
作者Chilong Lin, et al.
著作名稱Video Observation of the Leonid 2001 Activity
摘要We performed a video observation on the Leonid meteor storm on 2001 November 18 UT. Totally 3712 meteors, including 22 non-Leonid ones, were recognized via eyeball inspection from the records. The brightness of meteors was measured with the software $LiMovie$ and the population index r=2.01$\pm{0.05}$ (-8$\le$mag$\le$-3) was thus derived. We also derived the mass distribution index $s=1.82\pm{0.09}$ with data obtained from only one-station observation. The main peak of the activity appeared at $\timeform{18h25m }$ UT with an effective ZHR$_{90^{\circ} \times 67^{\circ}}$=52,606 (mag$\le$ 6.5). There are also compatible sub-peaks and strong plateaus aside the main peak. One of them may correspond to the predicted 9-rev encounter. We treated the cross section of the influx zone as a trapezoid and considered an overall airmass extinction. The peak "influx rate" was thus derived as $\sim 6.76 \times 10^{-5}$ km$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (mag$\le$ 6.5) and the "spatial number density" $\sim 9.52 \times 10^{-7}$ km$^{-3}$ (mag$\le$ 6.5).

May 10 2024 17:17:25