorpage |
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陳慧玲 | 博物館兒童相關出版品解析:以羅浮宮為例 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 火山煉成的天堂島嶼--記「夏威夷科學探索之旅」 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 生命的起源 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 遺傳密碼-DNA | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 渾象 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 提花機 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 蘇州天文圖 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 九竅玉 | Tudorpage |
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謝玉鈴 | 以視覺識別(VI)的觀點探討博物館形象建立之研究 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 吃葷?吃素?-從牙齒看哺乳動物的食性 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 咬牙切齒-哺乳動物的牙齒世界 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 博物館教育活動的回饋 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 哺乳動物的特徵探索與起源追尋 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 博物館中的生活教育 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 認識建築用石材 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄、周文豪 | 自然史博物館的天職與蒐藏政策—兼論科博館無脊椎動物標本蒐藏的理念與實踐。 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 認識石英家族 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Yih‐Min;Chen, Yue-Gau;Chang, Chien‐Hsin;Chung, Ling-Ho;Teng, Ta‐Liang;Wu, Francis T.;Wu, Chien‐Fu | Seismogenic structure in a tectonic suture zone: with new constraints from 2006 Mw6. 1 Taitung earthquake | Tudorpage |
Shyu, J.B.H.;Kerry Sieh;Chen, Yue-Gau;Chung, Ling-Ho | Geomorphic analysis of the Central Range fault, the second major active structure of the Longitudinal Valley suture, eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
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董國安 | 興揚之旅-利比亞地理環境、歷史人文、地質礦產介紹 | Tudorpage |
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Wang, S-W;Mii, H-S;Dai, C-F;Gong, S-Y | Late Cenozoic cold-seep carbonates in a foreland setting of SW Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Wu, M-S;Lin, K-A;Wang, S-W;Chou, T-F;Chou, Y-W;Wu, J-C;Wang, Y-R | Hydrocarbon-induced carbonate cements in subsurface environment in the Eocene Grebe Sandstone of the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea, Australia | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌-珊瑚礁區潮間帶的螺類(上)-寶螺 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 科博館植物公園裡常見的馬陸 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Wu, Yih‐Min;Chen, Yue-Gau | Tectonic framework of Eastern Taiwan deduced from spatial distribution of relocated Earthquakes | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 由板塊地質學談中國大陸地質概論 | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Tamaki Sato, Xiao-chun Wu and Chun Li. | First Complete pistosauroid from the Triassic of China. | Tudorpage |
Tso, I-Min;Liao, Chen-Pan;Huang, Ren-Pan;Yang, En-Cheng | Function of being colorful in web spiders: attracting prey or camouflaging oneself? | Tudorpage |
Yu-jing Wang, Qun Yang, Yen-nien Cheng and Jia-xiang Li. | Lopingian (Upper Permian) radiolarian biostratigraphy of South China. | Tudorpage |
王士偉;曾德明;米泓生;戴昌鳳;宮守業;謝凱旋 | 臺灣西南部高雄地區冷泉碳酸鹽岩之研究 | Tudorpage |
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董國安 | 由921地震及南亞大海嘯談板塊地質學 | Tudorpage |
7. Chun Li, Xiao-chun Wu, Yen-nien Cheng, Tamaki Sato and Liting Wang. | An unusual archosaurian from the marine Triassic of China. | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌-陸生的腹足類-蝸牛與蛞蝓 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫、張鈞翔 | 雞鳴報喜迎新春 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Analysis of ecdysteroidogenic activity of the prothoracic glands during the last larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Temporal changes of DNA synthesis in the prothoracic gland cells during larval development and their correlation with ecdysteroidogenic activity in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
顧世紅;吳蕙君;楊雯馨;卓韶恩 | 昆蟲細胞生長之調控機制的探討 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 臺灣東部海岸山脈火山頸柱狀節理地質地形景觀 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 由螢光礦物漫談夜明珠 | Tudorpage |
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李政諦;周文豪 | 近期台灣陸生端腳目研究之發展 | Tudorpage |
林彥博; 張廖年鴻;周文豪 | 盤谷蟾蜍(Bufo bankorensis)之遺傳多樣性初探。 | Tudorpage |
Parmasto, E.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Hydnochaete paucisetigera, a new species of Hymenochaetales. | Tudorpage |
Kirschner, R.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Echinoporia hydnophora, a polypore new for Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 牛樟芝的命名及其分類地位之討論 | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.-Z. Wang, | A new species of Podospora from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Three discomycetes (Helotiaceae) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.-Z. Wang | The genus Cercophora (Lasiosphaeriaceae) in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W.N. and Y.-Z. Wang | Nine species of Russula (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Wei, K.-Y., Horng, C.-S, You, C.-F., Chi, W.-R., Yui, T.-F., Torng, P.-K. | Dry climate near the Western Pacific Warm Pool: Pleistocene caliches of the Nansha Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., You, C.-F., Horng, C.-S., Torng, P.-K., Yang, K.-M., Chi, W.-R., Huang, F.- | Subsurface geology and paleoclimatic signals of the Taipingdao,Nansh islands,South China Sea:Geodynamics and Environment | Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. | The Hyperparasitism by Taxillus tsaii S. T. Chiu (Loranthaceae). | Tudorpage |
邱少婷、楊國禎、林笈克、許鈞雅 | 「楠梓仙溪流域中海拔地區常綠闊葉林與落葉林推移帶永久樣區設置及調查計畫」 | Tudorpage |
邱少婷、湯凱鈞 | 「玉山國家公園楠梓仙溪流域上游地區森林永久樣區設置及調查計畫(二)」。 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.王嵩山.嚴新富.黃正璋 | 台灣地區世界遺產潛力點:玉山評估計畫總報告 | Tudorpage |
Soong K, Chang D, Chao S-M | Presence of spawn-inducing pheromones in two brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). | Tudorpage |
Lee S C, Chao S. M. | Shallow-water Marine Shells from the Mouth of Baoli River, Southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 墾丁國家公園海域底棲無脊椎動物之變遷--以棘皮動物為例 | Tudorpage |
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趙世民 | 大陣老師的生態教學園(一) | Tudorpage |
Lu, S.G. and T.Y.A. Yang. | The checklist of Taiwanese Pteridophytes following Ching’s system.
| Tudorpage |
Kuo, S.M., T.Y.A. Yang & J.C. Wang. | Revision of Ranunculus cantoniensis DC. and allied species (Ranunculaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 從輔助學習的角度論科學類展覽的教育功能 | Tudorpage |
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鄒佩琪,葉蓉樺 | 由教學演示活動看學習者「感應產生電流」之另有概念。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 通識教育「生命科學」課程的應然與實然--「生物與生活」課程個案研究 | Tudorpage |
Chen Chang, Ying Chun and Hsin Fu Yen | Protocorm or rhizome? The morphology of seed germination in Cymbidium dayanum Reichb. | Tudorpage |
張正、陳盈君、嚴新富. | 金稜邊蘭種子發芽形態之研究 | Tudorpage |
郭華仁, 嚴新富, 陳昭華, 鴻義章 | 台灣民族藥學知識及其保護 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 在台灣農業上有關被子植物科名的探討 | Tudorpage |
郭華仁、嚴新富、陳昭華、鴻義章 | 台灣民族藥學知識及其保護 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 外來種農園藝作物之現況及管理 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣原生植物的人為利用現況 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 鄒族的民族植物 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣外來種植物的引種與利用. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、鴻義章 | 阿美族的藥用植物 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 叢生型竹類生態 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 鄒族布農族民族植物運用 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 入侵種植物介紹(三)偷渡客 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 入侵種植物介紹(二)食用植物 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 入侵種植物介紹(一)觀賞植物 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 天文教育資源網之入口網站建置、資料整合查詢與開放可行學習措施之探討 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 發展非制式科學教育資訊網教學資源之行動研究 ─ 以「AEEA天文教育資訊網」的建置及開放式學習之研究為例 | Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. | Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of
One New Species of Aberoptinae from Hueysuen
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. | Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of
Seven Species of Diptilomoiopidae from Hueysuen
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. | Eriophyoid Mites of Hainan, China | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 初探博物館庫房開放參觀的因應措施:以學生團體參觀為例 | Tudorpage |
Mei-Jung Hsu | Doing it All for the Artifacts | Tudorpage |
Mei-Jung Hsu | Who do I Call First? A Case Study in Disaster Management | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 地質學主題小組整合概況 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung and Chiu-Mei Wang | Geranium molle L. (Geraniaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | Morphological and molecular phylogenetic study of Rhamnaceae in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 橫跨35億年的生痕化石─疊層石 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Yu, John Yuh-Lin | Reproductive characteristics of Bufo bankorensis at two elevations in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Takahashi Keiichi;Izuho masami;soeda yuji;Chang,Chun-Hsiang | Teh chronological record of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) in Japan, and its new findings | Tudorpage |
Huang, C.L. | Urochloa glumaris (Trin.) Veldkamp (Gramineae), a Neglected Species in the Flora of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 澳洲原生植物─昆士蘭瓶幹樹 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;林學詩 | 慈母心、遊子情─萱草特展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 細說大洋洲廳展品:馬蘭干的前世和今生 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 大洋洲廳參觀護照 | Tudorpage |
侯文忠 陳慧娟 | 文化服務產品的創新管理策略—以科博館為例 | Tudorpage |
Hui-chuan CHEN Ming-Chyuan HO | Creating the Experiences as New Strategies for Museum Exhibition Design. | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 古文物住博物館,不住象牙塔 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 天文教育資源網之入口網站建置、資料整合查詢與開放可行學習措施之探討 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 龍捲風 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 受不了的Cool__淺析寒流 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 就是那個光__雷雨和閃電
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黃釗俊 | 從天而降的大冰塊__冰雹 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 台中市向上國中黑冠麻鷺生態觀察報告 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 國立自然科學博物館黑冠麻鷺生態觀察與教育 專案成果報告(94年) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 台中縣烏日國中黑冠麻鷺生態觀察報告 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 黑冠麻鷺自然生態觀察與教育專案 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 黑冠麻鷺回來了 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 上網來觀察黑冠麻鷺 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 科博三鷺(小白鷺/夜鷺/黑冠麻鷺 ) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 夏日鼓手 (貢德氏赤蛙) | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 快、狠、準-黑冠麻鷺的「食」 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 尋訪哺乳動物化石之旅 隨隊記實 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 無障礙網路教材設計與檢測評估初探:以國立自然科學博物館「真菌一族」為例 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 社教博識網94年度盛事報導—「館所風情」攝影比賽隆重登場 | Tudorpage |
Yau-Ren Gao, Tien-Yu Hsu, Chih-Ming Hsieh, and Yu-Ta-Lien | Digital home service with intelligent surveillance support | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu | Knowledge-based ubiquitous learning framework for museums | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 博物館行動學習與導覽 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 豐富圖書館館藏 讓書香溢滿社會 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 敞開知識大門 歡迎共享資源 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 電蚊拍與博物館的電學展示教育 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | Video Observation of Leonids 2001 in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
D. Kinoshita a (木下大輔), ....林志隆...等 | Observations of Two Astroid Occultations by (51) Nemausa and (1723) Klemola | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 玻璃圈的溫室效應 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 從美國植物保育中心的運作談保育機構間的資源整合。 | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅、胡維新 | 親子關係鑑定-台北秋海棠 | Tudorpage |
Chen C. H. and C. M. Wang | Geranium molle L. (Geraniaceae), a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 博物館蒐藏與性別 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Yang Qun | Radiolarian faunas from a Triassic-Jurassic boundary sequence in the Nadanhada Terrane, Northeast China | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 從蒐藏計畫到服務計畫: 以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D.; Rittschof, D.; Jeng, M.-S. | Multispecies associations of macrosymbionts on the comatulid crinoid Comanthina schlegeli in southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, H.-D.; Rittchof, D.; Jeng, M.-S. | Visual orientation of the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus demani. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 昆蟲標本的製作與保存 | Tudorpage |
楊恩誠、詹美鈴 | 花非花,霧非霧。2004科學週「形」特展專刊-形的密碼。 | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L. and J. T. Yang | Psocoptera survey by using Malaise trap in central Taiwan (Poster). | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 鳥與嚙蟲。 | Tudorpage |
楊恩誠、詹美鈴 | 談昆蟲複眼中的形與色。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 台灣龍捲風—採集驚魂記。 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 蠶寶寶是昆蟲嗎? | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 呈現考古知識給大眾:以台中惠來里遺址為例。博物館、知識建構與現代性 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 考古、媒體與社會 | Tudorpage |
林仲剛 | 綠野芳蹤---野綠的實用扎記 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 達悟製陶技術介紹 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 達悟船屋的搭建 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 國小科學教師結合科學博物館教學相關問題探討 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 珍惜台灣之寶:北投石及其家族 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣火山地質之多樣性兼論地景與珍貴之礦物岩石標本典藏 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., T.-R. Chen and P.-S. Yang. | Luciola anceyi (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), a firefly capable of all-day mate-finding. | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、楊平世 | 賞螢手冊。 | Tudorpage |
Chow RA, Caeiro JL, Chen SJ, Garcia-Bertrand RL, Herrera RJ | Genetic characterization of four Austronesian-speaking populations | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 族群遺傳學觀點下漢族起源與擴散的多元性格 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、段洪坤 | 西拉雅族的體質研究文獻回顧。第一屆南瀛學國際學術研討會,臺南縣政府南瀛國際人文研究中心,2005/10/15-6 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 劉寧生新幾內亞行後記 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 臺灣特、稀有蛙類生物多樣性及保育遺傳之研究(五)︰盤穀蟾蜍(Bufo bankorensis) 的保育與遺傳多樣性分析 | Tudorpage |
李政諦;周文豪 | 近期臺灣陸生端腳目研究之發展 | Tudorpage |
張相怡,陳彥君,林良恭 | 台灣三種食蟲目動物前肢骨骼形態之比較 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 動物性典藏品之蒐藏管理-預防性措施要點 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, Yang, Wei-Pang, & Meng, I-Heng | Text summarization using a trainable summarizer and latent semantic analysis | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Pei-Cheng, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, Chien, Been-Chian, & Yang, Wei-Pang | Comparison and combination of textual and visual features for interactive cross-language image retrieval | Tudorpage |
劉政璋, 葉鎮源, 柯皓仁, 楊維邦 | 以概念分群為基礎之新聞事件自動摘要 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 國科會數位典藏計畫-科博館地質學子計畫。2005/01/01~2005/12/31 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 淺談台灣西南海域地體架構的爭議 | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S., Chiang, C. S. | Geological characteristics of Coastal Zones around the Island of Taiwan. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Tectono-sedimentary controls on incision and sediment dispersal of the Kaoping submarine canyon, SW Taiwan orogenic wedge | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Wu, M-S;Lin, K-A;Wang, S-W;Wang, Y-R;Chou, T-F;Chou, Y-W | Hydrocarbon induced carbonate cements in subsurface environment of Timor Sea, offshore Australia | Tudorpage |
宮守業;米泓生;吳明賢;林國安;王士偉;周定芳;周穎蔚;王玉瑞 | 帝汶海域Vulcan次盆地地下環境中由碳氫化合物引發的碳酸岩膠結 | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Wei, K-Y;Horng, C-S;You, C-F;Huang, F-W;Chi, W-R;Yui, T-F;Torng, P-K;Huang, S-T;Wang, S-W;Wu, J-C;Yang, K-M | Dry climate near the Western Pacific Warm Pool: Pleistocene caliches of the Nansha Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
蔡經甫、楊曼妙 | 植食性{^FA7A^}象與補食性椿象之鑑定要領。81–111頁。植物重要防疫檢疫害蟲診斷鑑定研習會專刊(五)。 | Tudorpage |
Ochi, T., Tsai, J.F. & Masumoto, K. | Two new species of the family Ceratocanthidae from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chen, Jun-Ming;Hwang, Gwo-Haur;Hwang, Gwo-Jen;Chu, Carol H. C. | Analyzing Domain Expertise by Considering Variants of Knowledge in Multiple Time Scales. | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 漫談礦物用途 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;鍾坤煒;洪誌楀 | 地函包體—捎來地球內部的訊息 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄編 | 城市綠意 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 掠食者之王-暴龍 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 飛「豬」在天 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 生日快樂!土地公! | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 小長頸鹿吃奶記 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 我所知道的虹橋 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 授時指法圖 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 玄之又玄,眾妙之門 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 化石的記憶 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 竊蛋龍 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 阿貓阿狗大集合-東非稀樹草原的掠食性動物 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 莽原中的大貓-東非稀樹草原的貓科動物 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 不是「全仗著一張嘴」的狗族-東非稀樹草原的犬科及鬣狗科動物 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 海洋漁人之島-蘭嶼 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 船子草之後-蘭嶼人的傳統服飾 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 海之榮光-蘭嶼人的傳統工藝 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 人與諸天神佛的對話-從萬福宮看中國人的心靈世界 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 諸神護「幼」-從三奶夫人開講 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 爾來也-從十殿閻王彩繪軸畫看台灣的社會規範與宗教果報 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 獅子銜劍-獸牌 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 碧海青天夜夜心-從嫦娥奔月看中國人的月亮形象 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 冰河的記憶-南湖柳葉菜 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 台灣最大的蝴蝶—珠光鳳蝶 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 熊出沒!注意!-台灣黑熊 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 農家樂-中國農業展示區裡的台灣農業造景 | Tudorpage |
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廖仁滄 | 誰敢惹我-大自然的警戒色 | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng;Wang, Yei-Zeng | Nine Species of Russula (Basidiomycotina) New to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張東柱;周文能 | 野菇入門 | Tudorpage |
周文能;張東柱 | 野菇圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 看化石說故事-束柱齒獸 | Tudorpage |
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張鈞翔 | 雞年談雞:雞的消化系統 | Tudorpage |
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章晨玫;張鈞翔 | 雞鳴報喜迎新春 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 自己說故事的特展 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 70毫米影片劇場及其在台灣地區博物館中的發展 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 海邊的龍兄虎弟—草海桐兩兄弟 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌—海洋篇(十一) —軟體動物(二)~身體有兩片體殼的雙殼貝。 | Tudorpage |
莊明賢 | 國立博物館圖書室管理經營問題探討:以國立自然科學博物館圖書室為例 | Tudorpage |
侯文忠 | 文化服務產品的創新管理策略—以科博館為例(第二屆服務業管理與創新學術研討會論文集)
| Tudorpage |
董國安、洪誌楀 | 國立自然科學博物館岩心標本蒐藏與利用兼論岩心術位典藏作業,2005自然物標本與生物多樣性資料庫整合國際研討會暨Species 2000亞太地區論壇。 | Tudorpage |
Yu-Liang Chi, Tien-Yu Hsu, Wei-Pang Yang | Building ontological knowledge bases for sharing knowledge in digital archives | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 自動化監天系統在天文上的幾種應用 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 穿梭山林的小火車~馬陸 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(十)-軟體動物(一)~身披鎧甲的石鱉 | Tudorpage |
侯文忠 | 博物館的行銷策略案例分析:以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
王嵩山、楊翎 | 航向大洋洲 | Tudorpage |
郭揚義 | 光影流轉.時間風景:試評光之花園特展與古剛果文物展 | Tudorpage |
Shian-Hua Lin, Tien-Yu Hsu, Kuan-Jen Feng and Wei-Pang Yang | Feature selection methods for metadata classification on hierarchical union catalogs | Tudorpage |
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Tamaki Sato, Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chung Wu, Darla K. Zelenitsky, Yu-fu Hsiao | A Pair of Shelled Eggs Inside A Female Dinosaur | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(九)-奇妙的海蟲(四)~隱居類的多毛類海蟲 | Tudorpage |
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董國安 | 『明天過後』之南亞大地震與大海嘯 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(八)-奇妙的海蟲(三)~貧毛類與多毛類 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介—虎皮鴨嘴 | Tudorpage |
郭揚義 | 華麗的失根茛苕:試評威廉莫里斯與工藝美術特展 | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | Immature of Ethmia maculata Sattler (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. & Yang, C. T. | Isometopinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | First record of the plant bug subfamily Psallopinae (hemiptera: Miridae) from Taiwan and from China, with description of three new species of the genus Psallops Usinger. | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | Seven New Species of Isometopinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang and Jang, Chern-Mei | On the Processing and Mounting of a Skeleton of a White Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium sinum | Tudorpage |
章晨玫、張鈞翔 | 博物館間的另類交流-館藏複製品交換 | Tudorpage |
顧世紅 | 昆蟲生理學教科書(與大陸學者共同編寫,為全國高等農林院校研究生教學用書),第十章:內分泌生理 | Tudorpage |
W.S. Juang,J.C. Chen | The Topographic Landscapes of Volcanic Necks in the Coastal Range and Lutao, eastern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 臺灣之石英與水晶 | Tudorpage |
Y.T. Lee,J.C. Chen,W.S. Juang | Geochemical studies of tektites from East Asia. | Tudorpage |
莊文星,陳汝勤,孫明志,李永棠 | 南澳源頭山、金門片麻岩之地球化學、年代學與大地構造對比研究 | Tudorpage |
莊文星,陳汝勤 | 金門花崗之地球化學年代學研究 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 金門鹼性花崗岩之地球化學、年代學與大地構造對比研究 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 石英家族;水晶(三)台灣之水晶 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 硬度之王─金剛石(鑽石)(一) | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 藍寶石sapphire | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 紅寶石(Ruby) | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 祖母綠 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 黃玉 | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Thorpe, R-S;Malhotra, A;Chou, W-H;Stenson, A-G | The utility of AFLPs for supporting mitochondrial DNA phylogeographical analyses in the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri. | Tudorpage |
Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Megasporoporia (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota) in China. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new species of Phanerochaete from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Yu, Z.H.;Dai, Y.C.;Chen, C.T.;Su, C.H.;Chen , L.C.;Hsu, W.C.;Hwang, G.Y. | Taiwanofungus, a polypore new genus. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | (Book Review) Tanzanian mushrooms. Edible, harmful and other fungi, by Marja Härkönen, Tuomo Niemelä and Leonard Mwasumbi, Norrlinia 10: 1-200. 2003. Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 台灣大型真菌資源的多樣性與研究展望。 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Yei-Zeng | A new species of Microstoma from Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Two species of Lanzia new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W.N. and Y.-Z. Wang | Six species of Tricholomataceae (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
宮守業,米泓生,洪崇勝,黃富文,紀文榮,俞震甫,童陪堅,王士偉,黃旭燦,吳榮章,楊耿明 | 鄰近西太平洋暖池乾燥氣候的直接證據:南沙群島太平島的晚新生代鈣土層 | Tudorpage |
宮守業,米泓生,俞震甫,黃富文,紀文榮,童陪堅,王士偉,黃旭燦,吳榮章,楊耿明 | 南沙群島太平島晚新生代碳酸岩的海水白雲石化作用 | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Horng, C.-S., Chi, W.R., Huang, F.-W., Yui, T.-F., Torng, P.-K., Huang, S.- | Extensive and pervasive dolomitization of Late Cenozoic atoll carbonates in Taipingdao, Nansha Islands, South China Sea. | Tudorpage |
Yann-Lii Leu, Shih-Ming Kuo, Tsong-Long Hwang and Shau-Ting Chiu | The Inhibition of Superoxide Anion Generation by Neutrophils from Viscum articulactum | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣陸橋史前動物及人類化石的新發現 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | On the origins of Taiwan Austronesians | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.劉克竑 | 數位典藏國家型科技計畫.中部考古蒐藏子計畫(清水.鹿寮.番仔園.惠來里遺址) | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 3D動畫虛擬實境大馬璘文化計畫 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.劉克竑 | 高鐵嘉義太保站至嘉義市新闢五十公尺寬計畫道路工程考古遺址試掘及監考研究計畫期末報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.劉克竑 | 台19甲線42-750~890處台南縣關廟鄉湖子內遺址考古搶救發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.屈慧麗 | 台中市古根漢美術館.新市政中心預定地及惠來里遺址試掘期末報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.曾美華 | 世界遺產.學習手冊 | Tudorpage |
Tsai YH, Chao SM, Lin GT, Noguchi T, Hwang DF | Tetrodotoxins of the starfish Astropecten vappa collected from western Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Shu-chuan and Shyh-min Chao | Shallow-water marine shells from Kenting National Park, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 深海熱泉 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海膽存亡記 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 蝴蝶夢(二) | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 蝴蝶夢(一) | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 失落的世界-深海熱泉生物圈(二) | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 失落的世界-深海熱泉生物圈(一) | Tudorpage |
Yang, T.Y.A. | Research and collection of the National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 社會變遷中的博物館教育功能反思 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 博物館在促進科學學習情境均等可扮演的角色 | Tudorpage |
張汶肇、嚴新富、林宗賢. | 南投縣泰雅族賽德克亞族常見食用植物之調查. 中國園藝學會九十三年年會論文宣讀 (摘要). | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 泰雅族傳統的野生食用植物—以谷關地區為例. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富、鴻義章. | 台灣原住民的藥用植物. | Tudorpage |
鴻義章、嚴新富、高志遠、胡政桂. | 台灣原住民傳統醫療之探討. | Tudorpage |
張汶肇、嚴新富、林宗贀. | 南投縣泰雅族賽德克亞族之藥用植物. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣桂竹、孟宗竹的生態. | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 天文教育資訊網建置之探索 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「黃金分割數」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「太空中螺線」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「我們活在旋轉的世界」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「星象正傳」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「恆星成長秀」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「時間似箭嗎?」 電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「眼見不能為信的天文秀」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W.& C.-F. Wang | Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of Nine Species of Cecidophyinae and Eriophyinae from Hueysuen
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang. | Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Four Species of Tribe Tegonotini
from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyidae: Phyllocoptinae).
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang. | Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Three Species of Calacarini from
Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea).
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W.& C.-F. Wang. | Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Twelve Species of Anthocoptini
from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea).
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang. | Eriophyoid Mites of
Taiwan: Description of Twenty Species of Phyllocoptini
from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea).
| Tudorpage |
張鈞翔、許美蓉 | 博物館與研究:博物館蒐藏品與自然史的建構 | Tudorpage |
Lee, Y. T., Chen, J. C., Ho, K. S. and Juang, W. S. | Geochemical studies of tektites from East Asia | Tudorpage |
趙海玲;狄永軍;劉振文;李劍;鄧晉福;何恭算;劉清華 | 東南沿海地區新生代火山作用和地幔柱 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 社區考古初探:以台灣中部地區為例 | Tudorpage |
Richard Fortey | 當三葉蟲統治世界 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-san | Reptile ecology and the evolution of parental care on a tropical Asian island | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San; Cheng, Yu-Shan;Tu, Hsin-Yi | Reproductive patterns of two sympatric ranid frogs, Rana latouchii and R. sauteri, with comments on physiological constraint of anuran breeding seasons in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Kuo-An Tung1,2, Houng-Yi Yang1, Dunyi Liu3, Alen David Smith4, Huai-Ren Yang1, Jianxin Zhang3 | Nd-Sr Isotopic and Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP study of the Precambrian Metasedimentary Rocks from the Alashan microcontinent, NW China | Tudorpage |
董國安,楊宏儀,劉敦一,史密斯,楊懷仁,張建新 | 阿拉善地區前寒武紀基底變質沉積岩之Nd-Sr同位素及鋯石U-Pb SHRIMP定年學之研究 | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Adrian Lister | Pleistocene Elephantid remains in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Jang, Chern-Mei | On the Processing and Mounting of a Skeleton of a White Rhinoceros,Ceratotherium sinum | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;許美蓉 | 博物館與研究:博物館蒐藏品與自然史的建構 | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang | Pleistocene elephantid remains in Taiwan and their relationship with the Japanese islands and Chinese mainland | Tudorpage |
Lin, Y.-C., M.-L. Chan, C.-W. Ko and M.-Y. Hsieh. | Nail infestation by Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴、楊正澤 | 台灣的離嚙科與雙嚙科之分類.
| Tudorpage |
詹美鈴、楊正澤 | 台灣的星嚙蟲科和半嚙蟲科之分類.
| Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 昆蟲標本製作與保存. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 甲蟲緣.佐藤心談佐藤正孝教授之十萬件昆蟲標本捐贈 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 恐怖的「紅豆冰」製造者--小黑蚊 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 發現大馬璘文化 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;劉克竑 | 板頭村遺址標本圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 台灣史前時代的陶器 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;劉克竑 | 3D動畫虛擬實境大馬璘文化計畫 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;劉克竑 | 高鐵嘉義太保站至嘉義市新闢五十公尺寬計畫道路工程考古遺址試掘及監看研究計畫期末報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.劉克竑 | 台19甲線42-750~890處台南縣關廟鄉湖子內遺址考古搶救發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑 | 大馬璘遺址的文化內涵 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺;黃俊霖 | 新觀念生物學 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 植物、藻類及真菌標本製作與展演 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 黃菫的傳粉機關 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 全球化與大英博物館 | Tudorpage |
策展小組 | 古早台中人的故事特展 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 千古花魂舞今生 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 何明泉 | 運用「新博物館學」的特展行銷策略-一種經驗設計的思維 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館裡的文化商品 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 空間的時間向度 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 招募義工人力的多元策略 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 博物館的本質與導覽員的關係 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 天文教育資源網支入口網站建置,資料整合查詢與開放學習可行措施之探討 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 黃梅時節家家雨__梅雨 | Tudorpage |
高翠霞、高慧芬 | 臺灣地區國小環境教育指標系統探究 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬、柯閔耀 | 科學博物館中科學探究模式設計-以力與運動為例, | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 怪蟲?蚰蜒!非昆蟲!! | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 機械恐龍發威─送舊迎新 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 恐龍背上的嬌客─黑冠麻鷺 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 青少年科技創新大賽 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 「科學動起來」互動式科學演示 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | Using Situated Learning with Multimedia to Engage Students in Science Learning | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 五四穿新E--教育部「社教博識網」開站啟用 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 科博館「二十週年精神標語」嘉言佳句徵求暨票選活動記實 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕,王嵩山 | 博物館、知識的管理與想像:數位博物館之建構初探 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 數位博物館之知識內容建構、管理與傳播策略 | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu, Hsu | UKCM digital archives project of National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan, PNC 2004 Annual Conference | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 古埃及文明專題書目探討 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 「科學動起來」特展簡介 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 彗星的故鄉 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 文化全球化與國家博物館的自然史蒐藏 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 彩塑佛像工藝美術概述 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 形形色色、精采可期的彩塑工藝 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 中國彩塑佛像寶庫-山西 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 認識台灣彩塑風格 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 彩塑佛像工藝技法大公開 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 淺談中國彩塑佛像藝術 | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 看得見的蒐藏: 不只要讓觀眾看見 | Tudorpage |
黃翠梅;葉貴玉 | 從紅山與良渚文化玉器論藝術形式與材料來源的因果關係 | Tudorpage |
楊正澤、詹美鈴、石憲宗。 | 德國昆蟲學研究所簡介 | Tudorpage |
周倖瑜、陳錦生、詹美鈴 | 台灣螳螂目之分類 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 國立自然科學博物館昆蟲學門標本清冊 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 蝶舞、楓紅、話苗年 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 過苗年 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 苗家吊腳樓 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 誰染楓林紅--來自苗家的古老傳說 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 臺灣特、稀有蛙類生物多樣性及保育遺傳之研究(四)︰橙腹樹蛙(Rhacophorus aurentiventris)的保育與遺傳多樣性分析 | Tudorpage |
Cheng, Pei-Cheng, Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, Chien, Been-Chian, & Yang, Wei-Pang | NCTU-ISU’s evaluation for the user-centered search task at ImageCLEF 2004 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S., Yu, H. S., Chou, Y.W. | Characteristics of the wedge-top depozone of the southern Taiwan foreland basin | Tudorpage |
宮守業;米泓生;洪崇勝;黃富文;紀文榮;俞震甫;童培堅;王士偉;黃旭燦;吳榮章;楊耿明 | 鄰近西太平洋暖池乾燥氣候的直接證據:南沙群島太平島的晚新生代鈣土層 | Tudorpage |
宮守業;米泓生;俞震甫;黃富文;紀文榮;童培堅;王士偉;黃旭燦;吳榮章;楊耿明 | 南沙群島太平島晚新生代碳酸鹽的海水白雲石化作用 | Tudorpage |
Tsai, J.F., Yang, M.M. & Yang, C.T. | Redefinition of ejaculatory reservoir s. str. in Pentatomomorpha (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). | Tudorpage |
黃國禎;鄭翔;陳君銘 | 線上檢測-英語網路測驗與個人化學習診斷環境之建置 | Tudorpage |
鄭翔;陳君銘;黃國禎 | 以模糊推論為基礎之英語學習障礙診斷專家系統 | Tudorpage |
| 飛天恐龍──溯源之謎大解碼特展 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗;何傳坤;楊翎 | 古早臺中人的故事特展 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 「晶」彩絕倫的礦物世界 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 認識寶石之美(下) 「中華民族玉石文化的代表—翡翠與軟玉」 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 認識寶石之美(上) 「四大寶石與寶石皇后」 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 亞馬遜河魚與箭毒蛙 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chien-Ming;Ho, Yuan-San;Chou, Wen-Neng;Lin, Tzy-Chau | Four Tylopilus Species (Boletaceae) New to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, Wen-Neng;Wang, Yei-Zeng | Six species of Tricholomataceae (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張東柱;周文能;王也珍;許逸玫 | 瑞岩溪的饗宴-大型真菌 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫;張鈞翔 | 博物館間的另類交流─館藏複製品交換 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:猴的群聚與社會性行為 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:細說牙齒 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:雙足站立、雙手緊握 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:從骨骼看靈長目的特徵 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:人類的「近親」–黑猩猩 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:從猿猴到人類 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 科學動手做的學習 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:新世界猴、舊世界猴–猴的親緣系譜 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 「暴龍」可怕?可惡?還是好可愛? | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:猴的起源與演化 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 善用社會資源的科學教育活動 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 猴年話猴:迎接新猴年 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 科學競賽活動記事 | Tudorpage |
Yen-nien Cheng, Xiao-chun Wu, Qiang Ji | Triassic marine reptiles gave birth to live young | Tudorpage |
何傳坤.劉克竑 | 南勢坑史前遺蹟:王鴻博先生田野調查手稿.南勢坑遺址考古發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 虛擬大馬璘文化 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(七)-奇妙的海蟲(二)~紐蟲、虫益蟲、星蟲 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 廣西柳城巨猿洞的埋藏學再研究(紀念裴文中先生百年誕辰暨北京猿人第1頭蓋骨發現75週年) | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 我很可愛 可是我很毒-豹斑章魚 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(六)-奇妙的海蟲(一)~淡水渦蟲與扁蟲 | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤 | 廿一世紀台灣地區的遺址博物館 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 「土桑」珠寶、礦物暨化石展內容介紹 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣陸橋動物群 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 「土桑」珠寶、礦物暨化石展 | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu, Hao-Ren Ke, Wei-Pang Yang | Unified knowledge-based content management for digital archives | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(五)-海底的建築師(下)~八放珊瑚 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(四)-海底的建築師(上)~六放珊瑚 | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤.劉克竑 | 板頭村遺址標本圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 從漢字部首看動手做的操作形式 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(二)-海中幽浮~水母 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 陪著觀眾成長的展示廳-科博館的物質世界展示區 | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | New species and new records of Taiwanese Bryocoris Fallen (Hemiptera: Miridae) . | Tudorpage |
Ren. S. Z. & Lin, C. S. | Revision of Urostylidae of Taiwan, with Descriptions of Three New Species and one New Record (Hemiptera: Urostylidae). | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang, Jang, Chern-Mei and Cheng,Yen-Nien | The Latest Record of the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) from Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
單希瑛、章晨玫 | 海龍計畫--三疊紀大型魚龍化石進館紀要 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Stage-dependent Effects of 20-Hydroxyecdysone on DNA Synthesis of Corpus Allatum Cells in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Stimulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by corpora allata in Bombyx mori by different ecdysteroids. | Tudorpage |
Lee, Y. T., Chen, J. C., Ho K. S., and Juang, W. S. | Geochemical studies of tektites from East Asia | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 火成岩中常見的矽酸鹽類造岩礦物 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 石英家族:水晶(一)水晶物語 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 石英家族:水晶(三)水晶的肉眼識別特徵 | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S;Stöcklin, R;Favreau, P;Chou, W-H | Genetic and ecological correlates of intraspecific variation in pitviper venom composition detected using matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and isoelectr | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S;Chou, W-H | Cryptic genetic diversity in the bamboo viper (Trimeresurus stejnegeri) whithin Taiwan, with implications for systematics and conservation. | Tudorpage |
張廖年鴻;周文豪 | 台灣梭德氏赤蛙族群變異研究。 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 牛罵頭遺址文化園區自然生態調查研究計畫報告。 | Tudorpage |
周文豪;賴美如 | 生物/文化多樣性數位博物館:大埔里地區自然資源與民族生物學。http://puli.im.ncnu.edu.tw/nature/web/index.htm | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Ryvarden, L. | Polypore fungi newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | A study of Peniophora species with simple-septate hyphae occurring in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Zhang, D.C;Li, X.J.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new species and five new records of the family Meteoriaceae from China. | Tudorpage |
Nilsson, R. H.;Hallenberg, N.;Nordén, B.;Maekawa, N.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Phylogeography of Hyphoderma setigerum (Basidiomycotina) in the Northern Hemisphere. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Lignicolous homobasidiomycetes newly recorded from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Zhang, X. | The finding of three Ganodermataceae species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 台灣菌類生物多樣性的研究現況。2003年植物生物多樣性與植物資源永續利用研討會論文集: 1-8。 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | A new species and a new record of Lachnum from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, J.H. and Y.-Z. Wang | New records of Coprophilous Pyrenomycetes from Taiwan. (III) | Tudorpage |
Yui, T..-F. and Gong, S.-Y | Stoichiometry effect on stable isotope analysis of dolomite | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Yui, T.-F., Huang, F.-W. Torng, P-K., Chi, W.-R., Huang, S.-T., Wang, S-W. | Deposition and Diagenesis of late Cenozoic Carbonates in Nansha (Spratly) Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
Gong, S., Mii, H., Horng, C., Huang, F., Chi, W., Yui, Y., Torng, P., Huang, S., Wang, S., Wu, J.,Y | Evidence of Arid to Semi-arid Climate Near Western Pacific Warm Pool During Sea-Level Lowstands: Caliche Surfaces in Late Cenozoic Carbonates of Nansha Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y.., Mii, H.-S., Horng, C.-S., Chi, W.-R., Torng, P-K., Huang, F.-W. Huang, S.-T. and Wang | Quaternary glacio-eustatic signals in subsurface carbonatesof Spratly Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Yui, T.-F., Huang, F.-W., Torng, P-K., Wu, J.-C., Yang, K.-M. and Huang, S. | Dolomitization in late Neogene carbonates of Spratly Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Mii, H.-S., Yui, T.-F., Huang, F.-W., Torng, P-K, Huang, S.-T. and Wang, S-W. | Carbonate deposition and diagenesis of the Quaternary sequence in Taiping, Nansha Islands | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 黃俊霖 | 花的前世今生 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 誰是200萬年前遠古人類的本尊? | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤 | 中國考古遺址中發現的拔牙習俗研究 | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤 | 數位典藏國家型科技計畫.中部考古蒐藏子計畫(板頭村遺址) | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤 | 數位典藏國家型科技計畫.中部考古蒐藏子計畫(大馬璘遺址) | Tudorpage |
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Lee SC, Chao SM | Shallow-water Marine Shells from Northeastern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
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張正、陳盈君、嚴新富. | 綬草無菌播種與生長發育. | Tudorpage |
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陳輝樺 | STS 教學理念在科學博物館的非制式教育環境中可行作法 | Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang | Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan:
Description of Four Species of Acaricalini from Hueysuen.
| Tudorpage |
Huang, K.-W. & C.-F. Wang | Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan:
Description of Thirteen Species of Nothopodinae from Hueysuen
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許美蓉 | 「新世紀博物館典藏管理研習會:藏品展示與展品管理」紀要 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Ju-Chin;Hsu, Chu-Nan;Ho, Kung-Suan | Geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks and related ultramafic xenoliths from the Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, northeast China | Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Chen, Ju-Chin;Lo, Ching-Hua;Zhao, Hai-Ling | 40Ar-39Ar dating and geochemical characteristics of late Cenozoic basaltic rocks from the Zhejiang-Fujian region, SE China: eruption ages, magma evolution and petrogenesis | Tudorpage |
蔡望生;游鎮烽;李孟達;鍾全雄;何恭算;米泓生;鍾廣吉 | 臺灣晚更新世洞穴碳酸鈣之鍶及穩定同位素研究:地下水成分與氣候變化 | Tudorpage |
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Wang, Chiu-Mei | Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Li,,Ching-Yao, Chiu-Mei Wang, Ju-Ying Hsiao, Chiou-Herr Yang | Two Fossil Dicotyledonous Woods from the Kungkuan Tuff (Early Miocene), Northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張建新*,孟繁聰,萬渝生,楊經綏,董國安. Zhang Jianxin, Meng Fancong, Wan Yusheng, Yang Jingsui, Tung KuoAn | 柴達木盆地南緣金水口群的早古生代构造熱事件:鋯石U-Pb SHRIMP年齡証据
Early Paleozoic tectono-thermal event of the Jinshuikou Group on the southern margin of the Qaidam﹕Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP age evidence | Tudorpage |
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Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Jang, Chern-Mei;Cheng,Yen-Nien | The Latest Record of the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) from Eastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 博物館展示區害蟲管理. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 楊正澤 | 台灣Coleotroctellus 屬嚙蟲 (嚙目:粉嚙科)之分類研究. | Tudorpage |
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Chang, T. T.;Chou, W. N. | Five polypores (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan and their cultural characteristics. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W. N. | Taiwanoporia, a new aphyllophoralean genus. | Tudorpage |
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黃俊霖 | 溫馨萱言─母親節花卉展 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 拯救台灣珍稀瀕危植物 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 展示的建構與解構:以科博館文化特展觀眾調查為例 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 有病治病無病強身?「中藥乾坤」新片上映 | Tudorpage |
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陳慧娟 | 真實與虛幻的舞台--台灣自然生態造景 | Tudorpage |
Chen, H. C. & M. C. Ho | New Strategies of Exhibition Design for a Natural History Museum. | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 寶石*慾望天堂特展手冊 | Tudorpage |
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黃釗俊 | 安靜的雪夜幽舞__極光 | Tudorpage |
Kao, H. F., Long, K. | An Understanding of Middle School Students’Concept of Heat Transfer during the Developing Stage of a Curriculum Module. | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 美國科學博物館的教育政策及其科學教育標準的發展與實施,國科會第四十屆國外短期研究人員研究報告書 | Tudorpage |
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Lin C. S., M. L. Chan, K. W. Huang, K. C. Ku. | Digitization Project for Invertebrate collections in National Museum of Natural Science(Poster). | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 裝扮旱溪媽祖的家 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. and M.A. Jach. | Description of Heteropsephenoides gen.n., a new psephenoidine genus from Thailand (Coleoptera: Psephenidae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. and P.-S. Yang. | A supplementary account to the genus Diaphanes (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., J. Lai and P.-S. Yang. | Lampyridae: a synopsis of aquatic fireflies with description of a new species (Coleoptera). In Jach, M.A. and L. Ji. (eds.), Water Beetles of China Vol. 3. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and J. Lai. | Notes on the genus Luciola (Coleoptera: Lampyridae, Luciolinae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. | On the name Cautires certus (Coleoptera: Lycidae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., H.-Y. Lee and P.-S. Yang. | Cyclommatus taiwanus Bomans, a new synonym of C. asahinai Kurosawa (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 「去氧核糖核酸採樣條例」中建立去氧核糖核酸人口統計資料庫之學理與倫理爭議 | Tudorpage |
Chou CT, Chen JA, Hsu CM, Chen SJ | HLA-B27 and its subtypes in 4 Taiwanese aborigine tribes: A comparison to Han Chinese patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 看不到畸形蛙才可怕 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 臺灣特、稀有蛙類生物多樣性及保育遺傳之研究(三)︰橙腹樹蛙(Rhacophorus aurentiventris)的保育與遺傳多樣性分析 | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Mii, H-S;Yui, T-F;Huang, F-W;Torng, P-K;Chi, W-R;Huang, S-T;Wang, S-W;Yang, K-M;Wu, J-C | Deposition and diagenesis of Late Cenozoic carbonates at Taipingdao, Nansha (Spratly) Islands, South China Sea | Tudorpage |
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張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:台灣馬 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 黃頭陸龜 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 大自然之歌--海洋篇(一)~無脊椎動物--海綿 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 數位內容知識庫概念模式化及建置 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 緬甸蟒 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海底花園-海葵與軟珊瑚 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海底花園-美麗的石珊瑚 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 奇異、美麗的蝦兵蟹將 | Tudorpage |
鍾令和;陳于高;李建成;徐澔德;王昱 | 民國四十年玉里池上地震序列之新構造意義 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;宮守業;米泓生 | 台灣西南地區更新世礁灰岩與基底泥岩的接觸關係 | Tudorpage |
宮守業;米泓生;洪崇勝;紀文榮;童培堅;黃富文;黃旭燦;王士偉 | 南沙群島太平島地下碳酸岩中中的第四紀冰河-海水面紀錄 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 大熊貓特展 | Tudorpage |
Zheng, L. Y. & Cheng-Shing LIn | Satactiopus gen. nov., with a redescription of Sabactus institutus Distant, 1910 (Hemiptera: Miridae) | Tudorpage |
Sen, Y. S. & Cheng-Shing LIn | Larval morphology and host plants of Drepanidae (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae) in Southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | Sensilla on the larval antennae and mouthparts of Pentateucha inouei Owada et Brechlin (Lepidoptera:Sphingidae). | Tudorpage |
Lin, C. S. | Two new species of the Genus Mansoniella Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae). | Tudorpage |
章晨玫、許美蓉 | 談借展文物的點交-以圓明園特展點交為例 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 古菱齒象維護工作記要 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 從神主牌談博物館藏品的歸還 | Tudorpage |
Wen-Shing Juang and Ju-Chin Chen | The Topographic Landscapes of Volcanic Necks on Lanyu, Taitung, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 臺灣石英、水晶礦物礦床學調查研究 | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、莊文星 | 台灣植物化石報導系列(六)中新世南庒層化石 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lee, M-C;Yu, H-T | Community Structure of Ground-Dwelling Vertebrates in a Subtropical Montane Forest in Central Taiwan, an Application of Drift-Fence Pitfall Traps | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Chou, W-H;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S | Insular variation in the diet of the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri (Schmidt). | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S;Favreau, P;Chou, W-H | Parallel shift in diet and venom composition of the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri, support a natural selection hypothesis of venom evolution. | Tudorpage |
Malhotra, A;Creer, S;Favreau, P;Thorpe, R-S;Chou, W-H | Intraspecific variation in venom composition: | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Rana adenopleura and its relatives--a taxonomical review of the subgenus Nidirana | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Chou, W-H;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S | Offshore insular variation in the diet of the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri (Schmidt) | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 漢氏草蜥發表了。 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 蟾說 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 澤蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 貢德氏蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 雨怪 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 龍池春秋 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 海蟾蜍,不要也罷! | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 迫不及待的分享 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 水之化 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 新發現:世界第十七種草蜥--漢氏草蜥 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 腹斑腹斑蛙和牠的親戚--一段分類迷思錄 | Tudorpage |
周文豪;賴美如 | 阿里山民族生物學數位博物館--鄒族的自然觀。http://digimedia.nmns.edu.tw/theCou/html/01/main02.htm | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | New records of the Corticiaceae from mainland China | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | A study of Peniophora species in Taiwan with clamped hyphae. | Tudorpage |
Dai, Y.C.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | The finding of Inonotus rodwayi in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Dai, Y.C;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, W.N. | Two new polypores (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, H.C. | Preliminary survey of wood-decaying Basidiomycota in Lanyu, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, W. N.;Wang, Y. Z. | Higher fungi of Taiwan (to understand Ascomycota and Basidiomycota), 2nd ed. (In Chinese) | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. -Z. and C. M. Chen | The Genus Helvella in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Two species of Crocicreas new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Investigations of Ascomycetes at Lanyu. | Tudorpage |
張東柱、周文能、王也珍與朱宇敏 | 大自然的魔法師—台灣大型真菌 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台南縣史前文化 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 高速公路C240標里程125+020至120處苗栗縣通宵鎮媽祖田遺址試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
Chao SM | The shallow-water echinoderms from Lanyu, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chao SM, Lee SC | Marine shells from Lanyu, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 我家沒有蟑螂(二) | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 「海研一號」採集記(下) | Tudorpage |
Lu, S.G. and T.Y.A. Yang. | Pteridophytes on Lanyu — Orchid Island. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, J. H. | A Study of Group Structures and Interaction Patterns in Primary School Science Classroom. | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 科學博物館與學校的合作關係之轉型—由臺灣因應全球化所作的教育改革訴求帶來的衝擊談起 | Tudorpage |
謝東佑、倪正柱、簡慶德、嚴新富 | 台灣產柿樹科植物之訂正 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 南投信義鄉地利、雙龍、潭南村落—民俗植物. | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 蘇明俊; 江新合 | 教師發展非制式科學教學資源之行動研究 ─ 以「落日華表」的教學為例 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | STS 教學理念在科學博物館的非制式教學環境中展示可行作法 | Tudorpage |
蘇明俊、江新合、陳輝樺 | 休閒產業設置教學資源之行動研究 ─ 已開發『落日華表』的教學設施為例 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「日地月星空」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「星光密旨說些什麼?」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「天文望遠鏡裏的秘密」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「微重力透鏡模擬」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「探訪黑洞」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「恆星兩極噴流的奧秘」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「星球演化的奧秘」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「大霹靂學說」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「雙生子的年齡那一個比較年輕?」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「回到過去」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 借展品出險處理 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉、莊世滋 | 博物館展品出險與修復紀實–以南美滅絕巨獸特展波拿馬展品為例 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館展品的修復紀實 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫.許美蓉 | 談借展文物的點交-以圓明園特展點交為例 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館社群:尋求共同的利益--記第97屆美國博物館協會年會 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館的變革與創新:英國自然史博物館達爾文中心第一階段的開放 | Tudorpage |
何恭算; 陳汝勤;鐘三雄 | 澎湖東吉嶼複合地函捕獲岩之岩石學與礦物化學研究 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;李慶蘭;張光羽 | 地質典藏品數位化作業實務—以自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
林仲剛 | 臺灣科學
大自然的彩妝--地衣 | Tudorpage |
董國安,楊宏儀,史密斯,張建新,萬渝生,鍾全雄 | 由釹-鍶同位素及地球化學研究祁連山地區微板塊演化之研究 | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 尋找奧薩瑪.賓.拉登-阿富汗地理環境及地質構造演化史 Look for Osama-The Evolution of the Geographic Enviornment and geologic structure in Afghanistan | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 青藏高原明珠-青海湖歷史人文、地理環境、地質構造及形成原因簡介 Qinghai Lake in Tibet plateau - The Introduction of the Historial Culture、Geographic Enviornment、Geologic Structure and Formation of Qinghai Lake | Tudorpage |
Xu,Xing;Cheng,Yen-Nien; Wang,Xiao-Lin;Chang,Chun-Hsiang | An unusual oviraptorosaurian dinosaur from China | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 用昆蟲來入藥. | Tudorpage |
Dai, Yu-Cheng;Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, Wen-Neng | Two new polypores (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Yang, Zhu L.;Chou, W. N. | Limacella taiwanensis, a new species of Agaricales. | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 花朵中的槓桿 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 花中的紳士風範 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 臺灣民俗醫療:漢人信仰篇 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 圓明園重現科博館:保利博物館珍藏石佛青銅展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 展示模型的背後推手 | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 劉德祥編 | 科學的藝術影像 | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | The Great Wall of Flesh - On the Spatial Installation for Aya Ben Ron's 'Hanging' in the Exhibition 'The Art-Image of Science' | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 探討高中學生義工人力之運用與組訓 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 天文主題課程資源網建置暨開放式學習研究 | Tudorpage |
Kao, H. F. | What the Turtle Means to the Elementary Students in a Science Museum. | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 南島語族特展評估先驅實驗,博物館專業成長研習會:博物館展示實務的合作經驗 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 教育展演活動與延展-南島語族那魯灣嘉年華活動 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 科學實作的內涵與範例 | Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 社群與博物館通訊刊物─以國立自然科學博物館簡訊為例 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 中小學科學札根活動 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 博物館數位知識的建構、管理與行銷 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 以服務及應用為導向之博物館知識庫建構模式 | Tudorpage |
Tien-Yu Hsu, Wei-Pang Yang , and Hao-Ren Ke | A knowledge repository construction model for digital museum applications | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 科博館數位知識庫建構模式 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | Leonids 2001 in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
林志隆、曾郁丹 | 國內星象館現況 | Tudorpage |
林志隆、曾郁丹 | 星象儀的過去、現在與未來 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Tseng Yu-Dan | Statistics and Status of Planetariums in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
胡維新、孫清松、曾彥學 | 臺灣林業文化園區自然資源 | Tudorpage |
C.H. Chen, H.M. Chou, Y.T. Chang | The Investigation of vegetation in Chu-tzu-hu reclaimed wetland | Tudorpage |
陳志雄、王震哲 | 從植物保育的觀點來看中央山脈保育軸的建立 | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 臺灣自然史博物館應思考的蒐藏問題─研究標本的流失 | Tudorpage |
Chung, S. W. and C.-I Peng | Senecio kuanshanensis (Asteraceae), a new species from southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Oginuma, K. and c.-I Peng | Karyomorphology of Taiwanese Begonia (Begoniaceae):taxonomic implications | Tudorpage |
Naruhashi, N., Y. Iwatsubo, and C.-I Peng | Chromosome numbers in Rubus (Rosaceae) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Y. M. Shui, C.-I Peng and C. Y. Wu | Synopsis of the Chinese species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), with a reappraisal of the sectional delimitation. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅譯(Peter H. Raven 撰) | 生物多樣性與永續發展 | Tudorpage |
許再文,彭鏡毅 | 台灣的茄科植物及其相關研究判紹 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤、廖紫均 | 文物庫存管理, 發表於文物保護手冊 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 社區博物館與地方寺廟 | Tudorpage |
劉德祥,黃旭 | 九九峰生態教育展示規劃及細部設計 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | Notes on the morphology and systematics of the genus Pristolycus Gorham (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | Checklist of Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateriformia) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 生物人類學在族群分類的角色—以邵族正名為例 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館全球化發展趨勢:以大英博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Jen-Yuan, Ke, Hao-Ren, & Yang, Wei-Pang | Chinese text summarization using a trainable summarizer and latent semantic analysis | Tudorpage |
葉鎮源 | 文件自動化摘要方法之研究及其在中文文件的應用 (A study on automated text summarization and its application on Chinese documents) | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Yu, H. S. | Types、Geomorphic Characteristics and Tectonic Signification of Taiwan Coastal Zone | Tudorpage |
Chen K.M., Yang, M.M. & Tsai, J.F. | Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of Lanyu. | Tudorpage |
周延鑫;顧世紅;楊翎 | 昆蟲的化學語言特展 | Tudorpage |
| 來自北京保利博物館:圓明園重現臺灣──石佛青銅珍藏展 | Tudorpage |
鍾坤煒;何恭算 | 偏光顯微鏡下的岩石世界 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 孔雀羊齒─鐵線蕨 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 森林中的蓮花寶座—觀音座蓮 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 秋天林間飛舞的彩蝶─秋石斛 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 認識雨林跟我來 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 番花 、緬槴、貝多羅 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:好馬多吃草 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:聞香下馬 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:老馬識途 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:馬「眼」獨具,縱覽全域 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:馬「齒」徒增–馬齒的結構與特徵 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:「駿馬奔騰」-馬兒為何跑得快 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:畫說奇蹄動物 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:馬的演化真相? | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象家族中的焦點巨星–長毛猛獁象 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 南美滅絕巨獸小檔案—殺戮高手:劍齒虎 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 馬年話馬:迎接新馬年 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 南美滅絕巨獸小檔案-長著長鼻的滑距獸 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Ling-Ho;Shyu, J.B.H.;Chen, Yue-Gau;Lee, Jian-Cheng;Hu, Jyr-Ching | Surface rupture reevaluation of the 1951 earthquake sequence and Neotectonic implication of East Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
戴昌鳳;王士偉 | 台灣西南部化石珊瑚礁的發育和衰退過程及其古海洋環境的研究(1/2) | Tudorpage |
Qiang Ji, Shu-An Ji, Yen-Nien Cheng, Hai-Lu You, Jun-Chang Lu, Yong-Qing Liu, Chong-Xi Yuan | Pterosaur egg with a leathery shell | Tudorpage |
宮守業;米泓生;俞震甫;黃富文;童培堅;黃旭燦;王士偉 | 南沙群島太平島第四紀碳酸鹽沉積與成岩作用 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 可愛的果實--愛玉與薜荔的私密世界〈下〉 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 龍宮探奇-台灣海域的動物性浮游生物 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 可愛的果實--愛玉與薜荔的私密世界〈上〉 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 香蒲 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;宮守業 | 非碳酸鹽環境中珊瑚礁的最初發育基底 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | e世代博物館的管理 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Genus Ernestinus Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Harpedona marginata Distan (Hemiptera: Miridae), a new pest of Discorea in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | A new species of the genus Mansoniella Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae) | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔、章晨玫 | 海中瑰寶革龜標本入館紀要 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫、張鈞翔 | 新生與重生——河馬標本入館記 | Tudorpage |
Chen, C. H.;Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Adenylate cyclase in the prothoracic glands during the last larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Induction of DNA synthesis by 20-hydroxyecdysone in the prothoracic gland cells of the silkworm, Bombyx mori during the last larval instar. . 2001. | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 九二一地震教育園區願景 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 龜山島 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 雪山 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 大壩尖山 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 玉山 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 南湖大山 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 野柳 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 和平島公園地質地形景觀 | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、莊文星 | 台灣植物化石系列報導─植物化石概說 | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、莊文星 | 台灣植物化石報導系列(二) | Tudorpage |
莊文星、李慶堯 | 台灣植物化石報導系列(三)新竹馬福植物化石 | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、莊文星 | 台灣植物化石報導系列(四)桃園縣龜山地區木化石 | Tudorpage |
李慶堯、莊文星 | 台灣植物化石報導系列(五)中新世石底層化石 | Tudorpage |
Chen, C-H;Gu, S-H;Chow, Y-S | Adenylate cyclase in the prothoracic glands during the last larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Tudorpage |
Yu, H-T;Cheng, T-W;Chou, W-H | Seasonal activity and reproduction of two syntopic white-toothed shrews (Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai) from a subtropical montane forest in central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Creer, S;Malhotra, A;Thorpe, R-S;Chou, W-H | Multiple causation of phylogeographical pattern as revealed by nested clade analysis of the Bamboo Viper (Trimeresurus stejnegeri) within Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Truong, N-Q;Pauwels, O | A new Takydromus lizard (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Vietnam | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 有關蝌蚪的迷失 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 日本樹蛙也泡湯 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 叢林綠寶石--翡翠樹蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 向自然的母親致敬:艾氏樹蛙--蛙族好娘親。 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Three new species of Hyphodontia with poroid hymenial surface | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Hibbett, D.S.;Binder, M. | Phylogenetic analyses of Aleurodiscus s.l. and allied genera | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Geoglossum and Trichoglossum in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. -Z. | Discomycetes of the Sarcoscyphaceae in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. -Z. | A new species of Sphaerosporella from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | Some pyrophilous discomycetes (Pezizales) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. and W. N. Chou | Investigations of macrofungi at Nanjenshan Nature Reserve. | Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. | Medicinal resources of Formosan mistletoes – the biodiversity and management. | Tudorpage |
Chang, Y.-S., S.-C. Chan and S.-T. Chiu | Medicinal resources of Formosan mistletoes. | Tudorpage |
Chao Shyh-min | Seven newly recorded starfish from Taiwan (Echinodermata: Asterouidea) | Tudorpage |
Chao S H, Lee K S | Sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from northeastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海研一號採集記(上) | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 人間仙境 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海參、論文、度假村 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 我家沒有蟑螂 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 螢火蟲之旅 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺,羅文杰 | 從一個國小六年級的班級討論分析不同「同儕科學家意像」類別學童之互動特徵 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 由發電機操作進行電路承載概念之教學 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺、左曼熹 | 博物館教育活動設計的新趨勢。 | Tudorpage |
Kuo, R.Y., F.R. Chang, C.Y. Chen, C.M.Teng, H.F. Yen & Y.C. Wu. | Antiplatelet activity of N-methoxycarbonyl aporphines from Rollinia mucosa. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 台灣原住民對於蕨類的利用. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 阿里山鄉志—植物志. 王嵩山 (總編輯). | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 天文物理科學教育資源網路建置暨開放學習之研究 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | STS 教學理念在科學博物館的非制式教育環境中可行作法 | Tudorpage |
周延鑫,何恭算,黃釗俊,劉德勝,許美蓉 | 九二一地震教育園區營運管理規劃報告 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館藏品借貸紀要-以一號銅車馬複製品為例 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館之藏品捐贈-以紀郭素昭女士捐贈文物為例 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館災後之藏品處理–以火災為例 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | Amigo-拉布拉達博物館簡介 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 驚爆911-美國博物館界的影響與回應 | Tudorpage |
楊遠波, 顏聖紘, 林仲剛 | 臺灣水生植物圖誌
Illustrated Cuide to Aquatic Plants of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Lee, Jen-Kai;Ho, Chia-Hsin | Reproductive patterns of two sympatric rhacophorid frogs, Buergeria japonica and B. robusta, with comments on anuran breeding seasons in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Kuo-An Tung, Chuan-Hsiung Chung, Alan D. Smith, Houng-Yi Yang | Evolution of The Microcontinents in The Qilian Area, NW China: A Nd-Sr Isotopic and Geochemical Study. | Tudorpage |
Takahashi, K.;Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Cheng,Yen-Nien | Proboscidean Fossils from the Japanese Archipelago and Taiwan Islands and their Relationship with the Chinese Mainland. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;程延年 | 遠東地區第四紀古菱齒象之研究 | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang | Elephantid Fossils from the Far East in the Quaternary | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 楊正澤 劉玉章 | 各類型標本館發現之嚙目昆蟲形態研究 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 你過敏了嗎?-談昆蟲與過敏 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 人是誰殺的?-談法醫昆蟲學 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z.;Chou, W.-N. | Investigations of macrofungi at Nanjenshan Nature Reserve. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z.;Chou, W.-N. | Ecological studies of Macrofungi at Nanjenshan, Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
周文能 | 樹根的守護神-菌根菌。真菌資源認識與保育師資培育研討會。 | Tudorpage |
張東柱;周文能;王也珍;朱宇敏 | 大自然魔法師-臺灣大型真菌。 | Tudorpage |
Shyh-Min Chao and Kwen-Shen Lee | Sea Urchins (Echinodermata:Echinoidea) from Northeastern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 廿一世紀博物館全球化發展趨勢:大英博物館的過去、現在和未來 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 碳酸鈣礦物特展觀眾行為研究 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館的空間主題-一個空間的社會學筆記 | Tudorpage |
Hsu Huang | The Spatialisation of Knowledge and Social Relationships-A study on the spatial types of the modern museums | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 文教機構運用志工之環境與應努力的方向 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 文教機構義工之研究---人力資源管理文獻摘要 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 博物館社會資源網絡模式規劃 | Tudorpage |
周延鑫,何恭算,黃釗俊,劉德勝,許美蓉 | 九二一地震教育園區營運管理規劃報告 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 天文史在科學教育推廣之研究[Ⅲ] | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 科學博物館輔助改善國中小學天文教育可行措施之探討[Ⅱ] | Tudorpage |
林志隆 黃釗俊 | 國內星象館之教學功能研究 | Tudorpage |
周延鑫 何恭算 黃釗俊 劉德勝 許美蓉 | 九二一地震教育園區營運管理規劃報告 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 博物館專業成長論壇的發展與實施,國立自然科學博物館專業人員
| Tudorpage |
陳慧玲 | 從「沙漠中的明珠─敦煌石窟特展」談博物館展示與教育 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 科技與劇場教學設計之應用探討 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 劇場教室暑期研習活動 | Tudorpage |
莊明賢 | 評《博物館利用叢書》 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 學術網路學習教材建置成果報導 | Tudorpage |
Jen-Shin Hong, Bai-Hsuen Chen, Jieh Hsiang, Tien-Yu | Content Management for digital museum exhibitions | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 「台灣地區星象館的教學功能」計畫報告 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 地球運動與太陽 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 美麗的星雲星團 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 夏季銀河中的寶藏 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 2001獅子座流星雨特報 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 物質世界展示區展品選粹(一)--(八) | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 宇宙論的發展 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 哈伯太空望遠鏡的八卦 | Tudorpage |
胡維新、洪夙慶 | 台灣低海拔植物新視界 | Tudorpage |
C.H. Chen and J.C. Wang | Revision of the genus Oreomyrrhis Endl. (Apiaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳志雄 | The phylogenetic study of Gentiana sect. Chondrophyllae Bunge (Gentianaceae). | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 探索自然史博物館之蒐藏 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N. | The first finding of Early Cretaceous Radiolarians from Lanyu, the Philippine Sea Plate. | Tudorpage |
D'Arcy, W. G., R. C. Keating, Z.-Y. Zhang and C.-I Peng | The genus Tubocapsicum (Solanaceae) | Tudorpage |
Yang, S. Z. and C.-I Peng | An invading plant in Taiwan--MImosa pigra L | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I and Y. L. Lin | Evaluation of medicinal plants of Asteraceae in Taiwan. Preceedings of International Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Development of Bioactive Natural Products | Tudorpage |
T. Y. Chiang, K. H. Hong, and C.-I Peng | Experimental hybridization reveals biased inheritance of the internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal DNA in Begonia xtaipeiensis | Tudorpage |
Lu, S. Y., C.-I Peng, Y. P. Cheng, K. H. Hong, and T. Y. Chiang | Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of cunninghamia konishii (Cupressaceae), an endemic conifer of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hsing, Y. I, J. S. Hsieh, C.-I Peng, C. H. Chou, and T. Y. Chiang | Systematic status of the Glycine tomentella and G. tabacina species complex based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA | Tudorpage |
Anderberg, A. A., C.-I Peng, I Trift, and M. Kallersjo | The Stimpsonia problem; evidence from DNA sequences of plastid genes atpB, ndhF and rbcL. | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 東港迎王祭儀 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., J. Lai, P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | Revision of the genus Diaphanes Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Lampyridae, Lampyrinae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬、許木柱 | 台灣原鄉論的震撼—族群遺傳基因資料的評析 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 有了IRB,是否就足夠?試論社群評審委員會(Community Review Board)的必要性 | Tudorpage |
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王嵩山;何傳坤;楊翎 | 南島語族的家屋──現在、過去、未來特展 | Tudorpage |
周延鑫;何恭算;黃釗俊;劉德勝;許美蓉 | 九二一地震教育園區營運管理規劃報告 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 好運旺旺來 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 深林中的台灣阿嬤 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄;張正 | 峭壁上的精靈—豔紅鹿子百合 | Tudorpage |
廖仁滄 | 天南星下的繁花燭影 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 南美滅絕巨獸小檔案-新生代的鐵甲武士 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇-求偶與生殖 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 南美滅絕巨獸小檔案-龐大巨獸美洲大地懶 | Tudorpage |
章晨玫;張鈞翔 | 新生與重生-河馬標本入館記 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;劉德祥 | 南美滅絕巨獸展 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—蛇的防禦策略 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;章晨玫 | 海中瑰寶革龜—標本入館紀要 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—攻擊與獵食 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—蛇換新衣-蛻皮與成長 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 屈慧麗 | 新竹縣新埔鄉犁頭山遺址考古發掘暨監測報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—聞聲起舞-蛇的感覺器官 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 屈慧麗 | 台中縣和平鄉中坑國小教室重建考古學監測報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—冷血動物-蛇的體溫調控 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Peinan cultural Park and the Sacred site of Tulan Mt. at Taitung | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 屈慧麗 | 台中縣新社鄉福民國小遺址考古發掘暨監測報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—蛇行大法-婉轉又曲折 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣陸橋史前動物及人類化石的新發現 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 陳浩維; 劉克竑 | 國立埔里高級中學校舍重建工程暨大馬璘文化遺址發掘保存計劃第一期工作期末報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—庖丁解蛇 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Rethinking the Origins of Taiwan Austronesians | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 陳浩維; 劉克竑; 鄭建文 | 高雄市左營遺址範圍及保存價值研究計劃期末報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—畫蛇不添足—蛇的起源與演化 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣中部地區史前文化與古生態環境互動關係初探 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣高雄鳳鼻頭遺址出土動物骨骼的動物考古學及埋藏學研究 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 蛇年談蛇—告別千禧龍迎接新蛇年 | Tudorpage |
戴昌鳳;王士偉 | 台灣西南部化石珊瑚礁的發育和衰退過程及其古海洋環境的研究 (I) | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳 | 台灣西南部更新世化石珊瑚礁的最初發育基底與機制 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海中劍客-蝦蛄 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 無所不黏的藤壺 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 建構溝通無障礙展示設計模式 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介:麥克鴨嘴 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介:紅尾鴨嘴 | Tudorpage |
Chung, Y. Y.; Lin, C. S. ;Wang, C. H.;Yeh, C. C. | Distribution and seasonal occurrence of Forcipomyia taiwana (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Nantou area in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Genus Mansoniella Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae) of Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, C. C.;Lin, C.S.; Huang, C. C. | Prior experience effects the oviposition behavior in Evania appendigaster (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae).
| Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Genus Eupachypeltis Poppius (Hemiptera:Miridae) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Genus Felisacus Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Larval morphology and life history of three sphingid moths (Lepidotera: sphingidae) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Tsia, W. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Temporal analysis of ecdysteroidogenic activity of the prothoracic glands during the fourth larval instar of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Ho, K.S., Chen, J.C. and Juang, W.S. | Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Cenozoic basalts from the Leiqiong area, Southern China | Tudorpage |
Ho, K.S., Chen, J.C., Smith, A.D. and Juang, W.S. | Petrogenesis of two groups of pyroxenite from Tungchihsu, Penghu Islands, Taiwan Strait: implications for mantle metasomatism beneath SE China | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣澎湖,綠島與蘭嶼火山頸地質景觀 | Tudorpage |
莊文星, 孫明志 | 祁連縫合帶中酸性深成岩之地球化學成因之初步探討
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莊文星 | 台灣的離島 | Tudorpage |
劉德慶(主編), 洪志誠, 莊文星, 陳文屏 | 高級中學基礎地球科學全冊 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 蘭嶼火山面面觀 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 綠島火山口與地頸地質地形景觀 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 澎湖火山頸地質地形景觀 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 蜂窩岩 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Geographic Distribution. Gekko hokouensis. | Tudorpage |
周文豪;林俊義 | 台灣無尾類蝌蚪的群聚結構--兼論生態表型多樣性及保育的省思。 | Tudorpage |
李培芬;潘彥宏;呂光洋;周文豪;張琪如 | 台灣兩生類動物的分布模式與多樣性。 | Tudorpage |
周文豪;李曼玲 | 台灣艾氏樹蛙(Chrixalus eiffingeri)的消化道初探 | Tudorpage |
Yang, X-G;Wang, Y-Q;Zhou, K-Y;Liu, Z-Q | Phylogenetic studies of Chinese brown frogs based on DNA sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene fragment. | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 萬眾矚目的上海科技城 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 高牆切莫倒下 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Zang, Mu | Cryptoporus sinensis sp. nov., a new polypore found in China | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Z.C. | Helicogloea globispora sp. nov. from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, T.T;Chou, W.N.;Wu, Sheng-Hua | Inventory of macrobasidiomycota and population dynamic of some monitored species at Fushan forest. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Six new species of Phanerochaete from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Studies on Schizopora flavipora s.1., with special emphasis on specimens from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Survey of the Corticiaceae in Taiwan, to 2000. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Boidin, J.;Chien, C.Y. | Acanthofungus rimosus gen. et sp. nov., with reevaluation of the related genera. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, W.N.;Wang, Y.Z.;Wang, B.C. | The cultural atlas of potentially edible and medicinal fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 興建中的上海科技城 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. -Z. | Studies of coprophilous ascomycetes in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | The genus Podospora in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chen, C.-M.;Wang, Y.-Z. | Two Helvella species new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Z.; Wang, Y.-Z. | Coprophilous discomycetes in Southwestern China. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 周文能 王也珍 王伯徹 | 台灣潛在食藥用真菌培養彩色圖鑑 | Tudorpage |
張東柱、周文能、吳美麗與王也珍 | 福山大型真菌, | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 蔓藤植物在森林生態系中之地位 | Tudorpage |
| 台灣陸橋史前動物群及人類化石的新發現 | Tudorpage |
Chao Shyh-min | New Records of Sea Stars (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the Continental Shelf of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chao S. M. | New Records of Sea Stars (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the Continental Shelf of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
趙世民、蘇焉 | 珊瑚礁---海中的熱帶雨林 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 雅玲的帝雉 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 缺一般,成不了花花世界 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海星專家 | Tudorpage |
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趙世民 | 水母與「哈日族」 | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 「活的」植物標本館──由英國皇家植物園邱園談起。 | Tudorpage |
Ronse De Craene, L.P., Yang, T. Y. A., Schols, P. & Smets, E. F. | Floral anatomy and systematics of Bretschneidera (Bretschneideraceae). | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺,羅文杰,楊文金 | 國小五年級學童「同儕科學家意象」的發展分析。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 國小高年級自然科學習小組之結構及其互動模式研究。 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 國立自然科學博物館植物公園的植栽特色. 植物園資源及經營管理研討會專刊. | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 (主編). | 植物園資源及經營管理研討會專刊 | Tudorpage |
許立如.許美蓉 | 國立自然科學博物館典藏管理組業務現況與展望 | Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 博物館之地震災後處理:以國立自然科學博物館為例
| Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 「邁向博物館蒐藏管理新紀元研習會」紀要
| Tudorpage |
許美蓉 | 「古埃及的今生與來世」特展展品進館作業小記 | Tudorpage |
Ho, K. S., Chen, J. C. and Juang W. S. | Geochronology and geochemistry of late Cenozoic basalts from Leiqiong area, southern China | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Chu-Nan;Chen, Ju-Chin;Ho, Kung-Suan | Geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks from Kirin Province, northeast China | Tudorpage |
Ho, K. S., Chen, J. C., Smith, A. D. and Juang, W. | Petrogenesis of two groups of pyroxenite from Tungchihsu, Penghu Islands, Taiwan Strait: Implications for mantle metasomatism beneath SE China | Tudorpage |
陳俊延;游鎮烽;汪中和;扈治安;鍾廣吉;陳于高;何恭算 | 洞穴碳酸鈣微量化學的初步研究:千年來台灣氣候的變化 | Tudorpage |
葉高華;游鎮烽;何恭算 | 台灣西南部泥火山水樣之地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
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屈慧麗 | 彰化縣彰化市福田里遺址調查及其相關問題研究 | Tudorpage |
Ota, Hidetoshi;Huang, Wen-San | Mabuya cumingi (Reptilia: Scincidae):An addition to the Herpetofauna of Lanyu Island,Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Biodiversity, food web, and conservation of Herpetofauna in Lanyu, Taiwan (in Chinese) | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 博物館的公共關係 | Tudorpage |
Tung, Kuo-An, Shien, C.-Y., Chien C.-W., Smith, A.D.,and Yang H.-Y. | Nd-Sr Isotopic and Geochemical Studies of Basement Rock in Qilian area, NW China. | Tudorpage |
Tung, Kuo-An, Smith, A.D.,and Yang H.-Y. | Nd-Sr Isotopic and Geochemical Studies of Basement、Mafic Rock and Granitoids in Qilian area, NW China. | Tudorpage |
Smith, A.D., Tung, Kuo-An, Chung, C.-H., Wen, D.-J., and Yang H.-Y. | A Nd-Sr Isotopic Perspective on Orogenic Cycles in the Qilian Mountains Region and their Bearing on the Teconic History of the North China Block. | Tudorpage |
何傳坤;祁國琴;張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世化石及中國古菱齒象化石的系統分類 | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L. and Chou, L. Y. | Trichogramma of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Perenniporia nanjenshana sp. nov. on Daphniphyllum in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Three new species of Hymenochaetaceae from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W. N. | Nine species of flesty Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張東柱、周文能、吳美麗、王也珍. | 福山大型真菌。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華;周文能;王也珍;王伯徹 | 台灣潛在食藥用真菌培養彩色圖鑑。 | Tudorpage |
周文能 | 臺灣野生菇與毒菇介紹。臺灣菇類文化館專刊, | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 最「古意」的花 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 民族誌展示問卷留言觀眾:以「巴布亞原始藝術展」為例(下) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 生活中觀察、經驗中學習:細說「真菌一族特展」 | Tudorpage |
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楊翎 | 博物館與建築-博物館館長論壇:「邁向新博物館之路」研討會紀要 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 評介「博物館展示的傳統與展望」 | Tudorpage |
王玉豐、楊翎 | 「李約瑟與抗戰時中國的科學」紀念巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 「臺灣民俗醫療:漢人信仰篇」特展 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 博物館展示與文物維護 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 許多國家的首都區常是博物館的集散地 | Tudorpage |
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劉德勝 | 如何建立義工制度 | Tudorpage |
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陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 科學博物館輔助改善國中小學天文教育可行措施之探討[I] | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 博物館展示規劃期望與觀眾回饋之間:一項展示的成果評估研究
| Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 以展示為基礎的博物館教育活動規劃及其評量設計 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 由科博館與學校的互動看非制式教育的推展 | Tudorpage |
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王明仁 | 數位化教育資源推廣 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 科博館教育人員對「龜展偶劇秀」表演活動之省思 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 國立自然科學博物館推廣教育活動的兩項議題 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 本館網站榮獲千禧兒童十大優質網站 | Tudorpage |
Jen-Shin Hong, Shen-Hao Hung, Hieh Hsiang, Tien-Yu Hsu | On the design of a digital museum from an educational perspective: a case study using butterflies | Tudorpage |
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張莉慧 | 加拿大全國資訊網路 | Tudorpage |
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C.H. Chen and J.C. Wang | Lomatogonium chilaiensis (Gentianaceae), a newly recorded genus and new species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
王震哲、陳志雄、張和明等 | 棲蘭山檜木林區植物資源調查研究 | Tudorpage |
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Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Deschamps, A.;Monie, P.;Lallemand, S. K. | Evidence for Early Cretaceous Oceanic crust trapped in the Philippine Sea Plate | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 從媒體事件探討臺灣博物館的蒐藏問題 | Tudorpage |
C hou,C .H.,T.Y.Chen,C .C.Liao,and C.-I. Peng. | Long-term ecological research in the Yuanyang Lake forest ecosystem I.Vegetation composition and analysis. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C-I and C. Y. Sue | Begonia xtaipeiensis Peng ,(begoniaceae), a new hybrid in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Peng, c.-I and T. Y. Chiang | Molecular confirmation of unidirectional hybridization in Begonia taipeiensis Peng (Begoniaceae) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Al-Shehbaz, I. and C.-I Peng | The genus Barbarea (Brassicaceae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Yang, S. Z. and C.-I Peng | Two re-discovered plants in Taiwan: Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl and Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D. Don ex Sweet | Tudorpage |
洪國祥, 呂勝由, 彭鏡毅,蔣鎮宇 | 巒大杉及福州杉的親源地理及保育 | Tudorpage |
楊遠波,劉和義,彭鏡毅,施炳霖,呂勝由 | 台灣維管束植物簡誌,第四卷 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., J. Lai, P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | Notes on the taxonomy of Lamprigera yunnana (Fairmaire) and the genus Lamprigera Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Lampyridae). | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 台灣原住民遺傳基因研究之倫理爭議與立法保障 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 疾病、文化與科學場域的對話:「臺灣民俗醫療-漢人信仰篇」特展 | Tudorpage |
王玉豐;楊翎 | 李約瑟博士與抗戰時中國的科學特展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 臺灣民俗醫療──漢人信仰篇特展 | Tudorpage |
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周文能 | 蓮華池分所泛傘菌類的資源調查 | Tudorpage |
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祁國琴; 何傳坤; 張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世化石及中國古菱齒象化石的系統分類 | Tudorpage |
Peter N. ; Melvin Ember eds. | Zhoukoudian | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 千禧龍年特展的閃亮巨星-合川馬門溪龍 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 與龍共舞-千禧龍年特展 | Tudorpage |
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何傳坤 | 展示與網頁.傳統民居文物與集體記憶重建研究期末報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象家族系列-多長一對門牙的嵌齒象 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 彰化地區史前文化 | Tudorpage |
| 第二高速公路後續計劃大甲彰濱段第C325A標龍井彰濱段橋樑工程考古遺址監看報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 第二高速公路後續計劃大甲彰濱段第C325A標龍井彰濱段橋樑工程考古遺址監看報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象家族系列-外型最奇特的鏟齒象 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣中部地區史前文化、聚落型態及人類研究 | Tudorpage |
| 彰化縣彰化市福田里遺址調查暨考古發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 彰化縣彰化市福田里遺址調查暨考古發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象家族系列-「恐」怖的大「象」 | Tudorpage |
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鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介:珍珠魟 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介:食人魚 | Tudorpage |
鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河魚簡介:大銀板魚 | Tudorpage |
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鄒佩琪 | 亞馬遜河河魚淺介 | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Dai, C-F | Development of coral reefs in non-carbonate environments | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Review of Taiwanese Miridae (Hemiptera:Miridae) | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Revies of host use evolution in sphingids and pyraustines | Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 佛教藝術寶庫─敦煌石窟藝術 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Tsia, W. H.;Chiang, A. S.;Chow, Y. S. | Mitogenic effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone on neurogenesis in adult mushroom bodies of the cockroach, Diploptera punctata. | Tudorpage |
莊文星, 陳汝勤 | 綜觀澎湖玄武岩之特性與成因
The nature and origin of Penghu basalts: A review
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莊文星 | 海峽兩岸玄武岩風光兼談自然景觀保護
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莊文星, 李慶堯 | 新竹地區中新世杉科植物木化石的發現
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莊文星 | 臺灣之火山活動與火成岩(二版)
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莊文星 | 祁連縫合帶中東段中酸性深成岩類之礦物學,岩石學和地球化學之研究--成因類型與演化特徵(二) | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 金門之火成岩 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 海峽兩岸玄武岩風光兼談自然景觀保護 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 臺灣中央山脈板岩系石灰岩洞與鐘乳石 | Tudorpage |
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莊文星 | 硫酸鹽礦物 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 硫黃與火山硫氣孔 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 地動驚魄921集集大地震 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | A new frog of the genus Rana (Anura: Ranidae) from China. | Tudorpage |
王維梅;周文豪 | 生物多樣性與物種保育的社會教育—國立自然科學博物館中的學習風格與展示。 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua; Chan, S.J. | Cultural studies of the Basidiomycotina from Taiwan II. | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. & Haines, J. | A new Perrotia from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z. | The coprophilous discomycetes of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 嘉義縣新港鄉板頭村遺址發掘簡報 | Tudorpage |
| 沙漠中的明珠--敦煌石窟
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Chao S. M. | Revision of Taiwan starfish (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), with description of ten new records.
| Tudorpage |
Chao S. M. | A revision of the family Astropectinidae (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Taiwan, with description of five new records.
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趙世民 | 無脊椎真奇妙 | Tudorpage |
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Yang, T. Y. A. & Moore, D. M. | A revision of the Viorna group of species (section Viorna sensu Prantl) in the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae).
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陳輝樺 | 從獅子座流星雨的造訪探究起 -- 彗星與流星雨的來源以及數算它們個數的方法
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陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁 | 科學博物館天文氣象示輔助中小學天文教學之評估
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陳輝樺; 王明仁; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊 | 數位化媒體在天文推廣教育的發展與應用
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陳輝樺 | 體驗式教育在天文推廣教育上的可行性做法
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徐雨村.許美蓉 | 大同電鍋與蒙娜麗莎:「臺灣科技史與博物館蒐藏學術研討會」紀要
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王嵩山.許美蓉共同編譯 | 博物館與文化多樣性—兼論臺灣作為文化多樣性的實驗室之意涵
| Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan | Sr-Nd isotope and geochemical evidence for the origin of clinopyroxene, amphibole and mica megacrysts in alkali basaltic rocks from SE China | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 致力於維護保存的英格蘭文化資產組織 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 網路的使用是否影響博物館參觀人數 | Tudorpage |
黃文山 | 烏龜 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 泰雅人的服飾 | Tudorpage |
Tung, Kuo-An, and Smith, A.D. | Nd-Sr isotopic and geochemical studies of basement, mafic rock and grantoids in the south Qilia area. | Tudorpage |
Smith, A.D., Chung, C.-H., Wen, D.-J., Tung, Kuo-An, and Huang, L.-Y. | The position of North China in the Grenville and Caledonian orogenies from Nd-Sr isotopic studies in the Qilian fold belt. | Tudorpage |
董國安 | 南祈連地區基盤岩、基性岩及花崗岩類之釹–鍶同位素及地球化學研究 Nd-Sr Isotopic and Geochemical studies of Basement Rocks and Granitoids in the South Qilian Area | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Lin, Jun-Yi;Lin, Liang-Kong; Yu, John Yu-Lin | Annual reproductive patterns of male shrew, Suncus murinus, in central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang,Chun-Hsiang;Lin, Jun-Yi;Lin,Liang-Kong;Yu, John Yu-Lin | Annual reproductive pattterns of the female shrew, Suncus murinus, in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Qi, Guo-Qin;Ho, Chuan-Kun;Chang, Chun-Hsiang | The Pleistocene fossil Suids from Chochen, Tainan, southwestern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象家族系列-最古老的始祖象 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 昆蟲標本蒐藏管理 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 室內常見嚙蟲. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 長角的蜻蜓?-長角蛉 | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 小心!嚙蟲就在你身邊 | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Two new species of Phellinus from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Antrodia taxa sp. nov. and Perenniporia celtis sp. Nov. in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Ceriporiopsis microporus and Tyromyces formosanus, two new polypore species from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 日本的企業博物館 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 二十一世紀博物館的新視覺:「博物館館長論壇研討會」紀要 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 藝術的推手:「展覽行政與實務研討會」紀要 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 被擄掠的身體-崔西的雙人床 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館與城市-結構化的倫敦觀光之旅 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 主流殿堂中的另類論述-博物館空間的街道化 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 義工與博物館行銷 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 如何建立義工制度 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 如何經營義工的輔導 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 科學博物館天文氣象展示輔助中小學天文教學之評估 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 數位化媒體在天文推廣教育的發展與應用 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 天文史在科學教育推廣之研究[I] | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 觀眾對博物館展示訊息的認知初探 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 數位化媒體在科學教育的應用-以國立自然科學博物館為例 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 行動式電腦多媒體在科學博物館教育的應用 | Tudorpage |
劉冠任 | 國立科學博物館教育活動人員對「龜展偶劇秀-一言難盡」表演活動之省思 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 電腦多媒體教材在數位化博物館應用之探討 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍譯 | 數位世界裡的藝術授權 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 多媒體導覽系統添新貌,觀眾服務再升級 | Tudorpage |
賴春潤 | 引進自動化新系統-期待資訊服務會更好 | Tudorpage |
Yin-Fu Huang, Tien-Yu Hsu | A design and Implementation of Museum Multimedia Information System | Tudorpage |
黃胤傅,徐典裕 | 應用於博物館之多媒體資料庫系統 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 數位博物館之建構與經營管理 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 國科會數位博物館先導計畫--蝴蝶生態面面觀 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | CIMI與數位化博物館 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 本館「植物公園」介紹(二)北部低海拔生態區 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 本館「植物公園」介紹(三)中部低海拔生態區 | Tudorpage |
C.H. Chen and J.C. Wang | Revision of the genus Gentiana L. (Gentianaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I and C.M.Hu. | Lysimachia chingshuiensis (Primulaceae),a new species from eaastern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I, and W.P.Leu. | Novelties in Asteraceae of Taiwan:Blumea linearis and Senecio tarokoensis | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I .,S.L.Liu,and T.Y.Chiang. | Conservation of ludwigia taiwanesis(Onagraceae)in Twiwan | Tudorpage |
蔣鎮宇,彭鏡毅 | 台灣特有植物的親緣地理.特有生物保育研討會論文集 | Tudorpage |
Kondo,K.,C.-I Peng,M.Aoyama, and R.Tanaka. | Chromosome studies in chrysanthemum flora of Taiwan 1. Dendranthema horaimontana(Masam)S.S.Ying and D.morii(Hayata)Kitam. | Tudorpage |
Naruhashi,N.,Y.Iwatsubo and C.-I Peng. | Cytology,flower morphology and distribution of Fragaria hayatai Makino (Rosaceae). | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M. Satô. | An additional new species of Cyphonocerus (Coleoptera, Lampyridae, Psilocladinae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., J. Lai, and P.-S. Yang. | On the validity of the generic name Pyrocoelia Gorham (Coleoptera, Lampyridae, Lampyrinae) with a review of Taiwanese species. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., J. Lai and P.-S. Yang. | A synopsis of the firefly fauna at six national parks in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊平世、李春霖、顏聖紘、鄭明倫 | 墾丁國家公園的昆蟲。 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 細說真菌一族特展 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 金門自然學友之家 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 美妙的礦物世界—瑰麗的鑽石 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;董國安 | 美妙的礦物世界—漫談石英家族 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;莊錕明 | 大地的寶藏—澎湖文石 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;董國安 | 奇妙的礦物世界—淺談螢光礦物 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 史前考古志、體質志 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 小而美的德國郵政博物館
| Tudorpage |
Qi, G. Q. ; Ho Chuan Kun; C. H. Chang | The fossil suids from the pleistocene in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 嘉義縣新港鄉板頭村遺址考古試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
祁國琴 ; 何傳坤 | 台灣第四紀澎湖海溝動物群及古地理環境第四紀研究
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何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 藝術村籌建地探勘及試掘期末報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 雅俗共賞的英國約克地方史博物館
| Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 第二高速公路後續計劃雲林嘉義C344Z標梅林遺址探勘與試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 遠古時代的面具文化
| Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 劉克竑 | 高雄市「鹽埕埔遺址」試掘報告 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海中的不倒翁~袋狀菟葵。 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;魏國彥;戴昌鳳 | 錐突細菊珊瑚的形態計量研究 | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳;鄭宜羚 | 台灣地區塊狀珊瑚石的新記錄及其古生態意義 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 展示說明的設計與製作 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 海葵與牠的房客們 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 牡蠣殺手-東方柄渦蟲 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 數位化展示 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | The Stenodemini (Hemiptera: Miridae) of Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
章晨玫 | 專業佈展作業成就瀝青坑的寶藏特展 | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S.;D. R. O'Reilly | Role of calcium in the stimulation of ecdysteroidogenesis by recombinant prothoracicotropic hormone in the prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
顧世紅;周延鑫 | 調控昆蟲脫皮與變態之生理机制的探討. | Tudorpage |
莊文星, 孫明志, 陸建軍, 何恭算 | 祁連縫合帶中東段中酸性深成岩類之礦物學﹑岩石學和地球化學之研究
| Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 祁連縫合帶中東段中酸性深成岩類之礦物學,岩石學和地球化學之研究--成因類型與演化特徵(一) | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣含銅硫化物礦床之構造淵源與成礦地球化學探討 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 珍貴典藏 石榴石二輝橄欖岩 臺灣區域來自地下深部的岩石 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 清風明月映雪山─談滄海桑田 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 火山浩劫:臺灣中新世古植物的禍福定奪 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 褪色的火炎山 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 苗栗明德水庫區地質介紹 | Tudorpage |
Yu, H-T;Chou, W-H | Shrew communities along an elevational gradient in the subtropical SE Asia. | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 阿里山鄒族鳥占的民俗動物學探討 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Four Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycotina) new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Nine new species of Phanerochaete from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Notes on resupinate Basidiomycetes of Taiwan V. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Buchanan, P.K. | Species of Boidinia (Basidiomycotina) with simple-septate hyphae. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華 | 植物標本館的功能與從業觀念 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | The genera Scutellinia and Geneosperma (Discomycets, Pezizales) in Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Doveri, F.; Wang, Y. Z. ;Cacialli, G.; Caroti, V. | A new Chalazion fronm Tuscany, Itrly
| Tudorpage |
Wu, M.-L.; Haines, J.H.;Wang, Y.-Z. | 1998. New species and records of Lachnum from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Wang, S.-W., Lee, T.-Y. | Pleistocence coral reefs associated with claystones, southwestern Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y. and Yui, T.-F. | Meteoric diagenesis and stable isotopic compositions of the Hengchun Limestone, southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | Cauliflory of Carambola
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | The Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 桑寄生植物生活史與臺灣產桑寄生植物的多樣性 | Tudorpage |
Yang, Kuoh-Chen and Shau-Ting Chiu | Caprifoliaceae 忍冬科
| Tudorpage |
邱少婷、彭鏡毅編 | 海峽兩岸植物多樣性與保育學術研討會論文集 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Systematic description and Classification of Chinese Miocene Hominoids.
| Tudorpage |
何傳坤;劉克竑 | 台中縣清水鎮清水遺址調查暨考古發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
Chao S. M. | Two sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidae) newly recorded from Taiwan, with a key for Holothuria.
| Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 臺灣礁岩海岸的海參 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 會「穿衣服」的黑海參 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 潛水艇的靈感來源─鸚鵡螺 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 要命的拳擊手—蝦蛄 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 「千人捏不死」—豆形拳蟹 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海參新的無性生殖方式! | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 屁股也可以當武器?! | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 你到底是吃什麼長大的?-讓海洋生物學家困惑的紫口珊瑚螺 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 「壯士斷腕」─蜈蚣櫛蛇尾 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 隱魚─躲在海參屁股裡的魚 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 「聖嬰」的恩恩怨怨 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 海邊的清道夫-蕩皮參 | Tudorpage |
Liu, H. Y. & Yang, T. Y. A. | Rubiaceae.
| Tudorpage |
Li, H. L. & Yang, T. Y. A. | Sapotaceae.
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. | The family Sapotaceae in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
T. Y. A. Yang & Li, S. P. | The gnus Galium L.(Rubiaceae) in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
楊宗愈 | 植物採集與保育
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楊宗愈 | 毛茛科尾葉鐵線蓮族群之植物地理研究 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺,羅文杰 | 從一個國小六年級的班級討論分析不同「同儕科學家意像」類別學童之互動特徵。 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 科學博物館展示教育的學習理念探討以國立自然科學博物館天文展示更新規劃為例
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陳輝樺 | 科學中心的科技展示
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陳輝樺 | 展示教育人員如何影響觀眾參觀
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陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁 | 科學博物館教育活動的學習理念探討
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陳輝樺 | 科學博物館的天文展示教育探討
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陳輝樺 | 大眾式推廣教育與小眾式推廣教育在天文推廣上的可行性做法
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許美蓉 | 朝向英國視覺藝術管理發展的千禧年
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Ho, K. S., Chen, J. C., Smith, A. D. and Juang, W. | Petrogenesis of two groups of pyroxenite from Tungchihsu, Penghu Islands
| Tudorpage |
莊文星、孫明志、 陸建軍、 何恭算 | 祁連縫合帶中東段中酸性深成岩類之礦物學,岩石學和地球化學之研究 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 華南地區新生代玄武岩之岩石學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | The Archaeological Resource Management of the Shuiwaku site and the Tamalin site in Puli Basin, Central Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Wang, S-W;Lee, T-Y | Pleistocene coral reefs associated with claystones, southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
王士偉;戴昌鳳 | 博物館的蒐藏管理體系 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Sexual size dimorphism and microhabitats use of two sympatric lizards, Sphenomorphus taiwanensis and Takydromus hsuehshanensis, from the central highlands of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Reproductive cycles of the grass lizard, Takydromus hsuehshanensis, with comments on reproductive patterns of lizards from the central high elevation area of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Snake consumption of green sea turtle's egg, with a different concerning to an endangered species (in Chinese) | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 1997年紡織品保存會議(加拿大) | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 人類學博物館的蒐藏政策 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 博物館蒐藏管理系統電腦化 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 人類學蒐藏經理的從業倫理 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;林俊義;林良恭;余玉林 | 野生錢鼠生殖型態的探討 | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang;Cheng,Yen-Nien | Extraordinary fossil records of Cetacea from Pleistocene in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 自然學友之家昆蟲系列講座一:好吃的昆蟲 | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Antrodia lalashana sp. nov. and Antrodiella formosana sp. Nov. in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Two new species of Inonotus from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Disney S. H. L.;Chou, W.-N. | A new species of Megaselia (Diptera: Phoridae) reared from the fungus Pulveroboletus (Boletales: Boletaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 文物的庫存與維護:「中小型博物館營運管理研習會」記要 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 民族誌展示問卷留言觀眾(上):以巴布亞原始藝術展為例 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 美術館策展觀念與策略運用:「全球華人美術策展人論文集」評述 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 原住民文化展示構成 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 展示思維與媒材科技:以當代博物館人類學展示為例 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館展示倫理初探 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 邁向廿一世紀博物館研討會紀要 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 「台灣特有種鳥類特展」觀眾調查──自然史展示的一場思考
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陳慧娟 | 「展示設計細部規劃及設計」規劃報告
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黃旭 | 設計未來博物館-文化觀光中博物館的角色 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 義工的倫理 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 博物館志願服務人力資源經營策略之研究 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 科學博物館教育活動的學習理念探討 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內的展示和科教活動之規劃研究[IV] | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 博物館資源、學校教師與多元化的教育 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 虛擬博物館:蘭陽博物館網際網路之規劃構想 | Tudorpage |
靳知勤、劉冠任 | 以STS理念推展科學教育-非制式教育環境中的可行策略 | Tudorpage |
黃慧珍 | 歡迎上網利用活動單 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 應用於博物館之多媒體資料庫 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 實現數位博物館建構高速網路基礎建設 | Tudorpage |
徐典裕 | 應用於數位博物館之多媒體資料庫 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 數位化圖書館在博物館之建立 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Chia-Chu Chen, Chien-Er Lee; | Implications of b s g decay measurements on the Higgs sector of the S3-NFC model | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 自然科學博物館的天文教育資源 | Tudorpage |
林志隆 | 星象儀在博物館中的定位探討 | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅、胡維新 | 植物標本的採集製作與標本館之利用。作物種源野外採集訓練班講義,林俊義、范明仁、邱輝龍編,。 | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅、胡維新 | 植物標本的採集製作與標本館之利用。 | Tudorpage |
中部低海拔生態區 | 本館「植物公園」介紹(一) | Tudorpage |
Jenn-Che Wang and Chih-hsiung Chen | Gentianaceae | Tudorpage |
陳志雄。呂勝由、邱文良(編著) | 臺灣稀有及瀕危植物之分級(III) | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N. | Radiolarians from the Lower Jurassic of the Busuanga Island, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I and T.G.Lammers. | Triodanis Raf. (Campanulceae:Campanuloideae),a new generic record for the flora of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chiang, T.Y.,B.A. Schaal and C.-I Peng. | Universal primers for amplification and sequencing a noncoding spacer between atp B and rbcl genes of the chlorOplast DNA. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I, C.H.Chen,W.P.Leu, and C.-H.Chen. | Pluchea Cass.(Asteraceae:Inuleae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Soejima, A. and C.-I Peng. | Cytological feature of Aster ageratoides complex in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng,C.-I and K.C.Yang | Unwelcome naturalization of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Peng,C.-I K.F. Chung, and W.P.Leu | Notes on three newly naturalized plants (Asteraceae) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
蔣鎮宇,彭鏡毅, B.Schaal,許再文 | 台灣特有天南星科植物密毛魔芋遺傳變異及保育之探討 | Tudorpage |
Peng,c.-1 and P.P. Lowry II (eds.). | Rare,Threatened,and Endangered Floras of Asia and the Pacific Rim. | Tudorpage |
邱少婷,彭鏡毅(編) | 海峽兩岸植物多樣性與保育 | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang, M. Satô, J. Lai and J.-C. Chang. | The genus Curtos (Coleoptera, Lampyridae, Luciolinae) of Taiwan and Japan. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., P.-S. Yang and M. Sato. | The genus Cyphonocerus (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) from Taiwan and Japan, with notes on the subfamily Cyphonocerinae. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L., and P.-S. Yang. | Taxonomic review of the genus Grouvellinus Champion (Coleoptera, Elmidae) from Taiwan and Japan. | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館與原住民展示文化 | Tudorpage |
李通藝、蔣正興、今西將文 | 南沖繩海槽的張裂 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興、鄭富書、俞何興、盧佳遇、張國楨、張家榮、黃泰霖 | 應用有限元素法模擬褶皺 | Tudorpage |
張家榮、鄭富書、俞何興、盧佳遇、蔣正興、張國楨、黃泰霖 | 應用有限元素法模擬正斷層 | Tudorpage |
張國楨、鄭富書、俞何興、盧佳遇、蔣正興、張家榮、黃泰霖 | 應用有限元素法模擬砂箱物理模型 | Tudorpage |
程延年;楊翎 | 科學探索──恐龍與鳥的恩恩怨怨特展 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 喜馬拉雅山脈的前世與今生 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 瀝青坑的寶藏中的明星-劍齒虎 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔;楊中信 | 瀝青坑的寶藏特展訊 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 大象傳奇 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 哺乳動物的特徵與起源 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Shuiwaku: a neolithic settlement and burial site in the Puli Basin, west central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 錢鼠不是老鼠 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 台灣更新世晚期澎湖海溝哺乳動物群 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 演化舞台上的緩行者-龜鱉家族 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 王嵩山 | 台灣博物館人類--當代建構之理論與實踐 | Tudorpage |
程延年;張鈞翔 | 科學探索特展-恐龍與鳥的恩恩怨怨 | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Wang, W-L;Dai, C-F | The roles of stromatolites in uplifted reef complex, Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Dai, C-F;Gong, S-Y | Development of the Pleistocene Takangshan Limestone in southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang, S-W;Wang, W-L;Dai, C-F | Stromatolites in an uplifted Holocene fringing reef complex, SE Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 虛擬實境 | Tudorpage |
Yie, C. C.; Lin, C. S.;Huang, H. I. | Effect of temperature on development of the Oleander hawk moth, Daphnis nerri (L.)
| Tudorpage |
Cheng Shing Lin | Larval morphology and life history of eight sphingid species in Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Cheng Shing Lin | Parotis Hubner (Crambidae: Pyraustinae) of Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Sensilla on the larval lantennae and mouthparts of cotton leafroller, Haritalodes derogatus F.
| Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | 從博物館觀點看台灣昆蟲相之研究
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S.;Yin, C. M. | Involvement of juvenile hormone in regulation of prothoracicotropic hormone transduction during the early last larval instar of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Analysis of precocious metamorphosis induced by application of an imidazole derivative to early third larval instar of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Chow, Y. S. | Regulation of prothoracicotropic hormone transduction during the early last larval instar of Bombyx mori.
| Tudorpage |
莊文星, 李慶堯 | 台灣雪山山脈白冷層之棕櫚葉化石之初步探討 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣﹑越南﹑海南與雷州板塊內玄武岩的歧異 | Tudorpage |
陳汝勤,莊文星 | 由海洋地質觀點看釣魚臺列嶼 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 杉木蛙的迷惑 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 鳳凰谷的爬蟲類圖說 | Tudorpage |
林政行;顏重威;周文豪 | 鳳凰谷鳥園生態教育資源調查研究報告 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 鄒族民俗生物學目錄。嘉義縣阿里山鄉”鄒族文化中心及展演設施”研究規劃案 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 青約—金線蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 蛤子是小雨蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 天生麗質難自棄—土地公蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 蛙中虎—水雞 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 攀岩高手—斯文豪氏蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 脫俗高雅的神蛙—台北赤蛙 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 版納魚螈 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Ryvarden, L.;Chang, T.T. | Antrodia camphorata ("niu-chang-chih") new combination of a medical fungus in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Huang, Y.Y. | Cultural and ultrastructural studies of Hyphodontia mollis and H. subglobosa. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | New species and new records of Hyphoderma (Basidiomycotina) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | New species of Hyphoderma from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Notes on resupinate Basidiomycetes of Taiwan IV. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new combinations: Amylofungus globosporus and Gloeomyces moniliformis | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y. and Yui, T.-F. | Glacio-eustatic and neotectonics signals within the Pleistocene Hengchun Limestone, southern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y. | Development of Shore Platform in Penghu, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
宮守業 | 澎湖群島的濱台發育與東北季風的可能影響 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chi-Chuan, Chen, Yung-Reui and Shau-Ting Chiu | Observations on stomata and water pores in Ficus formosana Maxim. f. shimadae Hay.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting and Wen-Yuan Kao | Stable carbon isotope ratio in relation to the functional morphology of mistletoe leaves in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
祁國琴 | 台灣更新世豬類化石
| Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 陳浩維; 鄭建文 | 水蛙窟遺址調查暨考古發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 牛郎會織女─癭蟹 | Tudorpage |
Chaw, S. M.; A. Zharkikh; Lau, T. C.; Sung, H. M.; | Molecular phylogeny of extant gymnosperm families and seed plant evolution: Analysis of nuclear 18S rRNA sequence | Tudorpage |
劉德祥 譯 | 綠色的資產(Green Inheritance by Anthony Huxley) | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 從國小自然科課程綱要探討科學教育之發展。 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺,羅文杰,楊文金 | 國小五年級學童「同儕科學家意象」的發展初探。 | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Compton Scattering in a Strong Magnetic Field. .
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | The Rotating Soliton Stars.
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | The Effect of Differential Rotation on Solition Stars.
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 從「火星有生物嗎?」的天文事件介紹自然科學博物館的科教推廣的方式.
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁; 黃釗俊 | 日食和月食
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 在科學博物館太空劇場進行星象教學的評估研究
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 從「火星有沒有生物?」天文事件來探究天文推廣教育的可行作法
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 黃釗俊 | 南投縣設立觀光式天文觀測站可行性評估
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁 | 國中學生天生知識背景調查
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁 | 從登陸火星天文事件來探討科學博物館的科教推廣方式
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「日食」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「火星有生物?」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「月食」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「哈柏太空望遠鏡」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「外太空生物的探索」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「火星登陸任務」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 「火星之旅」電腦多媒體軟體節目
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺、王明仁 | 「生命是什麼?」電腦多媒體軟體節目 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;陳汝勤;羅清華 | 中國東南地區晚新生代火山岩之氬 - 氬年代及其演化 | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 台灣地區珊瑚化石研究之回顧與展望 | Tudorpage |
Wang, Chiu-Mei and Wu, C. S. | Coccinia grandis (Cucurbitaceae), a newly naturalized weed in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Lin, Jun-Yi;Yu, John Yu-Lin | Male reproductive cycle of the toad, Bufo melanostictus, in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Reproductive cycle of the oviparous lizard Japalura brevipes (Agamidae: Reptilia) in Taiwan, Republic of China | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Reproductive cycle of the skink, Sphenomorphus taiwanensis, in central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Sexual size dimorphism in seven species of colubrid snakes in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 創造情境 -印度博物館的一項考驗 (翻譯) | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 祁國琴 ; 張鈞翔 | 台灣澎湖海溝更新世晚期食肉類化石的初步研究及復原
| Tudorpage |
祁國琴; 何傳坤; 張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世豬類化石
| Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 人骨到底有多大? | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 從化石看哺乳動物的特徵 | Tudorpage |
周文能 | 菇類的採集與鑑定。菌類資源鑑定技術研討會。 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;繪圖 : 邱千容 | 台灣史前人 | Tudorpage |
劉克竑;繪圖 : 李瑾倫 | 瑄瑄學考古 | Tudorpage |
鍾德磊;陳雅慧;張蕙芳;黃俊霖;何國傑 | 絲瓜簇葉病植物菌質體rRNA基因之篩選及分析 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 展示借貸之規劃策略 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 真菌一族特展回顧:「菌」男「黴」女談心網路 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 上海博物館珍藏:五千年前長江古文明-良渚文化特展 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 父母如何引導小孩欣賞藝術 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 義工制度與終身學習 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 幼兒科學園環境教育活動設計
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺等3人 | 國中學生天文知識背景調查
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺等4人 | 國小四、五、六年級學生天文知識背景調查
| Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 南投縣設立觀光式天文觀測站可行性評估 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 國中學生天文知識背景調查 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 從登陸火星天文事件來探討科學博物館的科教推廣方式 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內的展示和科教活動之規劃研究(III) | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 從教師的社會角色檢視博物館的成人教育功能-以國立自然科學博
| Tudorpage |
靳知勤、段曉林、高慧芬 | 科學博物館實施教師研習之理論探討與規劃研究 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 從科學博物館電腦教育軟體發展模式來探究電腦輔助教學媒體的發展趨勢 | Tudorpage |
靳知勤、劉冠任 | 科學博物館融入STS 理念之可行策略與相關問題初探 | Tudorpage |
靳知勤、劉冠任及段曉林 | 運用社教資源開發STS模組-教師信念與能力之養成 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧 | 以圖書館員的角度--談博物館的教育功能 | Tudorpage |
Chiang, T. Y. and W. H. Hu | Dichodontium pellucidum(Hedw.) Schimp. (Dicranaceae), a species new to moss flora of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chiang, T. Y. and W. H. Hu | Lescuraea morrisonnensis (Takaki) Nog. fo. sichuanensis Wang, Hu & Redfearn, a synonym of Actinothuidium hookeri (Mitt.) Broth. | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 典藏管理組在國立自然科學博物館的定位 | Tudorpage |
蔣志剛 彭鏡毅 | 第23章:台灣的生物多樣性及其保護. | Tudorpage |
Kita, Y. , M. Ito and C.-I. Peng. | Phylogenetic position of the Taiwanese and Korean aconites, Aconitum Bartletii, A. napiforme and A. Jaluense (Ranunculaceae). | Tudorpage |
Tokuoka, T. and C.-I. Peng. | Floral morphology and its systematic implications in Drypetes integerrima (Koidz.) Hosok. (Euphorbiaceae, tribe Drypeteae) from Bonin Islands, Japan. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 陳子英 | 台灣生物資源調查及資料庫建立(I)植物資源之初步研究,台灣維管束植物資源調查-植群分析及種數面積調查久研究. | Tudorpage |
關華山、王嵩山、黃旭 | 鄒族文化中心及展演設施研究規劃案 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 由遺傳指標觀察台灣住民間的類源關係 | Tudorpage |
陳叔倬 | 試管中的原住民 | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S. and Chiang, C. S. | Kaoping Shelf: Morphology and Tectonic Significance. | Tudorpage |
楊翎;何傳坤 | 五千年前長江古文明──良渚文化特展 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Description of a new species, Rana multidenticulata (Anura: Ranidae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
祁國琴; 何傳坤; 張鈞翔 | 台灣澎湖海溝更新世晚期食肉類化石的初步研究 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Geographical variations of Rana sauteri (Anura: Ranidae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
祁國琴; 何傳坤; 張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世豬類化石.演化的實證--紀念楊鍾健教授百年誕辰論文集 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Tadpoles of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
何傳坤 | 自古生態環境演變探討東北猛{^FA41^}象披毛犀動物群 | Tudorpage |
Yin-Fu Huang, Tien-Yu Hsu | A Multimedia Database for Museum Applications | Tudorpage |
楊翎譯 | 博物館走入校園─教師的文物借貸措施 | Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 以溝通模式為架構之系統性展示手法理論 | Tudorpage |
王士偉 | 台灣地區珊瑚化石研究的回顧與展望 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Lifehistory and larval food plants of Notodontidae in southern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, K. Y. | An Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) radiolarian assemblage from Busuanga Island, North Palawan Block, Philippines.
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, K. Y. | Jurassic Radiolarians from the Northwest coast of Busuanga Island, North Palawan Block, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
董枝明 | 恐龍大地 / 多彩多姿的中國恐龍化石
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Chow, Y. S.;Lin, F. J.;Wu, J. L. | A deficiency in prothoracicotropic hormone transduction during the early stage of the last larval instar of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu, S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by ecdysteroid levels during the early stages of the last two larval instars of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
周延鑫;顧世紅 | 脫皮素對家蚕幼虫青春激素生合成的促進作用. | Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S. | Geochronology and geochemistry of basalts in the Western Foothills, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣新生代晚期火山活動之玄武岩質火山岩的地化特性與板塊構造淵源 | Tudorpage |
莊文星, 何恭算 | 弧後盆地與大陸裂谷火山岩之地球化學探討 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 弧後盆地與大陸裂谷火山岩之地球化學探討 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lee, J-D | A new terrestrial amphipod (Crustacea) from a subtropical forest in Taiwan, with description of a new genus. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Cultural studies of four polypores (Basidiomycotina) collected from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Cultural studies of the Basidiomycotina from Taiwan I. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Resupinate polypores (Basidiomycotina) newly recorded from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Studies on Gloeocystidiellum sensu lato (Basidiomycotina) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, W. N.;Wang, Y. Z. | Higher fungi of Taiwan – to understand Ascomycota and Basidiomycota (in Chinese) | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. and Chou, W. N. | A sparassoid discomycete, Ascosparassis heinricheri, new to Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | Coprophilous discomycetes in Taiwan (III)
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | Seven species of Peziza in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
吳聲華; 周文能;王也珍 | 台灣高等真菌 -- 子囊菌與擔子菌的認識
| Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Lee, T.-Y., Wu, J.C., Wang, S.-W., Yang, K.-M. | Possible Links Between The Development Of Plio-Pleistocene Reef Limestone And Thrust migration In Southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y | Geological collection and site conservation | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y. | The NE monsoon Impact on the development of shore platform in Penghu | Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y., Wang, S.-W., Lee, T.-Y., Wu, J.C., Yang, K.-M., | Reef development in association with deep-water siliciclastics, southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
宮守業,單希瑛 | 澎湖群島海岸沈積與侵蝕之初步研究 | Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | Erodium cicutarium (L.) L' Herit. (Geraniaceae) - A newly naturalized plant in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | Note on the genus Taxillus Van Tieghem (Loranthaceae).
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | The water transport of Scrrula rhododendricolus (Hayata) Danser
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. | Loranthaceae 桑寄生科. | Tudorpage |
| 台灣史前文化三論
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. & Huang, T. C. | Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (6) - Some genera in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Huang, T. C. | Ranunculaceae L.
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 黃釗俊; 李念魯; 李應葦 | 科學博物館內展示教育和科教活動的學習理念探討 -- 以「彗星撞木星」天文特殊事件展為例
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 從百武彗星的造訪探究起-流星與隕石、彗星與流星雨.
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁; 李念魯; 陳輝樺 | 國小四、五、六年級學生天文知識背景調查.
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen | The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Astronomical Discs
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁 | 電腦多媒體輔助教學系統在天文科學教育推廣活動應用之研究
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 黃釗俊 | 天文展示教育與科學普活動在天文推廣上的功能研究
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「又見新恒星 (系) 的誕生」互動式電腦動畫軟體
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 李念魯 | 「電漿可以形成晶體嗎?」電腦動畫影片
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「行星系統」互動式電腦動畫軟體
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「太陽與太陽系」互動式電腦動畫軟體
| Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Chen, Ju-Chin | Geochemistry and origin of tektites from the Penglei area, Hainan province, southern China. | Tudorpage |
莊文星、何恭算 | 弧後盆地與大陸裂谷火山岩之地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
何恭算;陳汝勤;趙海玲 | 華東浙江地區晚新生代玄武質岩類之岩石學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 台中南屯山仔腳遺址發掘報告 | Tudorpage |
Gon, S-Y;Lee, T-Y;Wu, J-C;Wang, S-W | Possible links between the development of Plio-Pleistocene coral reef limestones and thrust migration in southwestern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Gong, S-Y;Wang, S-W;Lee, T-Y;Wu, J-C;Yang, K-M | Reef development in association with deep-water siliciclastics, the southwestern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Reproductive cycle and sexual dimorphism in the viviparous skink, Sphenomorphus indicus (Sauria: Scincidae) from Wushe, central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Sexual size dimorphism in the five-striped blue-tailed skink, Eumeces elegans, with notes on the life history in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Sexual size dimorphism of sea snakes in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | The male reproductive cycle of the skink, Eumeces elegans (squamata: Scincidae) from the central altitude area of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Lin, Jun-Yi;Yu, John Yu-Lin | The male reproductive cycle of the toad, Bufo bankorensis, in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chang, Chun-Hsiang | The first fossil record of a short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) from the Penghu Channel | Tudorpage |
林良恭;張鈞翔 | 台中市東海大學校園內錢鼠生殖生態之研究 | Tudorpage |
何傳坤; 祁國琴; 張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世晚期水牛化石的初步研究及復原
| Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 博物館標本蒐藏作業 - 脊椎動物化石 的修理與維護 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 記澎湖海溝古菱齒象復原工作 | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L., Chou, L. Y.; Chou, K. C. and Chen, C. | Two new species of Trichogramma Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y.-Z.;Chou, W.-N. | A sparassoid discomycete, Ascosparassis heinricheri, new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Disney S. H. L;Chou, W.-N. | A new species of Megaselia (Diptera: Phoridae) reared from the fungus Termitomyces (Agaricales: Amanitaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Fukiharu, T.;Chou, W.-N.;Li, S. P.; R. Horigome. | Ammonia Fungi in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
吳聲華;周文能;王也珍 | 台灣高等真菌─子囊菌與擔子菌的認識。 | Tudorpage |
吳聲華;周文能;王也珍 | 玉山國家公園濁水區真菌相調查。 | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖;鍾德磊;陳雅慧;何國傑 | Isolation and characterization of the putative ATP-binding Cassette (ABC) transporter genes from the phytoplasma associated with loofah witches’ broom. | Tudorpage |
黃俊霖 | 絲瓜簇葉病菌質體可能的ABC轉運系統基因之分離及特性分析 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館展示規劃的理論與實務 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 大自然的魔法術:真菌一族請您一同來化腐朽為神奇 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 台灣自然生態 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 雅美族的民居 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館展示的社會文化面-美國,加拿大博物館三個展示案例的觀察與分析 | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 邱家宜 | 重塑集體記憶的展示-美國航太博物館對原爆歷史的反省與挫敗 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 談圖書館義工訓練之規劃 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺;劉德勝;黃釗俊;王明仁;李念魯 | 國小四、五、六年級學生天文知識背景調查 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 從義工觀點推動志願服務 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 義工人力資源的開發與節流
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 導覽的認知與技巧
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 文化機構義工幹部研習會成果報告
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺等4人 | 自然科學博物館學生觀眾群的天文知識背景調查
| Tudorpage |
王精文主持 | 文化機構義工人力資源管理工作手冊規劃(協同)
| Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 國小四、五、六年級學生天文知識背景調查 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 李念魯等 | 科學博物館內展示教育活動的學習理念探討 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 天文展示教育與科普活動在天文教育推廣上的功能研究 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 鄒志剛 黃釗俊 | 孤子星的 Poincare' 規範重力場論之研究(II) | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內的展示和科教活動之規劃研究[II] | Tudorpage |
李念魯 陳輝樺 黃釗俊 | 科學博物館及科學中心的科學展示規劃與科學教育功能研究 | Tudorpage |
高慧芬 | 科學博物館環境教育概念相關資源簡介,台中市國民小學教師利
用國立自然科學博物館資源教學研習成果彙編 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 電腦多媒體輔助教學系統在天文科學教育推廣活動應用之研究 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 以卡瑞爾學習模組為基礎建立智慧型電腦輔助教學之架構 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Yen-Nien | Jurassic Radiolarians from the northwest coast of Busuanga Island, North Palawan Block, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N. | An Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) radiolarian assemblage from Busuanga Island, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉;陳均遠 | 澄江生物群─寒武紀大爆發的見證 | Tudorpage |
Hsiao, S. C. and C.-I. Peng. | Vegetative body of Mitrastemon yamamotoi Makino (Rafflesiaceae). | Tudorpage |
楊國禎 彭鏡毅 | 齒葉南芥(十字花科),台灣新記錄之高山植物. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅編 | 台灣維管束植物編碼索引(初版) | Tudorpage |
林仲剛 | 臺灣蕨類植物的認識與園藝應用(第二版) | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 文明之石:加拿大原住民文化展演 | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S. and Chiang, C. S. | Seismic and morphological characteristics of the Kaohsiung submarine Canyon, southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chiang, C. S. and Lee T.Y. | Kinematics of Okinawa Trough: Two modes of Opening in Northeast Offshore Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎;吳聲華;王也珍;周文能 | 真菌一族──化腐朽為神奇特展及巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
祁國琴; 何傳坤; 張鈞翔 | 台灣更新世晚期水牛化石的初步研究及復原
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Note on distribution and sexual dimorphism of Rhacophorus aurantiventris (Anura: Rhacophoridae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Zhou, G.X. Swindler,D. ; Ho Chuan Kun | Dental evolution of the orang-utan in China
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Observations on the postovipositional behavior of the Taiwanese agamid lizard, Japalura swinhonis (Squamata: Reptilia). | Tudorpage |
姜 鵬 ;何傳坤 | 中國東北更新世生態環境演變與動物群的演替
| Tudorpage |
楊中信 | 新世紀的博物館--虛擬博物館 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Description of last-instar larval of 31 species of Taiwan Spilomelini (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
| Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Macroheteroceran diversity variation in agricultural/Forestry systems at Meifen.
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S.;Yin, C. M. | Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S.;Lin, F. J. | Fluctuations in the biosynthetic activity of the prothoracic gland in recessive trimolters of the silkworm, Bombyx mori: their modulation by juvenile hormone and physiological significance. | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣中新世鹼性玄武岩中超鎂鐵質包體與粒變岩探討 | Tudorpage |
陳汝勤, 莊文星 | 岩石學(二版) | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣西部麓山帶玄武岩之定年與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣中新世玄武岩超鎂鐵質包體及榴輝岩探討 | Tudorpage |
Wang, J-Y;Chou, L-S;Yao, C-J;Neimanis, A-S | Records of Cuvier's Beaked Whales (Ziphius cavirostris) from Taiwan, Republic of China. | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 有時我的歌聲很哀戚-記台北樹蛙在蓮華池的悲情 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | A study of the Phanerochaete (Aphyllophorales) with brown subicular hyphae | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chou, W.N. | Four Basidiomycotina new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Losi, C. | Phanerochaete parvispora sp. nov. (Aphyllophorales) from Venetian lagoon, Italy | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Twelve species of the Aphyllophorales new to Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Two new genera of corticioid basidiomycetes with gloeocystidiaand amyloid basidiospores | Tudorpage |
王也珍,周文能 | 有趣的真菌
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | The distribution and adaptation of Lonicera in Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and J. N. Chen | The hyperparasitism of Scurrula rhododendricolus (Hayata) Danser
| Tudorpage |
Chao S. M. and Tsai, C. C. | Reproduction and population dynamics of the fissiparous brittle star Ophiactis savignyi (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea).
| Tudorpage |
Chao S M, Chen C P; Alexander, P S. | Reproductive cycles of seacucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in southern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. & Huang, T. C. | Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (5) - The genus Clematis L.
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. & Compton, J. A. | Additional remarks on Ranunculaceae in Taiwan (4) - the genus Cimicifuga L. ex Wernisch.
| Tudorpage |
Lau, T. C.; X. Lu; R. Koide; A. G. Stephenson | Effects of soil fertility and mycorrhizal infection on pollen production and pollen grain size of zucchini, Cucurbita pepo | Tudorpage |
Stephenson, A.G., C.W. Erickson, T.C. Lau, M.R. Qu | Effects of growing conditions on the male gametophyte. In: Pollen-Pistil Interactions and Pollen Tube Growth. A.G. Stephenson and T-H Kao (eds) | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁; 李念魯 | 自然科學博物館學生觀眾群的天文知識背景調查研究
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 王明仁; 李念魯; 陳輝樺 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內展示和科學教育活動規劃咨詢之分析研究
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「物質是怎麼組成的」 互動式電腦動畫軟體
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 | 「星球的一生」互動式電腦動畫軟體
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陳輝樺 | 「原子序週期表」互動式電腦動畫軟體
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陳輝樺 | 「宇宙年齡有多老?」互動式電腦動畫軟體
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何恭算;陳汝勤 | 海南蓬萊地區似曜岩類的地球化學特性及其成因探討 | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Karyotype of the long-tailed skink, Mabuya longicaudata (Scincidae: Lacertilia), from taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Notes on egg clutch size of the black burrowing snake, Achalinus niger | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 博物館中的手稿文卷室 | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 重現澎湖海溝德氏水牛真面貌 | Tudorpage |
Chang, T. T.;Chou, W.-N. | Antrodia cinnamomea sp. nov. on Cinnamomum kanehirai in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, S. H.;Chou, W.-N. | Four basidiomycotina new to Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
王也珍;周文能 | 有趣的真菌 | Tudorpage |
許木柱、楊翎等合著 | 重修臺灣省通誌卷三住民志同冑篇 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 蘭陽博物館展示內容與方法之基本構想-「自然史篇」
| Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 雅美族之住居文化及變遷 | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 陳淑華 | 博物館策略 | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 邱家宜 | 社區在哪裡? | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 邱家宜 | 生態博物館的誕生與思潮 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 劉德勝等 | 自然科學博物館學生觀眾群的天文知識背景調查研究 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內展示和科學教育活動規劃諮詢之分析研究 | Tudorpage |
王維梅,王鑫,黃釗俊,張淑智 | 室內環境教育單元活動設計之規劃研究 | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 鄒志剛 黃釗俊 | 孤子星的 Poincare' 規範重力場論之研究(I) | Tudorpage |
陳輝樺 黃釗俊 劉德勝 | 天文學在自然科學博物館內的展示和科教活動之規劃研究[I] | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | A Mechanism of Determining the Relationships among Users in Information system | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 電腦安全模式之建立 | Tudorpage |
張百慈 | 多媒體電腦輔助教學管理資訊系統之設計 | Tudorpage |
賴春潤譯 | 談博物館及其經理人 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧編 | 館藏西文博物館學書目暨期刊論文索引 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | Fenestrula, N. Gen., Lower Jurassic internal spicule-bearing spherical radiolarians from east-central Oregon. | Tudorpage |
Hsiao, S.-C. , J. D. Mauseth, and C.-I. Peng. | Composite bundles, the host/parasite interface in the holoparasitic angiosperms Langsdorffia and Balanophora (Balanophoraceae). | Tudorpage |
Hetterscheid, W. L. A. and C.-I. Peng. | Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae)IV. Revision of the species of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. , H. Tobe and M. Takahashi. | Reproductive morphology and relationships of Triplostegia (Dipsacales). | Tudorpage |
Jäch, M.A. and M.-L. Jeng. | Nematopsephus, gen. n., a new genus of Psephenidae from Asia (Coleoptera, Psephenidae). | Tudorpage |
Yu, H. S. and Chiang, C. S. | Morphology and origin of the Hongtsai Submarine Canyon west of the Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan | Tudorpage |
| 巨蟲公園巡迴展 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Miocene paleoenvironmental contexts of Chinese hominoids
| Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Were Beijing Man and the Gigantopithecus the hunters or the hunted?
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何傳坤 | 中國紅毛猩猩的祖先是誰?
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何傳坤 | 動物考古學與埋藏學的研究與新發展
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楊中信 | 虛擬真實 | Tudorpage |
Gon, S-Y;Lee, T-Y;Wu, J-C;Wang, S-W;Yang, K-M | Possible links between Plio-Pleistocene reef development and thrust migration in the southwestern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
楊翎譯 | 科學博物館的信念─從一項展示評估談起 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Host plants and feeding behavior of pyraustine larvae in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. J.; Yang, Q. | Biostratigraphy and Systematics of Permian Radiolarians in China.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Geographic Distribution. Rana psaltes. | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 台北赤蛙的分布及其蝌蚪、鳴聲與保育 | Tudorpage |
Huang, J-L;Kuo, H-L;Chou, W-H | Nest and postnatal growth and development of Streptopelia orientalis | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | Coprophilous discomycetes in Taiwan (II)
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | New records of coprophilous pyrenomycetes from Taiwan (II).
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | Two new coprophilous discomycetes (Pezizales) from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Gong, S.-Y | Pleistocene carbonate deposition in the Kueitzechiao-Oluanpi area, Hengchun, Taiwan: a preliminary stydy | Tudorpage |
邱少婷、王丹平 | 大甲溪口海岸植物之研究--草澤植物區域分佈之調查 | Tudorpage |
Chao S M, Chen, C. P.; Alexander, P. S. | Reproduction and growth of Holothuria atra (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) at two contrasting sites in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Lau, T. C.; A. G. Stephenson | Effects of soil phosphorous on pollen production, pollen size, pollen phosphorus content, and the ability to sire seeds in Cucubita pepo (Cucurbitaceae) | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in a Cold Magnetized Plasma.
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scatting in a Strongly Magnetized High Density Plasma..
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Radiation Pressure in a superdenses electron plasma”
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 黃釗俊 | 建構教學模式在自然科學博物館「物質與能」劇場教室教學應用之初探
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陳輝樺; 劉德勝; 黃釗俊; 李應葦 | 自然科學博物館觀眾之天文知識調查
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陳輝樺; 王明仁; 李念魯 | 「彗星撞木星」電腦動畫影片
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洪敏麟;屈慧麗 | 犁頭店歷史的回顧 | Tudorpage |
Gon, S-Y;Lee, T-Y;Wu, J-C;Wang, S-W;Yang, K-M | Plio- Pleistocene reef development and thrust migration in the southwestern Taiwan: any link? | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San | Reprot on egg clutch size of the long-tailed skink, Mabuya longicaudata from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 記貧齒鯨入館 | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L. and Yang, C. T. | Issidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) | Tudorpage |
陳章波, 陳一鳴, 李坤瑄 | 通宵附近海域潮間帶底棲生態調查 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄, 陳章波 | 臺灣常見的棘皮動物 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 博物館特展之作業流程:以巴布亞原始藝術展為例 | Tudorpage |
許功明、楊翎等 | 巴布亞原始藝術展:劉其偉的新幾內亞行 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 科博新知:中國醫藥導覽 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 地方博物館的展示策略-蘭陽博物館展示策略提綱 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 博物館中全景模型的文化表徵 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 專家的博物館,還是人民的博物館?
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黃旭, 邱家宜 | 祭典的衰弱與振興-阿里山鄒族達邦部落會所重建記事 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 文化機構義工博物館導覽研習會紀要 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 親子.博物館.創意遊 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 科博館義工制度的發展 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 教育活動設計示範:環保小園丁
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺等3人 | 自然科學博物館觀眾之天文知識調查
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 文化機構義工博物館導覽研習會成果報告
| Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺 | 建構教學模式在自然科學博物館「物質與能」劇場教室教學應用之初探 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 陳輝樺等 | 自然科學博物館觀眾之天文知識調查 | Tudorpage |
張莉慧編 | 中文博物館學書目暨期刊論文索引 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Chien-Er Lee; Yeou-Wei Yang | Feynman rules in the tpye-III natural flavor-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Chien-Er Lee; Yeou-Wei Yang | Spontaneous CP violation in the extended standard models | Tudorpage |
Yang, S. Z. and C.-I. Peng. | Gardneria (Loganiaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. , C. M. Kuo and Y. P. Yang. | Botanical diversity and inventory of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and C. H. Chou eds. | Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystems. | Tudorpage |
楊翎;許功明 | 巴布亞原始藝術展──劉其偉新幾內亞行 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 認識古玉系列(三) —組織、呈色與產狀 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Macroheteroceran diversity in temperate forest at Meifeng
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S. | Role of low ecdysteroid levels in the early last larval instar of Bombyx mori. | Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.;Chow, Y. S.;Lin, F. J. | Change in the epidermal commitment and its hormonal control in Pieris rapae. | Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S. | Diversity of Quaternary Basaltic magma in northern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Chang, S-W;Lue, K-Y | Notes on distribution of Rana taipehensis in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Hwang, W-S;Chou, W-H | Notes on the Ophisaurus harti (Anguidae: Squamata) in central Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Hsed, P-W;Yen, C-W;Chou, W-H | Food habits of black-faced spoonbill, Platalea minor (Temminck and Schlegel 1849). | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 記「自然史的傷口-黑面琵鷺特展」的籌製兼談國立自然科學博物館的社會責任 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Over-hunting on Rana plancyi, with an appeal for conservation action. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Museum exhibits and wildlife conservation | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 記「自然史的傷口-黑面琵鷺特展」的籌製兼談國立自然科學博物館的社會責任。 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Notes on resupinate Basidiomycetes of Taiwan III | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Z.C. | The genus Duportella Pat. (Corticiaceae s.l., Basidiomycotina) in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. and Kimbrough, J. W. | A new species of Thecotheus (Pezizales) from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | Coprophilous discomycetes in Taiwan (I).
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | A model of vessel length based on the distribution of vessel ends in plants.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | The effect of segment length on conductance measurement in Lonicera frangrantissima.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | The effect of segment length on conductance measurements in Lonicera fragrantissima. Lind & paxt. XV International Botanical Congress.
| Tudorpage |
Chao S. M., Chen, C. P.; Alexander, P. S. | Fission and its effect on population structure of Holothuria atra (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chao S M, Chen, C. P.; Alexander, P. S. | Reproductive periodicity of a tropical dendrochirote holothurian, Phyrella fragilis (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), in Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Chao SM | Reproductive biology of sea cucumbers in southern Taiwan (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). | Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. | Abutilon Mill
| Tudorpage |
Lau, T. C.; A. G. Stephenson, | Effects of soil nitrogen on pollen production, pollen grain size, and pollen performance in zucchini, Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae) | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | The Rotating Soliton Stars”
| Tudorpage |
Liu, Y. C., Lu, F. Y., Ou, C. H. & Wang, C. M. | Rhamnaceae | Tudorpage |
Lin, Cheng-Yen;Huang, Wen-San;Lue, Kuang-Yang | Note on the reproduction of Sphenomorphus indicus Schmidt in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Huang, Wen-San;Chou, Wen-Hou | Notes on the Ophisaurus harti (Anguidae: Squamata) in central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 錢鼠的生殖研究與篷車行為 | Tudorpage |
Chang ,Chun-Hsiang;Kao, Y. H.;J. Y. L. Yu | In vitro ovarian steroidogenesis of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana: gonadotropin regulation. | Tudorpage |
Shen, S. T.;H. S. Wang;C. H. Chang;J. Y. L. Yu | Immunological properties of black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) pituitary gonadotropin: crossreaction of the antiserum. | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 台灣中部錢鼠(Suncus murinus)生殖與生態之研究 | Tudorpage |
謝蕙蓮,黃守忠,李坤瑄, 陳章波 | 潮間帶底棲生態調查法 | Tudorpage |
李坤瑄 | 琥珀刺沙蠶(更正為雙齒圍沙蠶)(青蟲) 的飼育及人工繁殖 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 誰殺了黑面琵鷺?一次特展中展示設計的多面詮釋 | Tudorpage |
黃旭, 邱家宜 | 港口部落阿美族豐年祭-文化展示與生活的落差 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 圖書館與義工制度對話錄 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 親子環境教育動設計.社區 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 教育活動設計示範:綠色世界與綠野遊蹤
| Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 教育活動設計示範:水的三態變化
| Tudorpage |
Boufford, D. E. and C.-I. Peng. | Soliva Ruiz and Pavon (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Raven, P. H. and C.-I. Peng. | Ongraceae. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. and P.-S. Yang. | Elmidae of Taiwan part II. Redescription of Leptelmis formosana (Coleoptera, Dryopoidea). | Tudorpage |
鄭明倫、楊平世 | 玉山國家公園東埔、八通關、塔塔加、南橫沿線、南安地區水棲甲蟲相調查。 | Tudorpage |
陳彥君 | 灰腹的高山白腹鼠(Niviventer culturatus)採集記錄 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 中國科學廳──中國醫藥廳等展示區 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | On the status of Rhacophorus prasinatus Mou, Risch and Lue (Anura: Rhacophoridae). | Tudorpage |
Jiang, P. ; Ho Chuan Kun | Adaptations Au Pleistocene Moyen Et Au Pleistocene Superieur dans Le Nord-Est De La Chine.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Tadpole and call of Rana taipehensis in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
徐淑彬 ; 何傳坤 | 山東半島舊石器時代晚期的古生態環境及適應模式
| Tudorpage |
| Upper Jurassic Pantanelliidae (Pantanelliinae Pessagno, 1977 and Vallupinae Pessagno & Macleod, 1987) from Busuanga Islands, Philippines.
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Lin, F. J.; Chow, Y. S. | Effect of imidazole on development determination of the silkworm (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae).
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Tsai, R. S.; Chow, Y. S.; Lin, F. J. | Sexual dimorphism in developmental rate and ecdysteroid titre in Orgyia positca.
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Iwashita, Y.; Lin, F. J.; Chow, Y. S. | Fluctuations in ecdysteroid titre and development during the early stages of the last (fourth) larval instar of trimoulter strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Chen, J.C. | Geochronology and geochemistry of Penghu basalts, Taiwan Strait and their tectonic significance.
| Tudorpage |
Teng, L.S., Juang, W.S., et al. | Plate kinematic model for Late Cenozoic arc magmatism in Northern Taiwan | Tudorpage |
莊文星 | 台灣之火山活動與火成岩 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Calls of the emerald treefrog, Rhacophorus smaragdinus, in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Notes on resupinate Basidiomycetes of Tawian II Two new record Porostereum species | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Z.C. | Notes on the genus Jacksonomyces Jul. (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycetes), with special emphasis on the species collected in Taiwan Notes on the genus Jacksonomyces Jul. (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycetes), w | Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. Z. | New records of coprophilous pyrenomycetes from Taiwan (I).
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T., L. H. Anton ; F. W. Ewers; R. Hammerschmidt K. S | Effects of fertilization on epicuticular wax morphology of needle leaves of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pinaceae).
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, Shau-Ting | Water transport and xylem structure in Lonicera.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | Xylem structure and water transport in a twiner, a scrambler and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae).
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | Further studies on the hydraulic architecture of a twiner, a scrambler, and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae).
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. & Huang, T. C. | Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan(3) --- Clematis section Viorna (Reichb.) Prantl.
| Tudorpage |
Stephenson, A.G., T.C. Lau, M. Quesada and J.A. Wi | Factors that influence pollen performance. In: Ecology and Evolution of Plant Reproduction. R. Wyatt (ed.) . | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Compton Scattering in a super-strong Magnetic Field
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | The Rotational Soliton Stars
| Tudorpage |
林仲剛 | 臺灣蕨類植物的認識與園藝應用(第一版) | Tudorpage |
王士偉;程延年 | 高雄大、小崗山珊瑚礁石灰岩化石族群變異之初步研究 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 考古學中聚落形態研究(摘譯) | Tudorpage |
張鈞翔 | 台灣中部錢鼠生殖生物學之研究 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 不舒服、生病和疾病:一項醫學人類學的討論 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 傳統中醫體系和用藥分類觀念的理論與結構:一項人類學的探討 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟編譯 | 食肉動物(動物園野生動物要覽第三號) | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 談博物館的義工訓練 | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊等 | 台灣省立博物館展示研究計劃 | Tudorpage |
李瑞瓊,王維梅,黃釗俊 | 我國博物館解說人員制度之研究 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 淺談電腦多媒體節目之製作 | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin, Chien-er Lee and Yeou-Wei Yang | Remarks on the Z discrete symmetry | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 不同氮素濃度對烏心石幼苗型態及生理本質之影響。 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | Triassic Radiolaria from Uson Island, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 臺灣社會性昆蟲展籌畫始末─記一項國立自然科學博物館的特展 | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 放射蟲 | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅譯(Peter H. Raven 撰) | 建立國家生物資源資料庫的重要性. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 楊遠波 | 台灣種子植物之研究與現況. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅編 | 台灣生物資源研究現況. | Tudorpage |
楊平世、鄭明倫 | 南澳闊葉樹林自然保留區陸棲昆蟲相初探及水棲昆蟲相研究。 | Tudorpage |
李雲龍 | 史前怪獸─ 恐龍 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 自然界的奇觀—尼加拉瀑布地質簡述 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Note on the reproduction of the skink,Sphenomorphus taiwanensis from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Notes on clutch size of Japalura brevipes (Reptilia, Agamidae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Vertical distribution and pollinating plants of bumblebees in Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Wang, Y. J.; Yang, Q.; Yeh, K.Y. | Preliminary studies on Radiolaria from the East Margin of Asia and adjacent borderland
| Tudorpage |
| Radiolarian assemblages from Pelagic, ribbon chert sequences of the North Palawan Block, Philippines
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Iwashita, Y.; Kawasaki, H.; Lin, F. J. | Changes of hemolymph ecdysteroid titers in various trimoltings of Bombyx mori during the 3rd and 4th instars.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | Note on the Calamaria pavimentata formosana (Squamata: Colubridae), a new record to the Kenting National Park. (In Chinese). | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | Notes on resupinate Basidiomycetes of Taiwan I | Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T., L. H. Anton; F. W. Ewers, R. Hammerschmidt and K. S. Preg | The effects of fertilization on epicutucular waxes of needle leaves of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii
| Tudorpage |
Chen, C. P.;Chang, K. H. | Some shallow-water ophiurans (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
P.S. Alexander | Two sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) newly recorded from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A., Huang, T. C. & Moore, D. M. | Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan --- A revision of Clematis grata Wall. complex.
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Quantum Theory of Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in a Magnetized Plasma.
| Tudorpage |
單希瑛 | 台灣中部國姓地區漸新統一中新統底棲性有孔蟲 Gaudrylina 之外形計量分析 | Tudorpage |
Chou, W. N.;Yen, C. H.;Chung, H. H. | Species of Gigaspora and Scutellospora (Endogonaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 文山禽影-動物園的野鳥之一
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 文山禽影-動物園的野鳥之二
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟編譯 | 世界鳥類基本資料(動物園野生動物要覽第二號)
| Tudorpage |
關華山, 黃旭 | 台灣的南島民族住居文化的研究蒐藏計劃 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 家園重建,找回失落的尊嚴 | Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 在創痛的土地上吶喊-雅美族住居文化的危機與契機 | Tudorpage |
Chien-er Lee, Chilong Lin and Yeou Wei Yang | The minimal Expansion of the standard model with S3 symmetry。
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N.;Wang Yujing;Yang Qum | Preliminary studies on radiolarian from the eastern margin of Asia and adjacent borderlands | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉 | 登錄室─博物館蒐藏管理的中樞 | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉譯 | 博物館的登錄方法─館藏文物之貯藏與管理 | Tudorpage |
Zardini, E. M. , C.-I. Peng, and P. C. Hoch. | Chromosome numbers in Ludwigia sect. Oligospermum and sect. Oocarpon (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and Y. K. Chen | Hybridity and parentage of Begonia buimontana Yamamoto (Begoniaceae) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Jeng, M.-L. and P.-S. Yang. | Elmidae of Taiwan part I. Two new species of the genus Stenelmis (Coleoptera, Dryopoidea) with notes on the group of Stenelmis hisamatsui. | Tudorpage |
楊平世、曾兆祥、李春霖、鄭明倫、余書偉 | 南仁山區之昆蟲及其生態研究。 | Tudorpage |
Cheng-Shing Lin | Distribution of Sphingid moths.
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, K. Y. | Basin Evolution of the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan - Ⅱ: The studies of Recent Radiolaria from the marginal sea of Southwestern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, K. Y. | Radiolaria in surface Sediments from Marginal Basin of Southwest Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Chen, J.C. | Geochronology and chemical variations of volcanic rocks along the arc-continent collision zone in eastern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Z.C. | New record of Corticiaceae (Basidiomycetes) collected from the National Taiwan University campus | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua | The Corticiaceae (Basidiomycetes) subfamilies Phlebioideae, Phanerochaetoideae and Hyphodermoideae in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Ewers, F. W., J. B. Fisher and S.-T. Chiu | A survey of vessel dimensions in stems of tropical lianas and other growth forms.
| Tudorpage |
Chiu, S.-T. and F. W. Ewers | Water transport and xylem structure in a twiner, a scrambler, and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae). | Tudorpage |
Zhou, M. Z. ; Ho Chuan Kun | History of the dating of Homo erectus at Zhoukoudian
| Tudorpage |
Chao S. M. , Chang K. H. | First records of two holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chen, C. P.; Chang, K. H. | Two newly recorded asteroids (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from northeastern Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in a Strong Magnetic Field with Radiation Damping.
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Quantum Theory of Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in Magnetized Plasma
| Tudorpage |
莊文星;何恭算;張郇生 | 金門火成岩之鉀-氬法定年初步探討 | Tudorpage |
劉業經、呂福原、歐辰雄、王秋美 | 台灣產鼠李科植物分類之研究 | Tudorpage |
Chang-Po Chen, W. S. Tsai, C. Y. Liu & K. S. Lee | Recruitment and induction of settlement of planktonic juveniles of the oyster flatworm, Stylochus orientalis Bock (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida) | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 方舟啟航-「第一屆動物園經營與管理綜討會」
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟; 溫永昌 | 長鬃山羊親子行為觀察紀要
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 動物園研究的發展趨勢
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟; 陳寶忠; 王光平 | 台灣七種本土中、大型哺乳動物之繁殖及成長生物學研究五之一:台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)與台灣山羌 (Muntiacus reevesii micrurus)成長資料初步研究
| Tudorpage |
黃旭 | 雅美族權力之轉化與空間之變遷 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 國立自然科學博物館的義工制度 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 國立自然科學博物館科老師意見調查報告
| Tudorpage |
賴春潤 | 圖書出納自動化借閱管理皆方便 | Tudorpage |
Chien-Er Lee, Chilong Lin, Yeou-Wei Yang | Weak mixing matrix under permutation symmetry breaking | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | Taxonomic studies of Triassic Radiolaria from Busuanga Island, Philippines. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N. | Radiolaria in surface sediments from marginal basin off southwest Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉譯 | 館內合作: 以製作群籌備展示 | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and Y. K. Chen. | Begonia austrotaiwanensis (Begoniaceae), a new species from southern Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Tobe, H. and C.-I. Peng. | The embryology and realationships of Bretschneidera (Bretschneideraceae). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Ludwigia x taiwanensis (Onagraceae), a new species from Taiwan, and its origin. | Tudorpage |
詹美鈴 | 台灣圓飛蝨科分類 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 學術研討講座「澎湖群島玄武岩中超基性團塊之地球化學研究」 | Tudorpage |
| Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic Radiolarian Asemblages from the Busuanga Islands, North Palawan Block, Philippines.
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Lo, J.C., Liu, W.J. Chen, L.S. | Chemical composition of groundwater and its ambient rocks for analogue study of radionuclide sorption of Lan-Yu Repository.
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Chen, J.C. | Cordierite in andesite from Lutao, eastern Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Chen, J.C. | Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks in northern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H | First record of dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus) from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 自然科學博物館之蒐藏經營與管理 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Chen, Z.C. | Pulcherricium caeruleum (Fr.) Parm. (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycetes) a new record from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Tsai Chiang, S. H. and S.-T. Chiu | Formation of abscission zone in the leaf of Ficus wightiana.
| Tudorpage |
Ewers, F. W. , J. B. Fisher and S.-T. Chiu | Water transport in the liana Bauhinia fassoglensis (Fabaceae). .
| Tudorpage |
An, Z. S. ; Ho Chuan Kun | New Magnetostratigraphic Dates of Lantian man
| Tudorpage |
Chang, K. H. | Some shallow-water Asteroids (Echionodermata: Asteroidea) from Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Chang, K. H. | The shallow-water holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothurioidea) of southern Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Yang, T. Y. A. & Huang, T. C. | Notes on the flora of Taiwan (5): The Thalictrum Tournef. ex L. (Ranunculaceae).
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in Magnetized Plasma
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, and Chih-Kang Chou | Stokes Parameters for Thomson Scattering in a Strong Magnetic Field with Radiation Damping
| Tudorpage |
Ho, Kung-Suan;Chen, Ju-Chin | Petrology and chemistry of ultramafic nodules in kimberlite from South Africa. | Tudorpage |
程延年;葉貴玉;劉進金;何恭算 | 玉山國家公園古道地質調查暨解說規畫研究報告(二) | Tudorpage |
Chung-kang Lin, Ju-Ying Hsiao and Ming-Jou Lai | Studies on the Lichen Genus Lobaria in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Chan, M. L. and Yang, C. T. | Lophopidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea)
| Tudorpage |
陳章波,蔡萬生, 劉繼源, 李坤瑄 | 牡蠣敵害扁蟲之研究 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 大熊貓誰愛
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟; 陳憶民 | 圈養台灣獼猴 (Macaca cyclopis)之理毛行為初步探討
| Tudorpage |
關華山, 黃旭 | 雅美族住居文化的維護與發展 | Tudorpage |
劉德勝 | 探訪國立自然科學博物館:一個進行環境教學的地方 | Tudorpage |
王明仁 | 昆蟲標籤資料管理與製作電腦化 | Tudorpage |
賴春潤 | 圖書資料館際交流-本館坐擁全國書訊 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | Studies of Radiolaria from the Fields Creek Formation, east-central Oregon | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Cheng, Y. N. | Radiolaria in surface sediments from west central Pacific near Taiwan(Ⅰ). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | The systematics and evolution of Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
陳彥君,侯人榮 | 台灣四種有蹄類動物糞粒的型態測量和排糞率 | Tudorpage |
林良恭、陳彥君、侯人榮、于名振 | 五種大型哺乳類動物之棲息地利用分析 | Tudorpage |
于名振、林良恭、陳彥君、候人榮 | 玉山國家公園東埔區哺乳類動物調查報告(二) | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 巨大隕石撞擊地球可能是恐龍滅絕的原因? | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 來自外太空的訪客—隕石 | Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Iwashita, Y.; Kawasaki, H. | Changes in the moulting characters of "Sanminsho" of the silkworm and its endocrine events.
| Tudorpage |
Gu. S. H.; Iwashita, Y.; Kawasaki, H. | Endocrinological changes of trimolter silkworms induced by an imidazole compound.
| Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 新墨西哥州立自然史博物館—走向高科技的自然史博物館 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 新墨西哥州立自然史博物館—走向高科技的自然史博物館。 | Tudorpage |
Ho Chuan Kun | Human Origins in Asia?
| Tudorpage |
Rowe, F. W. E.; Chang, K. H. | A new species in the synaptid genus Patinapta (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), from Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, Chern, D.C.; Hsu, R. R.; Nester, J. M.; Yeung,W.B. | Asymptotically Newtonian Conditions for Poincare' Gauge Theory.
| Tudorpage |
賴明洲, 林仲剛 | 空氣污染的生物指標--苔蘚地衣類植物 | Tudorpage |
王秋美 | 台灣產鼠李科植物分類之研究 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 動物的溝通
| Tudorpage |
劉小如; 陳慧娟; 歐保羅 | 麻雀的繁殖行為
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | 麻雀姻緣-麻雀的繁殖行為研究
| Tudorpage |
陳慧娟編譯 | 有蹄動物(動物園野生動物要覽第一號) | Tudorpage |
Chien-Er Lee, Chilong Lin, Yeou-Wei Yang | The Two Higgs-Doublet Extension of the Standard Model and S3 Symmetry | Tudorpage |
葉貴玉譯 | 如何為學生設計自我導覽手冊 | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | The biosystematics of Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Begonia ravenii (Begoniaceae), a new species from Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Murata, G. and C.-I. Peng. | Newly naturalized North American plants in Midorogaike Lake, Kyoto. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. , L. A. Hu and M. T. Kao | Unwelcome naturalization of Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Tobe, H. , P. H. Raven and C.-I. Peng. | Seed coat anatomy and relationships of Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium, Dantia and Miquelia (Onagraceae), and notes on fossil seeds of Ludwigia from Europe. | Tudorpage |
林政行 | 植物抗蟲學 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 兩棲爬虫學蒐藏電腦化初步研究與規劃 | Tudorpage |
周文豪 | 兩棲爬虫學蒐藏電腦化初步研究與規劃。 | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genus of Aerobryopsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genus of Barbella (Meteoriaceae, Musci) from Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, Chern, D.C., and Nester, J. M. | “Positive Energy Test of Teleparallel Theory”.
| Tudorpage |
何恭算;陳汝勤 | 南非超基性團塊之岩石學與化學特性 | Tudorpage |
屈慧麗 | 雲南青銅時代七個墓葬群的分析與研究 | Tudorpage |
陳慧娟 | The Biology and Breeding Behavior of the Tree Sparrow in Central Taiwan
| Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | Taxonomic Studies of Lower Jurassic Radiolaria from East-Central Oregon. | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu | A revised classification for family Canoptidae (Radiolaria). | Tudorpage |
Yeh, Kuei-Yu;Pessagno, E. A.;et al. | Studies of North American Jurassic Radiolaria. Part II, Preliminary Radiolarian Zonation for the Jurassic of North America | Tudorpage |
Chou, C. H. , S. Y. Hwang, C.-I. Peng, Y. C. Wang, F. H. Hsu and N. J. Chung. | The selective allelopathic interaction of a pasture-forest intercropping in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and H. Tobe. | Capsule wall anatomy in relation to capsular dehiscence in Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
Chaw, S. M. and C.-I. Peng. | Palynological notes on Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. | Tudorpage |
Chaw, S. M. and C.-I. Peng. | Remarks on the species of Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae) of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Murdannia spirata (L.) Bruckner (Commelinaceae), a neglected species in Flora of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 | 從演化的觀點論高等植物種的觀念與天然雜交現象. | Tudorpage |
Huang, S. , C.-I. Peng and H. C. Lee | Flavonoid analyses of Pyrola (Pyrolaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chaw, S. M. and C.-I. Peng. | Spermacoce pusilla Wall. (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
周昌弘 彭鏡毅 趙淑妙 編 | 台灣植物資源與保育. | Tudorpage |
陳彥君,歐保羅 | 嘉義地區月鼠與赤背條鼠族群動態之研究 | Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Bellon, H. | Potassium-argon ages of the Tananao Schist in Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genera of Aerobryidium and Meteoriopsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genus Meteorium (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
邱少婷 | 雀榕離層區的形成和形成層的活動 (Formation of abscission zone and cambial activity in Ficus wightiana Wall. Ex Benth.)
| Tudorpage |
趙世民 | 臺灣南部海參系統分類學研究。 | Tudorpage |
楊宗愈,黃增泉 | 台灣毛茛科植物之新見1. 台灣新紀錄植物 - 沖繩鐵線蓮 (Clematis okinawensis Ohwi)
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, Chern, D.C., Hsu, R. R.,Yeung, W. B., and Chen, M. Q. | An Axisymmtric Solution to the Poincare’ Gauge Theory of Gravitation with Kerr Metric and a Nonvanishing Torsion.
| Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 南非角礫雲母橄欖岩中之超基性團塊的地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
Yeh, K.Y.;Pessagno, E. A.;Whalen, P. A. | Jurassic Nassellariina (Radiolaria) from North American geological terranes | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and Huang, S. | Oeonthera laciniata Hill (Onagraceae), a previously unrecorded species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | A new combination in Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. , S. F. Yen. and J. Y. Guo. | Notes on the chromosome cytology of some rare, threatened, or endangered plants of Taiwan (I). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and S. M. Chaw. | Alysicarpus rugosus (Willd.) DC., a newly naturalized legume species in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 周昌弘 | 玉山懸鉤子 | Tudorpage |
Chaw, S. M. , C.-I. Peng. and M. T. Kao. | Verbena bonariensis L.(Verbenaceae): a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genera of Chrysocladium and Floribundaria (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Wu, Sheng-Hua;Lin, S.H. | A taxonomic study of the genera of Papillaria Aerobryum and (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Binford, L. ; Ho Chuan Kun | Taphonomy at a Distance : Zhoukoudian, "The Cave Home of Beijing Man?"
| Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, Hsu, R. R. and Yeung, W. B. | Expading Univcrsc Solutions for the Yang-Mills-Higgs System Coupled to the Poincare’ Gauge Theory of Gravitation.
| Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and Y. F. Chen. | Hybanthus Jacq.(Violaceae), a new generic record for the flora of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Huang, S. and C.-I. Peng. | Flavonoids of Oenothera (Onagraceae) in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
林政行 | 植物與昆蟲的共同演化 | Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S., Bellon, H. | The potassium-argon dating of andesites from Taiwan.
| Tudorpage |
Juang, W.S. | The origin of the Tungshan cupriferous pyrite deposit of Ilanhsien, eastern Taiwan - A geochemical approach.
| Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Ludwigia ravenii (Onagraceae), a new species from the coastal plain of the southeastern United States. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and M. T. Kao. | Calyptocarpus vialis Less.(Asteraceae), a newly naturalized weed in Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 | 二倍體黃花水龍,你在何方? | Tudorpage |
黃釗俊 | 大氣臭氧高度分布之研究
A study of the height distribution of atmospheric ozone. | Tudorpage |
Peng C.-I. | Triploidy in Ludwigia in Taiwan, and discovery of Ludwigia adscendens (Onagraceae). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. and P. Goldblatt | Confirmation of the chromosome numbers in Cephalotaceae and Roridulaceae. | Tudorpage |
Hui-Hwa Chen, Ming-Quey Chen, and Chern, D.C. | Nonanalyticity of the Coupling Constant in the Vacuum Solutions of the General R+R Theories of Gravity with Torsion.
| Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Chromosome number of Byblis liniflora Salisb.(Byblidaceae.) | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | A Biosystematic Study of Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). Ph. D. dissertation. | Tudorpage |
Chou, W-H;Lin, J-Y | Annual reproductive cycle of the striped-backed mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas). (in Chinese). | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Chromosome numbers in Taiwan Composiate. | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. | Some new records for the flora of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
許建昌 彭鏡毅 | 台灣芻科植物圖譜 | Tudorpage |
彭鏡毅 | 台灣菊科植物的系統分類與染色體數之研究 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 海洋戶外體驗活動規劃效益探討:苗栗過港隧道串起的海洋人文、自然地理探索 | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 華東晚新生代火山岩內一些特殊地函包體的礦物學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
| Radiolarians from the Lower Jurassic of the Busuanga Island, Philippines.
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 王明仁; 黃釗俊; 李念魯 | 以「彗星撞木星」特殊事件展示教育為例探究電腦模擬動畫在自然科學博物館天文展示上可行的教學應用之研究
| Tudorpage |
陳輝樺; 黃釗俊; 李念魯; 李應葦 | 科學博物館內展示教育和科學教育的連貫性學習理念初探
| Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 人、自然、物存在之流域 | Tudorpage |
Peng, C.-I. ed. | Phytogeography and Botanical Inventory of Taiwan. Proceedings of the ROC-USA Symposium on Phytogeography and Botanical Inventory of Taiwan. | Tudorpage |
Chilong Lin | A FCNC-free Two-Higgs-Doublet Model comes with CP-violation | Tudorpage |
莊舒雲等2人 | 採訪新加坡、澳洲科學館及世界科學節 | Tudorpage |
莊舒雲等2人 | 採訪新加坡、澳洲科學館及世界科學節(續) | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 硫砷銅礦 | Tudorpage |
胡維新 | 世界植物園系列報導(十五)精緻小巧鬧中取靜的阿姆斯特丹植物園 | Tudorpage |
Gong, Shou-Yeh;Wang, Y.H.;Wu, C.C.;Shen, C.C. | Origin and Development of the Dongsha Island, South China Sea in the Holocene | Tudorpage |
Tzu-Hsuan Chiu;Andrew Tien-Shun Lin;Wen-Rong Chi;Shih-Wei Wang | Paleo-environments of Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Foreland-Basin Deposits in the Western Foothills of South-Central Taiwan | Tudorpage |
Horng-Sheng Mii;Tsai-Wen Lin;Joyanto Routh;Shih-Wei Wang | Holocene Environmental Indicated By Stable Isotope Records Of Mollusk Shells From The Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka | Tudorpage |
Hsu, Tien-Yu;Chen, Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | A Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation approach for enhancing student learning experiences | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;孫維新;張俊彥 | 一、國民素養中的科學素養 | Tudorpage |
劉德祥;孫維新;張俊彥 | 我們如何知道學生的科學素養?談科學素養的評量範例 | Tudorpage |
Tung, kuo-An;Tseng, Chien-Yuan | Nd-Sr Isotope and Geochemical studies of Basement Rocks and Granitoids in the South Qilian Area, NW China | Tudorpage |
Hsu. Tien-Yu;Liang, Hsin-Yi;Chen,Jun-Ming | Engaging the families with young children in museum visits with a mixed-reality game: a case study | Tudorpage |
Hsu. Tien-Yu;Chen,Jun-Ming;Liang, Hsin-Yi | Investigating the effect of the interactive learning environments on the social semantic tagging behavior | Tudorpage |
| "Two new species of centipedes, Lithobius keelungensis sp. nov. and Lithobius (Monotarsobius) qingquanensis sp. nov., from Taiwan (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae). | Tudorpage |
何恭算 | 澎湖群島二輝粒變岩及含長斜石輝石岩包體之岩石學與地球化學研究 | Tudorpage |
Gallentes, G.T.;Manglicmot, M.T.;Gong, S.Y.;Shen, C.C. | Coral boulder transport and gravel bar formation by storms in Lumaniag village, Batangas, northwestern Philippines. | Tudorpage |
Samuel J. Eliades; Rafe M. Brown; Wen-san Huang; Cameron D. Siler | Taxonomic Revision of Scaly-toed Geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Lepidodactylus) in the Northern Philippines, with Descriptions of Four New Species | Tudorpage |
Wu, Ling-Jhen;Hong ,Li-Jhih;Lee, Shih-Wei | 當遠距成為必須時:展示實務與體驗活動轉化為線上視訊材料的策略與探討 | Tudorpage |
Chen,Kai-Ning;Chen, Jian-Hong;Hong ,Li-Jhih | 以海漂塑膠藝術突顯全球生態流行病 | Tudorpage |
楊翎 | 原住民與博物館 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Chih-Hsiung;Wang, Chiu-Mei | Serjania mexicana (Sapindaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 電腦的奇幻旅程 | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 劇場教室:劇場巡禮假日親子遊 | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 「小室家族」暑期活動—環境與科學多元智能夏令營 | Tudorpage |
童育萩 | 劇場教室「小室家族」暑期活動報導 | Tudorpage |
嚴新富 | 原鄉智慧探秘((六十二)黃藤與臺灣原住民(上) | Tudorpage |
| 全國考古遺址出土遺物典藏管理中心計畫- 111年中部典藏中心計畫 成果報告 | Tudorpage |
蔣正興 | 新臺灣之光―高比率連接陸地的海底峽谷 | Tudorpage |
張志戎;Gordon Turner-Walker;李作婷 | 清水社口尾遺址出土幼兒骨骼修護與微痕研究 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 博物館裡的建築蒐藏 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 從科博館的觀音蒐藏看臺灣觀音造像特色 | Tudorpage |
Jung-Ya Hsu1,2, Chen-Pan Liao1, Chun-Chia Chou1, Jhan-Wei Lin1, Ren-Chung Cheng2, Wen-San Huang1,2,3* | Negative density-regulated contest performance promotes conflict resolution | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 獵人與獵物的海洋躲貓貓(下)—形與色的巧思 | Tudorpage |
廖紫均 | 彰化田中珍貴的福佬客宅院 | Tudorpage |
| Loss of sea turtle eggs drives the collapse of an insular reptile community | Tudorpage |
Chen, H. -R.; Lin, W. -S;Hsu,,T. -Y.;Lin, T. -C. | Applying Smart Glasses in Situated Exploration for Learning English in a National Science Museum | Tudorpage |
Chen, H. -R.;Lin, W. -S;Hsu,,T. -Y.;Lin, T. -C. | Applying Smart Glasses in Situated Exploration for Learning English in a National Science Museum | Tudorpage |
Huang, Hsin-Drow;Lee, Kwen-Shien | Investigation on Echinoderm Fauna of South Penghu Marine National Park | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄;張瀛之;何恭算 | 「想入啡啡:細說咖啡」特展 | Tudorpage |
劉憶諄 | 探尋身為福佬客之可能性 | Tudorpage |
Lien-Siang Chou+;Chiou-Ju Yao+;Ming-Chih Wang;Wei-Lien Chi | Cetacean Stranding Response Program and Spatial–Temporal Analysis in Taiwan, 1994–2018 | Tudorpage |
洪麗智;林思婷;吳筱柔 | 向海致敬:中臺灣海洋保育教育中心之建置及願景 | Tudorpage |
Yu-De Zhang1,2, Chun-Chia Chou3*, Chen-Pan Liao2,4, Jhan-Wei Lin2, Rulon W. Clark5, Jung-Ya Hsu2, Wen-San Huang1,2* | Homing behavior of a tree lizard: influences of mating resource, and habitat structure | Tudorpage |
| Taxonomic Reassessment of Type Collections: The Case of Taiwan’s Jumping Tree Bugs (Isometopinae: Miridae) | Tudorpage |
| 見賢思齊-「印第安納波里斯兒童博物館」戲劇詮釋 | Tudorpage |
葉蓉樺 | 身在博物館心嚮物外智:科學學習理論在博物館學習經驗的應用 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | 印尼藍碧海峽潛旅紀行(四):托莫宏市場 | Tudorpage |
黃興倬 | Mantastic! 馬爾地夫追尋蝠魟紀行 | Tudorpage |
Chen, Zong-Dai;Yang, Tzu-Ruei;Lowenmark, Ludvig | Integrating Microfossil and Geochemical Evidence to Refine our understanding of the Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Szekou Formation | Tudorpage |