
Chung, Ling-Ho  Assistant Curator
Science Education Department
Academic Background
2014 National Taiwan University, Ph.D., Geosciences
2003 National Taiwan University, M.S., Geosciences
2001 National Cheng Kung University, B., Earth Sciences and B., Civil Engineering
Professional Experience
2014-2017 National Chung Cheng University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, PostDoc.
2004-2005 Alternative Military Service, Central Geological Survey, MOEA, Taiwan
Academic Achievements
Paleoseismic, Neotectonics
Main Duties
Dr. Chung is the group leader of scientific education on environmental sustainability and earthquake disaster prevention in National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan. I am also responsible for the protection and display of the Chelongpu Fault Preservation Park, and monitoring of the landslide area in Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park. Currently, my reasearh focus on activity of mud vocanos in SW Taiwan, but most of my work is related with active fault system, especially in the eastern Taiwan.
Oct 17 2023 15:24:22