
Chen, Yen-Jean;Li, Kuang-Ti;Liu, Ke-Hung;Chu, Whei-Lee; Su-Chiu Kuo
篇名 台灣西部考古遺址新紀錄種:東方田鼠(Microtus fortis)
New Record of the Reed Vole (Microtus fortis) from Archaeological Sites in Western Taiwan
其他資訊 (Recieved December 1 2020; Accepted December 24 2020; Published online June 21, 2021)
關鍵字Microtus fortis; reed vole; new record; molars; faunal remains; extirpation; archaeological site; Taiwan. 東方田鼠;新紀錄種;鼠類滅絕;沼澤;濕地;考古遺址;台灣。
摘要 A new record of an arvicoline species, the reed vole (Microtus fortis), which is absent from the modern fauna of Taiwan, is reported from the Wujiancuonan site of the Late Neolithic period and three Iron Age sites of Luliao, Nanshikeng, and Caiyuanjiao in western Taiwan, and this is also the first record of an extirpated rodent species in Taiwan. Based on the current evidence, the reed vole still existed in Taiwan ca. 400~600 years ago. Studied materials included two mandibles and 26 molars, most of which are fragmented or burnt, and measurements and descriptions are provided. Results were compared with previous studies of the extant reed vole and fossil records in other areas, and with the Taiwan vole (M. kikuchii). The results suggest that the body size of the Taiwan reed vole is closest to M. fortis fujianensis, the largest subspecies of reed vole. The presence of reed vole remains in archaeological layers of varied chronologies can be a reference as to the geographical and hydrological conditions and their long-term changes, since the marshy waterside habitat preference of this small mammal makes it a good indicator of ambient environments of prehistoric sites.

東方田鼠(Microtus fortis)為亞洲大陸東部低海拔地帶的廣布種,然過去在台灣並無分布記錄。本研究在中部鐵器時代的台中鹿寮遺址、南勢坑遺址與彰化菜園角遺址,以及南部新石器時代晚期的五間厝南遺址發現少量東方田鼠的齒顎遺留,證實該田鼠曾經分布於台灣,且至少400-600年前仍然存活於西部沿海地帶,在台灣是鼠類的新紀錄種,同時也是鼠種滅絕的第一筆記錄。出土遺留包括2個下顎骨與26個臼齒,大多殘缺或有燒痕。本文提供齒顎遺留形態特徵的詳細描述與測量數值,並將結果與文獻中的其他地區的東方田鼠、高山田鼠(M. kikuchii),以及鄰近地區東方田鼠化石記錄進行比較。研究結果顯示台灣的東方田鼠無論下顎或臼齒測量值均偏大,但與墾丁以及宮古島出土的化石種相當接近,推測其體型近

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DOIDOI: 10.6693/CAR202012_(33).0003

May 10 2024 17:17:25