科普、自然環境教育 |
: 自然奧秘x科學解析
郭揚義 總編輯 |
西元 2024 年出版
/ NT$600
The permanent exhibition “Nature’s Wonderland” continues the spirit of “Numbers and Forms,” the previous exhibition (1988-2022), to approach “Nature Through Science.” By exploring various astounding natural phenomena along with extensive scientific research, this exhibition helps us to experience this world where everything is related and interdependent, to understand the scientific principles underlying it, and to think about the relations among nature, science, and live, along with their significance. |
人類學 |
屈慧麗 |
西元 2023 年出版
/ NT$400
Story Telling by the Ancient People in central Taiwan- including the Shuiwaku
archaeological site specimens donated by Mr. Huang Xuanxing
This book is the anthropological group of our museum, which has collected
unearthed specimens and relics from archaeological excavations in central Taiwan
over the years, and has conducted analysis and research. It also provides important
data for the permanent exhibition of "Story Telling by the Ancient People."
In this exhibition , a special archaeological relic restoration room is also built, hoping to provide the public with understanding of archaeological research and sustainable development of the environment through reading this book and visiting the
The author elaborates on the ecological environment through cultural stratigraphy
and site distribution, excavates Paleolithic sites, and constructs the characteristics and development process of the population and culture of prehistoric Taiwan in the central region. This journey starts from understanding how to use archaeological tools, leading readers into the living environment of prehistoric humans in central Taiwan. Readers will explore what they ate, the surrounding flora and fauna, the tools they used, and how they adorned themselves. In addition, due to the large number of specimens donated by Mr. Huang Xuanxing from the Shuiwaku site, this book can only select some representative specimens for presentation. |
人類學 |
劉克竑;王冠文;李芷綾;鄒瑞楊 |
西元 2023 年出版
/ NT$400
Nanshikeng Archaeological Site in Taichung City Shalu District
This book presents the excavation, organization, and analysis results of the unearthed artifacts from five excavations conducted by the Anthropology
Department of National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung City Shalu District at
the Nanshikeng Archaeological Site between 2005 and 2015.
The Nanshikeng site is a prehistoric small settlement dating back approximately 1100
to 400 years ago. It is located on a gentle slope on the west side of a terrace in Dadu District, facing the elevated plain of Qingshui District's coast. The inhabitants are ancestors of the Pingpu people and, in terms of Taiwan's archaeological cultural classification, belong to the Fanziyuan Culture, Luliao Type.
The Nanshikeng site's archaeological excavation uncovered numerous ash pits, as
well as a large quantity of pottery fragments, animal bones, shells, charcoal, glass
beads, agate beads, iron artifacts, and pottery spinning wheels. Mr. Liu Kehong's
team undertook a one-year project to reorganize, analyze, and publish this book,
aiming to provide scholars and the general public with insights into the history of the Pingpu people. |
科普、自然環境教育 |
: Infinite Camera World:Science Images 2020-2021
楊翎主編 |
西元 2022 年出版
/ NT$500
無界世象,彼是方生; 方生方見,方知方逝。
影無非彼,鏡非有相; 惟視有情,吾相鏡界。
All things in the word are interdependent, complementary and without boundaries. With birth comes the desire for understanding. Birth also signals the start of the journey toward death. Images are not the subjects themselves but as they appear to others. What is seen though the lens may not actually exist. Seeing through the eyes of sentient beings requires a corresponding vision. If free from biases and attachments,we can understand that all things are intertwined.
〜楊翎 Yang Lin |
科普、自然環境教育 |
顏重威 |
西元 2022 年出版
/ NT$400
這是一本鳥類攝影集,每一張照片都像一則故事或一幅畫,展現各種鳥類的各種不同覓食技巧、求偶方式、育雛護幼,飛行遷徙等生活樣態,這些行為有時讓我們覺得不可思議,有時更讓人讚賞,然而,鳥類的生活常常因為人類的各種建設和日常活動受到改變。作者透過豐富的圖像內容與簡明的文字說明,想將這些發現與大家分享。 |
科普、自然環境教育 |
: 分享大師視野
周文豪編撰 |
西元 2022 年出版
/ NT$免費電子書
2017年春季演講系列「Let' go!-分享大師視野」
第一講:「腦的智慧•智慧的腦」-人類仰賴充滿智慧的腦從物種的生存競爭中勝出,而優越智能的極致發揮,便是創造出和我們有著類似表現的「人工智慧」(吳嫻主講)P14。第二講:「美好生活的得力助手-智慧控制」-現代智慧控制對環境操作具備自然適應、自我適應、自我組織及推論等特質,智慧控制的應用是必然的趨勢(林俊良主講)P24。第三講:「從Erica到AlphaGo戰勝棋王之道」-從AlphaGo打敗人類棋王是一個令入驚嘆的時刻,它也代表了人工智慧一個歷史性成就(林順喜主講)P38。第四講:「機器人與智慧健康照護」-在高齡化的全球趨勢下各種健康照護持續增加,機器人的陪伴需求逐漸浮現,然而要滿足該用途的機器人需具有建立自我社會化的能力(傅立成主講)P50。第五講:「迎接下一波工業革命-工業4.0」-「工業4.0」是德國於漢諾威工業展時提出的技術發展策略,將網路技術、軟體技術、物聯網技術、端運算技術技術與巨量資料技術整合的完全數位化的智慧製造生產系統(周至宏主講)P62。第六講:「從石器到機器手臂」-從石器到機器手臂代表人類從原初到今日的大歷史過程,同時也說明心手互動影響的演變,人之所以為人是經過長期演化的並非一蹴可幾(劉益昌主講)P78。第七講:「現代機器人故事之父-艾西莫夫」-1942年艾西莫夫(Asimov Isaac)美國業餘作家發表「機器人學三大法則」採多元的開放心態,想像與預測機器人出現後的未來世界,為機器人科幻小說開創一個新紀元(葉李華主講)P98。第八講:「指數科技,奇點未來」-當年圖靈發明第一台電腦是一整間教室那麼大,過二十年那樣子的機器已經在你的口袋裡面了,看見這樣的變化再想想二十年後的會是怎麼情形,是一種非常好的指數思維的訓練(葛如鈞主講)P104。 |
科普、自然環境教育 |
: Famous Artworks from the Perspective of Drug Addiction Special Exhibitition
楊中信 |
西元 2022 年出版
/ NT$免費電子書
當蒙娜麗莎、戴珍珠耳環少女、人子、潘朵 拉、悲傷的老人、鏡中的維納斯等世界名畫 裡的人物,遇見毒品會發生什麼驚人的變化 呢 ? 本特展以碰毒會改變人物面貌與狀態為 方向,改作多幅知名藝術大師畫作,讓參觀 者能透過畫作對比,看見吸毒成癮的可怕、 了解毒品的成癮機制以及各種毒品的危害與 陷阱,並從中學習到毒品知識進而避免碰毒 與落入毒癮的深淵。
If subjects of famous ar tworks, such as Mona Lisa, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Son of Man, Pandora, Sorrowing Old Man, and Venus, suffered from drug addiction, what would they look like? In this exhibition, works by famous masters have been modified based on appearance and status that are characteristics of drug addiction. Through comparisons of original and modified works, the horrors of drug addiction are revealed. In addition, the drug addiction mechanism and harmful effects of drugs are introduced. The purpose is to keep people from taking drugs and falling into the abyss of drug addiction |
動物學 |
: Birds in Poetry
顏重威著 |
西元 2021 年出版
/ NT$400
The description of birds by ancient literati contains some meaning of philosophy of life and love.
There are 1445 species of birds in China. Some of them live in high mountains and valleys, in vast grasslands, or live in vast lakes and oceans, and some of them are active in urban and rural areas, with a wide distribution. However, there are less than 100 species of birds that are active around people's lives and convenient for people to observe.
In the Compendium of Bencao Gangmu written by Li Shizhen during the Ming Dynasty, there are only 76 species of birds, including waterfowl, native birds, forest birds and mountain birds.
This book is based on the observation and description of the ancient literati, and often appear in the poetry of 36 kinds of birds, one by one to elaborate. |
科普、自然環境教育 |
: Glimmering Puzzles: science images 2018-2019
楊翎主編 |
西元 2021 年出版
/ NT$500
After《Amazing New Visions: Science Images 2014-2015》(2016) and 《Waiting for the Moment>Through a Hidden Lens:Science Images 2014-2017》(2018),《Glimmering Puzzles: Science Images 2018-2019》is the third book of scientific Image works published by the National Museum of Natural Science. This book mainly gathers 35 and 56 groups of the 4th and 5th scientific photography award-winning works, and invites the Quanta Culture and Education Foundation, the Beijing Museum of Natural History and Zhejiang Museum of Natural History to provide their special articles to share the process of their participation in the scientific photography promotions, which achieved fruitful and outstanding results. |
地質學 |
: 太平地區車籠埔斷層野外紀錄
鍾令和;黃豊昌 |
西元 2020 年出版
/ NT$350
This book is about the destruction of the 921 Chi-chi Earthquake in Taiping District, Taichung City and the post-disaster recovery in the following past two decades. The book is divided into six chapters which includes the past, present, and the future of Chelengpu Fault and the related issues such as earthquake, land uplift, building, and earthquake disaster prevention. Each section starts with the description a place about 921 Chi-chi Earthquake in Taiping District, and the explanation of related earthquake popular science follows. I hope this book can remind the young generations who doesn’t experience 921 Chi-chi Earthquake to pay much attention to the damages of earthquake and understand that Taiwan is a country with frequent earthquake. |