
作者Huang, C.L; J.H. Chen; C.T. Chang; J.D. Chung, P.C. Liao, J.C. Wang
著作名稱Disentangling the effects of isolation-by-distance and isolation-by-environment on genetic differentiation among Rhododendron lineages in the subgenus Tsutsusi
刊名Tree Genetics and Genomes
摘要Ecological speciation has long been noted as a cen- tral topic in the field of evolutionary biology, and investigation into the relative importance of ecological and geographical factors is becoming increasingly emphasized. We surveyed genetic variation of 277 samples from 25 populations of nine Rhododendron species within Tsutsusi subgenus in Taiwan using simple sequence repeats of expressed sequence tags. Bayesian clustering revealed four genetic lineages: (1) the Rhododendron simsii, Rhododendron kanehirai, and Rhododendron nakaharae lineage (lineage 1); (2) the Rhododendron longiperulatum, Rhododendron breviperulatum, and Rhododendron noriakianum lineage (lin- eage 2); (3) the Rhododendron rubropilosum lineage (lineage 3); and (4) the Rhododendron oldhamii lineage (lineage 4). Asymmetric introgressions were found from lineage 3 into lineages 1 and 2 (introgressed lineages). Genetic admixture of non-R. oldhamii species was also revealed by a neighbor-joining tree. Variation partitioning showed that environment explained much larger portions of genetic variation than ge- ography between non-introgressed lineages (i.e., between R. oldhamii and other lineages). However, the Mantel and partial Mantel tests and the multiple matrix regression with randomization found that isolation-by-distance played a more important role than isolation-by-environment (IBE) in con- tributing to genetic variation in most between lineage compar- isons. Nevertheless, strong IBE was found when compared between non-introgressed lineages of R. oldhamii and R. rubropilosum, suggesting post-speciation ecological diver- gence. Several environmental variables, including annual mean temperature, aspect, isothermality, seasonal precipita- tion, slope, and soil pH, could be important ecological drivers involved in reproductive isolation between R. oldhamii and non-R. oldhamii species within the Tsutsusi subgenus.

May 10 2024 17:17:25